Yogurt Sucks!



My BF and I just got back from spending a day at USF. We've been several times before and enjoyed all the popular attractions and found very little wait times which was a nice surprise. In any case, I do have one complaint.

I know in the past there have been employees taking park surveys at the exit. In the area on the street between Twister and the Monster Cafe we were bombarded several times by vulture-like survey takers who specifically attacked me as a woman between the ages of 18 and 52. They began by asking us where we were from, then the age question and just jumped right in to the personal stuff....

Yup, they asked me if I regulary bought refrigerated yogurt. ;) I am assuming the survey was based around this dairy delight as when I told them I never bought yogurt, they immediately dismissed me. But of course, as soon as I came out from Twister, having once been questioned on the way in, I was attacked yet again. For some reason, I actually humored the surveyer and answered the preliminary question again before denying my love of yogurt and being dismissed once more. My BF and I then decided to sit down on a bench nearby the surveyers, having thought all the vultures saw our failed attempt at completing the survey, we thought we were safe. Sure enough though we were attacked once more until we finally got up and left, with one on our heels as we sprinted towards refugre in the USF store. Having first been annoyed then almost disturbed at the encounters of the day we returned later with one of those innovative little twirly LED message thingies (you know, the ones that say "Let's Party!") and replaced it with the phrase "Yogurt Sucks". I know it sounds harsh, but trust me, it was fitting. A couple of the employees chuckled, a couple appeared upset. In the end, I know they are just doing their job, but being a USH employee myself, I even know that you just need to know when to say no....especially when it involves Yogurt.

Thanks for reading my rant.

DisneyDork <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
DisneyDork...thanks for sharing that story! We bought one of those LED thingies too! They really are pretty cool. I could just imagine you swinging yogurt sucks! Very funny! :D

At Christmastime, as we were walking past part of the New York section, a man came out of one of the buildings and asked if I would take part in a yogurt taste test. I went inside with him, tasted two yogurts, answered some questions, and he gave me five dollars. We were there again last Friday and saw two people standing outside the same building. Wonder if it was yogurt tasting again or some other product. The whole thing is a little peculiar, isn't it?
We also took the survey and got $5.

DD, these guys are just doing a job, give them a break :rolleyes: . I would HATE having to approach people on vacation to lure them in to a building to taste yogurt!

Surprisingly the yogurt was incredibly good, it was an easy survey, and since it was my son's birthday, I gave the $5 to him. He quickly bought a Scooby Doo toy for himself... :D


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>
Hey give me a break...I didn't attack them personally. I am an employee of Universal and understand that they are doing their job. I just thought the situation was odd and a little annoying considering I only think about yogurt in a grocery store, not when I am on vacation at a theme park. That type of survey isn't usually given at theme parks so I thought it was interesting. Like most, I enjoy posting stories that I would like to share with others on the boards...I thought this one would give all the fellow Universal fans a laugh. :)

DisneyDork <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">


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