A Pink Pixie Princess - Complete!

Oh and @dancingtodisney , you're gym videos are KILLING me! I scared my pup with my loud laughter seeing those! :rotfl2:

@dancingtodisney is the queen of hilarious videos!

Who ME???! :rolleyes1



I'm sure some time off was...a-peel-ing to him.


Ye I can imagine he just got fed up and decided to split..... :dancer:

Mainly it's to wear INKnBURN for 100 days, and the person that came up with the idea has little themes for each day. So today is World Oceans Day...so I had on the Angel Stripes shirt (which looks like an angel fish) and my Water shorts. Stuff like that. People are also trying not to repeat items - like wear something only once throughout the entire 100 days. I don't have enough INKnBURN to do that!

Oooh... that's hardcore INKnBURN! 100 days of outfits! I love all your outfits though, I can totally see how it can get addictive to come up with different themed combinations! I'm pretty boring with my workout gear I need to change it up a bit!

June 26th...cupcake o'clock. I'm excited!!


That's sort of the feeling I had about cruising too - I still can't believe I got him to try it. I really, really emphasized the food...I think that helped sway him. :)

Hahaha that's so funny that's exactly my strategy with my other half for Disneyworld, I sent him lots of food photos while I away and we're both big food lovers so I definitely got him tempted with that.
So jealous of your cruise. A Disney cruise is one thing I've always wanted to do its just for our family of five it's quite expensive and we could go to WDW for a week for the same thing it would cost us for a 4 day cruise. I hope you have a fantastic time! Castaway Cay 5K should be awesome as well. One day I'll do it.
Who ME???! :rolleyes1


YES YOU! :rotfl2:
Ye I can imagine he just got fed up and decided to split..... :dancer:
Maybe he wasn't *peeling* well that day (okay, that one was pretty bad)

Oooh... that's hardcore INKnBURN! 100 days of outfits! I love all your outfits though, I can totally see how it can get addictive to come up with different themed combinations! I'm pretty boring with my workout gear I need to change it up a bit!

Yeah, It's been sort of fun but also sort of tedious so far!
Hahaha that's so funny that's exactly my strategy with my other half for Disneyworld, I sent him lots of food photos while I away and we're both big food lovers so I definitely got him tempted with that.
YEP! That's how you get boys to go to Disney! ::yes::
So jealous of your cruise. A Disney cruise is one thing I've always wanted to do its just for our family of five it's quite expensive and we could go to WDW for a week for the same thing it would cost us for a 4 day cruise. I hope you have a fantastic time! Castaway Cay 5K should be awesome as well. One day I'll do it.
Yeah, I can definitely see how that would add up! :eek:
There is no doubt in my mind that this guy would tell you he knows he's not using the equipment "correctly" but he, no doubt through his undoubtedly superior knowledge of the human physique, created a much more effective form of exercise. I mean look at that majestic form.
I'm just blinded by the majesty. :faint: Can't even handle it.
Pre-10 Miler Training - Week 5
Monday, June 6 - Sunday, June 12, 2016
13.2 miles completed

Monday, June 6 (2.5-mile run)
Alright, week 1 of the new schedule!

Today’s run went really well...I did the first mile at 12:00/mile, the second mile at 11:45/mile, and the third at 11:32/mile. Total time was for 2.5 miles. It was HOT and HUMID in the cardio room today!

Purse switcheroo update: I was running errands yesterday and noticed that I had a stain of some sort on my Minnie Harveys bag (that didn’t take long, I’ve been carrying the thing for just a week!). :sad: It looked like coffee or something (knowing me...DEFINITELY coffee). Aand of course it was on one of the white dots. Isn’t that how it always happens? Seriously, this coffee stain couldn’t have been on the black portion?!

Anyway, among the reasons I have been sort of trying to switch to Harveys is that they are supposed to be durable and easy to clean. So I pulled up their website on my phone and they recommend using a soft toothbrush with mild soap to scrub away a stain. I actually already had the soap they recommended (Dr. Bronner’s - specifically the tea tree variety, which is also very good for cleaning make-up brushes, FYI) and grabbed a soft toothbrush at the grocery store for $1. Got home, got to work on the stain - sure enough, it was gone in less than a minute. :) Seriously makes me wonder if I’ll even want to use Dooneys anymore, since they are much harder to keep looking nice.

Wine & Dine Trip Update: booked a flight for Mr. A! :banana: His flight to Orlando...still a little higher than what I wanted to pay, but after checking flights daily I’m not sure these prices will get much lower. This one dropped $30 so I booked it (with points - so it cost $0...well technically $5.60 since Southwest requires some sort of fuel surcharge or whatever). Now I just need to return flight to get down in price!

