Why, oh Why Dont they Listen???

i understand that a lot of people go on vacations every year and their entire planning is knowing where they plan to be on a certain day.... Most people that know me know my family goes to WDW every year, my usual answer when someone tells me they are going to Disney is, you really need to do a lot of planning, get on your computer and go to www. disboards, thats all the advice you will get from me... now if they say their going to universal studios, my advice is get reservations at portafino bay, or hard rock, or royal pacific, thats the only planning you need for universal''''
The only thing that sounds wrong there is not having a car (at least for one day) and trying to use the credits once they are at UO (especially without a car lol). 5 days at UO is the start of a terrific UO trip!
This is their once in a lifetime trip, it's unbalanced for me.

They are sort of people who go 'so they can say they've been'. Not because they are that interested
I'm a travel agent. I plan peoples trips for a living. I've had to deal with people not telling me where they wanted to eat until 2 weeks out and then getting mad that I can't get them into any place. I've had people come in a month before they want to go and think I am ripping them off when I tell them its 200+ for a value. A women argued with me that there was a hotel in Cinderella's Castle and that is where she wanted to stay. But thankfully I would say that well about 50% of people listen to the advice. But I also try to see what kind of people they are. No sense recommending a commando vacation when they are leisurely just happy to be here Cory's.

Plus I never recommend blow by blow down to the minute plans. I just generally recommend to have a list each day of the things you want to accomplish and go from there. I am not a super-dooper-uber planner. But I also know the need to get familiar with the place you are going.

While you are not ripping them off, they are getting ripped off.
One of my bosses at work went to WDW last year. She knew I go at least once a year, but didn't ask any questions. When they got back I heard a bunch of ranting and raving about this and that, but the one that really stuck is how upset she was that the resorts don't have buses that go back and forth from resort to resort. She couldn't understand why while she was at POFQ she couldn't just hop on another bus to visit other resorts, and complained about how stupid it was.

It is stupid. I think even if she had asked you she would have felt the same way.

Knowing that Disney is going to overcharge and make things difficult does not it's right LOL!
What I love is people decide they want to go a month or two ahead and don't understand why they can't get the room they want. Why so busy they will say. They expect rooms, restaurants to always be open last minute. There was a post on facebook yesterday from someone wanting to rent DVC points for October 20 & 21. I checked the DVC website for her, knowing that it's a busy time for DVC. October 20 is completely booked, October 21 has a studio at SSR only.

Another case: http://www.disboards.com/threads/no-rooms-week-of-11-8-15.3439209/#post-54395667
I just NOW tried to BOOK the list of restaurants you posted, for a week in early Nov.

Castle, Nov 9-14: Nothing available all day.
Askersus, Nov 9-14: Nothing available all day.
Chef Mickey's, Nov 9-14: Nothing available all day.
Ohana, Nov 9-14: Nothing available all day.

These rules aren't secret.......you can buy a $15 book at Barnes & Noble and find all this information.........you can do all this yourself............I just don't get it........but........maybe.........maybe theres a business oppurtunity in there :idea:

Doug :goofy:
These rules aren't secret.......you can buy a $15 book at Barnes & Noble and find all this information.........you can do all this yourself............I just don't get it........but........maybe.........maybe theres a business oppurtunity in there :idea:

Or for a plugged-nickel, you can read about them on dozens of listings on the inter-web. ;)

It's easy to look like a GENIUS, when all you need to know is how to type "Google."
I try not to give advice unless people ask specific questions. Then I know they at least did a little research.

I made an exception to this rule a few years ago when my niece was taking her kids (all under 4 yrs) for their first trip. She had to book the Contemporary because she needed to be able to get back to the hotel quickly if the kids needed a break. Well that works great for MK but not much else. Then she went ahead and purchased the deluxe dining plan and I told her that it would be way too much food with 3 kids under 4. Her reasoning was that they had to eat three meals a day. I guess she thought all counter service was burgers and fries? I couldn't tell her anything. When she got back she did say that it was a mistake and that they wasted a lot of food and meal credits. Really? So what is she doing on her next trip. She again ordered the Deluxe meal plan. Her kids are a few years older now and hopefully have better appetites. At least she got in on FD this time and just upgraded to the Deluxe plan. And they are staying at CBR so saving a little bit there. Baby steps!!

