Wk of Dec 18--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

perfectmatch300 said:
My one drawback at this point seems to be my right knee. I had thought my problem was my hip, but lately I have seen that the true cause is my knee. DR seems to think it may be a torn meniscus, we'll see more after the holidays. At this point it bothers me more when sitting than walking so that's good motivation to keep on walking in an odd sort of way. If it does turn out to be a meniscus tear, then I have Lisa's experience to fall back on. She's come back so far so quickly it gives me hope!

Enjoy your taper time. Marathon day will be here before you know it!

So sorry to hear about that!!!

Did they do an MRI????

I was told either way--I could run with it...but my pain got to a point and timing worked with getting it repaired. Once repaired--it was all about pain tolerance once I was given a green light at each level.

For me--the darn sucker hurt worse when walking than when running--and any supreme bending--like in a squat position or sitting indian style--hurt....but not the actual getting into that position if it makes sense. (My chiro said I probably didn't have a tear b/c I didn't have pains when doing squats :confused3 ).

The good news is--if that is what it is....all of our efforts thus far and into the race don't really further damage it :cheer2: . Possibility it could but highly unlikely. I recommend taking the hills easy. I think I had my tear for years---and the "complex" part that it had (where it splits and looks like a fork in the road) happened in August when I was doing "hills" on my treadmill.

Good luck!!!
Honeibee said:
To everyone who has done the WDW Half before......maybe a dumb question, but I am so new to all this. :blush:

If they are putting everyone in corrals based on estimated finish time, I am correct in assuming that not everyone starts at the same time? Or do they just bring you up to the start line in groups based on your corral?

If this is correct, how do you know how you are doing? Not that I will have to worry about this but how would you know if you were winning then? You wouldn't, right, because if say for instance you were in the third corral, you could be the fastest but not be in the front.

Or am I just amazingly confused???? :confused3

Maybe I should go this year even though I am not entered so I can better understand.

BTW I am already planning on some local halfs so I won't be such an amateur when the WDW Half rolls around. :flower:
Not a dumb question at all.

The corrals are just a way to line you up--so think of yourself just standing in line with 15,000 of your closest friends. :crowded: The dividers that separate the corrals are removed just prior to the start--so no delays once the race has started in waiting for that. Just waiting for the congestion to clear up.

The elites are up front---so they pretty much are winning.

There are two times--the OFFICIAL time--which is the race time once the race starts.....this is how all the head of the pack finishers are determined---1st 2nd 3rd overall.

The second time is your CHIP time. You wear a CHAMPIONSHIP timing chip on your race shoe. When you cross the start--you will hear one of thousands of beeps. As you cross timing mats throughout the course--you will hear a beep. Your "chip time" is the amount of time it actually took you to complete the race. Both times will be posted on your finishers certificate.

Your CHIP time needs to be 7 hours or less to count as an official finisher. This is based on the VERY LAST person to cross the start. 7 HOURS after that last person crosses the start mat---then the finishing mat is shut off. Last year--the mat was shut off at 7:13. So between the first chip to cross and the last chip to cross--it took only 13 minutes.

While in the 3rd corral--chances are you won't be faster than the elite runners in the first corral....so your time would have no bearing on overall placement unless you indeed crossed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. However--most likely (though I really have no idea--this is just how I have seen it done elsewhere)--the age group 1, 2, 3 placements---might be based on chip time. So the person who completed 26.2 or 13.1 miles the fastest is considered for that.
mazzypig said:
My husband rushed home (3 hr drive to Va Beach), but she died early on Friday morning. :sad1: I stayed home with the kids throughout the weekend, and we are leaving tonight for Va Beach to attend the funeral tomorrow. I haven't run since last week, and my knee is hurting more than ever despite the "rest" (I made a doctor's appt for this Thursday). There will not likely be any time/energy for exercise this week, and I know I should rest the week after anyway to prepare for the race. The most I have ever done was one day of wogging 10 miles (and then my knee pain started). Before then I was only averaging 3-4 miles 3-4 times a week. I feel guilty worrying about my ability to finish the race when there are bigger things to grieve... :guilty: but completing my first half-marathon is about more than just a WDW trip and I still need to do this. I was really counting on this week to build my final endurance. So my confidence in my ability to do the half has taken a nosedive!

:grouphug: So sorry about your husband's and your loss.

