A Few Last Questions !


Do unto others as they would do unto you... then r
Oct 18, 2000
Hi All,

A couple of last questions before we leave for Orlando tomorrow !

What seem to be the best days to do USF and IOA ?
We know to avoid EE days, but I would like to know if there are days which seem to be quieter than others at the parks ? We wont be going on the weekend for sure.

Also, does anybody know of a ticket outlet locally that sells discounted tickets ? I didn't have time to buy them online and have them sent to England before we leave, so I will need to buy them in Orlando or Kissimmee. We are staying near Maingate on US 192.

Thanx in advance,

A very Excited BJJ !!

:cool: :) <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> :rolleyes: :D :) :cool:
The best days seem to be earlier in the week. Sunday seems to be the least busy and Saturday the busiest.

As for tickets, you can go to a ticket-selling website like www.ticketmania.com. They will deliver your tickets to your hotel at no charge. I don't know of an exact location that sells tickets. Most hotels sell discounted tickets. Some restaurants do.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
Make sure you buy discounted tickets from a reputable seller. Last time I was at Universal I saw a family that had alot of trouble because the tickets they bought wouldnt work.


USF: 4/17/99; IOA: 7/14/00; WDW, USF, IOA:4/01

<a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/SmackDownHotel">My Webpage(Dudleyville)</a>
I just wanted to wish you a great trip Beejayjay!! Hope the weather warms up for you. Make sure you come back and tell us all about it! Have a ball!! :D



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