5 in a Deluxe Studio


DIS Veteran
Mar 27, 2018
Am I totally nuts to put 5 in a deluxe studio? I thought I was all set with two rooms at Pop! but walking to HS and Epcot from Beach Club or Boardwalk sounds amazing. The only way it fits out budget is 5 in a studio. I think I'm ready to pull the trigger on DVC points rental, unless you guys talk me out of it.

My girls will be 5,5,5 at travel time. They will likely want to share the double, so we wouldn't need to pull out the murphy bed. Still, it'll be tight. We'll have a double jogging and single umbrella stroller, luggage, etc. But, skipping the bus (and skipping folding up the strollers) on those park days sounds so awesome!

I'd love to hear from folks who have actually stayed in one of these studios since they were refurbed to sleep 5.
The murphy bed doesn't really take up that much space so if it means that the girls will sleep better, I'd use both the pullout couch and the murphy bed. But in reality having two connecting rooms at POP sounds more comfortable for the entire family.
Am I totally nuts to put 5 in a deluxe studio? I thought I was all set with two rooms at Pop! but walking to HS and Epcot from Beach Club or Boardwalk sounds amazing. The only way it fits out budget is 5 in a studio. I think I'm ready to pull the trigger on DVC points rental, unless you guys talk me out of it.

My girls will be 5,5,5 at travel time. They will likely want to share the double, so we wouldn't need to pull out the murphy bed. Still, it'll be tight. We'll have a double jogging and single umbrella stroller, luggage, etc. But, skipping the bus (and skipping folding up the strollers) on those park days sounds so awesome!

I'd love to hear from folks who have actually stayed in one of these studios since they were refurbed to sleep 5.
The studios at BC and BWV were created to accommodate 4 people and then were modified to include the 5th sleeping surface. With 3 little girls, the actual sleeping situation probably isn't a big deal, especially if all 3 would prefer to share the sofa bed instead. It's really the storage space for 5 people's "stuff" that will be a bigger problem. It's an even bigger deal when you add two strollers to the mix. Personally, I think that two connecting rooms at POP would give you more space and maybe a little bit of privacy for Mom & Dad (not to mention a second bathroom). You just really need to weigh the pros and cons based on your own personal preferences. And of course, availability at either of those resorts for your intended trip may be the deciding factor.
We stayed in a 5 person cruise room when they had just turned 4. 216 square feet, no balcony/patio. It was tight but we fit everything with some creative use of closets (and I still have the hanging shoe racks from that trip). We didn't have strollers, though, and were able to store all luggage under beds. Is there room for underbed luggage at either BWV or BCV studios? Of course, after than trip, I vowed "Never again!" on a room without a door between kids and parents, but walking distance to Epcot and HS!!!
Here's a link that shows a lot of the features of the renovated BWV studios. That little white cabinet is the only drawer space that you get...for up to 5 people! As you can see from one of the photos, it would be difficult to slide luggage under the bed.

I totally understand wanting to walk to two theme parks. It's so convenient and it's another reason why BWV is one of my home resorts. But only you can decide whether the lack of space in a studio would be a big enough negative to offset that convenience factor. IMO, a young family such as yours is a better fit for either a BCV or a BWV studio than one with teens and more than 2 adults.
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You will get lots of personal opinion on whether or not you should try to fit 5 in a studio.

What I would want to know if I were you is info like what Marionnette posted above......space for luggage and strollers. There will be enough room for everyone to sleep.

I will be staying in a BWV studio for the 1st time in Dec. I stayed in a studio @ SSR in February and found there to be plenty of room in the closet for our luggage and to hang our jackets, hoodies, etc and tons of room by the entry for shoes (and possibly strollers if we'd had them). That said, we were 3 adults. However, we managed 4 in a value for many many trips even as the kids became adult-sized.

It seems like drawer space could be a concern. If this helps, we pack an outfit for every day in a huge ziplock bag and squish the air out. By doing so, we usually can get by with 1 large suitcase for DH and I and 1 large suitcase for my teen Ds to share for a 5 night stay. 6-8 nights and we'd probably have to add a 3rd suitcase. We tend to live out of our suitcases more often than not. My husband is the only one that insists on putting his clothes in dresser drawers.

I'd watch some video tours on youtube. Some of them are really good about opening all the beds and showing how much space there is, etc.

Enjoy your trip!
You will get lots of personal opinion on whether or not you should try to fit 5 in a studio.

What I would want to know if I were you is info like what Marionnette posted above......space for luggage and strollers. There will be enough room for everyone to sleep.