And speaking of Mr. A...today is his first Monday of summer vacation! Needless to say, he is a happy camper. :banana:

Tuesday, June 7 (3-mile run)
Woke up late today - ack!! So I did this run maybe a little faster than I should have, sort of a tempo-ish thing going on.

Here is what I did...

0.5 miles @ 5.0 MPH (12:00/mile)

0.5 miles @ 5.2 MPH (11:32/mile)
0.5 miles @ 5.4 MPH (11:06/mile)
0.25 miles @ 5.5 MPH (10:54/mile)
0.25 miles @ 5.4 MPH (11:06/mile)
0.25 miles @ 5.3 MPH (11:20ish/mile? Something like that)
0.25 miles @ 5.2 MPH (11:32/mile)
0.25 miles @ 5.1 MPH (11:45ish/mile)
0.25 miles @ 5.0 MPH (12:00/mile)

Total time for 3 miles - 34:29, 11:30ish/mile pace. Which is funny because "doing my run a little faster" really only saved me about 1:30. :p But this run felt really, really good! I am pleased with how it went.

Also pleased that I have woken up without that back pain on Sunday, Monday AND this morning! That’s a streak, people!! :banana:

Wine & Dine trip update: Mr.s A’s flight that I booked yesterday dropped a whopping $16 in price...so I canceled and re-booked it and got 607 points back (thank you, Southwest). Hey, I take what I can get! :p Returning fares are still ridiculous.

Random dog picture...because he's precious.

Wednesday, June 8 (20-minute tempo run)

Did almost the exact same thing as my last tempo run, but I must’ve changed something during the cool down portion because I managed to get a little further today (1.7 miles instead of 1.65 last week). Really good run!

I’m pleased with my mileage this week...after today I’m up to 7.2 miles, and I’ve still got 6 miles planned for the rest of the week. This will be my highest mileage week of 2016! No one can accuse me of ramping my mileage back up too quickly, that is for sure...also pleased with how I’m holding up so far with the new schedule. Today was the 3rd day in a row of running and it went well! Over the past few weeks I’d been noticing that I was feeling some weakness around my knees and that seems to have gone away, even with more running days in the week...I’m just really feeling better in general, I think.

Also, we watched "Zootopia" yesterday (rented it from iTunes) - it was AWESOME! We both loved it! Initially I was thinking we could watch it at home so we wouldn’t on the Dream (I want to go see Finding Dory but I don’t want to spend the entire cruise in the movie theater)...but we both liked it enough that if it’s still playing on the Dream, we may want to see it again! :)

Thursday, June 9 (rest)

Rest day, yay! Feeling pretty good so far this week!

I got an email that my new camera has shipped...the camera switch-up is almost complete (and just in time for me to hopefully figure out how to use it before our cruise!).

Friday, June 10 (1-mile run/yoga)

FriYAY, amiright?

Today started off with a whole 1 mile of running. My legs felt TERRIBLE at the beginning, just so heavy and stiff. :crazy2: I felt better as I went further. Total time was 10:45ish.

Then I changed into this awesome outfit and went to yoga...had someone stop me after class to tell me it was "the cutest yoga outfit [she’d] ever seen!" Woot.


Today's class went pretty well, until we were supposed to try Birds of Paradise. I got to somewhere between steps 3 and 4 on the one side...on the other I couldn't even get to step 2! Oops. Maybe some day!


I mentioned earlier that I had 2 big projects at work going on right now...there was one that I HAD to finish before leaving for vacation, and I'm 99% sure my part is done on that one as of today. WOOHOOOOOO

Saturday, June 11 (5-mile run)
Take 2 with the HydraQuiver! Here's a comparison of the HydraQuiver and the Camelback...


HydraQuiver...so you can see that my lower back is not covered with this one like with the Camelback, and it keeps me much cooler!

Toasty run today - I was out the door by 9AM but it wasn't early enough - temperature was 81 degrees! But it was only 54% humidity, overcast, and there was a nice breeze, so the overall conditions were nowhere near as bad as they could have been.

Running with the HydraQuiver went better today. I didn't make the straps as tight and while they still dug into my armpits, it wasn't as bad as last week. I think I just need to find that perfect adjustment where the straps are tight enough that they don't move around (because moving around = chafing) but not too tight that it hurts. Today it felt much better than last week, good enough for me to decide to keep the HydraQuiver and likely ditch the Camelback for good.

