All My Children fans

So David tells Maureen that she "killed" Maria Santos Grey....give me a break!
And I can't believe how David is spinning lie after lie for Maria. He should be working as a speech writer for some politician, not as a cardiologist! Made me think of the line MY mother used whenever she caught me in a lie: "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." I hope David gets good and tangled! Glad to see that Maria is finally putting it all together with that flashback at the end today. Looks like we'll have to wait a while for more in the Brooke/Edmund/Maria saga because nothing was mentioned about them in today's previews.
now i confess that i haven't regularly watched AMC for several years...pretty much since they killed off maria...but i keep up on it and it just happens to be on during my lunch hour, so i've started watching it when i can again...

but why in the heck is david telling "maureen" so many lies? what's in it for him? anyone have a theory as to why he's trying to keep maria under wraps?

just curious...
Hi All!;) Boy, can David come up with those Fibs!:rolleyes: He is just like the Grinch, he can think them up on his feet!:rolleyes: Yep, just as I read on the PVB post.....Maria remembered Brooke!:eek: Now, she is going to be getting off that plane, and getting Mattie! I will have to tape tomorrow's show, as I have to go to Work!:mad:
Faith, honey - do you really think something is actually going to happen tomorrow?!?!?! Not bloody likely. My guess is that Maria will come into contact with Maddie in the last few seconds of Friday's episode - if we're lucky.

brandie - David is telling Maria so many lies to cover his butt. I posted my theory a while back and I'm sticking by it. David saved Maria after the plane crash with his miracle drug in it's early stages. It saved her life but erased her memory. I don't think he knew who she was at first. Perhaps he realized who she was when he attended the first Crystal Ball and saw her picture. He's been keeping her from her family because he used an unapproved drug on her and he doesn't want his medical license yanked.

MaryJ - I think David *will* get good and tangled. LOL!

Hi, Lisa! Good to see you checking back in. I've been enjoying Funny Tad too! :)
well i sure hope that david gets himself all tangled up and can't get himself out of it!! i was starting to like him, but after this whole maria episode, i can't stand him!!!

i was a longtime watcher of general hospital when anna was there originally. i really wish that if AMC is going to keep her character, they need to get her back to the way she was back then. she was wonderful!!! but i don't like her with david. they should either bring back robert (if they brought her back, why not!) or duke. if you didn't watch GH when they were all there, then you wouldn't even know who i was talking about!! if you don't know them, just trust me!! they were all awesome...
Uggghh...just when we thought (well I thought) that David had stopped being bad he goes and tells all those lies today!!! It was making me sick today. Oh you killed the lady. Oh we were together and you were jealous. Oh and by the way you have a daughter. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I liked the scenes between Bianca and Maggie today, call me crazy but I did. :)

So how is everyone doing? Hope all is well and eveyones week is going good.

Cross your fingers that either Faith (poohbear123) or myself wins the $25 million lottery this week.....we ALL will be going to SSW if one of us does! :teeth:
Pembo LOL... I loved what you said about the Pine Cone. You're absolutely right!

Ok, Lisa... LOL...Requesting permission to admire and ogle Trey from afar. ;) And yes, hasn't it been a glorious vacation from the Chandler saga... Mia being at the top of the grrrrrrr list.

Well, I always love evil David no matter what he does. I hate what he is doing to Maria 'cause I love Maria, but it's the love/hate relationship I have had with David from the start - I just love to hate him when he is evil, yet I hate that I love him. Wait. No I don't. I really love loving David no matter how hateful he becomes. It must be this edge of seat waiting game with Maria that is making me talk like an idiot.

