You Better Start Believing in Success Stories, You're in One! Nov. W.I.S.H Challenge

Happy Monday!

As Elizabeth is being taken captive by the pirates, Jack finds himself stuck in jail.


Against the Governor's wishes Will, desperate to get Elizabeth back, goes to Jack for help. Jack brushes him off at first but after learning Will's name agrees to help. Will breaks Jack out of prison.
Then the pair manage to cleverly commandeer a ship for their voyage.


At the start of the movie Will seemly despises pirates. Now to save his love he needs to become one. So my question for you is: Looking back on your journey to a healthier you, is there something you're doing now that you never thought you would?
Anyone have healthy and filling breakfast ideas? I eat pretty early since I run in the mornings, but I don't get to eat lunch until I'm done teaching class at 12, so I need something that will last for a while! Or maybe I need to bring a small pre-class snack to tide me over...

Glad to be back, and I'll try to be semi-regular about checking in :)

My breakfast 5 out of 7 days is greek yogurt and fruit
The other 2 days would be one of the following
egg & egg whites and veggies omelette
oatmeal with banana & milk
and sometimes bagel with egg and tomatoes

very rarely when I need a big protein boost I would make myself tom venutoes egg white wramble with turkey mince. It's very low cal and high prtein but I find if I have such high protein meal I don't get hungry for very long after, but also I don't enjoy my food as much for some reason. I prefer getting properly hungry before lunch. I find my energy levels better on little higher carbs
I am at a big fat 0% this week. I made some really bad food choices at Disney this weekend. But this is a new week!

My answer for today is running. I always said to myself that I would never be a runner. I even made fun of people who did. I never thought in a million years that it would be my life now. It has definitely made me a healthier and stronger (physically and mentally) person and I am glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to try it.
Still searching.

I guess my point is it's all experimental... trying things here and there to see what you can live happy with. I can be happy without all the junk I ate this weekend, but I needed to see what would happen (and eating pizza again was pretty fun). Ideally, I think allowing myself two "cheat" meals a week is where I need to be to keep steady as long as my weekdays are in that 1300 calorie range and I'm getting 3 to 4 runs in a week.

I don't think anyone is ever "done" when it comes down to losing weight. I'm always learning new things.

I couldn't imagine living a day on 1300! It sounds so little. I hope you manage to settle on little higher week days, but you are right to keep a close eye and see what your level is

Yes, I agree. There isn't done. It's little like chronically condition as dr Yoni state. Once you get it under control you still need to work on staying there.

At the start of the movie Will seemly despises pirates. Now to save his love he needs to become one. So my question for you is: Looking back on your journey to a healthier you, is there something you're doing now that you never thought you would?

Yes - yoga! Previously I always thought about results. Yoga doesn't burn much calories. Yoga doesn't build as much strength and muscle (which burn more calories even at rest). So it was never part of the plan.

When I choose to focus on things that I enjoy, and actual enjoyment of the way I live and eat yoga found place in my life and I am so happy it did.
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Glad to have you back! And Your breakfast question I would suggest healthy snacks after your run. Maybe even a protein shake if you can.

Yeah, I usually eat breakfast after my run, because that means I can sleep a little bit more :P Running after food doesn't work for me very well. I think I either just need a very filling breakfast, or I can bring a small snack to eat before I start teaching. I usually get to campus early enough that I have 20-30 minutes before I need to go to my classroom, and planning something small would probably help.

I find that I usually do better with protein-rich breakfast rather than carb heavy ones. Some baked oatmeal recipes have staying power for me, but other than that I tend to lean toward eggs and toast or something. I probably need to start thinking outside the box a bit! I could probably bring along a protein shake or smoothie as a snack too, so that's something to consider :)

Looking back on your journey to a healthier you, is there something you're doing now that you never thought you would?