So I'm giving the thumbs-up to the HydraQuiver, but a big thumbs-down to the Conair BunMaker. I put my hair in a bun today (because with the way the Hydraquiver is positioned, my hair would hit the bottle sometimes if I had it in a ponytail). Just before the start of mile 2 of the run, I could feel my bun sort of flopping around - I put my hand up and it was FALLING OUT. I'd lost 3 of my 4 pins and the rubber band and little donut thing were just coming out. :mad: So I stopped and stuffed the bun stuff into my skirt pockets and put my hair up into a messy half-bun, which stayed perfect for the rest of the run. So I guess that's my new preferred hairstyle for running (and also how I have been wearing my hair for yoga). :rolleyes2 BOOO BUN MAKER!!

Anyway...the rest of the run:
Mile 1: 11:27
Mile 2: 11:03
Mile 3: 12:02 --> walk/water break at the beginning of this mile
Mile 4: 11:55 --> 1-2 walk/water breaks
Mile 5: 12:51 --> 1-2 walk/water breaks

Total time: 58:45, 11:44/mile pace. More walk breaks than I had originally planned, but it was hot and I was thirsty! And I am not coordinated to drink and run at the same time. :confused3 Pretty good run overall though.

Sunday, June 12 (yoga)
Great class today, until we got to a balancing segment and I just could not hang. I need to work on that!

I'm going to try something a little different next week - I'm signed up for 3 yoga classes! We'll see if I actually go to them!

Continued in Next Post
Woohoo on getting Mr. A his flight to Orlando. I always get excited once I get flights set up!

I'm glad the bag was so easy to clean. That's a big plus to them over the D&Bs. Not to mention how adorable they are.

MIKO tights!!! Those look great with that shirt. Is that and InB too? I like the Miko tights on other people, but not sure I'm ready for something quite that brightly patterned. Looks wonderful on you though.

And that Birds of Paradise thing is insane. No possible way my body moves like that. No.None.Never.
Have to agree. I bought it and it would NOT stay in my hair, no matter how many pins I used. So I got a haircut lol!
Seriously, I feel guilty for even posting about it in the first place. I need to go back to edit my original post and say something like "THIS THING SUCKS!!" At least it wasn't super pricey... :mad:
Woohoo on getting Mr. A his flight to Orlando. I always get excited once I get flights set up!
Yes!! That makes it seem more real. I just need his return flight...checked it this morning and it's still at $218!! You're killing me, Southwest. :headache:
I'm glad the bag was so easy to clean. That's a big plus to them over the D&Bs. Not to mention how adorable they are.
Yes - and they're cheaper! And get this...I bought a bag in a Facebook group that was delivered on Saturday and it was, shall we say, not quite what was described in the sale post (it was "carried only once or twice" but it looked dirty to me...not impressed. :rolleyes2). But I cleaned it by - gasp! - putting it in the washer. I actually put it in a pillow case, tied the pillowcase shut and washed it on delicate cycle in cold water. It came out looking almost brand new!
MIKO tights!!! Those look great with that shirt. Is that and InB too? I like the Miko tights on other people, but not sure I'm ready for something quite that brightly patterned. Looks wonderful on you though.
Yes! It's the Bandit camisole...behold this giant picture. I got this on Facebook 1-2 months ago. Since they have been releasing throwback items I would not mind them putting this one out in many, many other colors.

I'm not totally convinced that the Miko tights do good things for my butt, but I like them anyway. :)

And that Birds of Paradise thing is insane. No possible way my body moves like that. No.None.Never.
I know, right?! The yoga teacher could do it, of course, but no one else could. :faint:
Great update! It sounds like you are doing some really nice running and handling the increased running days beautifully!

I'm happy for Mr. A's break for summer! And that you finished one of your big work projects!

Oh and those bun makers never work for my hair. I think if it is at all long or thick there is just too much weight? Anyway, messy buns are great!

Today's class went pretty well, until we were supposed to try Birds of Paradise. I got to somewhere between steps 3 and 4 on the one side...on the other I couldn't even get to step 2! Oops. Maybe some day!


