Wk of Oct 15--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

I had another good workout yesterday. I did 40 min on the treadmill @ 6.2 mph (9:40 mpm) plus a 5 min warm up and cool down (so 50 min total). I was planning on running outside, but it was cold and rainy and I had only brought my shorts and t-shirt because it was sunny :sunny: and nice when I left the house in the morning. Today I'm planning on doing my Yoga class at lunch as x-training (get nice and loose for the weekend), and then Saturday will be a rest day before the half on Sunday. I'm very excited about the race.

Thank you everyone for all your well wishes for the race. I really appreciate it. Cecilia- I wanted to wish you good luck on your half too. Sure, we can do a virtual race, but I'm pretty much going to stick to my 10 mpm pace. I'm telling myself this is just a training run too. I don't want to hurt myself like I did this summer with the 5Ks. I'm planning to do the first 6-7 miles with my 9R/1W pace, and then I'll see how I feel. I may increase my running intervals after that, I may stay the same, or I may run it in. I'll just see how it's going. I already have my GU for the race, so I'm set there too!

OK - here's a question for the experts here. I'm looking at the weather, and it looks like it is going to be around 45 degrees and light rain for the race. What do I wear? Up top, I plan on wearing a long sleeve, long underwear shirt, with my WISH tank over it and a baseball cap to keep the rain out of my eyes. I'm trying to decide on whether I can wear shorts or if I should wear tights on my legs. Any advice? I also don't really have any rain shell or waterproof layer to wear either. I thought I'd wear a cheap rain pancho to the start, and then probably take it off for the race.

We lived in Breckenridge from July of 1970 to August of 1971 and spent my freshman year of high school at Summit High at the old location on the peninsula into Lake Dillon near Frisco. I loved living there very much indeed but my mother didn't share the enthusiasm of my father or me, so we moved back to Littleton. I realize all the wonderful things that have happened in my life would not have if we had stayed in Breckenridge, but still I loved it so much that I sometimes feel cheated that I was taken away very much against my will.

I've been back in Breckenridge in each of the last 3 summers, by myself twice and with Martha this past July. It has changed so much but the mountains are still the same, the weather hasn't changed, and the feel of the place hasn't changed either. It's still so beautiful and peaceful when you are up on one of the peaks looking down into the Blue River valley, or onto your place at Copper, or looking perhaps 80 miles to the Southeast and seeing Pike's Peak clearly. Martha and I do talk from time to time about purchasing a second home, or most likely condo there, but it takes a long time to get from Wellesley to Breckenridge, so my fear is we would be paying for it but not enjoying it very much. Given that we can rent places pretty cheap, particularly in the summer, it makes more sense to just rent what we want when we visit.


Yes, absolutely, you can mix and match your training and make yourself proud. Your training pace is a bit faster than mine, I train at about 10:30 per mile. But just like you, if I go out and run too often or too hard I pay the price. This year's injuries are the usual left calf problems and tendonitis in the left ankle. By biking with a purpose for both tempo and length of time on non-running days, and doing lots of weight work I have the 2004 half, 2005 half, and 2006 Goofy medals hanging in my office. I suspect you still need one long run each week, getting longer as we get closer to race day, but you can get "long" cardio work on the bike. And since your legs are fatiguing during longer runs please hit the weight room and do the quad work. For most racers the quads are the first thing to go, and weight work will stall this. For what it's worth, this week I have done or will do:

Monday - good weight session, 33 minutes on the bike, vary the resistence and hold good tempo, about 90-95 rpm

Tuesday - 45 minutes on the bike, same effort level

Wednesday - 6.7 miles about 10:30 per mile, last mile in 9:58

Thursday - day off

Friday - good weight session

Saturday - 33 minutes on the bike, same stuff

Sunday - 126 minute run, don't really care about the pace, just control it so I am able to get all 126 minutes comfortably. Whatever the pace really is I'll call it 12.5 miles anyway.

