Why Not Now? Reaching weight loss and fitness goals in 2016--All Welcome!

***I updated the chart. There was not a lot to edit. Please take a look and let me know if you have changes or corrections.

Weigh in day today...down 0.8 for a total of 10.8. I did not exercise this week at all. I just really, really, really didn't want to. I am going to try for 5 days this week.

Just saw this! I will edit you next time. :) I had trouble with getting moving this week too. Between the puppy and the weather it was a hibernating kind of week.
Just saw this! I will edit you next time. :) I had trouble with getting moving this week too. Between the puppy and the weather it was a hibernating kind of week.

Thanks Rose!!! ...When you do update me, I just checked my weight from last week and realized I am actually down 1 pound for a total of 11! I don't want to miss out on that 0.2. Hahahaha
I was so worried yesterday about todays weigh in. I knew I did everything right this week. Not perfect but pretty good. Old habits die hard with self doubt and caving into the usual head games I play with myself. So glad I cave and listen too myself and sabotage myself like usual. I am happy and shocked to be down another 3.4lbs this morning. Making it a total of 6lbs for February. Let the next week begin!
Checking in. 182 today, so 8 lbs total and only one of them in Feb. I guess one is better than none! Need to be better on weekends, the rest of the week goes fine. I think i've missed maybe one or two days of exercising since starting so at least i've been good there. Baby steps. :D
Well my water retention from TOM last week finally came off. Was down about 4 lbs from last week this morning. But two lbs towards my goal it looks like. I wasn't sure what day I'd weight today or tomorrow. I'll try to see if it is consistent tomorrow but nice to see the water retention fell off.

I'm happy for a 3 day weekend even though Monday I'm only off work because I requested it off for DD to go to the dentist. It will be nice to sleep in a few days. And I've really looked forward to Sundays the last few weeks for skating and now its nice that after the fun I know I can sleep in a bit later than our usual weekday alarm but not by much really. :) I may have to go skating more when I get our own skates bought. Then its a lot cheaper. It's not crazy priced but surely adds up with fees and skate rental for 2-4 people.

Okay I will try to read replies and catch up on more personals in awhile. I have to work on my grocery list and meal plan ideas for the next week.
I've had a week of anxiety, which paired with good eating and exercise led to a nice loss! I'm down 10.7 lbs today! That's 3.7 lbs for Feb with only .3 left to go for my monthly goal.
Weighing in at 144.3. I still can't see it but my husband swears he can.

I'm struggling with my exercise. I'm still doing it but finding it increasingly difficult to get through a workout. It's so boring! I can't do much between my shoulder and feet so I'm on the elliptical at the gym everyday. Blah. I hate it.
ok- 0 change...ugh..

I new that was coming i've been up and down the same lb or so all month.

I am getting my steps in but too many little cheats.

What's the saying...you can't out exercise a bad diet?
To think about for today....Portion distortion
Do you know your portions? Take this quick quiz and see if you know how many calories are in typical foods we eat today. Did you learn anything?

I think I did pretty good. I got 5 right. The ones I got wrong, I guessed too many calories. So, I think I have a good gauge on portions and calories :)

Hang in there Jill! You can do it!
I did a dietbet--I lost. :) But I know a lot of people have success with using it as an external motivator.

I decided to be wild and crazy and signed up for one of the 30 day ones. It officially starts Tuesday and I forked over $40. I keep thinking that I want to feel and look better for vacation this summer and I could use some extra money for cruise excursions...hopefully these two things will motivate me more.

I got 5 out of 10 right and the ones I guessed wrong I guessed over the right amount. I am being really good about tracking everything I eat on MFP which really helps you realise how many calories are in things for such a small portion. If it is something higher in calories and easy to take too much I will weigh or measure it. Last week I had some pasta with my family and I measured out my 1 cup and was it ever a sad amount from what I would usually eat. My daughter said "Is that all your going to eat?!" LOL. I did have salad with it but pasta is so high in calories.

I also got 5/10 and over guessed on the wrong ones!

