Working on Weight Loss During Training

Stand back everyone! It's a regular miracle! :eek:

I lost a pound and a half! :faint:
NCRedding -- that is a great attitude! You know the weight isn't real and that your body will adjust once it flushes all the extra sodium. Keep up the great work! :thumbsup2

Judy -- That is AWESOME!!!! YIPPEE!!! So, are you starting core?

Well, last night could have been ugly as I went home instead of to the gym and could have eaten all night. Instead I had a nice medium rare grilled piece of london broil with lots of succotash. Shared some 94% ff popcorn with DS13 as we watched "heroes" and then had some FF SF chocolate pudding before heading to bed. All core, so no problem there, and I didn't overeat. I just was hungrier and I know it is cyclical, so I'm okay with that. The scale wasn't down at all this morning, but that seems to ALWAYS be the case the morning after I have popcorn.

I'll just hope for the best at WI tonight (assuming I make it there before my dr's appt)
Judy - :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: that is awesome!!!!!!!

Cam - Another :grouphug: and :wizard: for your DR Apt!

Jen - I noticed in another thread that you'd found the WW core food list. Would you mind telling me where you found that???? SB is so restrictive yet I know it can work. I just hate the way I feel why doing it :guilty:

Last night I stuck to the plan and did okay. Then we we had a problem with our propane tank and had no heat/hot water after 9:30pm last night until this morning when they came. Then my car quit on the way to work and to top if off I have my MBA class finals tonight and tomorrow.

I'm just about ready to drown myself in the largest vat of chocolate I can find :guilty:
Minnie and anyone else interested - I was previously on the WW Points program, but do not go to the meetings anymore. SOOOO, I was estatic to find a website that listed the Core Foods for WW. See Below.

I am still struggling with a mix of Flex and Core, but am pushing more towards Core everyday. I am just having a hard time giving up bread!
Minnie -- Good luck on your finals! Sending you pixiedust: and :goodvibes: I give you a lot of credit for coping with everything you do. :hug: DH is in grad school now full time and working 20-30 hours a week, and I know how hard it is. Take care of yourself! Oh, and if you want a core chocolate fix -- mix up some fat free sugar free instant chocolate or chocolate fudge pudding using skim milk. All core. And definitely the chocolate fix we all need some times.
My pace funk has extended to food (I'm a strongly emotional eater). Anyone ever get to that point where you just want to throw in the towel and eat? I was looking for cookies, cakes, whatever last night, but fortunately, didn't find any. I walked past a carrot cake in the grocery store tonight and had visions of buying it and eating the whole thing. :sad2:

Okay, guys...kick my butt and snap me out of this!
Mel: save me a space on the cookie aisle. After all my great words this week, I binged tonight--I don't know what triggered it, and it wasn't like a normal binge (not the over-the-top eating I normally do), but now do I feel lousy! My stomach hurts, I have a headache--I rarely feel like this when I eat healthy food.

The good news is I am not sooo horribly out of whack that I have done permanent damage, nor do I feel like this is the beginning of the end of my program. SO, I have put the brakes on my binge, and will eat no more tonight. Tomorrow will be back on track.

Believe it or not, the thought of having to come here and confess my sins made me stop eating as I reached for that bag of chips! Thanks guys!!
Mel - I hear you on the eating. I think I have a new mental trick I'm going to try. Thought of it durign my run tonight. When I think about eating something I am giong to ask myself if I want to carry it when I run teh marathon. Derived from Cam's theory about not carrying the pounds she loses. Worth a try.
Very small victory - Last night before dinner, I was starved. It was about a half hour after our run and dh said it'd be aout 20 more mintutes. (Yes, he usually cooks fr me. I am spoiled). Well, I was fading fast and could not wait 20 minutes. What's the first thing I did? "DO we have any of those chocolate chips from SUnday?" Yes, awful. Scott tells me tno, but htere's another bag in there. Believe it or not, I took teh hint and went ofr the banana. He says, "There's another bag. Just open it."

"Nope, gonna' have a banana."

"There's the halloween candy over there too."

I had the banana! It's tiny step, but at least it was in teh right direction.

