About The New Boards!


Apr 23, 2000
Hi Everyone

I guess everyone is surprised now about our new home!
We have been working very hard trying to transfer any threads that we can over here as to not lose the information. It's a very long process (I worked on it from 9pm until 3am last night). It's impossible for me to transfer everything over here so if you have started a thread on the old board that you want to continue, please feel free to start it again over here.

Hope you enjoy the new boards!


(who is working on VERY little sleep right now.. pass the caffeine please!)
Yup, second that too... Thank you.

These boards are more versatile!. The spell checkers, choice of fonts and characters.. Great call!

I'll third the GREAT JOB :)

At last a spell checker :bounce: I'm liberated :bounce: :bounce:

Now please forget the caffeine, you need some sleep:bounce:
THANKS! We all appreciate the mod's hard work and Pete's $ and patience to keep us going!;) :D
Thank you very much. I've learned so much from the DIS boards that I'm glad you'all are making even more improvements.
Thank you everyone for all your hard work. I just LOVE the colors for the text.
Thanks to all, It looks great. Even better than before. How do you improve on perfection? - David :bounce:

WE do appreciate your hard work...
New boards look great...LOL, though, I clicked on buddy under one of my posts, and now I'm my own buddy Hahahahahaha! ;-)

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