My hope is to build the Wed shorter run to about 8 by mid December. This is entirely mental as last year miles 18 to 26, Animal Kingdom to the finish were pure hell as my quads were completely gone. Keeping the short day at 8 helps me visualize being at 18 and having just my short day left. My long run I hope to push out to 180 minutes. This of course gets me to the Animal Kingdom, so really I'm training for 2 parts of the race 0 to 18, 18 to 26. This is all pure theory, I'll see how it works in practice in 79 days.


Not to disillusion you, but sadly, 50 is the new 50. I can't do the things I used to do, and getting out of bed in the morning can be an adventure. I'm still out there looking for travel and adventure, but 50 is what it is.


If we get that 45 degree start I will be in single layer underarmor up top, covered by either a singlet or short sleeve and loose fitting top. Everything made out of dri fit or cool max, or whatever. On the bottom will be an underarmor undie that has a 2 inch inseam so the undie rubs against itself when I run, instead of skin rubbing. Over that a split short, loose fitting made of the same dri fit or cool max. Also I'll discretely dab a bit of vaseline around my crotch and fanny. In 2004's half I developed some spectacular blisters at mile 8 and that wasn't fun. Neither was the shower after when hot water and soap hit the raw spot.

Socks are a super thin layer on the skin, with vaseline on the skins' heel hot points and around the toes. Next is a double-layer with vaseline on the exterior on the hot heel points.

Light gloves, cheapies which I discard when I want to, a cool max cap that breathes and sunglasses complete the ensemble.

For pre-race plan on chill. I used to bring cheapie sweats which I discarded before the start, but last year a clever entrepreneur was selling paper zip tops and bottoms for $7 each. Genius, cheap, warm, and discardable when desired. It was really cold early on both days last year so I ran in the paper top and discarded it at mile 3 when my engine was fully heated. If you plan to have bottoms to discard before the start be sure to cut them at the bottom of the legs so you can easily get them off over your shoes. You don't want to have to take off the shoes to get the bottoms off.

And finally, yes I'm obsessive, 4 safety pins on the number. You don't want the number flapping for 26 miles. The numbers are pretty big and they can be a pain if not completely secured. It takes me, honest, about 30 minutes to put this together just right, but it has worked for me.

Hello All!
It helps to post my workouts here. Keeps me honest.
I ran/walked on the TM this AM. 5 warm up 40 min at 3R/2W and 7 min cool down. My pace is about 12 1/2 minute miles. I should be fine for the half, but would like to be able to run more.

How are the hills in Disney? WHen I am on the TM, I try to pump the incline, but that sure makes it harder. What do you do?

Have a great day and weekend!

Good Luck to everyone racing! :thumbsup2
Calcio said:

Not to disillusion you, but sadly, 50 is the new 50. I can't do the things I used to do, and getting out of bed in the morning can be an adventure. I'm still out there looking for travel and adventure, but 50 is what it is.


Craig -

I say that only because at 45, I'm staring down the barrel at 50. And for the life of me, I can't figure out how that happened! I mean, it just can't be right. I just graduated from high school a couple of years ago.

Kristi-- OMG!!! :grouphug:

Nikki-- I actually live out in Jenison. Gotta love a 10 minute commute! Great job of getting back in the groove of training! :thumbsup2

Nancy-- With all the Kyano love of these boards, just make sure that you go to a good reputable store (preferably running store) and try a pair on. Just because it's a great shoe for some, doesn't necessarily mean it'll work for you. (I know from which I speak :teeth: ). RE: Hills at Disney-- there are some... nothing truly terrible.

Susie-- Aww sucks. :blush: Glad you enjoyed the report!

Amy- Thanks!! You're not doing too shabby yourself on the pace there. Keep up the good work!!

Dave-- I'm thinking less is more. WHile you might be warmer at the start, you could end up down right HOT after a few miles. If the long underwear shirt is cotton, I would ditch that for sure. (Rain + cotton would not be pretty.)

Carrie-- This is from way back, but when you move to Michigan, you sort of have to make a choice one way or another. I latched on to the Michigan train-- I can't say I know exactly why. BUT every work encounter I have had with either place has solidified my opinion in spades.