Now, we have never had more than 3 ToTers on one night fr Halloween. We have not had any in 3 to 5 years. We live in the boonies. Why on earth do we have a pack of Hershey miniatures and a pack of Reeses on teh counter??? Ugh! SOmeone come hide it after Tuesday adn please don't let Scott open the bags this weekend!
Thank you everyone for the encouragement :goodvibes

Cam - I made that sf nf chocolate fudge pudding last night and used that to make it through. 3 days on plan :cool1:

Bad news:

My car went to the junk pile in the sky. It blew a rod this morning on the way to work clear through the motor. I can see my weekend plans now :rolleyes:

WISHing an OP day for everyone :thumbsup2
Mel -- I was doing some junk food fantasizing last night, too, but I asked myself if eating chips (which I have not touched in 2 weeks) would get me closer to my goal. UGH! WHY do I have to have a steel trap memory? Just browsing the cabinets and fridge took long enough for me to come to my senses. I am firmly convinced that I have to stash all the bad stuff out of my immediate line of sight. Congratulations on NOT buying the carrot cake. I hope the craving has passed. And do NOT let your "pace funk" escalate -- your pace is awesome and you have come such a long way. Oh, but don't use food to celebrate, either! :teeth:

Carrie -- I am so proud of you for choosing the banana! Isn't it amazing that we can derive pride from those victories? Especially after a run, it is so easy to think we have the calories to burn, but we can really use those calories to replenish our bodies. You did good, kiddo!

NCRedding (is it Nancy? I'm sorry I am so bad at names! :guilty: ) -- Congratulations on putting on the brakes. You must be so proud of yourself. I am so glad that knowing you'd be "sharing" your experience with us helped you to rein it in. Hopefully, we are all feeling that way. That the fun of sharing the victories and getting each other through the challenges and a bit of accountability thrown in will help us all stay on track. Good job! :cheer2:

I appreciate everyone's good wishes on the dr. appt last night. I went on and on about it on the weekly training thread, so I'll cross-post here:
keenercam said:
Thank you so much for all the pixiedust and prayers. I just LOVE my doctor (he is the director of sports medicine -- I think that is his title -- at the university and only works in this medical office 2 nights a week, and is just the perfect doctor for me). I told him I had a primary concern (breathing/breathlessness issues) and secondary (vtach) and though I knew he'd be more concerned about the second, I really wanted to talk about the first.

When I acknowledged how far I have to go weight-wise and that that could be the reason I run out of breath when I jog, he praised me for how far I've come -- 65 pounds since 11/04 and going from totally sedentary to physically active 4-5x/week). I thanked him with tears in my eyes. Then, he asked if we've created a monster and couldn't I be content with walking. I told him that if that is an inherent physical limitation, then "yes", but if it is resolvable, then let's resolve it. He is pretty certain that while I may have exercised-induced athsma, it is more likely that the really heavy-duty drugs I took for ten years may have had a negative impact on my lung, perhaps even creating scar tissue -- beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, amiodarone.

Long story short (sorry, I do tend to go on, don't I?) -- He gave me an inhaler to use morning and night of azmacort (sp?) as a prophylactic but is sending me to a pulmonologist for a pulmonary function test.

On the heart thing -- I am going to let my treating cardiology team here in Delaware know that the vtach has re-started, but we'll all just be hypervigilant to be sure it doesn't start sustaining. I am not going to contact the doctor at Johns Hopkins unless and until it sustains because I really don't want to go down there for testing or evaluation until necessary. Because it is so intermittent right now and random and not related to exercise, I'm allowed to continue my training and we'll re-evaluate after the marathon.

So, thank you so much, guys, for your support. I really, really appreciate you all so much!

Okay, I just realized I am hungry and duh! must be because I forgot to eat breakfast. Off to find something core -- shredded wheat w/skim milk or fat free yogurt with strawberries.

Oh, one last thing. I made a really cool core dish last night -- improvised pork fried rice

1 package mostly-cooked brown rice
1 cup frozen peas & pearl onion mixed
1/4 cup egg beaters prepared and chopped into tiny pieces
2 slices canadian bacon diced
2 tsp olive oil

I fried the rice in the oil, added the veggies, meat & egg and quick fried it all until the rice was kind of crunchy (I like it that way). It was delicious!
Good morning all. Work is kicking my booty, which means I don't search out snack foods. So after my crazy day yesterday I thought I ate horrible, but when I sat down and looked it over... I really didn't! Yah me. I got up this morning and did 40 on the treadmill... weighed... and the scale is finally moving. I am eating plenty, so I am not worried at all about losing while training.

