

Earning My Ears
Jan 29, 2002
I am new to the club and this board and, in my browsing, I saw people talking about "add-ons" at properties other than their home property. How does one do this and what, if any, are the advantages/ disadvantages? I saw on e-bay a listing for 300 pts. at VB. We are VWL owners but really enjoy VB. I am not sure how to combine the points. I know I could look it up, but the plain language explanations on here are super and it is always nice to hear the voice of experience !
Add on is the term used to describe packages added by members who already own at DVC. They are specifically less than the minimum to become a new member and that is currently 150 points. Occasionally you will see someone use the term to any size amount of points added but most will think of smaller (less than 150 contracts) when the term is used. The smallest amount that can currently be added is 25 for cash and 50 if you finance.

Add ons (less than 150 currently) are generally required to be the same use year as your current holdings. A contract of 150 points or higher can be any use year whether that be resale or direct from DVC. Other than the different use year accounting and the home resort priority issues, I can't think of any other specific problems. Remember that the dues will be different and that VB has the highest dues of all of DVC. Unless you want the points mostly for VB stays, I'd look at other DVC resorts.

You can combine the points at the 7 month window. Some people are under the mistaken impression that owning at 2 different resorts allows one to use all of their points at the 11 month at each of the home resorts and that's not true. Having multiple contracts with differnt use years and/or home resorts gives one unique opportunities but also generates significant accounting issues. It is not for those that can't balance their checkbook.

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