I will be staying in a BWV studio for the 1st time in Dec. I stayed in a studio @ SSR in February and found there to be plenty of room in the closet for our luggage and to hang our jackets, hoodies, etc and tons of room by the entry for shoes (and possibly strollers if we'd had them). That said, we were 3 adults. However, we managed 4 in a value for many many trips even as the kids became adult-sized.

It seems like drawer space could be a concern. If this helps, we pack an outfit for every day in a huge ziplock bag and squish the air out. By doing so, we usually can get by with 1 large suitcase for DH and I and 1 large suitcase for my teen Ds to share for a 5 night stay. 6-8 nights and we'd probably have to add a 3rd suitcase. We tend to live out of our suitcases more often than not. My husband is the only one that insists on putting his clothes in dresser drawers.

I'd watch some video tours on youtube. Some of them are really good about opening all the beds and showing how much space there is, etc.

Enjoy your trip!

I'm not that worried (maybe I should be more) about finding room for our clothes. On the cruise, we had no drawers at all, just closets and a few shelves. We couldn't live out of our suitcases, either, because the only place for them was under beds. From that trip, I have a couple of different style shoe racks that can hang in a closet to create shelves/pockets where there are none. I would also bring the foldable cloth storage drawers we have and use them on top of any counter/dresser top space to hold our clothes as well. My biggest concern is being able to shove the strollers (really just the double jogger, the umbrella will fold tiny) and the luggage off to the side somewhere so that we aren't walking over it every time we have to go from the bed to the bathroom. The space where the lock off door would swing into the room has be large enough to leave luggage in front of, right? If a door can swing, luggage can sit. So, it's the stroller.

I was originally totally opposed to the 5 person rooms. I really wanted the door that shuts with two values. But, we're not planning on spending much time in the rooms. We're going to be heavy park visitors. The extra morning time I can save on HS and EP days by walking feels more valuable to me right now than being a bit cramped. Plus, I had completely written off Illuminations because it would just be too late getting back to Pop after walking through World Showcase and waiting for buses. With Beach Club or Boardwalk, Illuminations can re-enter my itinerary. And, if I'm wrong and the kids can't hack the parks as long as I think they can, a restful afternoon at either Boardwalk or Beach Club seems much nicer than Pop.

All of this is predicated on the fact that "a bit cramped" doesn't require actually moving the stroller every time I walk through the room. I don't want to be literally tripping over my things (I do that enough with my kids).
The space where the lock off door would swing into the room has be large enough to leave luggage in front of, right? If a door can swing, luggage can sit.
Don't forget that you will have to move the coffee table and find a home for the sofa cushions when it has been opened to a bed. Most people put the coffee table in front of that door.

Here's a video tour from Allears.net.
You might be able to park the double stroller right inside the door to the hallway. There's a small alcove there. Just make sure that it doesn't block a safe egress from the room in the event of an emergency.
I'm not that worried (maybe I should be more) about finding room for our clothes. On the cruise, we had no drawers at all, just closets and a few shelves. We couldn't live out of our suitcases, either, because the only place for them was under beds. From that trip, I have a couple of different style shoe racks that can hang in a closet to create shelves/pockets where there are none. I would also bring the foldable cloth storage drawers we have and use them on top of any counter/dresser top space to hold our clothes as well. My biggest concern is being able to shove the strollers (really just the double jogger, the umbrella will fold tiny) and the luggage off to the side somewhere so that we aren't walking over it every time we have to go from the bed to the bathroom. The space where the lock off door would swing into the room has be large enough to leave luggage in front of, right? If a door can swing, luggage can sit. So, it's the stroller.

I was originally totally opposed to the 5 person rooms. I really wanted the door that shuts with two values. But, we're not planning on spending much time in the rooms. We're going to be heavy park visitors. The extra morning time I can save on HS and EP days by walking feels more valuable to me right now than being a bit cramped. Plus, I had completely written off Illuminations because it would just be too late getting back to Pop after walking through World Showcase and waiting for buses. With Beach Club or Boardwalk, Illuminations can re-enter my itinerary. And, if I'm wrong and the kids can't hack the parks as long as I think they can, a restful afternoon at either Boardwalk or Beach Club seems much nicer than Pop.

All of this is predicated on the fact that "a bit cramped" doesn't require actually moving the stroller every time I walk through the room. I don't want to be literally tripping over my things (I do that enough with my kids).

I hope someone else can chime in with actual experience to help you out!