Carrie - YAH on the banana. I love them, but my girls eat them faster than I can keep them in stock. I rarely get one. I hate fruit in the winter time because it's just not as tastey... and I miss melons!

Mel - Stay away from the evil sugar snacks. They got me on Monday, but I am now recovered. Like Carrie and Cam said, you don't want to carry those extra pounds in January!!

Cam - Mmmm, the fried rice sounds good. Keep posting those meal ideas. I love it!!! I am still praying for your health. Thanks for keeping us posted!
WHOO HOOO... It's 2:15 and I have been totally 100% Core today. No cheating yet. AND, I have a Core meal in the crockpot for dinner, whole chicken with potatoes. I had a lunch of leftover meatloaf with celery sticks, so I am getting in my veggies too.

Just had to share!
Woo hoo Jen! :cool1:

It's after 4:40 here and I am still OP. I have 900 calories left for the rest of teh day. No porblem.

Can one of you get in my head and remind me how good it feels to stay OP, next time I get off track? The good feeling lasts longer than choclolate adn then I feel guilty later when I splurge. Why is that not enough to keep me going? :rolleyes:

Gonna' just keep going with a win today and try to make it 2 in a row tommorw.
wtpclc said:
It's after 4:40 here and I am still OP. I have 900 calories left for the rest of teh day. No porblem.

. . .

Gonna' just keep going with a win today and try to make it 2 in a row tommorw.

Great job, Carrie! Let the good feeling get you through the rest of the evening successfully! :hug:

I am eating some whole wheat pasta with fat free ricotta to get some protein in before heading to the gym probably around 7.

Hugs, all! Have a great evening!
Carrie - awesome job with the banana! You are a much better woman than I!

Cam - thanks for the update and more pixiedust: & :hug:

I went to WW last night & was ecstatic that I only gained 1.4! :rotfl: Seriously though, I have been so off plan the past two weeks - I was so happy not to be over my lifetime weight!

I am back onboard with Core. I even have my friends Stacey & Katie switching to core also to give them a little jump start.
I shared my new theory with Scott last night and we brain stormed soem easy things fo rme to shove in my mouth instead of chocolate. So, it's looking up. I did very well last night. Small dinner and an apple fo a snack.

I had a friend from another board share this with me last night.

Actually according to Runners World (I think that's where I read this) every pound lost is like 25 lbs less pressure on knees, hips, ankles nad feet when running. I think the ratio was 1/10 for walking.

That would mean you are really taking off between 10 and 25 boxes of butter every time you lose a pound! If this doesn't inspire me, I don't know what will.

So, to apply that to my theory, I'll have to ask myself if I feel like carrying 25 of whatever I wantr to eat for the marathon.
Good approach, Carrie! And congrats on the apple instead of chocolate. I am so proud of you, sweetie!

For dinner last night I had leftover improvised fried rice mixed with grilled chicken breast. Very good and filling. I really have to cook tonight. I am now out of grilled chicken and salad and veggies in the fridge. I find that if I have the stuff prepared in quantity in the fridge I do so much better, especially when I am hungry.

Okay, so this is probably TMI, but this is the week I "need" chocolate. KWIM? So I made fat free sugar free instant chocolate fudge pudding with skim milk and put it in 4 bowls in the fridge. It is such a HUGE hit on the chocolate craving. It is very rich and creamy. I read on the WW board that you can roll a banana in it (once it is set) and put in in the freezer on a piece of wax paper and voila! a chocolate covered banana. I had every intention of trying that, but, alas, I couldn't wait that long for the chocolate fix. I also have this thing about not combining snacks, so that if I get hungry again, I can have the other thing later. So, pudding first. Banana later if still hungry/desperate. :rotfl:

Kristi -- congrats on the very small increase! :teeth: You can take that off in no time at all! Lots of water, hon!

Okay, I weighed in this morning since I didn't get there Tuesday and I am only down .6 -- that's okay, though, because of what week it is. Can't imagine what it would have been if I weren't doing core. :eek: I think this is the first time I have officially lost 2 weeks in a row in a really long time. I am so good at the yoyo thing. Looking forward to next week's WI -- that should be good.


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