Working on Weight Loss During Training--Wk of 11/19

You guys are really sweet to remember when I was strong. But let me tell you -- the past week has been a food orgy. I have gained almost 5 pounds this month, I think. 14.5 hours in the car last Wednesday and stopping to eat at a ponderosa buffet and then cooking dinner and desserts for 10 on Thanksgiving, eating out with friends on Friday and Saturday in Hilton Head, being in a car yesterday for almost 14 hours and stopping for dinner at Friendly's. What a disaster! I deserve every ounce I gained.
I did make some good decisions too, including egg beaters & canadian bacon for breakfast 2 mornings and WW core oatmeal for breakfast 2 mornings, NO turkey sandwiches; hard boiled eggs and baby carrots and apple in car yesterday while everyone was eating turkey sandwiches. Now, if I could have just avoided the combos, m&ms, doritos, etc. that are staples on long car trips, I would have been fine.

I HAVE to get back on track. Starting now.
Food today:
B: shredded wheat w/skim milk; decaf coffee w/skim milk
S: apple
L: green salad w/tuna, no dressing; can of cut green bean (great finger food)
S: multi-grain mini rice cakes or corn cakes (not sure). ate too many and feel sick.

I am going to cook a dozen small pieces of chicken breast, hard boil a dozen eggs, and grill a piece of lean steak tonight so that I will have good core options on hand.
monte said:
Yesterday's food intake was partly cloudy.

:lmao: I think that describes my weekend eating also. I managed to come back only 0.4lbs heavier which was shocking. I thought it would be much, much worse. Planning to get back on track this month and try not to lose all hopes of weight loss when tapering begins.

Cam...your meals today look pretty tasty! Where do you get all the cool recipes? I was really interested in the roasted chickpeas. did you do with the hash browns?

NCRedd...congrats on getting back into it!
Cam, your turkey weekend sounds :rotfl: That's smart preparing all your core foods in advance, that way when the urge to snack hits you, you can grab an egg.

WW is tomorrow, so I'm hoping to have drop that pound that I gained last week...wish me luck!
Just checking in. Didn't do great Thursday. Scotts family eats at 1 and tehn just leaves stuff out to puck teh rest of the day. I'm not big on food that's been sitting out that long, I was in a huge funk, and I had completely OD'd on IL time. So, I "picked at" desserts. :guilty:

However, I walked and shopped all day Friday with mom and ate well the rest of the weekend. My mom, former biggest critic although she is now seeing that it can be very hard as she gets older, even commented SUnday on how well I ate all weekend.

I am really afreaid that the rest days I've been taking will catch up with m, though. If I can't run tomorrow, I need to find some upper body stuff, as I can't even walk w/o hurting my leg more.
Kristi1357 said:
I am going to eat what I want today, but in moderation. Thank God I love white meat (core)! I have been good here at work though. WW cereal & grapes so far. I will eat an apple in the car on the way home. At least I will be on plan before I get to dinner. :rolleyes:

Kristi-- I was reading along and came to a word I am unfamiliar with:
m-o-d-e-r-a-t-i-o-n, can you clue me in? :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Seriously, if there's been one thing that has eluded me all my life it's moderation (and spelling).

I'm so glad I finally got back over to check the thread; all the recipes are great! Thanks!

I did horrible over Thanksgiving. It started Wed. I worked like a mad-woman and forgot to eat... that always backfires sometime after 8PM. Then T-day was stressful. My Sis remarried and there's two new kids to the mix. They are all great, but it's new and difficult for DS and it was STRESSFUL. So I needed to "reward" myself for enduring with a second day's worth of food once I got home. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely not :sad2:

But I got back on track Friday and no gain. No loss either :confused3

Monte "partly cloudy" is much better than a hurricane :rotfl: :rotfl2: I think my T-day was an all out Nor'Easter.

