Am I crazy to be considering a 100 point add-on now?

Alice Sr.

I was contacted on Wed. by my DVC guide. It seems by reading some other posts a few other people were also contacted this week. I had put my name in for the lottery, and didn't really even realize that I was on a "waitlist". I asked my guide where the points came from, and she said that it could be someone that backed out, or someone whose credit was denied. I didn't really pursue this since I was so stunned about the offer. My year is Oct. Good luck, and you're right--what a small world. Gayle
I just got the letter informing me that my deed was recorded for my first DVC purchase of 190 points at VWL, and I'm already scheming to purchase at BCV when they start selling!!:D

246 days and counting 'til our first trip home!!

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