Working the System - A NYE PTR - Link to TR is up! 1/13

I am definitely in here, Cynthia. Thanks for the PM. I'll be back later to read - still need to get some things ready for school tomorrow. :goodvibes
You have a great family! Glad you could get almost everyone together for this trip.

Jill in CO
I'm here I'm here! Great intro! Loving all the family pictures and history :)
Cynthia, I loved your introductions, as always. And I thorough enjoyed meeting the rest of your family.

This certainly sounds like it will be one epic trip and I would love to be a fly on the wall for when those four boys are together. Jeff, you better bring ear plugs for sleeping. ;)
Got the Bat signal and I am subbing! :goodvibes It is driving me CRAZY that we are JUST missing each other- by 2 days! :eek:

You really need to come with MEK and I on that October cruise- and I know a GREAT TA who could help you book it, lol-

Looking forward to reading about all the insanity! :yay::dance3::woohoo:
I'm here! I saw the bat signal :rotfl:

Great start and introductions, I love how this trip came to be!
Love all the intros and the trip down memory lane.

4 teenage boys !!!!! You better bring ear plugs. :rotfl2:
I'm late, but I'm here! Still have to go back and read the end of the Aulani TR but I'll be back!!
Nice detailed intro. You're blessed friend. This is going to be an amazing trip. Love all the photos.
Following along! :)

:welcome: so happy to have you here!

Climbing aboard to secure my spot for this adventure and will be back to read. Super excited to hear about all you have planned. Organizing for a group this big is no easy feat! But oh what a great time you are going to have!!!

Yay! :welcome: Christine :goodvibes It's a good group, I am starting to get very excited!

Hi Kristi! :welcome: so happy to have you here!

I wouldn't miss this BFP'd pre-trip report for anything. Poor Jeff really got initiated with that first family trip, didn't he?:rotfl: I had tears in my eyes when you spoke about your friend and his daughter standing up to speak. Like she said (and your family agreed), it is important to spend time with your family doing things that you love. You never know when your time is up.

Looking forward to hearing more about your BFP.

BFP'd, I love that! :welcome: Lisa! It is important, you don't know and you do need to treat every day and moment (as best we can, which is HARD) as if it might be it.

Poor Jeff. I do believe in surrvival of the fittest


It's a tough crowd in some ways. We are so close that it can be a thing where either you fit in, or you don't. We don't mean to be that way but oh, over the years, the spouses have complained at times. That said, once you are really in, you are IN. My exSIL is not allowed to leave the clan. She tried. We said no. Thankfully she and my brother have an amiable relationship where that's worked out ok over the years, especially as time has gone on. She was so cute, everyone is invited to my house for turkey day and she responded with a yes, saying that while my brother had my nephew (and he had responded separately with a yes) that she'd be there and wasn't I proud she didn't check with him first. Why yes, yes I was! Family is born, but it is also made.

Yay i'm here!

And I love how the 'talk' between your family about going, became real. And I totally agree with her father. My parents could really never afford Disneyland trips, but they would still take us, either every year or every other year. Then my father passed away. Now looking back, i'm so grateful for every trip that I had with him and I appreciate all that my parents went through to give us those trips.:goodvibes

:welcome: Alicia!!!! We couldn't afford it either and yet we would do month long camping trips each summer. I have friends that are always commenting on how much we travel relative to their lives and well, it's just a matter of priorities. That time, those memories are so pivotal. Not that daily life isn't but as an adult, what you carry with you, often is those special non everyday things. Even if it's just a weekend at a lake in a tent. It is easy to to get bogged down in life, in finances, in work and not make the time. To me, the cost of not doing that is much much greater.

This will be one fantastic trip for you and your family!

I hope so!!! I think it will be a neat mix now that the boys are all so much older, we will get some group adult time in a way we don't always get. Though we all do get out together as adults semi a group it is harder.
Cynthia, I'm here. I love the background history of the trip. The pictures of the "E's" when they were younger are so fun to look at. This is going to be a great trip. And as your friend's father said, "the bills will always be there, but we may not." Enjoy is much too short.

:welcome: Kathy!!!

It would be nice if the bills weren't there but we can't have it all, right? It's about balance and I think it's easy to give up some of the good in an effort to find balance...and all that does is make one unbalanced (if that makes sense lol).

Aren't they so little in those pictures?

We took a big family trip to WDW back in 77. Those memories are priceless, not long after Dad was having signs of Altzheimer's. So glad we had those good times. Disney means so much to me, Dad took me to see Lady and the Tramp on my 7th birthday, just the two of us, another sweet memory.

:welcome: Doris!

Such a blessing to have those memories!!!!! For my sisters and I, this is ALL about my Dad. Jeff and my BIL too for that matter. The E's can't really see that now, it's all about the cousins but I know they will never for get this time with Grandpa, Evan in particular has a special bond with my Dad.

Your friend was right, make those wonderful memories while you can. Sounds like some great times are ahead!

We intend to, I am getting so excited! Speaking of, did you start a new TR? I've been so "gone" lately I am all kinds of confused on my threads.

What a great start!! Loved all the "old"pics of the E's, sooo cute!!! Yay for you and your siisters making the trip a priority!! Can't wait to hear all about it.

:welcome: Mary! Those old pics crack me up, especially Evan's and it's always funny to see my chubby baby Eric.

