Would you share your secret spots with us?


Earning My Ears
Jan 14, 2001
We live about 40 minutes from Disney and have Florida residence passes. We have been going to the parks about 2-3 times a month (I still can't get enough!). We take one part of the park of the day and totally do everything in that area. After reading some of the threads on here we are missing alot of things still. I want to see EVERYTHING that Disney has to offer. Would you please share your favorite tucked away place with us? Thanks for you help!
If you are in the MK with the carousel to your back, looking toward the entrance, there is a walkway to the left of the castle that leads over to tomorrowland. It actually comes out by Cosmic Rays. I think this is a cool area. it has a great view of main street, and usually few people go that way.
There is the greatest post all about this on the Theme Parks Board. There have been about 90 posters and it's fantastic. It talks about all the smallest most magical things Disney has to offer.
There is a small garden area to the right of Cinderella's castle. Several times a day, Belle comes to read and act out fairy tales. Our kids loved it! It was one of their favorite parts of our trip.


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