I had an ok day yesterday. :) I was on plan, but still lacking in the exercise. Our little foster puppy is keeping us very busy. She was just spayed, so she has to have a cone on when we can't see her, and she is VERY energetic most of the other time. We are having a cold snap, so not getting outside much and she is bored. Our previous foster puppy was adopted this week along with one of his sisters. :)

Have a good Friday! :)

Awe! That's great news about your previous puppy getting a new family. I always laugh when I see dogs or cats in the cone of shame lol. When our dog was spayed, she got that cone off every time we put it on. She's also an escape artist and gets out of the fenced yard, so we nicknamed her Houdini. Funny story: we have a dog door and a fenced backyard, so the dog just goes in and out as she pleases. Some days she must just be bored or have too much energy because she will find a way to get out of the backyard, come around to the front porch, and bark until we let her in. Silly girl. She jumps/climbs the fence or has even pulled slats of the wooden fence to go through. Sigh...she's my problem child :rotfl:

It's 10 degrees right now with wind chills of -8. Tonight's actual temp is supposed to be -1. I'm guessing the wind chill will be -15 or so. Our dog is not going to be outside for a couple days. I'm sure she'll drive us bonkers inside with her pent up energy!


I am chalking this week up to a complete loss. It was a stressful week and I leaned on carbs way too much. I am finally feeling better, though, so I will be back at exercising asap.

I did sign up for a Dietbet. It starts Tuesday and goes for one month. I hope I win some extra cash. Even if it's a small amount, I'll be happy to keep going.

It was nice not to get up early for anything today. DSs both have soccer games, though. I think I will grocery shop tomorrow after church. Monday I get to sleep in and enjoy a day off. DS9 has a soccer game Monday night, though. Seriously? On my day off? Don't these coaches understand?:rotfl2:

We have to leave in less than an hour, so I am going to go get ready and grab a snack before the games. Good job to everyone weighing in with losses! Congrats! I hope I'm right there with you next week.

Keep warm!

Okay down 2.2 lbs so far this month. 25% there on the 2nd week. First week may have been bust and overage from water retention but its all off this week with two friends. :) So excited but really want to be sure I keep the eating clean and my exercise up to habit it still isn't. argh Aside from weekly skating for now. :) I'm planning to get us some skates of our own with tax refund money so we can just pay the lower admission price and go more often. :) I can't wait. I will probably get outdoor wheels for the park too and swap them depending on where we go. I'm under 10 lbs to my first mini goal weight. I can see it now, its getting closer. I'm trying to determine dinner for tonight and remembered I promised my friend's 10 year old son(who is staying with us this weekend) breakfast for dinner. So its looking like pancake, bacon and eggs. I guess that is okay with me I don't have to leave the house for that. I will still have to work out a week of meal plan and go shopping tomorrow morning or later this evening when its less busy at the store. But its turning out that our extra kid is not able to get into the school my daughter goes to so he will be going to the school his mom went to for junior high near her mom's house. So I just have one picky eater to plan around not two for half of the days. Of course three day weekend have two extra this weekend. lol One barely eats though I swear I don't know how that kid is alive still, he's skin and bones and always says he's full after a bite or two.

I hope everyone's week went well. I'll have to read to catch up some still. Started this then did dishes and back on finishing up this portion during a break before I put them away and cook that breakfast dinner. Lots more housework to get done as well. :crazy: :laundy: I'll be a cleaning machine this evening so I can enjoy my morning tomorrow. Not sure I'll get all the laundry done today though so may be stuck doing some tomorrow.
To think about for today...
Happy Sunday! What are you doing today to get ready for the week ahead?

To think about for today...
Happy Sunday! What are you doing today to get ready for the week ahead?


Trying to decide how to get my walk in since it is painfully cold out (-21). I have to go grocery shopping today since tomorrow is a holiday. Need to get school lunch supplies for Tuesday and other healthy food options.
To think about for today...
Happy Sunday! What are you doing today to get ready for the week ahead?


Just focusing on continuing and not getting derailed by life. Lol

I need to change my goal weight from 120 to 115. I just realized I've had the two different goals here and in my Fitbit app. I gained 40 lbs so I want to lose 40 lbs, although I'd be thrilled with just 35. :)
Also, my second week weigh in puts me at 144.3, so .3 lbs from my feb goal with 29.3 lbs to go. 10.7 lbs total lost. Thanks for keeping up with this @Rose&Mike!
Thanks Rose!!! ...When you do update me, I just checked my weight from last week and realized I am actually down 1 pound for a total of 11! I don't want to miss out on that 0.2. Hahahaha

I was so worried yesterday about todays weigh in. I knew I did everything right this week. Not perfect but pretty good. Old habits die hard with self doubt and caving into the usual head games I play with myself. So glad I cave and listen too myself and sabotage myself like usual. I am happy and shocked to be down another 3.4lbs this morning. Making it a total of 6lbs for February. Let the next week begin!