Honeibee said:
Thanks Melissa, but what I really should do is stop talking about them. I fear I am becoming......obnoxious. :joker:

OK, this made me LOL. I was instantly reminded of my favorite late 80s/early 90s sitcom--- Designing Women. (I know, I know) There's an episode where Julia becomes a 10K runner and becomes completely obnoxious about the whole thing..... anyway

Tapering during the holidays: It's not too bad. I think I would certainly rather be tapering then as opposed to doing the longest long runs. My situation last December was horrific-- tons of work travel for National Championships where I was unable to run. Once things settled down (right before taper) my runs improved. The other nice thing is that the holidays take your mind off the race a bit--- OK, a very little bit.

I rearrainged some training things and will run my 14 miler Sunday as opposed to today. My morning ended up crazy, so the run was never going to happen. I guess that means there is no excuse for slacking on my 5K tomorrow. (please don't rain, please don't rain....)

Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
Hello WISH Team...long time no post :) :wave:

While I am keeping up with a journal here on the boards, I often come over here to read what's going on with everyone and never seem to post (soo much stuff going on in this thread!)...but I've finally decided to join back in on the fun.

I am right on pace with my full marathon training, having completed the 10 mile long run (8:40mpm) last Saturday...followed by a 50 min run (9:12mpm) on Mon, 40 min of Elliptical on Tues, 40 min run (8:59) on Wed and a tough 45 min run (9:37) last night...those back to back runs are really tough to handle. Today I've got a 30 min XT session scheduled and tomorrow I'll be doing the 12 mile long run.

Right now, I do my long runs on a flat mile long path...and I'm doing the shorter weekday runs through my hilly neighborhood. I'm sticking with a 4 run/1 walk ratio as it seems to be working well for me.

Anyway, that's a brief update from my world...it's great to see everyone doing so well and I look forward to posting here on a regular basis....after all, there's only 2 and a half months till that marathon!! :teeth:

Amy -- Hello journal buddy!! :wave: Good luck tomorrow with the 12 miler. I sure hope your legs hold together enough to get you through it. Don't push yourself...run slow and just get the miles in :)

Matt and Cecelia - Hello fellow Atlanta area runners! I'm in Canton, about 15 miles northwest of the city...good to see some locals around here :) Matt..I also ran that US 10K (saw your report)...those hills were tough!

Dave - Just wanted to say that I work right across the park from the Embassy Suites (the Inforum building if you noticed it)...you did some nice senic runs! Hope your stay in ATL was enjoyable.

Hope everyone has a great Friday! And to those running this weekend...good luck!!
Did 16.5 today...was supposed to do 16 but somehow .5 got into the mileage.

OK..1st off, I need the award for being the most aweful, selfish mother in the whole world...whatever you other mothers have done, it does not compare to what I did this morning....
DD8 has been sick and missed Wed and Thursday of school....well knowing I had a LR this morning, I got her up, pumped her full of meds and took her to school. I told the teacher to call me if she started feeling bad, knowing that if called, I would have to run at least 4 miles to even get back to my car....I sent my child to school sick so I could run...how aweful is that...I have reached an all time low...... :sad2:

Anyway......If you don't want to read everything, the facts are in bold!
It was WARM today..71 when I started and very humid. I tried to slow down my pace a bit but by the end, I was still feeling like I had 10 ton weights on my legs.
I ran the 16.5 (including a stop due to my Gu giving me IBS :confused3 -TMI I know) in 2:23.34. That ave out to be around an 8.42.1 MPM. The fastest mile I did was 7.44 and the slowest was 10.00 (due to 1 stop @ the stop light and the IBS issue)
The gu....I tried a new one today at mile 10....it had 2x the caffeene and 4x the sodium...I could not tell that it helped more than the normals gels...but it put a hurt'n on me. Oh, and it was 10x the nastiest! :scared: :crazy2:
Solo - lol. First, Designing women. That is so much like my mom's office used to be. I used to lunch with them whenever I could because they were hilarious! Second, as for UM, MSU. I try so hard not to be against MSU, but when you see the lack of discipline the team has had for years and teh MSU grads who are so spiteful against MI and their fans, it's hard. They should just get over the fact that UM did not accept them at their school. ;) Sorry, very bad of me.

