AmyT's Journal (Comments Definitely Welcome!)

Hi Amy,

Well Happy Belated Birthday to you DD! Glad that her party went well and you did good!!!! Like Anna said, at least you overate on healthy stuff and not just junk!

Sorry to that DS is not feeling well...hopefully the meds will kick in and he will soon be back to his normal self!

You'll get back on track and be back down in the 130's in no time. I know you an do it in time for your vacation!

Keep up the good really are doing a good job!

Happy Monday :)
I'm sorry that ds is still sick. He must feel awful & during summer vacation too. Bronchitis is always much more fun when you miss real school in the middle of winter - even AZ winter. I hope the drugs kick in & he gets feeling better.

Congrats on dd birthday! Glad she had a nice party. They grow up quickly!

Our a/c guy said ours was running fine. Dh asked & asked & asked about freon but he said we didn't need any. It looks like we're going to have to get additional insulation in the attic to deal with the heat. Glad yours was easily solved. Hope you're back to a cooler house. Its not too bad in here - its set at 78 and its 81 degrees. I just refuse to use the oven - opting instead for cooking on the stove or grilling - I refuse to make any oven casseroles until it gets a little cooler in here.

Only 3 weeks until your next vacation!! Wow, your trips come and go quickly! Wish it were me!!!!!
Hi Amy,

I am so sorry about your son. That sounds like no fun for him and you. I hope he feels better soon, probably just a matter of those drugs kicking in. And I am glad your daughter had a fun party. My daughter loves pinata's so I need to find one of the new "string" varieties for her party in September. Last year some little girl from Hell purposely wacked another kid with the broom stick during pinata time! Nice to hand over this poor little kid (whom I don't even know) to her mom complete with a cracked lip and black eye! Gotta love birthday parties!

I don't think your eating sounds bad. It could be much worse. The important thing is that you are getting back on track before a couple of days turns into a couple of months. Maybe you have a hormone thing going on! And I actually think your birthday party eating was pretty good. I think over inidulging on some healthy snacks is "okay" and maybe you ate those because your body needed the good nutrition they provided. You'll get back down to the 130's in no time!

Hope you son is better VERY soon!
So sorry that DS is still sick, not the way to start off summer vacation. :sick:

You are an exercise master, and you have that part completely under control. I know you can get the food part back under control too. :cheer2:

:badpc: (replace the PC with a scale and you have a scale bashing smilie!)
Hi Amy,

How is your DS feeling today? Did his fever break? Sending :wizard: that he gets to feeling better soon. No fun being sick during summer vacation!

Hope you had a great day yesterday!
Keep up the good work!

Have a great Tuesday :)
Thanks for all the well wishes for DD's b-day and DS's health! :grouphug: DS is feeling much better. He got his voice back this morning and even though he still had a 100.2 temp, I gave him some medicine and sent him on his way. He's been on antibiotics for 2 whole days, I don't think he is contagious anymore. Plus, he was ready to go - he didn't like the fact that his sister got to go to day camp yesterday while he was stuck home with mom... I did AWESOME yesterday with my eating! :cheer2: And that is quite the accomplishment since I was at home, which is usually when I fall apart. And it wasn't hard! I put everything on FitDay and I was at 1188 calories, 30g of fat. Every day I am going to set out 1 serving of SF Life Savers (30cal) or SF Creme Savers (45cal). When they are gone, they are gone. But that way I will get a little sweets fix if I need it. I am taking it 1 day at a time and I am going to have another great day today! Yesterday I drank 100oz of water and a Diet Raspberry Rite and ate 5 SF Creme Savers:

6:15am: Egg beaters (1/2c); Red Pepper (1/8c diced); Fiber Cake
9:35am: FF Yogurt (1c); Kashi Crunch (1/2c); Blueberries (1/4c)
12:30pm: Chicken (3oz); Romaine (2c); Garbanzos (1/4c); Bacon pieces (1tbsp); Red Pepper (1/8c); FF Feta (2 tbsp); LF Dressing (2tbsp)
3:15pm: FF Cottage Cheese (3/4c); Cantaloupe (1.5c)
6:15pm: Turkey Taco Meat (1/2c); Romaine (2c); Cheddar (1/4c); 1 crunched Tostada Shell; Red Pepper (1/8c); Fudge Bar
WORKOUT: Pilates (40min); McDonalds Core DVD (15min - it was lame, I threw it away); Arm Weights (10min)
RESISTED: Cereal, ice cream, almonds, sweet pickles
Marie, I understand about being busy, don't worry about it! You'll post when you get time. What animal crackers?!?!? I have blinders on when I walk past his desk...