Checking in. 182 today, so 8 lbs total and only one of them in Feb. I guess one is better than none! Need to be better on weekends, the rest of the week goes fine. I think i've missed maybe one or two days of exercising since starting so at least i've been good there. Baby steps. :D
One is better than none. :) Keep moving forward.

I've had a week of anxiety, which paired with good eating and exercise led to a nice loss! I'm down 10.7 lbs today! That's 3.7 lbs for Feb with only .3 left to go for my monthly goal.
Weighing in at 144.3. I still can't see it but my husband swears he can.

I'm struggling with my exercise. I'm still doing it but finding it increasingly difficult to get through a workout. It's so boring! I can't do much between my shoulder and feet so I'm on the elliptical at the gym everyday. Blah. I hate it.
I hear you on the boredom of the elliptical. Can you do 'sprints' on the elliptical to vary things up? My husband does hiit on the elliptical--he will do 5 minutes fast then get off and do a strength exercise, rinse and repeat. That's hard if the gym is crowded, but you could look at maybe doing 5 min then get off and do squats or lunges. Just a thought. :)
ok- 0 change...ugh..

I new that was coming i've been up and down the same lb or so all month.

I am getting my steps in but too many little cheats.

What's the saying...you can't out exercise a bad diet?
The cheats get me every time! Hang in there.

I decided to be wild and crazy and signed up for one of the 30 day ones. It officially starts Tuesday and I forked over $40. I keep thinking that I want to feel and look better for vacation this summer and I could use some extra money for cruise excursions...hopefully these two things will motivate me more.

Awe! That's great news about your previous puppy getting a new family. I always laugh when I see dogs or cats in the cone of shame lol. When our dog was spayed, she got that cone off every time we put it on. She's also an escape artist and gets out of the fenced yard, so we nicknamed her Houdini. Funny story: we have a dog door and a fenced backyard, so the dog just goes in and out as she pleases. Some days she must just be bored or have too much energy because she will find a way to get out of the backyard, come around to the front porch, and bark until we let her in. Silly girl. She jumps/climbs the fence or has even pulled slats of the wooden fence to go through. Sigh...she's my problem child :rotfl:

It's 10 degrees right now with wind chills of -8. Tonight's actual temp is supposed to be -1. I'm guessing the wind chill will be -15 or so. Our dog is not going to be outside for a couple days. I'm sure she'll drive us bonkers inside with her pent up energy!

I am glad you are feeling better! Good luck on the diet bet. :) It is cold here (20s), but not that cold. But we warm up starting tomorrow! Is your dog by chance a cattle dog? That's sounds like something a cattle dog would do!

Okay down 2.2 lbs so far this month. 25% there on the 2nd week.

To think about for today...
Happy Sunday! What are you doing today to get ready for the week ahead?

This might sound like a silly thing, but we moved the tv out of our bedroom and hung it on the wall in our small gym. :) Served two purposes: motivated me to exercise because I watched the news while on the elliptical. And it got my butt moving faster this morning with no tv to turn on.

Trying to decide how to get my walk in since it is painfully cold out (-21). I have to go grocery shopping today since tomorrow is a holiday. Need to get school lunch supplies for Tuesday and other healthy food options.
Oh my gosh I do not miss that kind of cold. Stay safe!

Just focusing on continuing and not getting derailed by life. Lol

I need to change my goal weight from 120 to 115. I just realized I've had the two different goals here and in my Fitbit app. I gained 40 lbs so I want to lose 40 lbs, although I'd be thrilled with just 35. :)
Also, my second week weigh in puts me at 144.3, so .3 lbs from my feb goal with 29.3 lbs to go. 10.7 lbs total lost. Thanks for keeping up with this @Rose&Mike!
I will take care of it next time I update. :)
To think about for today...

Since it is so cold in much of the country today, what is your favorite healthy soup? Share the recipe if you can. :)
To think about for today...

Since it is so cold in much of the country today, what is your favorite healthy soup? Share the recipe if you can. :)

Not that cold here(okay not cold at all I think our forecast is 90 or something really close to that) but my favorite is homemade chicken noodle. I made some recently and my brother said I have to use the same noodles. I think he was shocked when I said I made those noodles. :D I also really like broccoli cheddar soups, or potato. Potato used to be my favorite. My step mom would make tomato and potato for grilled cheese nights and I always hated tomato when I was little. I like it now though. Overall though I am not a big soup person, meaning I don't have it that often. I'm trying to cook more broth based soups because broth is so great for gut health and I really need to improve mine.
I've had a week of anxiety, which paired with good eating and exercise led to a nice loss! I'm down 10.7 lbs today! That's 3.7 lbs for Feb with only .3 left to go for my monthly goal.
Weighing in at 144.3. I still can't see it but my husband swears he can.

