Am I doing something wrong?


DIS Veteran
Apr 14, 2000
<font face="comic sans ms"> Hello, y'all. I decided about a month ago that I need to lose weight before Dis-Con II Electric Boogaloo. I weighed today, and nothing's happened. Am I supposed to be doing something about it or will just the decision work?
:confused: ***

*** Dayna's Disclaimer: The preceding post was just a joke (as most of my posts are.)
:D ;) :p
Sounds like you're going about it the right way, Dayna! By the time DIS-Con II (Electric Boogaloo??) rolls around, you should be Diana Ross thin. ;)
Originally posted by disneycub
Sounds like you're going about it the right way, Dayna! By the time DIS-Con II (Electric Boogaloo??) rolls around, you should be Diana Ross thin. ;)

<font face="comic sans ms"> Steve, I hope I don't have Diana Ross hair by the time Dis-Con II rolls around. :eek:

Electric Boogaloo? Do you remember that cinematic masterpiece about break dancing called Breakin'? Well, the equally Oscar-Worthy sequel was called Breakin' II: Electric Boogaloo. Alan always calls the adds Electric Boogaloo to the names of movie sequels (such as The Godfather II: Electric Boogaloo. )Here's the link to the IMDB. I would hate for you to think I was making this up. :D Lookie Here-->
Dayna, I'm on that very same plan, and wouldn't you know it....nothing has happened here yet either! :confused: I've heard some rumbling about 'exercising' and 'eating less', but I don't know if I buy that or not. ;)

Electric Boogaloo??? :D I call Michael "boogaloo" :D :D :D
Originally posted by luvdsny
I've heard some rumbling about 'exercising' and 'eating less', but I don't know if I buy that or not. ;)

<font face="comic sans ms"> Tia, that's crazy talk I tell ya. Crazy talk. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: </font>
;) I thought so Dayna. ;) I'm not gonna waste my time on such silliness. ;)
Originally posted by luvdsny

Electric Boogaloo??? :D I call Michael "boogaloo" :D :D :D

<font face="comic sans ms"> That's a cute nickname. How did that come into being? </font>
I have no idea! :confused: But shortly after having a gymnastics class with a neighbor girl, I noticed her mother calling HER boogaloo too! :earseek: I guess it's kinda 'catchy'. ;) :) :D :p
Boy, do I need to lose weight. The W.I.S.H. thread on the Inspiration Board have some very nice DISers that support each other.

Jimeny102 and Wovenwonder are very nice and very supportive.

I think that you look beautiful Dayna, just the way you are, especially, your heart.

And you know that you have a beautiful heart, Tia.

And Steve, your heart is as big as they come. I wouldn't be posting right now if you didn't have such a big heart.

You guys are "Friends for Life".

Ray :)
Thanks Ray. :) Maybe my heart is proportionate (sp?) then. ;) Which means I really do NOT want to lost any weight....or I might lose some heart! :earseek: ;) LOL j/k :p

I think you're right though....we're all beautiful. :) but it wouldn't hurt for me to lose just wee bit of weight, if ya know what I mean. ;)
I plan to have lost 40 lbs by the next time you see me. I really need to lose it, so I can keep up with you speed demons at the parks next year.
Wow Patrick! If I could lose 40 lbs. between now and then......I will be very happy. Not necessarily thin....but HAPPY! :) I'll work on it. :) And You Go Boyfriend! :D :D :D
Originally posted by RaySharpton

I think that you look beautiful Dayna, just the way you are, especially, your heart.

You guys are "Friends for Life".

Ray :)

<font face="comic sans ms"> Gosh, Ray. How sweet!
I never doubted for a minute that we needed you to complete our family, but you just proved it. You're a sweetheart. I'm not that worried about how my outside looks, but I am worried about my health and mobility issues for later on.

I have to go. Alan is staring a hole into me. I'm supposed to be taking a shower. He's starting to wheeeel me away from the computer. Bye
Well, My goal is to lose some weight for DISCON. Actually I have a blood sugar issue that a few less pounds would make much easier. However, that excersise thing is tough. Maybe we could just pretend we are walking around the world showcase? Isn't that about a mile? It is a mile around my subdivision. I could name houses after countries. (I could have lots of time to do this soon! LOL!)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
(bouncing burns calories)
Beginning a regular exercise program was one of my New Year's resolutions. Now that it's Feb. 7th - I think it's time to get started! :D
LOL, Dayna!! I've been doing weight loss imagery for years. See how well it's worked!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: They keep saying we have to get up from the computer and move in order to lose weight.:( I don't get it!:confused: :confused:
Patrick, if I could lose 40 lbs, I would be ecstatic!!!!!!! Keep up the good work. Maybe some of that motivation will rub off on us!!!!!;) :D
PLEASE!!!!!!! People, DO NOT lose any weight!! Everytime somebody I know loses weight, I seem to find it!!

Originally posted by CrazyBoutDisney
PLEASE!!!!!!! People, DO NOT lose any weight!! Everytime somebody I know loses weight, I seem to find it!!


<font face="comic sans ms"> Beth,
Okay ladies and gentlemen.... shall we do some cyber exercises?! Just follow along with me.

First, put your hands on the edge of the computer table.

Next, straighten your elbows - thus forcing your arms to straighten and the computer chair to roll backwards.

GOOOD!!! Excellent!!! 10 deep breaths....

For our next exercise we will stand up. Come on... you can do this.... :D

OKAY! Good job!!!

For our NEXT exercise - place your hands on your hips
:mutters to herself: "I know I have some hips somewhere?"

ALLRIGHTY THEN!!! We found them! GOOD JOB!!!! :bounce: :bounce: WHEW!!

10 deep breaths... blow out the bad ... sit back down in your computer chair...

Taking it home now!!! You are doing SOOO GOOD!!!

Our last exercise will be to stretch our arms forward....

feel that stretch....

.... now grasp the edge of the computer table

... and pull!

Hurrah!!! You DID IT!! :bounce: :bounce:

Goodness... I am just all wore out now. :D We'll have to do this again next week.


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