Why Not Now? Reaching weight loss and fitness goals in 2016--All Welcome!

Started out today at 167 pounds...the lowest I've been since I started towards my goal:goodvibes. It motivated me to get to the gym! I figure that the less I weigh, the easier it will be to run:crazy:. I started with some weight training (a little arms, chest and legs) to warm up. Apparently it worked because I ended up going 3 miles in just over 40 minutes:cheer2:. Certainly not my best time or pace, but it IS the best I've done since I've been cleared to run again. So far, the knee is doing fine:thumbsup2.
To think about for today....
Do you think clutter 'causes' weight gain? Or impedes your ability to lose?


BTW there are lots of articles on this topic if you are interested in reading more. :)

I really need to do some clean up and organization in my cupboards. Once I feel better I will start.

I started feeling sick last night and feel like doing nothing and eating everything I shouldn't. Anyone else feel this way when they get sick? My throat is hot and burning. So don't have time to be sick this week with the hockey tournament this weekend. I forced myself to go for my walk today to stay on my walking schedule.

@Zoesmama03 I would love to add push ups but I hurt my hand in the summer and can't put any weight on it :( Of course my doctor says there is nothing wrong with it. I am going to go back soon and try again for some answers.

I've been reading this thread from the beginning, but haven't joined. I hope it's not too late! You all are so motivating!!!

I would like to lose a total of 80 pounds. I started January 1st.

Week one I lost 3.2lbs
week two I lost 2.8lbs
week three I lost 0.6lbs
Week four I lost 2lbs

for a total of 8.6lbs so far.

My weigh in day is Friday.

I am doing weight watchers. I have done it before and it worked...then I got in a car accident, was off work, depressed and gained and gained and gained. (almost 60 pounds). I am totally committed to being healthy and losing weight again!

My goal for February is to lose 8 pounds.

Welcome! I'm so glad you've decided to become more active here. This is a great, supportive group :)

Welcome @lauracitawita . It's not too late and this is a great group of people. Congrats on your weight loss in January.

Thanks @Rose&Mike for running this thread. Love the chart.

I went out last night with my friends and was starving by the time we got to the restaurant which isn't good. I didn't know they were going to sit around and have drinks at the one house before going to the restaurant. If I knew I would have just met them at the restaurant later since I didn't want to use calories on a bunch of wine which is so easy to do. I did pretty well at ordering and eating. We shared a pita and hummus appetizer which was sooooo good. They make it all fresh there. I drank water and ordered chicken souvlaki that came with greek salad, taziki, roasted potatoes and a huge pile of rice. I started with the salad and the chicken & taziki. I ate one little wedge of potato and one scoop of rice just to try it but didn't want to waste the calories. In the past I would have ate all the potatoes and most of the rice because I feel bad wasting food. But I have come to the conclusion that I am paying so I can waste what I want :) I also knew they make fresh baklava everyday there and wanted a little piece. we all had a small one inch piece and I savoured every little piece of it. But at the end of the day I was within my calories allowed for the day. One challenge concurred and many more to go.

Wow! You did a great job with eating out! Jill+baklava=trouble, so I bow down to you and your ability to only eat a bite!

Hi guys!

Great news! I went to the doctors today and he was very pleased with the weight loss and I'm at 1/2 for BP meds!

@Rose&Mike my ending January weight is 191.8. February goal is 5 lbs!

I have been awful about personals! I'm going to make it happen today or tomorrow!!

So happy for your great doctor's visit! Congrats!

So here's some cuteness for tonight...this is our new foster puppy. Her name is Isabel.

Oh the cuteness!!! It's so nice that you are able to foster pups. I considered it, but with a dog already and our crazy schedules, I didn't think it would be fair to the pups to be in crates if we were at work and away at travel soccer games. Maybe one day.

To think about for today....
Do you think clutter 'causes' weight gain? Or impedes your ability to lose?


BTW there are lots of articles on this topic if you are interested in reading more. :)

I'm not sure clutter "causes" weight gain, but I do believe it has an effect on it. Clutter usually is stressful, and stress often leads to eating. I've also read that debt has an effect on weight because you are stressed about money.

Started out today at 167 pounds...the lowest I've been since I started towards my goal:goodvibes. It motivated me to get to the gym! I figure that the less I weigh, the easier it will be to run:crazy:. I started with some weight training (a little arms, chest and legs) to warm up. Apparently it worked because I ended up going 3 miles in just over 40 minutes:cheer2:. Certainly not my best time or pace, but it IS the best I've done since I've been cleared to run again. So far, the knee is doing fine:thumbsup2.