I'm struggling with my exercise. I'm still doing it but finding it increasingly difficult to get through a workout. It's so boring! I can't do much between my shoulder and feet so I'm on the elliptical at the gym everyday. Blah. I hate it.
Anxiety can be crushing and pull you away from everything. Not to mention it zaps every bit of energy. Those ellipticals are killer on my legs. So good for you having strong legs.

ok- 0 change...ugh..

I new that was coming i've been up and down the same lb or so all month.

I am getting my steps in but too many little cheats.

What's the saying...you can't out exercise a bad diet?

Yeah I think we've all had months we seem to lose and gain the same pound or five. Yep I definitely agree with the saying. ;) Even if you lose on bad diet its not the best way to go about it without adjusting calories for life.

I think I did pretty good. I got 5 right. The ones I got wrong, I guessed too many calories. So, I think I have a good gauge on portions and calories :)

I decided to be wild and crazy and signed up for one of the 30 day ones. It officially starts Tuesday and I forked over $40. I keep thinking that I want to feel and look better for vacation this summer and I could use some extra money for cruise excursions...hopefully these two things will motivate me more.

Awe! That's great news about your previous puppy getting a new family. I always laugh when I see dogs or cats in the cone of shame lol. When our dog was spayed, she got that cone off every time we put it on. She's also an escape artist and gets out of the fenced yard, so we nicknamed her Houdini. Funny story: we have a dog door and a fenced backyard, so the dog just goes in and out as she pleases. Some days she must just be bored or have too much energy because she will find a way to get out of the backyard, come around to the front porch, and bark until we let her in. Silly girl. She jumps/climbs the fence or has even pulled slats of the wooden fence to go through. Sigh...she's my problem child :rotfl:

It's 10 degrees right now with wind chills of -8. Tonight's actual temp is supposed to be -1. I'm guessing the wind chill will be -15 or so. Our dog is not going to be outside for a couple days. I'm sure she'll drive us bonkers inside with her pent up energy!


I am chalking this week up to a complete loss. It was a stressful week and I leaned on carbs way too much. I am finally feeling better, though, so I will be back at exercising asap.

I did sign up for a Dietbet. It starts Tuesday and goes for one month. I hope I win some extra cash. Even if it's a small amount, I'll be happy to keep going.

It was nice not to get up early for anything today. DSs both have soccer games, though. I think I will grocery shop tomorrow after church. Monday I get to sleep in and enjoy a day off. DS9 has a soccer game Monday night, though. Seriously? On my day off? Don't these coaches understand?:rotfl2:

We have to leave in less than an hour, so I am going to go get ready and grab a snack before the games. Good job to everyone weighing in with losses! Congrats! I hope I'm right there with you next week.

Keep warm!


Sounds like a busy week of games. HEHE I know I over guessed calories on most of the too. I think we all know how much portions have changed.

To think about for today...
Happy Sunday! What are you doing today to get ready for the week ahead?


We skated to keep up our new Sunday ritual. We might do a later session. I wish I had known of the one last night we may have done that with today being no school. Got a start on my exercise. We really want to get skates when our tax refunds roll in. Then we will go more often during the week. Either at the rink or park. My friends 13 year old got my brother talked into going last week and he went again last night. He's better than all of us. Kept all his skills. He skated more recently than me and my friend that used to skate almost every Friday when we were teens with another friend that later moved away. My friend was all wrapped in her relationship and eventual marriage to the dj she met there. So I didn't end up going that much after the other friend moved and I just did rollerblading in my neighborhood. I regret not keeping up with skating or rollerblading.

Trying to decide how to get my walk in since it is painfully cold out (-21). I have to go grocery shopping today since tomorrow is a holiday. Need to get school lunch supplies for Tuesday and other healthy food options.
Good luck. Maybe find a walking at home video to follow on Youtube. Fitness blender channel has a lot of options for all kinds of stuff.

