'Wonder'ful trip report - Day 3


17 and counting
Mar 20, 2002
Day 3 – Castaway Cay

This is the day everyone waits for – beautiful Castaway Cay. This is the morning we chose to have our champagne breakfast in bed. It was a great choice. We were able to enjoy watching the ship dock while eating a wonderful breakfast in our room. After we finished eating we gathered our beach things and headed down to disembark. We had a short wait but were about the 5th family off the ship. We headed straight for the beach and got a terrific spot directly across from the obstacle course in the water. We had a hammock and a nice umbrella.

We played in the water and watched and the storms seemed to magically go around the island. After about 90 minutes the storms no longer were magical. It rained. At first it was ok because we were wet anyway and it was just a nice shower. Then the really black clouds came. There was thunder and lightening. DH was trying to get DS out of the water while I gathered our things. Just as DS was getting out of the water a man who was taking a picture of his family with the storm clouds behind them said “everyone say tornado” – this sent DS into instant panic. So I told DH just to take him to the shelter and I’d get the rest of the stuff. I left our towels since they were already wet and our floaties, a flat blue one and a tube. It rained for I’d say about 40 minutes, just poured. When the rain started to let up they were ready to start serving lunch so we stayed and ate.

After eating we headed back to our spot on the beach. Unfortunately someone decided to take it over. I found this incredibly annoying. Our floaties and towels were still there. Well the round one was missing. I asked the woman if she had seen it when she sat down. Her reply “Oh did we take your spot”. I looked at her and said “yes you did”. She said she hadn’t seen the tube and I should look further down the beach because it probably blew that way. Is it me or was this incredibly rude? I actually had to take our wet towels off the end of the lounger she was on. Finally she asked if I wanted her to move. I was so annoyed I just said “No, I’ll just have to find us another place.” She shouldn’t have asked, she should have just moved. They had evacuated the beach for crying out loud, it's different than taking a place that has been "saved" for hours and never used.

Anyway we spent a couple more hours on the beach but the threatening clouds didn’t go away so at 2:00 we went back to the ship. Of course after that it cleared up a bit but we were tired and ready to get cleaned up.

We sat on the veranda and watched some parasailers. While doing this the Captain spoke to the ship over the PA. He apologized for the weather and said that he had met with his senior staff and they had discussed coming back to Castaway Cay tomorrow. Unfortunately the weather forecast was even worse for the next day. So he promised to find us some sun even if it meant changing direction. DS wanted to go to the club for the before dinner activity so off he went while we went to the Castaway club reception.

The reception was very nice. A small selection of snacks and some free drinks! I had a couple of Bahama Mama’s, yum! Many of the senior officers were there to meet us. The Hotel Director came to chat with us. I mentioned earlier that noises made DS think alarms were going off. Well there was a strange high pitched vibration noise in our room. Nothing consistent and not bad enough to really complain about. When the hotel director asked how our room was DH thought of the noise and mentioned it to him. The noise was most noticeable at night and had actually woken DH up, but not me or DS. The hotel director was very concerned and said he’d have someone come to check it out. More on that later.

We had to leave the reception early in order to get Noah in time for dinner at Tritons. We had a very nice family picture taken outside the entrance of Tritons. Every family had there picture taken before entering the restaurant. Again, DS was not happy about dealing with the server again. As soon as he finished his meal he wanted to go. So we left dinner and took him swimming for a little while. We got back to the room early so he could get to bed at a somewhat normal hour.


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