2008 - C25K program :) WELCOME!!

I am a college professor full time on top of the three kids (fortunately I work almost entirely online these days :thumbsup2 , so that makes working around the kids' schedules a breeze). Yeah, doin' the family-work-me time-juggle is a talent unto itself.

But yes, you hit it--I am finally starting to focus on ME for a little bit. And in turn, I will be a better wife and better mom...:love:

I have just started my last year of grad school, which means I have started my practicum............working for FREE :confused3 :confused3

Keep going, if I can do it............YOU HAVE to TOO :goodvibes :goodvibes
I am doing W2D3 tomorrow. It is difficult for me, but I am doing it. My sister convinced me that I could do this, and we are doing the 5K at Disney in May. So I have no choice but to train for it! My biggest fear is that since I am so heavy (I weigh over 300 pounds), I won't be able to go fast enough to do the event in the time frame allotted. But all I can do is the best I can do - here's hoping that I drop some weight while I'm training and that makes it easier when I get to the race!

As long as you finish that should be your goal!! Then you can move onto the next goal of doing it NEXT year with a better time.

If you keep moving, you will be fine. Just remember you have nothing to prove, just making a commitment to change is the first step ;)

If your joint hurt, you may have to concentrate on just walking until your body adjusts! Which may only be a week or so, but that STILL DOES NOT MEAN you can't do it.

You posted here, so you are accountable to do this :) Keep posting and when you think you can't, post and we will be their to hold your hand and help you over the hump :)

Keep going:)
I should so not be on here right now - I have a ton of stuff to do. But I had to share with my new WISH board pals.

This morning, I was scheduled to do Week 2 Day 3 of the C25K program. It is cold and gray here, and by the time I got out of bed it was daylight. I have a problem running in my neighborhood in daylight. I prefer to do it when it is still dark outside (which is no problem during the week at 5:00 a.m.) because I am less self conscious. So I decided since it was so late this morning, I would go to Discover Mills Mall and walk. It is approximately one mile to walk around the entire mall, so I took my stopwatch to see how long it would take me. The 5K at Disney in May requires that you be able to walk a 15-minute mile, which has been of great concern to me. I am afraid I will be too slow and get swept. So I was anxious to see how much time I would have to shave off to get to that time for the mile around the mall. Guess what? I did it in 14:30 minutes!!! YES!!! Yay, me!!:cheer2: Now, mind you, I was dead when I finished. I had to stop and catch my breath for a few minutes. So I know I have work to do yet to be able to do that three times in a row instead of one. But it felt SO GOOD to be able to do that lap within the time frame allotted on the FIRST TRY!! And then I walked half-way around again at my normal pace because I didn't want to stop walking until I had done at least 30 minutes.

I am so pumped, I just want to kiss somebody (wish my DH wasn't sleeping:love: ). Anyway, I just wanted to share with all of my new WISH friends - we CAN do this. We WILL do this. 2008 is MY year. I OWN it!! WATCH ME GO!!!

Guess what? I did it in 14:30 minutes!!! YES!!! Yay, me!!:cheer2: Now, mind you, I was dead when I finished. I had to stop and catch my breath for a few minutes. [/COLOR][/SIZE]


That is a huge milestone you did!!! CONGRATS!!!

Remember that with each passing day it will alittle bit easier, you are doing great!!

You are right 2008 is YOUR YEAR!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
I should so not be on here right now - I have a ton of stuff to do. But I had to share with my new WISH board pals.

This morning, I was scheduled to do Week 2 Day 3 of the C25K program. It is cold and gray here, and by the time I got out of bed it was daylight. I have a problem running in my neighborhood in daylight. I prefer to do it when it is still dark outside (which is no problem during the week at 5:00 a.m.) because I am less self conscious. So I decided since it was so late this morning, I would go to Discover Mills Mall and walk. It is approximately one mile to walk around the entire mall, so I took my stopwatch to see how long it would take me. The 5K at Disney in May requires that you be able to walk a 15-minute mile, which has been of great concern to me. I am afraid I will be too slow and get swept. So I was anxious to see how much time I would have to shave off to get to that time for the mile around the mall. Guess what? I did it in 14:30 minutes!!! YES!!! Yay, me!!:cheer2: Now, mind you, I was dead when I finished. I had to stop and catch my breath for a few minutes. So I know I have work to do yet to be able to do that three times in a row instead of one. But it felt SO GOOD to be able to do that lap within the time frame allotted on the FIRST TRY!! And then I walked half-way around again at my normal pace because I didn't want to stop walking until I had done at least 30 minutes.