I too enjoyed the Tad scenes. I died laughing when he put the stethoscope around his neck. Ya still got it, Tad, ya here me?
Luv ya, Guy. xoxoxo

scarlett, I don't think AMC is keeping Anna. I think she is going back to GH in January. *crossing fingers* We are willing to give up David's baby as part of the deal. I remember Anna on GH, but wasn't a regualr viewer. I did like her character. Heck, if they brought back Scorpio, I might start watching it now and then. I have tried, but just can't get into it. I was thrilled to see Rick and Leslie back. That was neat, but still couldn't get into it. I hate that Carly character enough not to ever watch GH as long as she is on. I think I am still Ditzied out.

Does anyone else notice Eden (Bianca) has lost weight? She was not this skinny before. My daughter noticed it too. My daughter did let me fastforward thru Bianca and Maggies scenes today and yesterday after I made the sufficient amount of gagging noises. Those two make me once again entertain thoughts of making OLTL the only soap I watch, but with Maria back and with Erica, Kendall, David, Trey, and Leo, I will force myself to stomach them. It just seems like ever since Kendall has gotten so much air time, Bianca has worn nothing but low cut or skimpy outfits.

Ok, did anyone else think that guy who mugged Maria was gorgeous? Oh, please do come back to mug someone else, you incredible bird watching hunk, so we can see you again. :)

Question: is there a board similar to the Pine Valley Bulletin that covers One Life To Live? "The Banner" maybe? I really need to get a few things off my chest and the OLTL thread here is practically dead. Any links appreciated.

I almost forgot to ask: how did we all feel when Trey removed his glasses? Did I hear a GAAAASSSSSP all around the world?

I will be at the airport gift shop buying Maria a new dress if you need me.

Hey Everyone!

Lots of good luck with the lottery, Christine and Faith!

Hi Aprille - I missed being here - will try to be around more often! I still say that your theory of David's connection to Maria is right on!

Hi MaryJ and Brandie!

Stop it, Tina - you're making me laugh out loud when I'm pretending to be working at my desk! Maria definitely needs a new dress (though the one she's wearing now is nice). And Trey makes my knees weak with his glasses (or his clothes, for that matter - hee hee!) on or off! :)

I also noticed that Bianca has lost weight and that they've been dressing her more "provocatively". It's interesting that Maggie mentioned Bianca being "feminine", out of the blue like that, too. Maybe they want to draw attention to the fact that they're trying to make Bianca more glamorous and Erica-like. I couldn't get over that dress and the bathing suit that she was wearing yesterday, though - talk about low cut! They looked more suited to Kendall than to her. She looked great in them, but hopefully she'll listen to Maggie and just "be herself"!

I couldn't believe David and his lies, either! That was unbelievable - he just kept getting himself in deeper and deeper! I was cheering when Maria remembered the scene with Brooke and Maddie, though, and when she demanded to be let off the plane. What made Tad show up at the airport and try to get on the same flight, though, I wonder???

Can't wait for Maddie's inevitably seeing a "ghost" - Maria - hopefully later this week - there is definitely some reason that they made a point of showing Edmund giving her that picture (aside from the symbolism of putting it aside in honor of his marriage to Brooke) and her mentioning her mother being an angel who watches over her.

I'm so frustrated that the Brooke-Edmund-Maria-David storyline probably won't be on, today. UGH. I guess we'll have to suffer through more of the Chandler saga.....

Where have Simone and Frank been, lately? And are Erica and Chris off celebrating their engagement, somewhere?

Have a nice day, all! :)
Originally posted by IASW Rider
What made Tad show up at the airport and try to get on the same flight, though, I wonder???
Lisa dear - I think it may be time to get your eyes examined. LOL! That wasn't Tad! That was just an extra. I think the sole purpose of that whole scene was so David would overhear the conversation and know that that the plane had left the gate and feel like he was off the hook, for the time being anyway. I must admit when I read your post this morning I had to go check the tape to make sure I hadn't missed something. LOL!

I haven't watched today's episode yet. I was watching a movie on Lifetime instead - Runaway Father with Jack Scalia and Donna Mills. I think it was based on a true story and Jack's character was a real sleezebag. I'm going to go watch today's AMC now. :)
What???? Jack Scalia was on T.V. today and no one let me know? Thanks a lot, Aprille.

