Wrap Or Braid?


Aug 13, 2000
What is the difference between each? Not sure I am familiar with either one. Don't remember seeing anyone with braids. Anyway can someone please explain both options. I have a 4 yr old who loves me to braid her hair. Is she too young or does just depend on the amount of hair you have? Please help?
All I remember are the hair wraps. I do not remember a stand that does braids. The hair wraps are everywhere in the parks, hotels, and DTD. They take a portion of the hair and wrap it in different color like string. You pick out the color and then they have beads to put on too. The price depends on the length of the hair and the added accesories you put on it. Our daughter always has to do this. Most of the stands I have seen, you will have to sign up for a time to have it done. The last time, our daughter had hers done at CBR and it was always busy. We ran down the first thing in the morning and signed up right away. It is a hot item. We are close to the Mall of America and they are busy doing them there. FYI... I think my daughter's was approx. 10 inches long plus she added 1 bead and it ran $26.00 and 5 minutes later. It don't take long for them to wrap them. Hope this helps.
Yes megansmom is right, we get ours done every time we go and they last awhile, we got ours the beginning of Dec. and ours are still in, so it may seem expensive but they last.
I have 2 DD's who are both teens now, and through the years, they have had the wraps and the braids. The wraps are the long colorful adornments with beads, you see hanging from the hair. They do last a very long time, so the expense is worth it.

Last summer, my girls wanted the braids that were all the rage over at the YC/BC. These are braids close to the head in small rows, and some people refer to them as cornrows.

We made an appointment at the hair salon for them to be done. Much more expensive, :eek: ($50 each) and one DD'S with shorter hair, didn't even last the week. Other DD's with longer hair, lasted about 2 weeks. The women who did the braids said they would last about 2-3 weeks. Not true, they get too fuzzy and messy looking by then. My girls were happy they had them, and we took their picture with them before they came out. This was one of their souvenirs, but I already told them that we won't be doing braids again this year.:rolleyes:

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I too am curious. My daughter will be 5 when we go and would like one of them done to her hair. I can add this, on our last trip, my daughter was 3 and the girl and the hotel doing the wraps suggested I do not do it. Could you believe she was turning money down. She was very honest and said that she is young with fine hair. When the wrap is ready to come out, your hair actually breaks and falls off. This is what the woman told me, is this true?
My daughter has fairly thin hair and would rather the braids.
Where can I find the braid stand in disney? I have seen the wraps all around.
First - as to the hair breakage with the wraps.... I have fine hair and the strands that were wrapped had to be cut, they were so damaged. If you do this, I'd pick a strand that is in the underneath part of the hair - so it can be seen dangling below the hair, or when it's up.

As to the braids - my girlfriend's daughter got braids while we were just there. She is 10, with thick wavy hair that hits just below her shoulders. The only place we found was the salon at YC - and we made an appt. To do half her head (cornrowed the top-front part) was $45, plus tip and it took about a half hour. They have different colors of rubberbands (rubberbands are the only way, so beware to the fine-haired) and will even do different designs in the braids. One tip the braider at the salon gave us was to sleep in a do-rag and spray in a conditioner or glosser every day (keeps them together better). We'll have to see - it's only been 5 days since it's been done.

My girlfriend had her whole head of hair braided in Jamacia - and loved it. She only kept it for the week, but it took out the worry of "how's my hair look?" because it stayed the same! I think she said it took 2 hours and cost about $100.
We were at WDW the week after Thankgiving with the Grandparents (dh's side). They took my 2 3/4 year old out to the parks one day and she had a wrap when they got back!!! :eek:

It looked cute but I would never have let her do it if I were there! - Not for the $15 my MIL told me it cost! :rolleyes:

Anyway, she loved it and it lasted until 2/7/02 when it finally fell off - about 6 weeks. It did break off her hair but not at the top but more like half way. It was fine in her case because we had cut her hair short the week before (except for the wrap) to discourage her from pulling her hair out when she was sleeping. We just trimmed the ends a bit and it blended right in with the rest of her hair. :jester:
OMG! - thank all of you so much - i got the wraps a couple of times but i have wanted the braids for years - and i never knew where to get them! - thanx for all you help! - i will make sure to get them done when i go - which will be on sunday - and ill let you all know how they work! - thanx again! :p :bounce:
i happen to run one of the companies that does hair wraps on disney property.

hair braids are cornrows...the only place we know of on property that does them is periwigs at the yacht and beach club resort...this is by appointment only.