I am so pumped, I just want to kiss somebody (wish my DH wasn't sleeping:love: ). Anyway, I just wanted to share with all of my new WISH friends - we CAN do this. We WILL do this. 2008 is MY year. I OWN it!! WATCH ME GO!!!


I love this post--you CAN do it, you WILL do it! You're a Wonder, Woman! :cheer2: I look forward to hearing your progress!
Last night, was an unexpected REST day. My children had a friend sleep over. So tonight I just did w6d2, and it was harder than I thought!

But I did it, I walked when it said walk and I ran when it said RAN. At times I wanted to be done, but I kept thinking I was almost there :)

Now day 3 is what is scaring me, honestly. It is warm up 5 min and run 2 1/4 miles...................GOD I am worried!!

I have to remind myself I completed today and don't worry about tomorrow, take it one day at a time...........right????? :goodvibes :goodvibes
Keep running everyone!

I OWNED the treadmill yesterday! I was on it for a total of 40 minutes, with 25 of those running! :cool1: I ran for 15 for my first stretch (which is off the program, but I felt good, so I figured I should keep going...). Then I did the run/walk combo after that. Felt SO good when I was done!

Three cheers for Susan! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Keep running everyone!

I OWNED the treadmill yesterday! I was on it for a total of 40 minutes, with 25 of those running! :cool1: I ran for 15 for my first stretch (which is off the program, but I felt good, so I figured I should keep going...). Then I did the run/walk combo after that. Felt SO good when I was done!

Three cheers for Susan! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


Just remember following a program, PREVENTS early burnout!! Remember you want to make this running commitment last a lifetime :)

Keep posting your progress, I can't wait to hear how you are doing!!:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Last night, was an unexpected REST day. My children had a friend sleep over. So tonight I just did w6d2, and it was harder than I thought!

But I did it, I walked when it said walk and I ran when it said RAN. At times I wanted to be done, but I kept thinking I was almost there :)

Now day 3 is what is scaring me, honestly. It is warm up 5 min and run 2 1/4 miles...................GOD I am worried!!

I have to remind myself I completed today and don't worry about tomorrow, take it one day at a time...........right????? :goodvibes :goodvibes

But YOU DID IT, you finished when it was hard, you followed the program. ANd when it comes to W6D3, you'll be able to do that too! I know you can do it--and just like you said in one of your earlier posts, remember that we're here to hold your hand and help you!

Btw, I hope your knee is healing well. It sounds nasty! :eek:

3DisneyKids: Congratulations. I hope I get to the point you're at, where you just feel so good. Right now I'm holding onto the program, to the structure, for dear life. (But not to the treadmill, oh no!)

I start W4 tomorrow. Today was XT, and I'm feeling pretty good and limber, so I hope that's a good sign for next week. One day at a time, right? (Or should that be one step at a time. No matter.)
Today was the day I started the C25K. I was all excited and looked forward to it. I decided to do it at the college track instead of my neighborhood (and deal with snow) or the treadmill (I am always tripping or falling off the treadmill).
I had downloaded the podcast onto my MP3 player last week. I bought new headphones for the podcast. I was ready!!!!
I ended up doing W2 podcast and didn't realize it till I was half way through the program and was exhausted. I ran three times for 90 seconds. I kept thinking that something was wrong because I thought you only ran for 60 seconds intervals. But I kept going until I thought my body was going to collapse.
So when I do it on Wednesday, I will have to make sure I have the correct podcast. I think I may do it on the treadmill too because I have no idea how far I went today. Where do all of you do this program at?
Today was the day I started the C25K. I was all excited and looked forward to it. I decided to do it at the college track instead of my neighborhood (and deal with snow) or the treadmill (I am always tripping or falling off the treadmill).
I had downloaded the podcast onto my MP3 player last week. I bought new headphones for the podcast. I was ready!!!!
I ended up doing W2 podcast and didn't realize it till I was half way through the program and was exhausted. I ran three times for 90 seconds. I kept thinking that something was wrong because I thought you only ran for 60 seconds intervals. But I kept going until I thought my body was going to collapse.
So when I do it on Wednesday, I will have to make sure I have the correct podcast. I think I may do it on the treadmill too because I have no idea how far I went today. Where do all of you do this program at?