Krita - lol. You arent't a deep down OSU fan, are you? ;) ;) It is nice to see 2 big 10 teams at 1 &2, though. Provided you look at the right poll. ;) I loved Steven's shadow bo xBTW.

Christa - Way to go! Thanks for the short version. My concentration span today is nill. ;)

Dave - Good luck this weeknd!

Amy - I hope things get better. Looks like Craig's got a good plan. Though, it's hard for em to associate a 10 mpm 10-miler and being hurt. ;) Hope things get better soon, though. :wizard:

Craig - Sorry your wold is not so great at teh moment. Hope things get better soon! Good to see you lately, though!

Judy - What a wonderful Christmas EVe tradition! It's so great that you make time to get back to the real meaning of CHristmas. We do so much running that I fear people think we're just there to open gifts and go on to the next house. I must admit that the running makes it terribly hard to stay centered on teh true meaning. Good for you!!!
wtpclc said:
Solo - lol. First, Designing women. That is so much like my mom's office used to be. I used to lunch with them whenever I could because they were hilarious! Second. I try so hard not to be against them, but when you see the lack of discipline the team has had for years and teh MSU grads who are so spiteful against MI and their fans, it's hard. They should just get over the fact that UM did not accept them at their school. ;) Sorry, very bad of me.

Judy - What a wonderful Christmas EVe tradition! It's so great that you make time to get back to the real meaning of CHristmas. We do so much running that I fear people think we're just there to open gifts and go on to the next house. I must admit that the running makes it terribly hard to stay centered on teh true meaning. Good for you!!!

Carrie - Awww, thank you! :blush:

And hey, I guess I misread your post. Since when do the Designing Women lack disipline???

:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:
Honeibee said:

Carrie - Awww, thank you! :blush:

And hey, I guess I misread your post. Since when do the Designing Women lack disipline???

:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Oops, change of topics. SHould clarify.
Is it 5:00 yet??? :hourglass

Carrie--I'm not a huge OSU fan. I like for them to win and I root for them when I happen to catch a game, but I'm certainly not a die hard fan. I only have room in my heart for one team and that's the Steelers!

Christa-- :grouphug: :grouphug: You are not an awful Mommy!! Is the princess feeling better?

Judy--I think how you celebrate Christmas is wonderful. I agree, it has become way too commercialized and the real meaning seems to have been lost. Also, about the taper, I didn't notice anything different, I wasn't grumpy or moody or anything like that. I was hungry all the time, but that really isn't much different for me! :teeth:

Amy--I have a sprained ankle--no fracture or high ankle sprain. I have to wrap it when I run, ice it and take Advil. I still have swelling around my shin, but it's nothing new, the swelling just hasn't gone all the way down yet. Every once in a while I'll get a sharp pain through my ankle bone and it's gone pretty much as quick as it comes. I think I got very lucky!! What did the doctor say about your knee?

Dave--Personally, I would wear shorts and a long sleeved shirt. I read in Runners World last year to dress like it's 20 degrees warmer for a run, to compensate for your body heat. So if it's 45 at the start, dress like it's 65.

Kevin--Oh my gosh, I loved Designing Women!! :love: :love: :love: Annie Potts' character was my favorite--what was her name on the show?
Dave, I agree with what everyone else had to say.....definetly dress 20 degree cooler. :thumbsup2

Krista - You're not a bad mother....just a really dedicated runner :)

Oh, is it bad to have RSVP'd to go to a friend's wedding and then really not want to go because it interferes with your running schedule? :confused3 I won't be getting a lot of running in this weekend.