So, I blew it again last night. I have NO IDEA where my resistance and discipline have gone. I seriously need to have core foods prepared ahead of time and waiting for me in my kitchen. I did fine for dinner, broiled steak and baked potato, and even picking at skinless roasted turkey leftovers ahead of time was no crime, but snacking during the one evening I watch tv during the week was a problem. I remember regular microwave popcorn (I was out of the 94% FF variety) and some wafer cookies and a few chips. Tonight I will be at the gym so I should do much better. I'll open a can of green beans when I get home and I'll cut up an apple while dinner is cooking. I have broiled steak left over in the fridge so at least I won't be scrounging for food.

Totally OT -- I have my appt with the pulmonologist today to talk about the lung capacity and breathlessness issues. I am hoping he doesn't give me any grief about my weight. Since he didn't know me when I was 60+ pounds heavier, I will just look like a morbidly obese short fat unhealthy person to him. I don't handle criticisim well and will have to be sure not to let any negativity derail my efforts. I know myself. If he says -- 'gee, you think maybe you're out of breath because you are 50 pounds overweight? take off the weight and you'll feel better" -- I may lose it. Worse yet, this doctor is on a Board with DH and his son goes to school with my son so I really don't want him to think badly of me. :(
Cam - Hey sweetie is there anyway you could go to another doctor? It sounds like you are just not comfortable with this one. This is a very important issue to feel that uncomfortable about. If you decide to stick with this one then it sure wouldn't hurt to make sure he realizes the weight that you have lost and that you are working very hard towards eating healthy. Sending tons of :wizard: and :grouphug: your way.

Sunny - This is a brand new week with Turkey day far behind us. Hope you have a great one!

As for me I can finally find something upbeat to post about :thumbsup2 My car saga is over as last night I purchased a car that I'm happy with. I have been staying on track on my eating program and though I haven't stepped on the scale I know I've lost. My jeans fit so much looser and that is major! I am trying to be very good these last few days until we leave for my company's Xmas party in Sarasota, FL. We are staying on Lido Key Island and I can wait :banana: It is cold and nasty here so I'm looking forward to some sun :sunny:

WISHing everyone an OP day :wizard:
I did OK yesterday, except the ice cream attacked me after I put the kids to bed. I was able to get in 47 minutes on the treadmill, so I don't feel too terrible about it, but I also ate pizza for dinner so the ice cream could have stayed in the freezer. I was proud of myself tho, normally I have a salad with my pizza but we were out of lettuce. So I ate baby carrots instead. I needed to get my veggies in!!!

Cam, good luck with the doctor. If you are really uncomfortable with him, I would see if there is another one for you. Good Luck!!!
Minnie -- Congratulations on doing so well! I hope you have a fabulous time on your vacation! Oh, and good luck with your new car! :thumbsup2

I should clarify -- I haven't seen this doctor yet and I am sure he is a nice guy. I am just so self-conscious about my weight that I always worry ahead of time what someone is going to think when they first meet me. So, it probably isn't fair of me to think he would even say that, but I still worry.
Cam - You need to be proud of how far you've come!!! If you can, when he asks why you're there, give him a brief history, including how much you've lost and how you are exercising. It may help to acknowledge that you have a ways to go, bu tlet him know you are trying. ALso, if you're there for shortness of breath when exercising, he should take that as a sign that you are working on being healthier. Howard and Andrew are proud of you, aren't they? If this guy holds your weight against you, he doesn't know you well enough and his opinion of you should not matter. I know there are jerks in the world, but let's not go into this expecting the worse. (easier said than done, I know) :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: WHen I think of you, I think of what an amazing and inspirational woman you are. His loss if he think otherwise.

WTG Minnie!!!

Jen - Good job on teh veggies!
Wow, Carrie, what a sweetheart you are. Thank you for making my day. And you are right -- I will be sure to give him my history so he can see how far I've come. Thank you. :hug:
Cam :grouphug: :wizard: Carrie said it all, I couldn't add one more helpful word :thumbsup2 But I can also totally relate to your fears/anticipation. Just as with pace, weight is totally a personal thing and relative so bear with me with my story.