While my setback was of a different variety last year--I didn't run for about 2 weeks between Dec 11th and Dec 25th due to injury--and then only very lightly (much less than taper mileage actually) between Christmas and the race. And except for the flu--I finished no problem. I was able to cross and get my medal.

Don't worry about anything than family right now--your body and mind will let you know when you are ready to get on the training road again. Training when you aren't able to really do so--could put you at greater risk for a setback possibly rendering the half impossible. With your injury and the death of your MIL--this week really wouldn't have added too much to get your ready for Disney. Take the week off--take care of you and your family...and your body will do what it can do when it NEEDS to do it.

Again--my condelences. :( :grouphug:
TXBelle said:
I have lost my desire to do the 1/2, but I hope to get it back soon. It feels strange to no longer want to do it after I have spent eleven months training. I got the shirts today, which made me very proud to be part of the WISH team. I really look forward to meeting all of you and watching DH run the marathon. I think I will look back at my photos from last year and try to get inspired.

In all honesty--I about lost my desire as well. More kicking myself for what could have been and for what I have to settle with. Dumb, I know. Anywho---I think it is all coming back to me now.

It may be part of the taper-depression! When you hit Expo-- :wizard: will be flying. :banana:
chimera said:
1. When do you start your Garmin? As you cross the start line, or for those of us near the back corrals, as soon as the starting gun goes off? I was planning to start when I cross the start line, but wondered if the other way was better.

I start mine when I cross the start (to roughly match chip time). I don't know what the official buffer for finishing is--all I know is the OFFICIAL race pace....so 7 hours for the full and 3.5 hours for the half. This is why I set it at the start. Clocks all over the course will be set to match the gun time.

2. What if we can't find each other before/after the races? I'd hate to miss the chance to meet any of you.

I believe Lily suggested meeting at the "W" tent for "WISH Team" in the family reuniting area. Your family can do the same--or you can meet at your family letter and then go on over to "W".

3. If I'm going to be wearing a lot of layers during the dark thirty wit before the race, wearing a few layers to start the race, then stripping them off and tossing them to the side during the race, where should I pin my race number? On my pants?
Pin your race number on the layer that you will not be removing. Unless you have practice with a piece of paper on your pants--this can get rather annoying during the race. Pin it on what will be your outermost layer once you have stripped layers. I pin mine on my Team in Training singlet as that won't be disrobed. If it will be a "cold" run--I wear a longsleeved non-disrobing wicking material garment underneath my singlet. If not--I toss off my outer layers to just the singlet when I have reached comfortable racing temperature.

If you pin to your pants---make extra sure you didn't pin to your shirt. Otherwise--that trip to the port-o-let could be :earseek: .
4. Why can I never remember to put Chapstick on until after I start a run? I always think I should, but don't seem to remember it until I'm part way in.

Make it part of your dressing routine--lay it on top of your clothes when you lay out your racing ensemble the night before the race. Don't get dressed until you have put on chapstick. I forgot my cell phone and gu even though they were in my car on my LLR day. :confused3 I just hope my nightmares don't become reality. :earseek:

5. Which bus should I plan to take to the start? I don't really want to get on the 3am bus as getting there too early could be bad. I'm trying to balance waiting in the potential cold too long vs getting there too late to get a good place in the corral.

Pack Garbage bags--they block the wind. By comfy clothes from Good Will--you won't wear these to run in--they just keep you warm at the start. Buy an old blanket for the same purpose. Be in line for the bus by 3:45am---those in line by 4am will get to the start on time. Corrals don't open until 4:30 am I believe. But you must allow potty time (wait in line, potty, repeat 4x) once you get to the start waiting area.

6. Potty time...I'm going to try to go 3 or 4 times before the race starts, but does that mean I'll lose my place in the corral.

No--corrals don't open until 4:30am or so--once you arrive--wait in line, potty, repeat 4x. When you walk to your corral--hit a port-o-let along the way (it will be lined up all along the road--you can't miss 'em). The corrals don't get hopping until about 5:30am...so as long as you catch the bus by 4am--you won't lose a place in the corral. You will have voided your bladder piror to all of this anyway. And yes--about a hundred jump the fence and pee in the median. :earseek:

7. Any halfers want to meet at BCV Sun morning to cheer on the fullers? We could grab breakfast/lunch at Boardwalk then watch as our teammates cruise through mile 24.

I'm on my TNT cheer squad--so I'll be teaming with them (I'm a captain--so a must do for me). But I will be more than happy to cheer any WISHers I see along the course!!!