You DID NOT FAIL! You got out there and you moved! I say GOOD FOR YOU and keep going!

Right now I run on a treadmill. I live in Maine and it is freezing and snowy and icy and windy and just gross. I am aware that running on a TM is not as "challenging" as running on pravement, but I don't care...I am running a heck of a lot more than I was before (which was not at all, of course, because I was on the couch!)

I am not using the C25k podcast, but I am just now subsrcibing and will see how that goes.

I had a great run today! On the TM for 40 minutes, and about 25 of those were spent running (not consecutive....yet!).

Keep RUNNING everyone!
Hi, Everyone!

Joining in on the C25k program :) Plan on doing the 5k next yr during Marathon weekend. Anyone else going to be there? Hoping to find others so we can support one another. :cheer2:

Running for me is not an option, so will walk the course. I do walk a mile each day home from work every day (in good weather) and am on my feet almost all day with 3 yr olds (pre-school teacher). :)

maymom96 - you definitely did not fail!!! We can do this!! BELIEVE!!!
Today was the day I started the C25K. I was all excited and looked forward to it. I decided to do it at the college track instead of my neighborhood (and deal with snow) or the treadmill (I am always tripping or falling off the treadmill).
I had downloaded the podcast onto my MP3 player last week. I bought new headphones for the podcast. I was ready!!!!
I ended up doing W2 podcast and didn't realize it till I was half way through the program and was exhausted. I ran three times for 90 seconds. I kept thinking that something was wrong because I thought you only ran for 60 seconds intervals. But I kept going until I thought my body was going to collapse.
So when I do it on Wednesday, I will have to make sure I have the correct podcast. I think I may do it on the treadmill too because I have no idea how far I went today. Where do all of you do this program at?

You did NOT fail. Look at all the things you did well. You made plans, downloaded the podcast, stuck with it as long as you could. And you're going to do it again on Wednesday, just the correct week. You are DOING IT, girl, and I don't want to hear you get down on yourself! :hug:

FWIW, I'm running exclusively on a TM now. I just up the incline & promise myself that spring's coming.

3DisneyKids: 40 minutes--congratulations! I loved the way you said that you're not running consecutively...yet. That's the attitude!

Christine: Welcome! It sounds like you're already getting a lot of mileage in. I bet you those kids give you a run for your money (my nieces/nephews/extended family's kids tucker me out). I try to walk where ever I can, and I found that I really feel better. I'll be signing up for the 1/2 or the full, but am tempted to add the 5K on to the list because it's just about the length of the Friday before race-day warm-up. I heard it was a fabulous race this year. Good luck and I know you'll do well.

As for me: I finished W4D1, with its 5 minute running intervals. Those are longer than those I trained with for the Goofy. It felt good, but was harder than I expected. (Not harder than the ego blow, but enough to remind me why I'm taking baby steps.) I'm looking forward to Wednesday and seeing if it gets easier.
Just found this thread... I've just started on week 3 of the c25k program. I've got a 5k Scheduled for March 30th here locally (Knoxville,TN)

I'm also a part of the runnersworld forums and taking a part in a friendly team distance competition. Now I'm not getting all that much for distance my runs are usually 2.5 miles total including the warm-up & cool-down. So I add about 7 or so miles per week to the team that I've recently become a member of.

Anyway... Have Fun and enjoy your runs!

Now back to reading through this thread... popcorn:: gotta do something during the presidential speech thing....
Today was the day I started the C25K. I was all excited and looked forward to it... I ended up doing W2 podcast and didn't realize it till I was half way through the program and was exhausted. I ran three times for 90 seconds. I kept thinking that something was wrong because I thought you only ran for 60 seconds intervals. But I kept going until I thought my body was going to collapse... Where do all of you do this program at?

So how exactly did you fail? :confused3 I'm with the others, you completed it, not only did you complete it, you completed a run that is harder than the starting podcasts. So you were successful!

