2 year olds ~ TIPS and TRIPS!


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Here is a thread for families with 2 year olds! Here is my first tip! I'll add as I think of them. Please add your tips and questions too!

(1) I have individually wrapped straws that I cut about a third off. I pack a few in a baggie and keep them in the diaper bag. When 2 year old ds orders a drink at a restaurant I pull one out, take off the wrap and away he goes. Straws are so LONG! At WDW we always eat a Cindy's the first morning and keep the Mickey shaped straw all week. They are short enough for drinks when worried about spills.

(2) Bring your stroller into the hotel room (especially in staying on site). This was a great time saver ~ ds and I would often take off for a stroller walk while dh and dd swam. Some of my most treasured moments lie in this tip.

(3) "Let them eat CAKE!" Well, sort of. Last year at WDW ds was 15 months old and a HUGE Cheerios fan. I packed a giant sized box (well, just the bag part, chucked the box for easier packing), HE DID NOT TOUCH MORE THAN ONE CUP! At home the box would have gone in a week! Instead he ate all his carrot baby food and arrowroot cookies by the second day! I was at Goodings and CBR gift shop buying up all the carrot babyfood. My point, be prepared for a different palate! Good thing muffins are plentiful at WDW, he ate two a day!
I think this is a great thread. We went last year when DD was 15 months old and are going again in March when she'll be 18 months old and then AGAIN for her second birthday in August this year. I always learn something from these types of threads!

Looking foward for more advice for a 2 year old at WDW!

I am so thankful for this thread! Let's hope for lots of ideas!

We are going in December with our two boys, ages 2 and 3, and it'll be the first trip for both of them. I could use all the help I can get!

I don't have tips per say, but I plan to do a few things that might be helpful/fun:

1) The straw thing!! I guess I'm not the only one! lol

2) We're going to give the boys those disposable cameras so that they can take their own pictures. Won't it be neat to see their perspectives!

3) Try to give them as much information as possible shortly before the trip. The oldest is already a huge Disney fan, so he'll be familiar with the characters. But this brings me to a question. Can anyone suggest any websites that have lots of colorful pictures of Disney? I think this would help a lot!

Thanks for creating the new thread!


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