Running -I had tried running quite a few times, and always quit when I got around the 5k mark due to knee issues or other soreness issues, and also an idea that I had to run the whole time or I wasn't "really" running. I have gotten over those issues with the Jeff Galloway style of training, which has made it possible for me to run a half marathon and also share in a community of people who are runners and use intervals. I never thought I would be the person who gets up at 5:15 almost every morning to get a run in - but I do! And I certainly never thought that I'd start running every day and still be doing it 136 days later (and counting)!

Happy Monday morning! Busy week ahead but needed to check in!

I did pretty good over the weekend, no eating out and less adult beverages. We painted on Saturday so I had to use my energy for that rather than the gym unfortunately

Sunday I got together with friends and we made our Christmas cards! Love having that done!

This week hectic, but I'm going think of you All when I'm on the road
Happy Monday!

As Elizabeth is being taken captive by the pirates, Jack finds himself stuck in jail.

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Against the Governor's wishes Will, desperate to get Elizabeth back, goes to Jack for help. Jack brushes him off at first but after learning Will's name agrees to help. Will breaks Jack out of prison.
Then the pair manage to cleverly commandeer a ship for their voyage.

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At the start of the movie Will seemly despises pirates. Now to save his love he needs to become one. So my question for you is: Looking back on your journey to a healthier you, is there something you're doing now that you never thought you would?

I would have to say working out more or at all. Growing up and really until I hit about 30 I never needed to watch what I ate and never had to work out. I was 90-100 pounds through high school and only went up to 116 early to mid 20's. Now that the weight has gone up and if i don't do anything it continues to go up I need to watch what I eat and I need to move more.
I am at a big fat 0% this week. I made some really bad food choices at Disney this weekend. But this is a new week!

My answer for today is running. I always said to myself that I would never be a runner. I even made fun of people who did. I never thought in a million years that it would be my life now. It has definitely made me a healthier and stronger (physically and mentally) person and I am glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to try it.

Running is my answer too! I NEVER in a million years thought I would be a runner. And now its just a part of who I am! So glad I found it!

I'm at 20%! I haven't lost any weight yet but I have been weighing myself daily!
Love music. Guilty pleasure - my favorite band is Imagine Dragons. When I bought tickets for them many friends were buying tickets for their kids! I am 38 and my favorite band is also favorite to many teens but who cares - they are awesome

We like them in my house too! Last year a group of us - me and my 2 boys together with one of my BFFs and her kids (her son and my son are good friends at school) went to see them live in Brisbane at the Riverstage. Us older girls loved them as much as the younger crowd and best of all we managed to embarrass them with our 'mum dancing' lol! I do remember at the time telling a work colleage who is a few years younger than me with younger kids than mine that I was going to see Imagine Dragons and she replied "what is an imagine dragon?" lol looks like having teens helps keeps you young!

Looking back on your journey to a healthier you, is there something you're doing now that you never thought you would?

Getting up early to exercise - I am so not a morning person - but I really enjoy it when I do it.
I love Pilates, I have never done a formal class but I bought some videos. When I lost weight before I was doing it religiously and it made such a difference!

Yes - yoga! Previously I always thought about results. Yoga doesn't burn much calories. Yoga doesn't build as much strength and muscle (which burn more calories even at rest). So it was never part of the plan.

When I choose to focus on things that I enjoy, and actual enjoyment of the way I live and eat yoga found place in my life and I am so happy it did.
It is so important to do things that you love or else you won't stick to it. I'm glad you found something that you love!

Yeah, I usually eat breakfast after my run, because that means I can sleep a little bit more :P Running after food doesn't work for me very well. I think I either just need a very filling breakfast, or I can bring a small snack to eat before I start teaching. I usually get to campus early enough that I have 20-30 minutes before I need to go to my classroom, and planning something small would probably help.