I was so nervous to meet Dr. Sopher (the TMS, Boston Marathoner) because I had already filled out his questionnaire and declared myself a marathon runner. One of the Lahey NS's made such a big deal about my weight/weight gain and long distance running. He even "theorized" all the miles I've ran with the excess weight might be the cause of my "accelerated degenerated" spine. So, now I'm heading off to see a new dr, told him I'm a marathoner, and I'm still has heavy as I was when I saw that NS. I actually brought a picture of myself from last year's race! I quickly blurted out "I feel embarrassed to call myself a runner when I've gained so much weight... and I really wasn't at my ideal weight then... but... people must wonder... and Dr. Magge hinted that might even be what caused my spine problems... He suggested I stop running and take up low-impact excerise...."

Do you know what I got for a response? First a sad head shake, then, "I must say, sometimes I am embarrassed and ashamed of my colleagues. That was a terrible thing to say to you with absolutely no scientific evidence to back it up".

Sometimes drs forget how much influence they might have on your self-image and what a long-term effect their words can have.

Sorry to ramble, I just had to get that all out!

Yesterday was onplan :cheer2: So far today is going great. I plan on going to the Y directly from work, but I am totally dreading it. I have to keep reminding myself I need those activity points as well as training!

Minnie-- Congrats on the new car. What did you get? I'm so glad the car saga is over!

It seems as though most of us are struggling. My motivation is in the toilet! I can't seem to get this body moving, except to the kitchen where I grab a handful of not so healthy food. I am guzzling diet soda instead of water; I pigged out on pizza at lunch today. My last walk was Saturday (inspite of this gorgeous weather we've had over the holiday). I feel down in the dumps and seem to take everything the wrong way. Where is that emotcon with the black cloud--cause that would be me!

Anyway, I am glad you are all here, and continue to be supportive of each other.

Sunny: congrats on staying on plan, and having a good day.
Sunny -- Thank you so much for sharing that experience. I really appreciate knowing that you understand where I am and what my fears are. Congratulations for being on plan yesterday!

Okay, so I met the pulmonary specialist and he was as nice as can be, and very understanding of what I am trying to do. He was totally accommodating and didn't take anything I said lightly. And when I suggested that maybe I should just try to lose more weight and see if that helps, he said that I'd come so far already that if I wasn't satisfied with how my breathing is right now, that we should rule out any kind of residual issues from the heart meds, as well as anemia and thyroid issues.

Shockingly, he said "I know it is going to be hard to fit in all these tests while you're busy with work and training for your marathon, but let's see if we can get any answers as soon as possible." I have to go for blood work, a pulmonary function test, a pulmonary stress test, and a CT with contrast. He said if everything comes back negative, THEN he will consider telling me to focus on weight loss. But he isn't there yet. So, that went so much better than I thought. AND when all was send and done, he didn't even charge me the co-pay. His receptionist said he put it down as "professional courtesy -- no charge". All my fears were for naught. But thank you, everyone, for helping me not to be so nervous going in there. :grouphug:

Okay, I am off to schedule a bunch of tests.
Sorry about the tests Cam, but the Doc sounds great and so does getting answers soon! Yay!!!!

NC - Yes, I have been down in te dumps lately too. Usually, I'd blame it on the weather this time of the year, but it's too warm for that. ;) :wizard: That things get better soon!
Cam - great news about the doctor. I hope the tests go well for you!!!

Carrie - I have been in the dumps lately also. But I haven't seen any sun since Saturday and that was through the clouds. We have had cold rain since Sunday with the temps dropping dramatically tomorrow night... and GASP... snow and ice on the way. I think my LR on Saturday may be my last outdoor run for awhile!!!!