If I remember, I am totally trying this when I get home! :laughing:
I'm really just curious how to even stand up from Step 2, but that assumes I can even get that far!
Great update! It sounds like you are doing some really nice running and handling the increased running days beautifully!
Yes! I am really pleased with how it has been going so far...I know I don't have high mileage yet (and still a couple of 1-1.5 mile days) but I'm encouraged so far!
I'm happy for Mr. A's break for summer! And that you finished one of your big work projects!
Me too!! I'll be even happier when project #2 is done! :faint:
Oh and those bun makers never work for my hair. I think if it is at all long or thick there is just too much weight? Anyway, messy buns are great!
Yeah that definitely could be. I'm wondering if 4 pins was never going to be enough, or if I didn't secure them in well enough? Either way, no more bun maker for me!! :mad:
If I remember, I am totally trying this when I get home! :laughing:
I'm really just curious how to even stand up from Step 2, but that assumes I can even get that far!
Let me know how it works out! They seem to try to get us to do one crazy pose per class...yesterday it was this one, which I could barely attempt! The girl next to me did it though.
Seriously, I feel guilty for even posting about it in the first place. I need to go back to edit my original post and say something like "THIS THING SUCKS!!" At least it wasn't super pricey... :mad:

No worries! :) I figured it was just my ineptness at doing my own hair, lol! And not pricey at all. :)
No worries! :) I figured it was just my ineptness at doing my own hair, lol! And not pricey at all. :)
Apparently not! I think maybe it would work well for casual situations, but now I know it's not good for working out. Or maybe it requires more effort than I really want to put into my hair pre-run. :crazy2:
I'm glad to hear the Harveys bags are easy to clean - definitely a point in their favor!
(Also ... here's a weird Sarah fact: unless I'm really "about to fall over" tired, I refuse to drink coffee while wearing a white shirt. There was a point in my life where all of my white shirts had coffee stains on them. If I'm wearing white, I'm gonna spill my coffee, no matter how careful I am)

Yay for booking Mr. A's flight! And yay for summer vacation! My dad has been home since last week (although he had to go in once last week for a meeting or something and then this week for graduation) ... not so fun for me, but I'm sure he's enjoying it more than being in school.

Yay for waking up with no back pain so many days in a row!!
(wow, lots of yays in this update!)

Looking at that Birds of Paradise thing ... I might be able to do step 1. Maybe. On a good day. Maybe.

So ... I guess it's a good thing that I didn't buy the bun maker. So far I've been okay just putting my hair up in a bun all by myself. If I do it tight enough, it doesn't fall out.
My problem now is hair in my face, but thankfully that hasn't been too bad (headbands don't seem to work for me, so I'm basically SOL on that one).
I hope the new hairstyle works out better for you!

Also ... I've been meaning to tell you this for like 2 weeks ... I finished Jessica Jones. It wasn't bad, but I didn't enjoy it. I'm watching Daredevil season 2 now, and I'm liking that, which is good.
I'm actually really excited for Luke Cage to come out in a few months - I really liked his character on Jessica Jones.
Shannon - I had a baby and missed so many updates! I am glad things are going well! Love the C-3PO shirt! I hope you have an awesome time on your cruise!
I'm so behind on all things dis-board but have to just say OMG THOSE GYM gifs...bwahahahahaha!
I just know somewhere exists me falling and landing like a turtle at Planet Fitness...I just pray it doesn't exist or see the light of day.

A) I want that pink tank top. Even though I hate showing my arms...I would for that.
B) Did you see the new Mickey coach purses? With the ears? No? Google them, but don't google the prices. Unless you already bought one.
C) I envy your bun even if it's a messy annoying bun. My hair is so thin that any attempt at a bun ends up looking like a sad limp mini-donut.
@Ariel484 thanks again for the InkNBurn recommendation! I love the shirts I got and they are going to be my go-to race shirts. Super comfortable and they seem to stay cooler than other shirts on the hot runs, too.

Quick question on the HydraQuiver. Did you get the Single Barrel or the Vest Pack 1? It looks like something I may need to try out. I've been struggling to find a hydration option that works for me. The Camelbak has the capacity and is pretty comfortable, but the cleaning is an absolute pain! I've got a Nathan Trail Mix Belt, but the bottles are a bit small and tend to rotate around while I'm running and the pocket is WAY too small for my phone. I've also got one of those Nathan holsters that holds a full size bottle, but it is awkward to get to on my lower back, tends to bounce and also has a too small pocket.

Any further HydraQuiver experiences you can relate? Thanks!

I apologize for not responding to comments and I promise I will next week (though quick answer for @camaker got the single barrel and it's taken some getting used to but I am fully onboard with it! :thumbsup2) - right now I'm in the Hyatt in the Orlando airport and tomorrow is embarkation day!

But I'm all about...CLEVELAND!!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I can't even explain what this means to Clevelanders. I'm stunned that it actually happened...and I can't believe we aren't home for it!! :sad:

I promise I am not whining that we're cruising tomorrow (!!), but what timing to be away from home!!

Have a great week, I'll be back next week! :)


Continued in Next Post
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