Am I the only one BUMMED about DCL?


DIS Veteran
Jul 3, 2000
Hi, I was reading a "rumor" about the DCL possibly going to the west coast in summer of 05-and am I the ONLY one to be 'bummed' by this?????
I know a lot of people are happy, but my wife and I are celebrating the big 25 year annivesary, and wanted to go on the 7 day cruise from Florida, now it "seems" the Magic will not go there, or at least for now, no cruises posted for June-Aug 05, and that does not look good!!

I am not trying to take anyone's enthusiasm away from the "possible CA cruise", but I think it stinks!!

Hopefully, it is rumor, but it sounds like its not!
Nothing is official till it's official.

Yes, I'm bummed too. But more bummed about the possibility of it not being a 7-day itinerary. BUT, nothing has been said yet. Maybe (hopefully) we're all getting worked up over something minor?:confused:
:eek: I am also bummed!!!! I was hoping to book a 7-day Magic for May 2005, while onboard the Wonder this May!!!

I am anxiously awaiting, also!!!:scared:

<font color=plum> I've noticed that one of our posters </font><font color=periwinkle>(CamColt)</font><font color=plum>had been planning on a 7 day next summer for her 10th anniversary. I can see how disapointing a change could be for those of you with special dates, especially if you live near FL</font>:worried:

<font color=deeppink>Because this change doesn't interfer with my plans, the idea of the Magic going to CA is exciting to me. I wish I was going to be living on the West coast next year so I could benefit (West coast feels like "home" to me).</font>

<font color=FF0033>I hope you all end up with plans that are special whichever way the dates turn out.</font>
I'm also bummed.:( I don't think I'll ever get to do a Disney cruise.

I had planned to do the 10 day Christmas sailing but just can't bring myself to pay that much. Next I was thinking we could do the 4 day for my son's 13th birthday. No can do, the ship isn't sailing October 3rd. Well, then I figured we could do a 7 day August 2005, thinking I'll be able to take advantage of lower rates without my son missng any school. Now I find out the ship may be in CA.:eek:

I just can't win.
Originally posted by Carol36
:eek: I am also bummed!!!! I was hoping to book a 7-day Magic for May 2005, while onboard the Wonder this May!!!

I am anxiously awaiting, also!!!:scared:

Me too...and I also wanted to do a week at DIsney world with that trip...I have NO desire to go to disneyLAND!!
Although I am a big supporter of the "Go West" - I can appreciate your feelings and concerns. We wanted to go Western a few years ago, but Hurricane Lili put us back Eastern - Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and two days at CC. Although it wasn't what we wanted, we made the best of it and had a great cruise regardless.

There is more in life to be "bummed out" about though than where the ship is going - health and finances.

Please do not wait to celebrate your love til 2005 - we do not know what day will be our last. Do something now special with that person because putting things off could mean that they never get done.

Yes, I speak from experience here.

Nope..not bummed..totally excited..can't wait...we will book as soon as it is announced if the rumors are true.

We did the 7 day western for our anniversary last is wonderful! I am sure they will put something in place here, if one of the ships do head to the other coast for a while.
We weren't plan on doing DCL in '05 so it really doesn't effect us one way or the other. I did want to chime in however and say that if you have never been to Disneyland give it a try. Yes, Disneyland is much smaller than WDW. The new (well 2 - 3 years old) Downtown Disney and California Adventure help make it bigger. To me, however, what makes Disneyland special is that it was Walt's park. He walked those streets, his apartment is still there as well with a light on for him. They have rides and attractions (the Matterhorn, Mr. Toad, the original Tiki Room) that WDW doesn't. 2005 is Disneyland's 50th anniversary and we're looking at going!

Now back to your regular cruise discussion. :D
As Strawberryblonde said, Yep, Im totally bummed! ;)
We have done 2 3 days Disney Cruises(1 with the kids, 1 without) and were planning the big, 7 day one for our 10th anniversary. Our kids were coming and we were even able to convince my parents to come too(my father is the tough one to get) because they want to go to Key West. Things were working out perfect and if the schedule remained the same, the week we wanted was going to be the Western. Then this! :( I know its just rumors, but it sounds like something is definitely changing. And now doing a 4 day, my parents wont be coming with us. :(
Now I'm getting over it and just trying to find a silver lining.

Summer '05 is very important to my family because my kids will be 10 and 12...they REALLY want to be in the same club. And we've done the 3 night, LOVED IT. We're dying to do a 7. Plus, we can't invest more than one work week in this vacation...we've got to save some time for a big family reunion trip later in the year. You get the idea - west coast would be neither ideal nor convenient.

At first I was thinking "There's NO WAY I'm going to west coast for a cruise!" But now...maybe it will be OK. I'm over the shock and dismay of the possibility.

I have faith DCL would make it worthwhile.

Wow...gotta say I am surprised by the disappointed responses! Disneyland is GREAT, although it can't compare in alot of ways to WDW, it has a special magic not found at WDW. And, the west coast cruises will be a good change of pace (if it happens!)
We all should be happy we can even think about and plan cruising is a faraway dream for lots, whether it is in California or Florida! Count your blessings!:D
Actually, I am pretty excited. I'm outside of Atlanta and I checked the other day just to see what the airfare to LAX would be -- On Airtran it would be in the same ball park as to Orlando! Well, now I'm even MORE impatient. I figure I can always go to the carribean, but taking a DCL out of the West is a special occasion.!
We drive to FL for our vacations and cruises (16 hours). Driving to CA is not an option for us, as it is much longer. Adding airfare & rental car for a family of 5 (or 6 if we take my mil) pushes us pretty far out of our budget. Also, with AP's for WDW would mean additional money for DL passes---even more $ to dish out. I'm glad we're booked to cruise this year, otherwise I'd be really disappointed.
Is there a link or article discussing the possibility of DCL moving to CA. This is the first I've heard of it.
I'm excited about the prospects of a different itinerary. We like to cruise somewhere else other than the Caribbean. The Caribbean is actually our least favorite itinerary for cruising.
It would be a big problem for us since we drive to Florida for vacations. And with a family of five , would really mean cruising added on the cost of a plane ticket to California would be near to impossible to do ! I would think this would mean a loss of money for DCL in many ways. But since I am not a business person not sure what the benefits for moving are. Is two ports out of the question? Would love the choice of cruising both here and California . Kind of confused, I assumed when people were talking about California Disney cruises that they would just be adding new ships out west to compliment the cruise ships here. Guess I will wait for more info.

Cyndi princess:
Hey you can celebrate your anniversary on another cruise, if you are able to take off another time other than summer. We celebrated our 25th anniversary in March of 2003, even though our official anniversary date was December 2002. It did'nt matter, we had a very lovely and magical time aboard the Magic! Hey come go with us on the March 12th 2005 cruise!! You will still have a great time, no matter when you go, cause pixie dust is always waiting!!

Now - if they would move to leave out of New York!!! Yeah!!! I would be excited!! Maybe New York to Bermuda, best of both worlds!!
The closer it gets the more it looks like this will be the case. I dont think they will change the Wonder 3/4 day, or do you think they will turn the Wonder into a 7 day out of Florida?

I dont think so because their land sea packages are tied up with the 3/4 crusie and I believe are very successful.


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