A friend at work loves WDW and sometimes we will catch up in the kitchen while getting coffee about recent WDW news. Most of the time other people in the area look at us like we are speaking a foreign language. I love it!!
What I love is people decide they want to go a month or two ahead and don't understand why they can't get the room they want. Why so busy they will say. They expect rooms, restaurants to always be open last minute. There was a post on facebook yesterday from someone wanting to rent DVC points for October 20 & 21. I checked the DVC website for her, knowing that it's a busy time for DVC. October 20 is completely booked, October 21 has a studio at SSR only.

Another case: http://www.disboards.com/threads/no-rooms-week-of-11-8-15.3439209/#post-54395667

That's the reason I won't do DVC (that and the high annual dues). I don't plan vacations 6+ months out because I usually go multiple times within 6 months, and I don't really like planning multiple vacations at the same time. In my opinion, if you're paying that much money for a contract, you shouldn't need to be on the phone 6 months out just to get a room somewhere, let alone the hotel you want to be at.

For me, 4 months is my maximum planning time. I can still get the ADRs I want by just checking for cancelations persistently and usually I end up where I want to be. It just takes real persistency, which I luckily have because I'm a Disney fan, but if you don't have that persistency and you really want to eat at a specific spot, use Disney Dining Buddy or something like that. It's not unusual for me to also wait until well within the 60 days to make FP+ selections. Again, because I'm fortunate to go frequently, if I don't get on 7DMT (and I have no desire to meet A&E), it's not the end of the world. Same mentality with attractions. For me, rope drop and strict touring plans just don't work. I rather show up at 11am or noon, use my FP+s, do some attractions with waits below 30 minutes, use SR lines, grab lunch, see some shows and the parade, and then take advantage of later less crowded hours. I know this is probably heresy in the Disney fan community, but I'm in the minority in thinking rope drop is not essential and touring plans create stress.

The bottom line here is everyone has their own strategy and I'm not one to judge others' styles. I make it pretty well known that I am in to Disney and WDW, so it's not uncommon for people to ask me for advice. I suggest booking hotels and restaurants early, getting there early (which is helpful for first-timers and those once-in-a-lifetimers), using easyWDW crowd calendars to pick park days to make FP+s, and some of my favorite restaurants and little experiences. Usually, people come back and say that had a nice time, but the few who don't ask for advice and don't do much planning do often come back and complain. I just ignore it and ask why they didn't ask for advice. At the same time, I kinda understand though because realistically there are very few other vacations that require this level of planning (which if you ask me is getting a bit out of hand).
We did my "non-planning" boyfriend's approach one day at MK. After being faced with long lines and huge crowds, he was suddenly on board with asking me what I had planned for the next day and how could we maximize what we could get done. How do we avoid the crowds and lines? What did I have planned? Should we add another ADR? What time did we really need to leave the resort to be there at RD? Should we do this or that? Suddenly - he believed me.

Sometimes those non-planners figure it out another time!

my husband was the same way. Thought I was crazy planning so much for Disney (and he's generally a planner) before we left. Once we got there and he saw how long the lines were he was THRILLED that we had FP+. :) For the next trip he's all "you do what you do honey and we'll have a great time". lol
Am I missing something? You judged them "disgusting" right?

This makes no sense LOL!
Sure it does.. I never said "judging others was disgusting".. just said people who judge others' honeymooning AND vacationing choices are. I never judged someone else's honeymoon or vacation choice. It was tongue and cheek. Thanks though!
My husband thinks I'm nuts. Iv already stared planning for a potential trip in February 2017. If it wasn't for research and this forum I'd never know I should do ADR 180 days ahead of arrival which would be the end of August 2016 I hadn't even planned on booking my holiday then!! which now means we have to save extra hard. Perhaps book WDW first and flights later on. It also means I need to know what parks I want to do on what days so I'm close for ADR.
Iv also made a note on my calendar for February 2016 to keep an eye on the weather so I can see what it's like in Feb.
Iv got a little note book and taking notes on where I think would be good to eat as well as pros and cons for hotels.
It is all a bit over whelming but planning early means I can just take it slow and a little bit at a time and ensure our family has an unforgettable trip.
While I was reading this thread, a friend of mine whom I have been helping with info messaged me that they had book their trip for December...of this year. It's not a long one like we normally do, three park days, staying at the All Stars. They (three total, with a DD) are going to do two days at MK and one at EP. Cool. I asked if they had any ideas for dining. "Well, we want to do BOG and someplace at EP." My head dropped when I read that first part. She also said they are going to be bringing lunch with them. I hope they have a car to keep the cooler in. I'm not going to jump all over her, but I will ask some loaded questions to give me an idea as to how well she has this planned.
I try not to get too invested, because I realize most people are not as type A as I am. However, I did go through and make a whole set of touring plans for my friend's family recently and was heartbroken to hear that their 6 year old daughter was disappointed she didn't get to meet a princess other than Pocahontas, because the lines were too long. Well, I had plenty of princess things on the touring plan with estimated 25 minute waits... in JULY. I worked hard to schedule them when they would be able to reasonably handle the wait. They still had a blast, but how sad to go to Disney World as a 6 year old girl and not meet any of the main princesses.
While I was reading this thread, a friend of mine whom I have been helping with info messaged me that they had book their trip for December...of this year. It's not a long one like we normally do, three park days, staying at the All Stars. They (three total, with a DD) are going to do two days at MK and one at EP. Cool. I asked if they had any ideas for dining. "Well, we want to do BOG and someplace at EP." My head dropped when I read that first part. She also said they are going to be bringing lunch with them. I hope they have a car to keep the cooler in. I'm not going to jump all over her, but I will ask some loaded questions to give me an idea as to how well she has this planned.