I find that I usually do better with protein-rich breakfast rather than carb heavy ones. Some baked oatmeal recipes have staying power for me, but other than that I tend to lean toward eggs and toast or something. I probably need to start thinking outside the box a bit! I could probably bring along a protein shake or smoothie as a snack too, so that's something to consider :)

Running -I had tried running quite a few times, and always quit when I got around the 5k mark due to knee issues or other soreness issues, and also an idea that I had to run the whole time or I wasn't "really" running. I have gotten over those issues with the Jeff Galloway style of training, which has made it possible for me to run a half marathon and also share in a community of people who are runners and use intervals. I never thought I would be the person who gets up at 5:15 almost every morning to get a run in - but I do! And I certainly never thought that I'd start running every day and still be doing it 136 days later (and counting)!
When I started running I struggled with intervals and not feeling like a real runner too. I love how excepting the running community is!!

Happy Monday morning! Busy week ahead but needed to check in!

I did pretty good over the weekend, no eating out and less adult beverages. We painted on Saturday so I had to use my energy for that rather than the gym unfortunately

Sunday I got together with friends and we made our Christmas cards! Love having that done!

This week hectic, but I'm going think of you All when I'm on the road
I love the fact that you make your Christmas cards!! Safe travels :)

I would have to say working out more or at all. Growing up and really until I hit about 30 I never needed to watch what I ate and never had to work out. I was 90-100 pounds through high school and only went up to 116 early to mid 20's. Now that the weight has gone up and if i don't do anything it continues to go up I need to watch what I eat and I need to move more.
30 seems to be the magic number for changes!

Running is my answer too! I NEVER in a million years thought I would be a runner. And now its just a part of who I am! So glad I found it!

I'm at 20%! I haven't lost any weight yet but I have been weighing myself daily!
It's crazy how I went from hating running to craving it!

We like them in my house too! Last year a group of us - me and my 2 boys together with one of my BFFs and her kids (her son and my son are good friends at school) went to see them live in Brisbane at the Riverstage. Us older girls loved them as much as the younger crowd and best of all we managed to embarrass them with our 'mum dancing' lol! I do remember at the time telling a work colleage who is a few years younger than me with younger kids than mine that I was going to see Imagine Dragons and she replied "what is an imagine dragon?" lol looks like having teens helps keeps you young!

Getting up early to exercise - I am so not a morning person - but I really enjoy it when I do it.
I know how you feel I hate mornings but I have to admit I always feel so good after exercising in the am.
60.1 kg this morning. I have a feeling another half a kg will be down in the next few days. I always weigh more few days after long haul. Went to bed late last night, woke up late but just on time to make it to school. DS wasn't feeling the best last night and went to bed at 6 without making his homework and he didn't woke up on time today either so I need to pick him up early and take him home so he get to rest properly too. Hope he doesn't pick up a cold as soon as we are back, he had slight temperature :/

Gym is not happening today. I am too tired. If I feel up to I will do the yogalosophy workout home later, went out for 30 minutes walk and will do another 30 minutes before collecting my son. I feel bit achy from the workout yesterday.

Yesterday was great - nearly 15 000 steps + yoga + 1920 calories.

Have a healthy day All.

To all american participants - good luck on elections day. Vote. Brexit was widely reported that will loose according to polls but they didn't and they won with very little % so every vote count. Whatever your political views and choices are, if you can, do try to use your right to vote as it can make a difference.
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I am feeling a bit better today. I eat really good yesterday and I drank 35 oz. of water. I only had about 1,000 calories but that is because I ate a huge chicken salad for dinner. I only ate 1 snack. I had tortilla chips. I didn't count the chips out but I was right around 2 servings (about 14 chips). I did work out last night. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical (I need to work back up to 30 minutes) and 30 minutes on the treadmill. I also did my exercise ball workout. Holding a plank for 10 seconds at a time and sit-up/backwards plank and holding that for 10 seconds each as well. I was giving these exercises to do when I was in PT for my back after my car accident. They really helped with flattening my stomach as well.

This morning I weighted myself again and I was down 2.2 pounds from yesterday. I am now at 10% of my goal.
Looking back on your journey to a healthier you, is there something you're doing now that you never thought you would?