You know how soaps change "facts"to fit a current storyline? Do you think they will ever have Bianca become "heterosexual"? I think that would offend many, many people but I also think they may find over the years that they have limited Bianca's character in some ways. I don't know-I just wonder if, years down the road, Bianca will all of a sudden have a relationship with a man, ala Ann Heche.
Originally posted by pnelson
What???? Jack Scalia was on T.V. today and no one let me know? Thanks a lot, Aprille.
LOL! I'm sorry, Patty! I read about it over on PVB. I guess I shouldn't tell you that I saw him in a movie one day last week too - Everything to Gain. He was a much more likable character in that movie. It was a sappy love story but I enjoyed it anyway! ;) Both movies were on opposite AMC locally so I had to record the soap while watching the movies. I promise to let you know next time. :)

(That's the trouble with trying to keep up with this thread and another AMC board - I can't remember what I've posted where! :p)
Ok...I have ??'s and comments! :)

If Maria/Maureen really was going to Mexico, did David give her any money? She got on that plane with NOTHING, no purse, no magazine, just that dress and those goofy shoes. Which reminds me...can Aidan go shopping for me, he did really well getting the right size!

Where is this Maggie/Bianca thing going? Is Maggie going to turn out to be gay too??? I've heard that identical twins usually have the same sexuality so it would make sense! And Maggie's hair today, didn't like the beehive thing.

Liza was back and Mia is such a pain. I loved Liza's comment to her...something about getting a new wardrobe to look like the mistress of the mansion.

Trey-no glasses-very nice! If he wasn't such a slimeball....

David, David, David....I love this character but he really needs to catch a break now and then.

Finally Bianca saves the company today! GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! An 18 year old executive So believable! :rolleyes:

I loved Jack Scalia in the movie "Everything to Gain". (How dare you call it sappy). Anyway, I watch parts of that movie over and over again. (My husband doesn't know this.)

I guess I need to get a life.

By the way, I would LOVE to see Maria with Chris Stamp. I have always loved Maria and of course, I love Chris Stamp. I think they would make a beautiful couple.
Ladies I BELIVE I have the winning Lotto numbers!:p :p (Pray that I do).;) I canot believe I FORGOT to set up the VCR tape today! Uuuuuggghhhh!:mad: Hope I did not miss too much!:confused: I have to go to work at 7:00 am tomorrow, so IF you see me on the Boards BEFORE 9:00 am, that means I came home to change, so I could go to Tallahassee to Collect my Winnings.:o If you don't, that means I didn't.:( (I never watch the numbers the night before, I liked to be rested and "surprised" in the morning).:o
Originally posted by pnelson
I loved Jack Scalia in the movie "Everything to Gain". (How dare you call it sappy).
Oh, I don't know - because it WAS sappy?!?! LOL! Hey, I said I enjoyed it. Sappy is okay if it's done well. ;)
Originally posted by Poohbear123
Ladies I BELIVE I have the winning Lotto numbers!:p :p (Pray that I do).;)
Good luck, Faith! And Christine too! Hey, if one of you wins we could all stay at a Grand Villa at BWV.
When Leo asked RealTrey's father if he had ever worked for his mother, why did her use her most recent married name? Shouldn't he have used Vanessa Bennett? Or Rosie Wells? RealTrey's father wouldn't have known her as Courtlandt.
From the Aug 27 issue of SOD:
Maggie turns down Trey when he hits on her at Brooke and Edmund's party.
Since Trey knows that they are cousins, I don't think he was hitting on her. LOL!

But this just points out why I hate all the parentage mystery.

Maggie is unaware Trey is her cousin. Why doesn’t she think Trey is hitting on her?

Trey and Kendall are siblings and living together but neither one of them knows it. That’s just asking for trouble in Soapland.