Jane, you are right about DS, I'm sure he was bummed he didn't get to miss school. I couldn't even remember the last time he was sick. The only time he missed school this year was when we went on the Disney cruise (we had to fly out on Friday before Spring Break). But when he gets sick, he doesn't mess around!

Amy, I wasn't worried about the pinatas with the girls, but I am glad they had the string kind. And the kids still had a blast pullng the strings out! I have 1 good day of eating under my belt, and today will be another one. One day at a time is the key!

Anna, I've come to grips with my weight - I don't care if I weigh 140 as long as I can fit in my clothes! I tried on a pair of my smaller shorts and they went on, but they weren't looking good... that is my goal this summer - to fit into those shorts!

Jamie, thanks! DS still has a low fever, but I think he will be over it soon. I hope he doesn't get too run down being at the day camp today. We'll see how it goes!
Glad to hear that ds was feeling well enough to go to camp. I hope that he's finally able to get rid of that darned fever. It seems to take forever to get back to normal. Take good care of him and get him healthy!

Your daughter's party sounded fun - I've never even seen the string pinatas - we always bashed ours with a baseball bat.

After reading your post - I won't bother with the McDonald's Core DVD! For some unknown reason that really cracks me up!!!!! :rotfl:
Weigh-in this morning was 140. Considering all the stuff I ate this past weekend, I am glad it is not more than that! ;) I had another great day yesterday. I have a very zen-like attitude about food right now. I planned out my meals, I stuck with them and I didn’t get that awful “gotta eat this, a bite of that won’t hurt me” attitude. A major accomplishment was getting rid of the scale obsession and maybe now I am ready to get rid of the food obsession? That would be SO nice! :thumbsup2 Totals were 1287 cal, 45g of fat, 143g of carbs, 94g of protein and 24g of fiber and I ate 4 SF Life Savers. Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups tea, 24oz iced green tea, and a DC:

6:15am: Chocolate Oatmeal
8:40am: FF Yogurt; Cantaloupe (1.5c)
11:30am: Turkey-n-Colby on Wheat; Carrots (10 mini)
3:00pm: LF String Cheese; Blueberries (1/2c); Almonds (1.2oz)
6:45pm: Pork Roast (3oz); Carrots (5 mini); Onion; Fudge Bar
RESISTED: Animal Crackers, Potatoes w/dinner
Jane, I am not a McDonalds fan and the beginning of the DVD was all McDonalds propaganda, then you are supposed to work out at a snail's pace with a computer generated woman. NO THANKS! I think it is meant for someone just starting to work out...
I NEED a Zen like attitude.....for everything!!!
you are really doing great! i haven't been watching my intake these last 2 weeks AT ALL! oh well....i'll keep reading your journal and keep being inspired to do better....

You'd think at the very least they'd use a computer generated man! Where's Ronald McDonald when you need him?! Glad I didn't fall for the bottle of water and salad bit. Their salad dressings are way high in fat anyway. I always have to dump their dressing and use my own no fat.

You've had a fantastic attitude, Amy. With all of the changes you've made in the past year in your life - it can't be easy dealing with everything. Congrats on lowkeying the darn scale!
Amy you have a great attitude! :thumbsup2

WTG with sticking with your plan for eating. I need to copy your meals so I can get a more balanced day and stay around 1200/day. Gotta work in my milk though ....
On the way home from tap I told DD that she could get her free b-day cone from Baskin Robbins last night, so off we went after dinner. I knew we were going, so I skipped the almonds at snacktime and I figured in a serving of FF soft serve yogurt. And of course the one we went to did not have their soft serve yogurt machine working. :furious: So I got a Daiquiri Ice, which was only 20 calories more than the frozen yogurt. I think it is a crime to go to BR and not get ice cream, but I did it! I want those Size 6 shorts to fit right when we go on vacation at the end of the month! I have 3 great days under my belt, I can do 22 more! :cheer2: Totals were 1305 cal, 35g fat, 148g carbs, 122g protein, 26g fiber. I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups tea, 24oz iced green tea and a DC:

6:00am: Chocolate Oatmeal; Fiber Cake
8:30am: FF Cottage Cheese (1/2c); Honeydew (1.5c)
11:30am: Turkey Taco Meat (3/4c); Romaine (2c); Red Pepper (1/8c); Cheese (1/8c)
2:30pm: Egg Whites (3); Blueberries (1/2c)
6:30pm: Grilled Chicken (3oz); Cauliflower (1.5c); Daiquiri Ice single scoop in cup
WORKOUT: Weights (30min); Elliptical (35min)
RESISTED: Mashed Potatoes w/dinner; Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins; Animal Crackers
Marie, believe me, a zen-like attitude is very unlike me! Usually I am so high strung and stressed out it's not even funny. My DH is so calm and things just don't bother him, and that really has helped me put things in perspective.