8. Will I drive myself, my family and y'all nuts with all these ramblings by race day?

:rotfl2: Not even close to likely. :teeth:
littlegreydonkey said:
Christa - you wont' find me at WDW over Xmas (though anyone in Vegas better watch out). Don't get to Orlando until the 29th, but should you be lurking in any outlet malls, or Universal studios on New Years Eve, and see a British girl with yellow Hello Kitty Flip Flops (relying on Sunny's forecast there again!!!) that reveal two black toenails, just come on over!!!!!!

See you soon - ooh isn't that wierd! Helen
We will not be leaving until the 27th. Look for my nasty toenails too! :rotfl: They are part of the bragging rights!

Off to do the 12 - 15 miler. Will let you know how it goes.
hey ya'll thought I'd post before the 12-14/15 miler.
I won't post quotes b/c I don't have that much time but here are some responses to some things that have been said the last day or so....

Can you believe two weeks from today most of us will be in WDW??

As for accents, ya'll better watch out 'cause mine is as thick as gravy :rotfl2:

Susan: not only will we look for you on race weekend, now that we've seen your pic, we'll be looking for you on the streets of Charlotte!

Mazzy: So sorry to hear about your loss. Race weekend might end up being a nice break for you. I'm sure running will help keep your mind off things. Don't wory so much about when you're going to get your runs in. Your training is pretty much in the bag at this point. Just do what you can when you have time.

Mel: start your garmin when you cross the start. You probably won't even start running when you cross. The first year we ran, when the gun went off, we didn't start running for 11 minutes....crazy huh?

There are plenty of port-a-jons before the race and along the way. In fact in the 4 marathons I've run, disney has the most I have ever seen..naturally :earsgirl:

Don't wish too hard for warm weather..remember: warm weather means more sweat, and more sweat means chaffing....and chaffing means you'll be walking funny for a few days :earseek: not fun!
So let's hope for 40s - 50s at the start and 60s by the finish....a little warm but pretty much perfect for Orlando...

Well must go eat a bite before heading out to meet the Evil Queen..

later! :wave2:

O.k. it is getting to be sooooo real now. It is time to make my Wal Mart shopping list for packing. I usually work on it a couple of days because it takes that long for me to think of everything. My body is making me mad. I think I'm trying to get sick. Felt cruddy yesterday & by last night had a fever. Fell asleep on sofa by 6:00. I feel better this a.m. but I am going to skip my 30 min of xt so I make sure & have the energy for my 8 miler tomorrow. I'm excited about having that one done too. My friend said "you're doing 8 miles on Christmas eve?" I told her it was better than on Christmas & it's part of the training program so of course I'm doing it. The weird alien part is that I dont even mind it.

Had to do TM yesterday. Talk about STONKER!!!! It took 40 min for me to go only 2.3 miles. I go so much slower on that stupid thing. But at least I got the steps in!

I wish I could come cheer on the full Sun but we have to leave that morning. DS has school Monday.

10 more days till I'm outa here!!!
PLEASE don't wish for too warm of weather! ;) I'll die.

Mel - Um, well, that's the weather I was sleeveless in last week. Scary how we become acclimated to our climates. Yes, that was a lake when you last saw it. :rotfl:

It has been more about training and less about teh holidays fo rme too. ALthough, 3 mnights in a row of closing down the shops helps, sort of. I finished this mornign and dh will pick up 1 thing on his way home. Then we can wrap. We usually open our gifts to each other Christmas Eve, but this year we're doing a 10-mniler instead. What has happened to me. Our gifts will wait until Tuesay or Wednesday.

I'm not sure if I can meet anybody to cheer for teh half, as I want ofigure out what my cheering secction wants to do. :goodvibes I will be cheering for the half, though.

Those of you who take Mel up on her offer, I'm sure we'll need you at that point for cheering.

Put my spectator packets together last night. Still need to add pics of what we'll be wearing. (Have to take with for Christmas travels) I'm soooo excited!

My parents are getting excited too. Dad told me we could probably shave another 30 seconds off our pace under race conditions. I said, "um, well, maybe, but not if I run into any characters along the way." ;)

I can't wait to meet you al!!

Well, We leave tomorrow after our run, so this will likely be my last big post.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Everyone!!! :grouphug: Thansk for making this a year I'll never forget.
I too am looking forward to my "short miles" this weekend. It's a holiday? Oh my! The TM will still be my friend to complete this mini long run!