People DO get BOG all the time. I've gotten it for 2 trips within a month of the trip. One of which was during free dining. You just either need to be flexible or check often. I'm not sure why everyone thinks these reservations are IMPOSSIBLE?! The last time we ate at BOG, we made friends in line and they had made their reservation the night before for a 6:40 reservation....
For me, it depends on who is asking me, and how much they really value my advice.

Years ago, a friend of mine finally talked her husband into going. He grumbled about being in crowds, waiting in lines, etc. So I began explaining how long lines can be avoided, and eventually he tuned me out (rather rudely at that.)

So they get back, and I ask if they had a good time. Husband complained about the long lines, of course. Do you think?? So it became a self-fulfilling prophesy for them. Even since then, I don't bother volunteering my knowledge. Just too frustrating.
That's the reason I won't do DVC (that and the high annual dues). I don't plan vacations 6+ months out because I usually go multiple times within 6 months, and I don't really like planning multiple vacations at the same time. In my opinion, if you're paying that much money for a contract, you shouldn't need to be on the phone 6 months out just to get a room somewhere, let alone the hotel you want to be at.

For me, 4 months is my maximum planning time. I can still get the ADRs I want by just checking for cancelations persistently and usually I end up where I want to be. It just takes real persistency, which I luckily have because I'm a Disney fan, but if you don't have that persistency and you really want to eat at a specific spot, use Disney Dining Buddy or something like that. It's not unusual for me to also wait until well within the 60 days to make FP+ selections. Again, because I'm fortunate to go frequently, if I don't get on 7DMT (and I have no desire to meet A&E), it's not the end of the world. Same mentality with attractions. For me, rope drop and strict touring plans just don't work. I rather show up at 11am or noon, use my FP+s, do some attractions with waits below 30 minutes, use SR lines, grab lunch, see some shows and the parade, and then take advantage of later less crowded hours. I know this is probably heresy in the Disney fan community, but I'm in the minority in thinking rope drop is not essential and touring plans create stress.

4 months is my MAX for planning in advance! I don't know what I would do if I had more time than that! And I never know if I can be off from work before that....

I have an AP, (or usually have something like that, since mine is expiring 3 days after I leave this time) so its really what we can get and what we feel like doing......it definitely is different for people who have never been or are only going once in a lifetime....
Why does it bother me? Because this was me in 1976 when I was in 6th grade on our family's only trip to Florida over Christmas. Couldn't find a hotel room anywhere near DW the night before we were to be in the MK, so the four of us slept in our car in some parking lot. It was pouring down rain. We wandered around the whole day, and I think I recall us going on one attraction, everything had like 2-3 hour waits and my parents weren't willing to wait for anything. It's a pretty sad memory for sure. I'm now a big planner and our little family has had AMAZING trips due to all I have learned here. I am so grateful!

Friends of ours went a couple years ago over Spring Break and visited Universal as part of their trip.....Not much planning, got there, rode ONE attraction the whole day. One. That is CRAZY.

My heart aches for those four little kids who are going between Christmas and New Years. I can't even wrap my head around wrangling four young kids when it is that busy, but I know families do it every single day! I pray some pixie dust comes their way and that they are able to ride some attractions and do not spend their entire days waiting in line. :( Nothing magical about that.


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