Jane, I had to take the kids to McDonalds a few weeks ago to get rid of those darn gift certificates they got for Christmas. I always get a salad with the LF dressing. I don't see another trip there in my near future... Life is so much better when I don't care what my weight is! You should try it!

Anna, I hope this good attitude sticks around. Usually it only lasts a couple weeks or so... :confused3 My meals are pretty simple and boring, I don't think you'd like them!
Hi Amy, Great job at Baskin Robbins! I cannot get out of that place without a diet meltdown so good for you. I have been tanning at a place next to a Baskin Robbins and I almost went in the other day under the guise of "'ll just grab some clown cones for the kids". Yeah right! You are doing so well, those shorts may be loose by the time summer is over! Keep up your good work, your Zen attitude with food is pretty amazing, I need to find a Zen Zone for food too! And I am glad your son is feeling better. Have a great day!

Obviously, I have been trying to ignore how much I weigh. :confused3 Can't you tell by the way that I've been eating everything and anything in sight? I'm still working on getting my workout minutes back up to 1000 for the month!

:banana: Way to go with Baskin Robbins - those size 6s will be fitting before you know it!
Hi Amy!

Seems like a long time since I've said hello, life has been busy here, and with summer, I don't spend as much time on the computer other than work. Too much going on!!

Sounds like you're still doing well, and working toward your goal. Have a good weekend! :sunny:
I am really amazed at how well I’ve been doing this week! :cheer2: I need to go back to eating chocolate oatmeal 2-3x per week instead of every day, like I have been lately. I love the stuff (so quick and easy), but it is high in calories/fat and I am not able to eat my beloved almonds as much if I want to stay around 1200-1300 calories/day. So I will have to compromise! I also need to get more fiber cakes from Trader Joe’s. They freeze well and you can’t beat them at 80 calories and 13g of fiber! :teeth: Yesterday’s totals were 1294 cal, 34g fat, 151g carbs, 114g protein and 28g fiber. I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups tea, 16oz of iced green tea and a Diet Raspberry Rite:

6:00am: Chocolate Oatmeal; Fiber Cake
8:45am: FF Yogurt; Honeydew (1.5c)
11:30am: Grilled Chicken (3oz); Cauliflower (1c); Radishes (1c)
2:30pm: LF String Cheese; Apple
6:30pm: Grilled Chicken (3oz); Romaine (2c); FF Feta (2tbsp); Bacon pieces (1tbsp); Red Pepper (1/8c); LF Dressing (2tbsp); FF/SF Pudding
WORKOUT: Lower Body Weights & Abs (25min); Treadmill (18min – Mother Nature intervened :blush: ); Bike (17min)
RESISTED: Spaghetti; Garlic Bread
Amy, I was really sad that I couldn't get my fave ice cream at Baskin Robbins, but I have not been making too many sacrifices, which is why I haven't been seeing any progress... Since my dad lives on a lake, there is a lot of swimsuit time, so I need to get serious!

Jane, you are supposed to ignore your weight while eating right - not while splurging! :rotfl:

Kate, I don't usually get on the computer unless I am at work... :ssst: I try to do it on the weekends if there is time, but it's hard!
Amy, that Key West Winery site is amazing!!!!! I've had their Coco Polada at Epcot. Its wonderful. It wouldn't take long to spend $160 on their site. Everything looked so good. I've also had Mango Wine, Honey Wine & Key Lime wine at Epcot but I don't know which winery had them. That grapefruit champagne looks amazing. I could get it for dh for Father's Day and since theres a 2 bottle minimum I could sneak in another bottle. What did you order? Let me know how you like them.

You've got it backwards. Believe me, its much easier to ignore your weight when you're eating bad! Just don't tell dh you heard that from me!
You are doing great this week Amy! Awesome resisting at Baskin Robins. I know exactly how hard that is! (wants to put a smilie here, but smilies not working!)

I need to look for the fiber cakes at Trader Joes. Those sound good.

Have a great weekend!
Hi Amy, hope your weekend is going well. I hear you on the chocolate oatmeal. I love it too but haven't been eating it as much, opting for my low carb, high protein EAS shakes. I think I will eat the oatmeal tomorrow though, I miss it! Too bad when oatmeal is one of life's few excitements. Have a great weekend, I thought about you yesterday when I walked by Baskin Robbins! And I am betting you look great in your swimsuit with all the hard work you have been doing. Whatta ya mean you haven't seen any results, I saw those Mexico pictures, so I know better!
Hey Amy....just checking in....sorry I haven't been on in a while....I haven't read the past week's entries yet....i just wanted to pop in and say hi real quick before I get a "SERVER IS BUSY" message AGAIN!!

take it easy and have a great week!!


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