I'm only doing a 4 mile run on Sunday (The Great Pumpkin Classic). Looking forward to it.....although, it is all hills :rolleyes:

Have a great weekend everyone!

gatorphipps said:
OK..1st off, I need the award for being the most aweful, selfish mother in the whole world...whatever you other mothers have done, it does not compare to what I did this morning....
DD8 has been sick and missed Wed and Thursday of school....well knowing I had a LR this morning, I got her up, pumped her full of meds and took her to school. I told the teacher to call me if she started feeling bad, knowing that if called, I would have to run at least 4 miles to even get back to my car....I sent my child to school sick so I could run...how aweful is that...I have reached an all time low...... :sad2:
Christa- You are way too hard on yourself. If your daughter was feeling better after taking some medicine, then I'm sure she was fine to go to school. It is not that awful to want to have some time to yourself. You owe it to yourself for that. What harm did it do to send your daughter to school? How many of us have had to do the same thing so we could go to work? Why is that any better of a reason to "pump their kids full of meds" and send them to school? Is there some rule that says that it's OK if you have to do that so you can go to work, but it's not OK if you do that to go exercise? It also doesn't sound any different than the struggle I have sometimes if my kids are in daycare, but I'm out running/exercising. Every now and then I think, oooh, I shouldn't have my kids in daycare if I'm in the gym, but that's silly. I need to exercise, it makes me a better father, and you need to run to be the best mom you can be. I'm sure your daughter got a huuuuuuuuuge hug when she got home from school. She'll be fine, don't think twice about it. Besides, it's a sign you are a good mom that you feel so guilty about it.

ps: Go easy on yourself, snuggle up with your daughter and watch Kim Possible together. Hope she's feeling better (and you too).
I just got back from the Y. I did 30 mins. xt on the stationary bike. I wasn't feeling up to looking like a fool & trying to figure out that elliptical yet again tonight! :rotfl: And besides, I can read a book while on the bike! :thumbsup2

Christa - really, don't feel bad! I would have done the same thing. You do not know how many times I've received the bad mom award! And my guy is only 3! :rotfl2: Her school never called, right? She was fine! And you did something both physically & mentally healthy for you.
solotraveler said:
Nancy, let me try to help.....

Mylar sheet thingy: It's a thermal blanket they give you after you finish the race...made out of that material that those shiny silver helium balloons are made of. :teeth: (Sorta). They are supposed to help you retain warmth. I, personally, was plenty warm, but of course kept it and still have mine as a souvineer. :teeth:

W tent: At the finish, there are big lettered signs where you can meet your party after you are done. Usually you'd go by your last name. Now, we being resourceful people decided to try and meet up at the "W" tent (for WISH) after the race. I don't know if we decided about if we are doing that this year. (But we do have a bunch of other meets in the works.....)

And not to toot my own horn, but here's a pretty nifty post-race report from last year ;)

Hope that helps!
Kevin :earsboy:

ETA: Oops, almost forgot, just back from my run-- 4 miles in 37:00; 9:15/mile pace.... at least I'm consistant.

Kevin, Thanks so much! DH and I just read your report and LOVED it!I am getting more excited and less whiney everyday!
The theme for this week should be "balance". As I read all the post I notice that we are all starting to struggle with balancing our running with our lives. I guess it comes with the higher miles and the reality of what we have commited to doing. By the way, I am terrible at balance - I swing back and forth from one extreme to the other.

Christa -There is a reason my DISname is Cruella de mom. You can't beat me at the horrible mom business. To be a mother is to live with guilt and self-doubt. Today your daughter learned that she can function in the world even when she doesn't feel 100%. Thats a good life lesson. She might also have learned that her mother some times has to make difficult choices.

ScoJo - We are practically neighbors!

Nancy - I used to do all my running on a treadmill. I found out the hard way that you can not hop off the treadmill and into a road race. Well, you can, but it is probably going to HURT alot. Until I started training for this marathon, I still did the vast majority of my running on a treadmill, but I made sure to get out on the road or trails at least once a week. Also, I have had a hard time learning to run DOWN hill. Evidently its harder than running up hill?! Luckily, the highest hills at Disney are the ramps to the over passes.

Jodi - have fun at the wedding! I was laughing because now adays I have to weigh all weekend plans with "how will effect my running schedule."