I've been doing this program outside, I'm far enough south that we don't have snow, we had ice one day but fortunately that was a rest day for me. I've mapped out a path on google maps (you can use the mapping software/website of your choice) that is 0.81 mi so depending on how many loops I do, I can figure out how far I've run that time.
I finished W1D3 today! I had intended to start a running program for a while now, but reading about the January Disney 5K really got me motivated. I'm excited and nervous about the weeks to come. Good luck to everyone!
I finished W1D3 today! I had intended to start a running program for a while now, but reading about the January Disney 5K really got me motivated. I'm excited and nervous about the weeks to come. Good luck to everyone!

Hi everyone - I started C25k last week and I am on W2D1. I am so motivated and exciting to finally be starting something! I have been very inactive (walking and hiking sporadically) for about a year due to a foot injury and decided I've babied it long enough. I also met a guy at WDW in July who is from CA and we've been in a LDR for the past 6 months. He runs some but is not an avid runner, although he did run the DL 1/2 marathon without even training...I have no idea how he did it! He is a true motivator and cheerleader which helps so much! :cheer2:

I have one little complaint tonight...:rolleyes: about half way through the run/walk today the inside of my left ankle started hurting. I tried to stretch it but could not find anything that would really get that area. It is now really sore so I've been putting ice on it today hoping it is just a sore muscle. I didn't twist it or sprain it so I am a bit frustrated. Tomorrow I will take a total rest day (I have been doing an easy walk on my rest day) but will totally stay off of it instead tomorrow in hopes that it is better by Wed. I don't want anything to mess with my momentum! :sad2:

Good luck to all of you and I look forward to sharing our sucesses!
I finished W1D3 today! I had intended to start a running program for a while now, but reading about the January Disney 5K really got me motivated. I'm excited and nervous about the weeks to come. Good luck to everyone!

Awesome! Way to go! I am on W2D2, so pretty much at the same place you are. Stick with it! I have tried for my entire life to be a runner (even though I was athletic all through high school) and could NEVER run for any amount of time/distance. I always chose sports and/or positions that did not require me to run a lot. Anyway, with C25K, I can FINALLY run!

Hi everyone - I started C25k last week and I am on W2D1. I am so motivated and exciting to finally be starting something! I have been very inactive (walking and hiking sporadically) for about a year due to a foot injury and decided I've babied it long enough. I also met a guy at WDW in July who is from CA and we've been in a LDR for the past 6 months. He runs some but is not an avid runner, although he did run the DL 1/2 marathon without even training...I have no idea how he did it! He is a true motivator and cheerleader which helps so much! :cheerI have one little complaint tonight...:rolleyes: about half way through the run/walk today the inside of my left ankle started hurting. I tried to stretch it but could not find anything that would really get that area. It is now really sore so I've been putting ice on it today hoping it is just a sore muscle. I didn't twist it or sprain it so I am a bit frustrated. Tomorrow I will take a total rest day (I have been doing an easy walk on my rest day) but will totally stay off of it instead tomorrow in hopes that it is better by Wed.

Good luck to all of you and I look forward to sharing our sucesses!

Hope that ankle is ok. You are right to take the day off. How cool that you met your man at WDW! You know he's gotta be a keeper! :love: Today was an off day for me as well, but I am having such great momentum that I hit the treadmill anyway and repeated W2D1! Love getting it done in the morning--can relax about it the rest of the day!
Today was the day I started the C25K. I was all excited and looked forward to it. I decided to do it at the college track instead of my neighborhood (and deal with snow) or the treadmill (I am always tripping or falling off the treadmill).
I had downloaded the podcast onto my MP3 player last week. I bought new headphones for the podcast. I was ready!!!!
I ended up doing W2 podcast and didn't realize it till I was half way through the program and was exhausted. I ran three times for 90 seconds. I kept thinking that something was wrong because I thought you only ran for 60 seconds intervals. But I kept going until I thought my body was going to collapse.
So when I do it on Wednesday, I will have to make sure I have the correct podcast. I think I may do it on the treadmill too because I have no idea how far I went today. Where do all of you do this program at?

I DON'T think you FAILED???

Regardless of the podcast you had, you DID IT!!!!!!!

As long as you move, YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!!!!

CONGRATS!!! on completing what you had!!!!!!!


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