Yay for running again! That must feel good to be back at it.

I really need to do some clean up and organization in my cupboards. Once I feel better I will start.

I started feeling sick last night and feel like doing nothing and eating everything I shouldn't. Anyone else feel this way when they get sick? My throat is hot and burning. So don't have time to be sick this week with the hockey tournament this weekend. I forced myself to go for my walk today to stay on my walking schedule.

@Zoesmama03 I would love to add push ups but I hurt my hand in the summer and can't put any weight on it :( Of course my doctor says there is nothing wrong with it. I am going to go back soon and try again for some answers.

Omgsh, I woke up with a terrible cold. I should've known last night when I fell asleep on the couch at 8:00! I just told DH that I am chilled, therefore, I want to eat warm filling food. Stuffed shells was on the menu for today, so I did splurge and have a couple. I didn't feel well enough to workout and figure that my body just needs rest, so I'm not expecting a loss this week.
Good for you for going walking and hope you feel better soon!


Happy Groundhog's Day and thanks to Phil for bringing us an early spring :)

So, as mentioned above, I have a stupid cold. I'm going to try to get some form of exercise in, but I don't want to push it. I know I need rest. Unfortunately, I'm not too hopeful for a loss while I'm sick and not exercising. I'm still tracking calories, but it's just not the same.

I am excited for February, though. Seeing a decent loss in January really has me motivated to get back in some pants that I used to wear to work. I refuse to buy new clothes when with some hard work I can fit in the clothes I already have.

Well, DH just went to sleep before he has to leave for work, DS9 just walked in from a friend's house and needs to eat, and DH12 just handed me a paper I need to "read and sign" from school. All at the same time. Convenient for DH, right?!?! :rolleyes: Off to do what a mom's gotta do...

Have a great night :)

To think about for today....
Do you think clutter 'causes' weight gain? Or impedes your ability to lose?


BTW there are lots of articles on this topic if you are interested in reading more. :)

I think it's ALL about control and if you can't control one area of your life everything seems chaotic. Personally I've noticed a very strong connection with finances:)

So here's some cuteness for tonight...this is our new foster puppy. Her name is Isabel.

Too Stinking cute!! I would have to keep her!!

Good evening! My updates:
Goal for February: 10 pounds!!! (yes, kind of crazy given it's Valentines Day, Super Bowl and a couple of personal events for me)
Weight loss this week:2.4 pounds
And....I started walking today. zseriously, after saying that walking was my goal for February, I came home and didn't want to do it. Really.....failure on the first day?? It embaressed me enough I giot up and did it@

Great weight loss and Congrats for starting the month of right with the excercise:)

I updated the chart. Please let me know if there are additions, corrections, etc.
Thanks! :)

I'm back at 183 so a total of 7lbs in Jan. I'll have to focus on that, I made my goal, instead of the fact that that was all in the first 2weeks, lost nothing the last 2! So need to step it up a bit. I worked a little harder on my workout today, jogged (slowly, but my legs felt it) for a bit today on the treadmill and I am not a runner. My Feb goal is the same, 5lbs. And I'll add drinking more water plain, without adding things to make it taste better. :-)

Great weight loss for January and good job with the jogging today!

Started out today at 167 pounds...the lowest I've been since I started towards my goal:goodvibes. It motivated me to get to the gym! I figure that the less I weigh, the easier it will be to run:crazy:. I started with some weight training (a little arms, chest and legs) to warm up. Apparently it worked because I ended up going 3 miles in just over 40 minutes:cheer2:. Certainly not my best time or pace, but it IS the best I've done since I've been cleared to run again. So far, the knee is doing fine:thumbsup2.

Congrats on the weight low and the running. I bet it felt great even if it wasn't your best pace.

I really need to do some clean up and organization in my cupboards. Once I feel better I will start.

I started feeling sick last night and feel like doing nothing and eating everything I shouldn't. Anyone else feel this way when they get sick? My throat is hot and burning. So don't have time to be sick this week with the hockey tournament this weekend. I forced myself to go for my walk today to stay on my walking schedule.