Yes, if anyone hasn't gotten to read the other thread about exchanging cell #s, I am interested in making any attempt at hooking up kind of as the time goes with anyone who might be looking to gather somewhere/sometime.
PM for my cell # and it's yours.

And as Lisa repeated above, plan on meeting up after the race at the "W" reuniting area if ya can wait for me that is...

Anyone wth family members cheering, make sure to tell them to cheer us ALL along. I realy appreciated strangers encouraging me as I went along. Tell them to not be shy about it.

Mel, great questions. No, not driving crazy, I appreciate your asking for sure. ...answers,mostly what Lisa said! :teeth:

Another tip, someone posted last year for those "old' clothes that will be tossed, you might want to cut them along the sides and then duct tape them closed. They will "tear away" easier so you can toss aside. Definitely bring a garbage bag, I used mine to sit on for a bit while I waited and observed until start time.

Safe travels, and happy running this weekend, Merry Christmas.
Lisa loves Pooh said:
Not a dumb question at all.

The corrals are just a way to line you up--so think of yourself just standing in line with 15,000 of your closest friends. :crowded: The dividers that separate the corrals are removed just prior to the start--so no delays once the race has started in waiting for that. Just waiting for the congestion to clear up.

The elites are up front---so they pretty much are winning.

There are two times--the OFFICIAL time--which is the race time once the race starts.....this is how all the head of the pack finishers are determined---1st 2nd 3rd overall.

The second time is your CHIP time. You wear a CHAMPIONSHIP timing chip on your race shoe. When you cross the start--you will hear one of thousands of beeps. As you cross timing mats throughout the course--you will hear a beep. Your "chip time" is the amount of time it actually took you to complete the race. Both times will be posted on your finishers certificate.

Your CHIP time needs to be 7 hours or less to count as an official finisher. This is based on the VERY LAST person to cross the start. 7 HOURS after that last person crosses the start mat---then the finishing mat is shut off. Last year--the mat was shut off at 7:13. So between the first chip to cross and the last chip to cross--it took only 13 minutes.

While in the 3rd corral--chances are you won't be faster than the elite runners in the first corral....so your time would have no bearing on overall placement unless you indeed crossed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. However--most likely (though I really have no idea--this is just how I have seen it done elsewhere)--the age group 1, 2, 3 placements---might be based on chip time. So the person who completed 26.2 or 13.1 miles the fastest is considered for that.

Lisa, thanks SOOO MUCH for that answer. I really really really appreciate it! My post kinda got lost back there so I didn't think I'd get an answer, so THANK YOU! I'm learning more and more every day about my new obsession!

Honeibee...sorry that your post got missed. The thread moves pretty fast these days, I know I'm not able to keep up with everyone as well as I used to. I'm glad you're able to get in on the excitement. That's how I ended up here...by finding the 2005 WISH team's preparations. It looked like so much fun! And we'll look forward to having you along for the run next year!

Lisa...thanks for always being there with the answers and advice!

Lily...PM on its way!

mazzy... :grouphug: to you and your family. I lost my dad suddenly right after New Year's 4 years ago. He had called a couple days before Xmas to thank us for the gifts we sent. That was the last time I talked to him and he's always on my mind this time of year.

Carrie...glad to hear your dad's well enough to make the trip!

Off to the groceries and such. Everyone comes to us for Xmas, so we'll be cooking for the next 3 days. We eat at 1pm if any of y'all would like to join us!
Don't worry Chimera, I know it was a REAL beginner's question anyway. :blush:

THANK YOU for maintaining these threads. I have learned so much! :banana: Already I am driving my poor brand new husband crazy with concerns about sweeps, and split times, and making sure I pack my walking clothes and shoes in my carry on.....Yeah, OK I'm a little ahead of schedule but I get so caught up in it! :teeth:

Merry Christmas to all my fellow WISHers!
Honeibee - Thanks for asking those questions. I had some of the same ones. Love your pix of Kenny. He is a hottie!

Lisa - Thanks for answering the questions. Always good to have a resident expert! :wave:

I can use any and all cheering along the course for both races. I'll be near the back of the pack.

I have to get myself ready for the actual race. It's going to be hard to focus on my steps when I see the characters out on the course. But if I'm too close to sweeper time I'll just have to :wave: to them and keep going. But I really hope I have some time to stop and get pix. I want to enjoy the whole experience of the event.