as for the hair wraps, they are everywhere...some of the places have temp. shut down due to the decline in tourism, but you should still be able to find them...a hairwrap is a small section of hair, usually taken behind the ear, and wrapped with up to four different colors of floss. the wrap goes to the end of the hair, then beads are added. they are $1.50 per inch, plus the price of beads. if you like, ask for an estimate before you begin.

as long as the hair is at least 5 inches long, they can get a hairwrap on shorter hair, but it won't last as long. whether you have fine hair or not, it shouldnt matter....we just take a little bit more hair to make it more stable..what you want to worry about is if the person with fine hair will play with the wrap...it they twist it, swing it, chew on it, it won't last long at all...the length of time a hairwrap lasts, all depends on the care and the type and texture of hair. of course, if the person is new or have been doing wraps for a long time may have something to do with it too, but you didnt' hear that from me.lol. all hairwrappers are licsenced by the board of cosmetology.

also, for people getting cornrows..be sure to use sunblock between each braid...burns on the scalp HURT....if you have any other questions, let me know


zx mom
So what is the deal about the "breakage"?!!:eek: My daughter is 4 1/2yo and I had thought about getting this done on our next trip. I've seen it on all our trips, but figured she wasn't that interested yet. However, now I know that she'd love it, but I'm very concerned about her hair breaking. This is not an option!! Her hair is about waist-length, with a little curl, and about medium texture. Can you tell me definate information about whether it would break off or not? Thanks!
the hairwraps should last til you are ready to TAKE them out. but you do have the occasion where the hairwrap gets caught on something, or played with alot. your hair sheds naturally anyway, so even when you take it out on your own, you will have some hair come out with it. but sometime, it is pulled out by the person, or someone else. it can get caught in a brush if you are not careful. i've even heard a girl get it caught in a toilet seat and it come out (she had extremely long hair.) i've heard them all. but, as long as you take care of it the way a care sheet given to you says, it should last til you are ready to take it out. that is another reason a hairwrap is recommended to be done on the underside of the hair, if it does happen to come out, the hair hides the spot.
Thanks for the response. I used to be a hairdresser, and really could not understand why they would cause the hair to break, unless someone constantly twisted,etc... Glad to know I can plan to surprise my daughter with this!!:) :)

104 days and counting!!!
On the hair breakage issue, I can only tell you what happened with my hairwrap experience.

At the time, I had mid-back length hair, and I had two wraps put in on the underside. They were very well done - very tight - and lasted almost 2 months. The reason the strands had to be cut is because of two things.... the hair that is above the wrap (admittedly, mine went to about 3" from the root) can't really be brushed. I tried very hard to keep it smooth, but it ended up a little funky looking. Because it was on so long, and the hair was so tightly wrapped, when I took the wraps off, the hair underneath was very damaged from being twisted and non-conditioned.

But - like I said - I had it done underneath, and once the wrap came off and the hair was cut, it was still long enough to go up in a pony-tail or twist.

Also - I didn't have my wraps done at Disney - they may have a different way of doing them.

Have fun - I bet your daughter will love it - I know I loved mine, and I was 24 at the time. Mine were made out of embroidery thread, so I had metallic and other gorgeous threads, then had little bells put on the bottom (yup - done at a hippy fest).
Thanks for the reply. I think if I have it done, I'll make sure to carefully take it out after a week or so!!
I have had my hari braided several times and wrapped. The wrap will last as long as you get someone who knows what they are doing. If they don't tie it off just right and you have fine hair, it will just come right out. If they do it correctly, it can last indefinitely! Mine stayed in for 4 months and it was growing out so much that I had a bunch of new hair showing so I had to cut it out.

I first got my hair braided in the Bahamas in 2000 on a Disney Cruise. It cost me $100 and it took 3 hours (very long hair). These ladies do this all day as their lively hood so they are fast and the braids are TIGHT! Mine stayed in for almost 4 weeks. If you are white, your hair will come out quicker. And yes, you CAN wash it. Use gel to slick down to hairs that begin to stick out.

I loved the braids so much that I have had it done with local black hair dressers here for half the cost, but since many are not used to doing "white" hair, they tend to not get it tight enough and it only lasts a couple of weeks.

Tip: If you are plannig on doing this on a cruise - TAKE YOUR OWN COMB and BRUSH because people have been known to get head lice.
I've always wondered why people don't get their hair braided before the trip. It's so much cheaper that way.


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