Dave - what to wear is always an issue with me. I am such a wimp about cold that I usually only run on a treadmil in winter. In Atlanta, I consider that winter starts in October and ends in May.

My kids are starting to roll their eyes when I even mention "my run". They have however enjoyed the results of my shopping for groceries after a long run. I have swung from the fruit and yogurt snacks to ice cream and chips and oreo cookies. My oldest dd has decided that I should run a marathon "all the time" Yeah right.
Hi All,

Well, as usual I am trying to play catch-up. Things IRL just keep getting in the way of my dis time. I am skimming through the last couple of weeks. I apologize in advance for anyone that I miss.

Sunny, Jen, Cruella, Ryley, Christa, Judy, Mel, Bill, Kathy, Lynn, Krista, Steve, Matt, Denny, goofyguy, Nancy, Jodi, Kelley, Anne (& anyone else I may have missed) – Sorry for being late…..but Congratulations on your races the past couple of weeks! I’ve really enjoyed reading all the race reports. :woohoo:
Stephanie, Teri, Nancy, Heather, Nikki – :welcome:
Kathy – Glad your surgery went well. pixiedust: for a speedy recovery.
Nancy – Flying golf balls….yikes! :scared1:
Sunny – Great of photos of Mt. Washington & area. We got to that area about 23 yrs ago. Drove to the top of Mt. Washington. Someday I hope to get back there. Very cool that you got to see stuff you worked on at the top of the mountain.
Mel – Thanks for the info on the wave C starts
For those that are sticking with plans for weight loss during training – Way to go!!! :woohoo: I am lucky enough to not have to lose any weight, (although I wouldn’t mind dropping 10 lbs) but I certainly need to eat healthier. Need to fill my body with fuel instead of junk. I have been trying to make better food choices, but it isn’t going as well as I would like it too.
Krista, Sunny, Paul – Love the shadow boxes. Thanks for sharing.
Kristi – OMG :scared: How very scary for all of you. Glad you are all ok.
Judy – Glad the new shoes are everything you had hoped for. I certainly am no expert, but it seems like there is a lot of trial & error to find the right shoes for our free sport.
Monte – I have issues with heel slip. The running shoe store showed me how to tie them to help stop the slipping. The following link shows different ways to tie shoes. I use the one they show for heel slippage. http://walking.about.com/cs/shoecare/l/aa120600b.htm Congratulations on running that mile! :thumbsup2
Krista – Great save on MIL birthday! Hope the surprise party worked.
Matt – Glad your shins are feeling well enough for you to get your runs in.
Amy – pixiedust: for a pain free 12 mile run.
Dave, Melissa, Paul, Cecilia – Good Luck on your races this weekend!
For everyone putting in their steps – Great job!!!!
For all with improving paces – Way to go!!! Congratulations!

I have been getting in my steps but not always as many as I would like. We’ve been getting to the track late in the day. Before we get to finish the bats start coming out. I don’t mind if they are off in the distance, but….they have been diving down way too close for my comfort. :sad2: It at least gets me to pick up my pace, but then I don’t get to finish or cool-down…just high tale it to get out of there. Didn’t get to run at all yesterday or today. Babysat my niece’s 16month old son for 2 days (including overnight). I am so out of practice. Had planned on getting out there yesterday when John(DH) got home (even had a jogging stroller to use) but the weather was looking iffy & then talked to a friend who had hit some drizzle. Decided we didn’t want to take any chances of getting caught in the rain with a 16 month old.

Happy Training!
Well, here I am sipping my coffee contemplating the 5.5 miles I need to get in this am. It's one of those mornings, where I would love to snuggle up in bed with my kids and put a good movie on and veg--oh well--plenty of time for that later! Gonna go lace 'em up and get out there!

Judy--I love your xmas eve tradition. Christmas is also my favorite time of year, and I love that we still have young kids that still are amazed by the wonder of it all. I can't wait for this years!

Okay, off to put on my shoes!
Anyone have sciatic advice????? I think I pushed too hard on the dreadmill and I woke up hurting bad this morning. I've taken a pain killer but want to avoid the muscle relaxer until bedtime if at all possible.


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