$49 All Stars - CONFIRMED and No Restrictions!


Proud Parents of EJ!
Dec 18, 2000
Anyone else received their confirmations recently? I am stilling waiting for mine. I wanted to know, if people are seeing restrictions or not. I know that I used a different code then most everyone one this board (The CM found it for me!). I am just waiting to make sure that I got a rate that works for me, and wasn't intended for someone else. :rolleyes:


05/99 off-site Radisson Resort Parkway
05/01 off-site Hyatt Orlando

[This message was edited by FriendsOfEeyore on 03-22-01 at 09:18 AM.]
After reading some of the posts here, I was also nervous. Received my confirmation. $49/night. Absolutely no restrictions!
I'm still waiting on my written confirmation yet I had to add a day and I checked verbally about the rate and code restrictions. The rate was $49 and no restrictions. ..

<IMG src="http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/images/halloween/halloweenMK1_small.jpg" ></P>
CBR Dec '95, Sept '97
BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
Zurg, Barbie, Buzz, Buzz, Jessie & Tinkerbell

Visit http://badshoe.com
got my ressie and it had no restrictions on it

Mine came. At the bottom it said something about Direct Mail April/May Fall Value Rate. I called because I did not get any postcard -- the CM had volunteered this code as one with no restrictions when I booked -- and again I was told no restrctions and that I did not have to show anything upon check in. I hope this is true..
Like I said, I never gave the CM a code, she found it for me. My says "3 Night Value Direct Mail April/May (Fall Rates)" I have added fourth night. I had previously called two other times to verify that there were no restrictions, and was told no postcard needed. Guess that it wouldn't hurt to ask one more time, now that I have my confirmation! :D


05/99 off-site Radisson Resort Parkway
05/01 off-site Hyatt Orlando
Got my confirmation on Monday and mailed my deposit on Tuesday. Got the CBR with a code that I read hear on the boards. No where on my confirmation does it list any restrictions or stipualtions. Mine too, states it be a "Fall Special".

Now it's time to start counting the days...139 to be exact! :cool:

<marquee><font size=4><font color=blue>"It's Time to Remember the Magic"</font></marquee></font>

<font size=3><font color=blue>Patty</font>

<font size=1><font color=red>
Dixie Landings - 9/96
Dixie Landings - 9/97
Dixie Landings - 9/99
Yacht Club - 9/00
Caribbean Beach - 8/01
Got my envelope today and it says
1 night Hispanic Room only.

Others have had this before and I have double check. If you read between the lines it is supposed to mean 1 night**ad in hispanic paper** room only rather than package.

Any other guesses???CRO says its OK. ;)

<IMG src="http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/images/halloween/halloweenMK1_small.jpg" ></P>
CBR Dec '95, Sept '97
BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
Zurg, Barbie, Buzz, Buzz, Jessie & Tinkerbell

Visit http://badshoe.com


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