And when the races are over I plan on being on :cloud9:
Mel - Forgot one. I've switched to a hat. I like the feel of headbands better, but I looked pretty scary!

PM me if any marathon cheerers want the info to track me.
Carrie- I GOT MY SHIRT TODAY!!!!!!! I absolutely love it! We will definately be noticed wearing these. I can't wait to wear it tomorrow for my LR. Thanks!

Honebee-it's never too early to plan in my book. Being an compulsive WDW fan I am all for planning. At least your new obsession is a healthy one

Tiger Lily- I will have my entourage cheer for everyone they see in the WISH shirts. They have accepted that you guys have gotten me through this & are excited for all of us. I have made my cheering section shirts to wear on Saturday. They turned out pretty good. I may wear mine to dinner Fri since I will wear my WISH shirt for the race.

I hope it doesnt get to 70 on race day. I would be happy if it stayed in the 50's. It's been a couple of months since I've trained in 70* weather.
I think I need to start taking notes when I read, there's so many comments I want to make and I'm sure I'll miss half of them.

First, did my 12 miles today at the Y. 12 at 6.0mph 0% grade (that's my reward for being in taper). Rushed (no stretching or cool down :rolleyes: ) straight to an apt, then rushed to pick up DD for more marathon shopping. I am beat! I longingly remember thoses lazy summer LRs where I got to rest for nearly an hour before hitting the umpteen family events!!!!!

I tried out my WISH shirt. Have you seen those babies in the sun? We are going to stand out big time :smooth: I cut the collar off of mine and probably will cut the cuffs off the arms (sleeveless shirt). I may even cut a little of the length off as it is much longer than I am used to wearing and didn't like the double layer sweat effect there. But I think it should work well.

Lily-- great idea about cutting and taping the layers.

Mel-- It got into the 40s today and I was sweating wearing a Tshirt outside! Please don't wish for warm weather-- after all you had great pace in the "cold" weather!

As for the winter headband thingy-- sorry, no cool way to wear 'em! But around here we are all used to looking like dorks in the winter. Have you ever run in a baklava?

I'm hoping to start the race ~50s and end no higher than 70. Its Disney, If I can dream it...

Another question: sun screen? I will lather up before leaving my room, but sun won't be an issue until 2+ hours into the race, will I be covered? Remember I'm cutting the better part of my shirt away :rotfl2:

As for focusing past Christmas, I was really there, but now I'm in the Christmas frenzy. I get waves of panic thinking after this major push is over I have to start getting ready for the trip. I haven't started packing, planning, nothing :scared1: I usually start practice packing months before the trip. Dx was wondering what all he should pack. He doesn't know yet that he doesn't get any space in the suitcases. We travel strickly carryon so he's going to be very limited. I imagine one carryone will be just for my race gear. DS gets a carryon since he bought a ticket, so there will be two carryones for all of our clothes. Oh I'm starting to panic just thinking about it.

It dawned on me the other day that I could easily forget my Garmin. I haven't used it in weeks!

I'd love to cheer on the halfers but I have a delicate balance with Dx and DS, they (mostly Dx) will only tolerate so much of this stuff. I will probably need to keep Sat a dedicated family day.

As for making sure we all hook up, maybe we could share cell phone numbers via PMs?

Yeah! Got our 13 miles done last night! It felt wonderful from last weekends 20 miler :cool1:

Today we have an easy 4 and then nothing tomorrow!! Actually the next two weeks are pretty easy so I'm really feeling good. Unfortunately, I caught my kids' colds so I really need to knock this out before we go.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!!!

I just checked the 15 day forecast on accuweather and it looks great. :sunny: Now I know not to get too excited because it could change 100 times between now & then but Sat it says low 46 high 65. That would be awesome. The weather for that whole week we are there looks great.

Do you think it would look too tacky to wear our wonderfully bright WISH shirt with lt blue shorts? I bought some black ones but I dont like them as much as the lt blue ones. DH says if I'm going to wear that bright shirt why not go all out & really get noticed by wearing the lt blue shorts with it. :teeth:

Merry Christmas everyone. 10 more days till the Johnsons invade the World :banana:
Off to do our 8 miles in the brrrrr cold! Okay--It's 46...that's cold to me anyway ;).

Looking that highs are still in the 70s until Jan 2nd. That's nice weather. I won't hope for 80s--but 60s to low 70s will be dreamy for me :)


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