I am very excited. Bummed that my one brother and exSIL didn't really get on board. I do get it and understand the reasons but have one nephew that is getting a little bit of a raw deal and that bums me out. If I could I'd just take him but I can't swing all of it and it bums me out. It is what it is. I am hoping that our next trip, we can just bring him with us.

Bill always say money means nothing, memories are priceless. Can't wait to read more.

Bill is a wise wise man! And absolutely right.

:welcome: Tracy! So happy to have you here.

I'm in! I love WDW over New Years!

I am excited! Nervous about the crowds etc but so excited, I've never seen it decorated at all and just the thought of all that happy energy lifts me up!
I think I made it!!!! Phew :lmao:

We will be able to meet up right??? Can't wait !!!! :cool1:

YES!!! We will be neighbors so it should be pretty easy for us to meet up, officially and casually I would think. :lmao: Definitely hoping to hang with you a bit! I am thinking a drink in the WS is in order for sure. I'll be posting plans etc and :thumbsup2 for texting.

:welcome: Pat!

Great start. Love the pics of the E's as little boys. My, they've grown!

Jill in CO

Funny how they do that huh! It cracks me up to look at pictures of them when they were that little, especially when it's been a while since I have. Eric was so roly poly! And they were both bald for forever...

:welcome: Jill!

I'm in girl! :woohoo: Love the intro and all of the photos.

Yay! Jenny's here!!! :cool1::cool1:

:welcome: my friend

I'm in too, sounds like a lot of fun and that the timing couldn't be better!

:welcome: I have lots of questions, it's actually been a bit since I've been so need all the input I can get as we firm things up. Not a time of year that lends itself terribly well to spontaneity.

This looks like a great trip! Making memories like this are what it's all about!

:welcome: Carolyn! You have been a huge help with insight into our dates, I know you will have some good input on our plans.
:welcome: Andy!!!

I'm glad that you're all going to get this big family trip together. It is always great to get to spend some quality time together like that, especially if it is in Disney World. I know the crowds that week won't be much fun, but I'm sure you'll find ways to overcome and I know you'll have fun, given the fact that you'll all be together. :thumbsup2

The crowds won't. I do hope the weather allows for resort and pool time but I have a feeling that for the adults (other than the occasional jacuzzi), it will not. I am grateful to be staying at the Boardwalk, it's a rather lovely place to retreat to even without the pool and I have a feeling we will. For me, I'm also ok with exploring the other resorts versus park/rides but that may well not be the case for many as they've not been as often. At the end of the day, whatever my folks want to do, is what I will do. I think the real question is (and will be a whole post!) is...

How much freedom do we give those teens?


I am definitely in here, Cynthia. Thanks for the PM. I'll be back later to read - still need to get some things ready for school tomorrow. :goodvibes

YAY! :welcome: Karin

so happy you are here

You have a great family! Glad you could get almost everyone together for this trip.

Jill in CO

Thanks Jill! It is "almost" everyone. The Ohio and Germany arms were pretty much always out on this trip but I am bummed about my one nephew and truth be told, exSIL. I adore my brother but he can be a little high maintenance (aka selfish) so while it won't be the same without him, it will arguably be easier. Bummed about Isaac though. Not my call and I do hope to make it up to him on my own some day by taking him along on a future trip. Probably summer of 2016 though which seems like forever and a day. We will see, all depends on how 2015 shakes out.

I'm here I'm here! Great intro! Loving all the family pictures and history :)

:welcome: Pam!!! I probably got carried away on all of that but thanks :goodvibes

I got the Bat-signal...thanks! Back to read later. :)

:welcome: Glenn!!! It wouldn't be the same without you, very happy to see you here!
I am here!


:welcome: Ann!

Cynthia, I loved your introductions, as always. And I thorough enjoyed meeting the rest of your family.

Thanks Kathy! I rather like them

This certainly sounds like it will be one epic trip and I would love to be a fly on the wall for when those four boys are together. Jeff, you better bring ear plugs for sleeping. ;)

Seriously! It is worse when it is all 6 but oh, bless his heart, Quin is so loud! We just need to WEAR THEM OUT each day, so they crash hard


The one night in the treehouse will be a bit of a relief...they will be in 2 rooms there which will help.

Got the Bat signal and I am subbing! :goodvibes It is driving me CRAZY that we are JUST missing each other- by 2 days! :eek:

That bites, I mean really really bites! I would love for the E's to meet your boys. WAH! Major baseball connection and all!

You really need to come with MEK and I on that October cruise- and I know a GREAT TA who could help you book it, lol-

Or....YOU need to come on our May trip :thumbsup2

I wish on Oct. Right now Jeff and I are on the Sept San Juan sailing...not sure if we will really do it but it is seeming more and more likely :thumbsup2

Looking forward to reading about all the insanity! :yay::dance3::woohoo:

Insanity is right

And a trip or two to the Ditch

I'm here! I saw the bat signal :rotfl:

Great start and introductions, I love how this trip came to be!

:welcome: Krysten! So happy to have you here.

Love all the intros and the trip down memory lane.

I may have gotten carried away there...:lmao:

4 teenage boys !!!!! You better bring ear plugs. :rotfl2:

Oh man. I think the question really will be how much freedom to give them. :scared1:

We need to wear them out so they sleep, and settle down fast.

Yeah. Who am I kidding! Bigger issue may be getting them up, it will be interesting to see how that part goes. Though they are all rope drop and Disney kids..they are still teens who like to sleep. What will win?

I promise though, I won't unleash them at the pool without an adult there! They are all crazy enough that I think it will be warm enough for them...but not for us.


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