
Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi all, the summer is fast approaching! Who wants another DIS meet?

I recall Toronto Island being a favourite ~ also the zoo and Wonderland are get spots too!

What do you all think?
We vote for Wonderland so if that is an option we would like to go there
Darren & Lisa:p
Hi Sandra! Glad to see you getting this going. I'm all for another meet. I think that if we're going to try for a really large meet with hopefully some of our American friends, as well as as many of us Canadians as possible, it would be nice to have it somewhere that we will have a good chance to talk, mingle, play games or whatever. My vote would be for the Island. It's such a great spot in the summer, and there is Centreville for the kids to have rides on. I sort of feel that if I'm spending the big bucks to get into Wonderland, I'm going to want to spend most of my time riding rides, not visiting with people. I love Wonderland, but don't feel that it lends itself to large group meetings with lots of interaction. It's really hard to do rides in a large group. Any way, just my $.02 worth. Kathy
I'm looking forward to another one!

I'm going to vote for the Island for the reasons Baboo outlined.
I think the Island would be a great place too. I enjoy walking around there.

JULY or AUGUST? Or is it too soon to make plans?

(DSNY FN ~ we can have a mini-met as well for others who want to go to Wonderland ~ we are getting our season passes this weekend)
I'd love to join in for another Dis meet! :D

I don't know when we're taking our summer vacation yet, most likely end of July, first week or two of August, I'll have to see.

Another vote for Centre Island here, big surprise eh??!LOL

I'm curious, is anything happening regarding the Niagara meet that was being discussed? Does anyone know?
I'd like to do a Niagara Disney Meet ~ we go to the Falls all the time!

Our BIG vacation for WDW in April (big sigh, I miss it).

But we are taking a couple more weeks during the summer. June 30 - July 8 and again July 28 - August 6. The latter is 10 whole days ~ someone talk my dh into another trip to WDW! LOL!
Centre Island sounds great! Would it be easier to try to schedule a late June meet??
Works for me ~ I have classes on Saturdays during June, but Sunday's are great! I know we have a birthday party, but the dates not been picked yet.
How about June 24? The next weekend is actually the long weekend, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere near downtown Toronto that weekend (plus we're going camping). Anybody else out there interested? It would be really great to get a BIG DIS MEET going here. I hope that that time of year will make it possible for people to come from all over since the driving is good.
We can do June 24th at Toronto Island. When I have time, I'll call Centreville to see when it opens. THANKS
I would love to come to a meet in Toronto! NOt to put a kink in plans, but I think the weekend of the 24 is Gay Pride in Toronto. Not that this is a problem, just that the city will be VERY congested in the downtown area!
Hi everybody!
This is Linda. I used to live in Peterborough but due to DH's new job, I am now living in Brampton. I have not been paying much attention to the board as of late, but let it be known..... I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!
A meet at the Island on June 24th sounds great. My birthday is on June 26, so I'll tell my husband he has to come as part of my birthday gift...:jester:
I think Mickey65 makes a very good point about how congested the city will be on June 24th during the Gay Pride parade. There will be a large influx of people and many major streets will be shut down. The same is even more true for Carribana, which I think is the July 28th weekend.

Baboo, when do you get back from camping? Also, Julie, when do you leave for WDW in July?
Hi Kim: We are leaving for Florida on the afternoon of Friday, July 20 and return on Monday, August 6. :bounce:
We're only going for the long weekend (extra long in our case, DH is taking off from Thusday to Tuesday). Pretty much any weekend in July would be okay for us as far as I know right now. I wasn't aware that the weekend of June 24 would be so busy, but I sure wouldn't want to try and get anywhere through those crowds. So what's good for everyone else?
That date's ok with us.
I should have put the 7th or the 8th. Sorry Baboo, but how would the 7th be for you. I just figured two options are better then one. :D

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