I leave for Las Vegas on Sunday. I have a work convention there. Don't worry, it's all work and very little play. Supposidly I will have free access to the workout room and can get in some treadmill time. I am petrified of getting sick. I always get sick when I fly. Something with all those people in a small confined airplane and all hacking and coughing. If I get sick, my training will really be in the dumps. I have tried Airbourne before, but I still get sick. Maybe I need to double dose on it.

I just ate my can of veggies and will be leaving soon to get my girls. Then I will do some cross training while they have swim classes. So far this week I have been on track with my training. I will definately need it for my 10 miler on Saturday. And with the snow and ice predictions, it looks like it will be 120 laps at the Y track. The thought makes me want to gag!!!
NC -- We are definitely all in this together and we all know exactly what you are going through. I hope your evening goes well and that you start feeling more able to deal with these challenges we face.

Okay -- here is my challenge to myself for tonight. I am going to stay on core for the rest of the day. Even if I earn activity points at the gym, I am not going to eat any non-core foods.

So far today:
B: coffee w/skim milk
S: shredded wheat with skim milk
L: green salad w/2tsp olive oil and lean steak

I am not sure how I am going to fuel my workout since I didn't take the time to pack any of the right foods. But I do have fat free cheese and apples here, so I think I will munch on that on the way to the gym and hope it holds me until I get home.

Anyone else have a goal of just getting through the rest of the evening without binging? :rolleyes:
I got distracted before I finished my last post. I think I am losing my mind.

Cam: glad to hear the news was so positive with the new Dr. Great to know he supports what you are doing. Good luck with all your tests.

Carrrie: thanks for all your kind words today!! I hope your leg starts feeling better soon.

Jen: Hate that attacking ice cream--its tricky. Why am I the only one in my family who hears its call?? Have a healthy trip to Las Vegas!!

Minnie: WTG on program, with the jeans and with the car. Have a great vacation.

To everyone I missed good luck with your plans, and may all our moods improve!

Mel - I did ok on the hashbrown casserole that night. However, the next day was a different story. We won't go there. :rolleyes: :teeth: I didn't eat any today, though, so maybe I'm working through this problem I have with these potatoes!

Jen - hope you can have a little fun in Vegas! :teeth:

Jane - I'm normally an emotional eater. Whenever I have the blahs, I eat. Well, in reality I eat no matter what. This past week has not been a good week for me calorie-wise so my mood has not been as good either. Hang in there! The good moods/blah cycles are normal. I will say, for me at least, the more I exercise, the more I tend to watch my eating. I say the more I "tend to" because it's not always the case. Another thing for me is this: I'm signed up to participate in the Half for 2007. I don't really have a choice in postponing this getting in better shape. If I didn't change some of my eating habits and force myself to exercise, I wouldn't have a chance of reaching my goal: to just finish this race. Honestly, if I didn't have this race to contend with, I probably would not be motivated to exercise like I should. I'm just hoping that after this race, some of my bad habits will be replaced with some better habits. We'll see.

Cam - your pulmonologist sounds like a great guy! Here's hoping your tests are all ok! :grouphug: I can fully understand the weight issue. I've always been self consious about my weight. You should be quite proud of how far you've come. I'm in total awe. You are in inspiration to many of us on this board. It sounds like your doctor today was impressed as well. :goodvibes

My ob/gyn was the first doctor to suggest that I need to start thinking about losing weight. She told me this last December. Actually, I think she was a little disgusted that I had gained some weight from the year before. It kind of hurt my feelings the way she said it but maybe that was one of the "kick in the pants" that I needed to get moving. My next appt. with her is next week. I've lost a few pounds since last year but not much. I plan on telling her what I'm doing to get in better shape so maybe she'll be encouraging instead of scolding me like she did last year.

To all - tomorrow is a new day! I challenge everyone to set a goal for yourself - just for tomorrow - and stick to it. Let's see what we can do!


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