Just focusing on continuing and not getting derailed by life. Lol

I need to change my goal weight from 120 to 115. I just realized I've had the two different goals here and in my Fitbit app. I gained 40 lbs so I want to lose 40 lbs, although I'd be thrilled with just 35. :)
Also, my second week weigh in puts me at 144.3, so .3 lbs from my feb goal with 29.3 lbs to go. 10.7 lbs total lost. Thanks for keeping up with this @Rose&Mike!
Getting derailed is entirely too easy. You're off to a great start on your journey. You got this.
To think about for today...
Happy Sunday! What are you doing today to get ready for the week ahead?


I made a menu for the week and went grocery shopping after church. That's all I really did Sunday because we didn't have school yesterday, so I had yesterday to do other things.

To think about for today...

Since it is so cold in much of the country today, what is your favorite healthy soup? Share the recipe if you can. :)

My favorite is not really healthy. It's called cheesy vegetable chowder. It's so yummy, though! I got the recipe on Pinterest of course :)
I know skinnytaste has some good recipes as well.

Rose~our silly dog is a cattle dog! She's a red heeler. She is having a blast today in the snow and staying in the yard :)

I don't have an official total, but where I am in western PA, we had 8 inches of snow as of 7:30 am when I went out and measured. It started last night around 9:00 but most of it came after 1:00 am. I'm guessing we had 10 inches or more after all was said and finally done. Needless to say, no schools were open in our county or the 3 counties next to us in Ohio. We just happened to fall in the 8"-12" area. Yay us! Although, this is really the first bout of winter we've had, so I am not complaining. Plus, it's warm (32 degrees) so they kids have been outside for over an hour playing and making forts. The dog is very happy to be out with them jumping around.

So, shoveling 8" of snow this morning was a pretty good workout. It was pretty heavy, wet snow, too. I did our house and DH did the neighbor's. Then I did a 10 minute strength training workout. I found a couple good workouts on Youtube that I really like. They all seem pretty quick which I think will help me. I can do one before and one after work. Or, when I'm short on time, I can at least do something. Plus, I've been doing the elliptical when I can as well. I hope to get back to a regular workout schedule soon.

I'm back to tracking all my calories and I feel so much better. I think doing this Dietbet will be good for me. Although, I may stress about it toward the end!

I'm off to work on dinner. Hope everyone is doing well and I'll check back soon!

Popping back in. I had no idea I'd been away so long until I backtracked to figure out when I posted last. lol.

I did promise a review of the buffalo cauliflower I made for the Superbowl. I really liked it. So did DH. THe kids not so much. My only "complaint" is that an entire head of cauliflower doesn't go very far... it shrinks up to next to nothing. So, if you make it for a party, use a couple heads. :)

We also made a BBQ chicken flatbread pizza that was excellent. We've had it again since then. It's easy to make, and if you are careful with the amt of BBQ sauce you use, it's a really good meal option. I love that flatout flatbreads. They are low cal and you can feel like you are getting a treat (pizza) while still following your plan.

About a week after the super bowl, my former running partner asked if I would join WW with her. So, we started that last week. I think it will help. I love their app that lets me scan store-bought items and get my points in a flash. That's really nice for comparing items on the shelf while shopping. My 18yo daughter decided to do it with us. She doesn't have much to lose, but she wanted to work on healthy habits before she heads off to college this fall. I thought that was a great idea, and by having a group of 3 going to meetings, we will always have a partner even if one of us can't go to the meeting on a particular week.

I've done WW in the past, so the new points system is a bit of a challenge to adjust to, but i'm working on it. They definitely hit all my old "cheats" with their new system. THings I used to be able to binge on for few points, are now higher. But, I like that whole fruit is free, that was a bonus.

I've decided to stay off the scale except at WW meetings (and I not look every time even there). I really find the scale undermines me. if I do well, I use it as an excuse to eat. If I do poorly, I use it as an excuse to eat. :( When that 'time of the month' hit for Feb., and I showed an increase while following my plan, I went on a two day cheat. So, I really just need to avoid that scale. I figure by checking monthly, I should eliminate most of that issue. Clearly, I've got a psychological issue with the scale. lol.
So, I will post my weight changes here at the end of each month. I doubt i'll hit the 10 pound mark I set for this month, but certainly hope i'll show a decent loss for the month.

I've finally started getting some real walking in. The weather has been awful, but we've been meeting at the local highs school to walk the halls and stairs. I'm hopeful to start running again by summer.

Good luck to everyone on your journey! I didn't realize I had missed so much, so I'll skip individual replies for now, but will try to be more supportive/here in the future.



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