Of course, this all assumes that Trey is correct about Vanessa being his mother and we are correct in our assumption that Richard Fields is his father.

Plus, we still don’t know who Leo’s father is and we have been led to believe that his mother and his wife’s father had an affair many years ago. (This one is really bugging me!!)

ACK! It makes my head spin!! :p
Holy pine cone, Lisa! I nearly died when you said Tad showed up at the airport. I'm like huh? LOL! I was ready to chalk it up to my bad eyes (even though my daughter's eyes are fine and she never reacted when the guy asked to get on the plane), so it was nice Aprille set us all straight on this. It's still a riot though when you had me goin'.

Pembo, were you serious when you said 'too bad he is such a slimeball' about Trey? See, cause I think he is just so hot anyway and actually I prefer him with his glasses ON with that suit all the time and..... oh, I forgot... I am not supposed to be so vocal about my feelings for him since... you know... Lisa has dibs on him. So I will just be happy knowing I claim first dibs on that incredibly sexy bird watching mugger who we might not ever see again. ;)

Yes, Bianca does look great (I hate to admit) in her skimpy clothes... but I can't see her pulling off the glamorous look as well as Greenly does and I'm sure Kendall will. Now we know why Kendall has dressed Kmartish. She will no doubt sashay into Greens office all classy. Which reminds me... how many of us want to rub Mia's face in ground glass right about now? If Liza is looking for some new clothes to shred...

I loved Maria's line from yesterday "Do I LOOK fragile?!" And you are so right, Pembo. Aiden did a great job outfitting Maria. That dress fit her perfect little body like a second skin. If things don't work out for him on AMC, he can always join the Forresters on Bold & Beautiful.

After today's episode (gotta agree with you Pembo... Bianca as jr executive extraordinaire was nauseating).... I know for a fact I will be gagging big time when I have to listen to Erica gush over Bianca and what an incredible job she did at Enchantment. Know that when that happens, it will be like a noose tightening around my neck.

How do we all feel about Trey really being just plain old 'Ben' or will they call him 'Shep' ..... "Hey, Shep, gone boating lately?" I'm sorry, ladies, but Ben or Shep, doesn't work for me. Not when he has been Trey for so long and the name suits him even if it's not his.

I dunno, pnelson, I think if they turn Bianca heterosexual, it will be a cop out on the writers parts. No, they dug themselves into this hole, so they have to figure out what to do with it. Two options that I see: send Bianca to General Hospital. She can have her body frozen, wake in a few years, forget who she is, and like guys instead of girls! until one fateful day the long lost triplet of Frankie/Maggie breezes into town and...... OR, she can get into an accident on AMC, survive, forget who she is, and wake up having a crush on... um... who might she not be related to anymore??? until one fateful day ....

Maria and Chris... hmmmm... I'm not sure how I feel about that, pnelson. Wait though... isn't the normal pecking order: Erica, Brooke, whoever, and then off the show? Erica used to say Brooke gets her leftovers. That didn't happen with Dimitri though, right? Didn't Maria get him instead of Brooke? But wait, does one measeley night of passion count as "getting him"???

Ok, did anyone else notice in the photo of RealTrey and RealTreys Dad that RealTrey looked almost as old as Dad? I almost died laughing when Leo said to RealTrey'sDad "Is this you?" I almost expected him to say, "Well, actually, no, that is my son. I am standing next to him."

I will be hiding behind a leafy shrub outside of "Revlon" waiting to see what Kendall will wear to work if you need me.

When Leo asked RealTrey's father if he had ever worked for his mother, why did her use her most recent married name? Shouldn't he have used Vanessa Bennett? Or Rosie Wells? RealTrey's father wouldn't have known her as Courtlandt.
I thought that right away too! And when RealTrey's father showed Leo the picture of himself and Trey, Leo never even reacted. Couldn't he tell that it wasn't the same person he knew from Pine Valley? :rolleyes:


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