I felt like the space by the entry at SSR was certainly generous enough for a stroller. BWV looks like it may be a little smaller in that area. Not saying it isn't still big enough, I just don't really know. From the looks of BCV layout (to me), I'd say there would not be enough room.

I think the stroller by the door is the ideal spot if you can make it fit!

I love the walk to parks option!
Having stayed at a BW DVC studio with 2 adults it might be tight with 3 -5 yo kids but it is doable. You might want to make a pro/con list for each resort. I'm not sure what pop has to offer, but at the BW area there are many restaurants QS and TS, entertainment on the boardwalk, Ample Hills has amazing ice cream. Being able to walk to 2 parks is a benefit and I would say the walk to Epcot is easy but the HS walk seems a bit longer (maybe because there is less to look at). There are boat to the parks too (I think you can bring the strollers on them).

For storage it is a bit limited, but you could bring those hanging fabric shelves to hang in the closet if you must unpack. If you pack well then it could be organized in a way that you could just live out of suitcases for the trip. The entry area seems to have plenty of space for storage of the strollers. I would think the pull out might be a little tight for 3 kids, especially if one likes to move around a lot. Like a PP mentioned the standard rooms go quick so if pricing do not plan on that room type. The little kitchenette is nice to have as it does give you the fridge, toaster, coffee maker and microwave, which might help if you want to make quick breakfast meals in the morning.

It is always nice for a change so if you have done pop in the past maybe give it a try. BW is a deluxe so the amenities and feel of the resort will be different than pop. The worst think you could say is -- we were too cramped. I would think when the kids get older they will not want to share a bed and their luggage will get bigger, so this might be the time for you to try the studio at BW.
Am I totally nuts to put 5 in a deluxe studio? I thought I was all set with two rooms at Pop! but walking to HS and Epcot from Beach Club or Boardwalk sounds amazing. The only way it fits out budget is 5 in a studio. I think I'm ready to pull the trigger on DVC points rental, unless you guys talk me out of it.

My girls will be 5,5,5 at travel time. They will likely want to share the double, so we wouldn't need to pull out the murphy bed. Still, it'll be tight. We'll have a double jogging and single umbrella stroller, luggage, etc. But, skipping the bus (and skipping folding up the strollers) on those park days sounds so awesome!

I'd love to hear from folks who have actually stayed in one of these studios since they were refurbed to sleep 5.
We did it at BCV - DD 9, DS 7, DS 7. It wasn’t perfect, but (as you probably know) most parents of multiples know how to organize. It’s either that or I’d go loopy.

We didn’t have a stroller and only 2 large suitcases and 2 roller carry-ons. We relaxed in the room etc. No big deal. It was more spacious than CBR or POR and we’ve done both as a family of 5.

If you can stay organized - all our clothes & toiletries were in labelled ziplocks (with names) and kept in a suitcase - I say go for it.
It wasn’t perfect, but (as you probably know) most parents of multiples know how to organize. It’s either that or I’d go loopy.

I'm pretty sure I'm loopy already :P ! In all seriousness, I'm a very well organized person. It's good to hear you managed it with 9,7,7 yos.

It sounds like it's doable. I just need to decide if the convenience of extra space is more important than the convenience of location, with the bonus of the nicer resort amenities.
My kids are 15, 7 and 9 and we do fine in studios. Some people need more space so you just have to know what your group is good with. My kids bunch up whether we have extra room or not and the younger two are little so we just pick where we want our spot to be and then work into it. If anything, it might be worth trying a place like this now while they are younger. They tend to gain more "stuff" as they age and fitting 3 teenagers into a single studio might make you all want to rip your hair out... so you might need to enjoy this type of thing now before needing two rooms down the road.
Sorry I have no experience at BWV but I’m just trying to work out any extra room you could use. Are you driving? Just wondering if the car could store suitcases etc. Also, is there a lobby/ luggage area that would store your buggies for you when you’re not using them?
Sorry I have no experience at BWV but I’m just trying to work out any extra room you could use. Are you driving? Just wondering if the car could store suitcases etc. Also, is there a lobby/ luggage area that would store your buggies for you when you’re not using them?

Flying so no car. I'm honestly not sure if bell services would hold our strollers every night. That just seems like a lot of back and forth to the lobby, and a lot of waiting to get my stuff. Interesting idea, though...
I know from your original post you want Beach Club or Boardwalk for proximity to HS and Epcot...but have you considered a Poly studio? I think you would enjoy the space in there more!
Is it frowned upon to leave the strollers on the balcony overnight with a rain cover over them just in case?

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