I'm going to also say running! I hated running with a passion in school. It made me miserable. And throughout the years I've tried to pick it back up again (always with a running partner) and still just hated it. Then 2 years ago I decided that I wanted to give it another shot. But I mostly ran by myself. And that's when I started to love it! I took it at my own pace, didn't care about timing or what place I was in. I just ran and pushed myself at a pace that I was comfortable with. That has helped me tremendously. In other words, I'm a runner that appreciates that it's a solitary sport and am rarely looking for someone to run with.


So I'm trying to apply the WW mentality of "0 point" foods to MFP. Because I still feel that WW restricts me on too many things that I enjoy (like peanut butter!!!) but I'm not able to be successful on MFP for whatever reason and I think it's because I don't have that push to eat fruits and veggies. So, I've taken down my calorie goal to 1200 a day and then any fruits or veggies that would be 0 points on WW are not tracked. I'm going to see how a week at this goes. I'm so desperate to clean up my eating and lose some weight!
So, I am back from a wonderful birthday weekend with my sister. Yes, eating was far from perfect. But also far from catastrophic. I made the conscious decision that good food in company is how I enjoy celebrating big events. So, if I do this twice a year (once for my birthday and once for Christmas), I will not get fat again from that. The key is that it needs to be an exception. So, today is back into my normal rhythm. So far I have been good!

Now I am home early from work as there are some people coming installing smoke detectors in the whole house. We are getting some new ones that can be tested electronically. Sound good to me and I have read that those are far more reliable than the simple ones. Hopefully I will never have cause to actually use the smoke detector for what it is supposed to do, but it is always good to have the best technology for things like that....

QOTD: Another one who says running. I remember as a teenager our sports teacher at school thought it was a good idea to make us run around the port field for 10 (or 15 minutes or so?) and then grade us on how far we were able to run in that amount of time. One of the worst things ever in my opinion. There was no way I could run that long and all during the spring and summer we were supposed to do this every 6 weeks or so. Supposedly to see if we had improved. No idea how we were supposed to improve since we never practiced running. And the idea of getting grades for sport is one of the worst things all together in my opinion. I was an excellent student in all academic subjects. But with this running thing, I knew I would get an F for sport for certain. I was a chubby teenager and this was the best way to make sure that I absolutely did not enjoy moving at all. However, later on after I had managed to lose quite some weight in university going to fitness classes at the university's sports program (not being graded and having encouraging friends really helped) I had a BF whose mother was a runner and she motivated me to start running and I was amazed how much I enjoyed it! Or better - how much I appreciated having a simple way to get exercise in without having to travel somewhere and such. And then I learned to love it.

After making a stop in Tortuga, Jack, Will and their new buccaneer crew make their way to the Isla de Muerta. On the way it is revealed that Jack was once the captain of the Black Pearl. Captain Barbossa was Jack's first mate and he led a mutiny against Jack.

Elizabeth and the crew of the Black Pearl are also headed to the Isla de Muerta. It is revealed that the crew is cursed and cannot die. They are headed to the island to return the last piece of gold that will break the curse. Once on the island they return the coin covered in Elizabeth's blood thinking it will do the trick. BUT It turns out Elizabeth lied about her father and was not the person they needed after all.


Will was able to sneak into the cave and lie in wait to rescue Elizabeth while the pirates are distracted. However Jack gets left behind.

What about the people in your life are they a mutinous crew when it comes to your journey or are they always right there ready to help when you need it?

Question for fun-
What is the craziest weight loss thing you have tried that didn't really work?

I have a mixed crew in my life. My parents are mutinous. They say they want me to lose weight and get healthier but when I do it's like they get jealous. My dad even told me it was impossible for me to run a marathon. I try to block it out and use it as motivation but I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt my feelings. On the other hand DH and my kids are always their to help. They run with me and always tell me I am doing a good job. I try to focus on them much more than on the negative stuff.

I have done many stupid thing to lose weight but the craziest thing I have tried to loss weight was a soup diet. I had nothing but soup for days. I was always starving and it did not last long!


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