Feel better and congrats on the keeping with your walking schedule:)

Happy Groundhog's Day and thanks to Phil for bringing us an early spring :)

So, as mentioned above, I have a stupid cold. I'm going to try to get some form of exercise in, but I don't want to push it. I know I need rest. Unfortunately, I'm not too hopeful for a loss while I'm sick and not exercising. I'm still tracking calories, but it's just not the same.

I am excited for February, though. Seeing a decent loss in January really has me motivated to get back in some pants that I used to wear to work. I refuse to buy new clothes when with some hard work I can fit in the clothes I already have.

Well, DH just went to sleep before he has to leave for work, DS9 just walked in from a friend's house and needs to eat, and DH12 just handed me a paper I need to "read and sign" from school. All at the same time. Convenient for DH, right?!?! :rolleyes: Off to do what a mom's gotta do...

Have a great night :)


I hope you feel better! Being sick stinks:( I had to LOL about your day with the kids. I think it sounds like a typical Mom's evening! Also, can I just say....Yay for an early spring!! We haven't had a bad winter at all but I am READY for spring!


I've been reading this thread from the beginning, but haven't joined. I hope it's not too late! You all are so motivating!!!

I would like to lose a total of 80 pounds. I started January 1st.

Week one I lost 3.2lbs
week two I lost 2.8lbs
week three I lost 0.6lbs
Week four I lost 2lbs

for a total of 8.6lbs so far.

My weigh in day is Friday.

I am doing weight watchers. I have done it before and it worked...then I got in a car accident, was off work, depressed and gained and gained and gained. (almost 60 pounds). I am totally committed to being healthy and losing weight again!

My goal for February is to lose 8 pounds.

Welcome! It's never too late to get healthy and you are off to a great start! Are you liking the new program?


My legs are sore today! I decided I wanted to do weights and then do some cycling and go for a PR. Not a great idea, but I felt great at the time. Don't tell my husband but after 1.5 years of working out I do sort of enjoy it.

I am so enjoying this group! I'm glad you are all here with me!
Ugh. Just went back and looked and the rest of my post is gone! I'll have to look at it again when I get home. Darn!
Danced with dd for an hour this evening already. Will have to work in my strength routine we will start with push ups. Then she'll probably take off to her room. lol Squats here I come. Throwing in some balance exercise with the stretching too I think if I can find some for helping with skating.
Hi. I'm new to disboards and forums. Not sure how it goes and how to participate. But, I've been working on jogging some. More walker than runner. And always trying to lose weight. So maybe this will help

I am a walker/runner too :)
To think about for today...
Do you eat breakfast? How do you think breakfast fits into your overall health plan.

This article talks about different studies regarding weight loss and breakfast.

I am not a breakfast person at all but in the last few years I have realised how important it is to eat it so I now eat breakfast everyday. It usually isn't anything big but it is something. I hate "wasting" my calories first thing in the morning since I don't enjoy it that much.
To think about for today...
Do you eat breakfast? How do you think breakfast fits into your overall health plan.

This article talks about different studies regarding weight loss and breakfast.

I used to eat breakfast around 10am or so, didn't want to look at or smell food too early in the morning. Now with reducing calories and exercising, I wake up starving. So now I always eat a small breakfast first thing. I'm all for eat when you're hungry, you're body knows, whether it's breakfast at 7 or 10 or 12, etc.
To think about for today...
Do you eat breakfast? How do you think breakfast fits into your overall health plan.

This article talks about different studies regarding weight loss and breakfast.
I have not been a big breakfast eater, but am trying to change my habits here. I make my own latte every day, with about 1/3 cup of milk. I have started having a small yogurt as well most days. I have also found a recipe for muffin sized crustless mini quiche-basically with egg, cheese and spinach. I plan to make some this weekend and freeze. I'm not sure how much it really impacts my weight loss, but I think it sets me up in a positive way for the day....a healthy breakfast and lunch (both which I bring to work) set up me for making good choices all day.
To think about for today...
Do you eat breakfast? How do you think breakfast fits into your overall health plan.

This article talks about different studies regarding weight loss and breakfast.

I do eat breakfast. My first break of the day (planning period) is at 11:30, so I have no time to eat after 7:45 and before 11:30. I would starve! I take something with me to work so I can eat as close to school starting as possible so I am not ravenous at lunch. I usually have 2 hard boiled eggs and a yogurt or steel cut oatmeal and fruit. We usually eat dinner early since DH leaves for work at 5:30 pm. So we eat dinner at 4:30/5:00. Sometimes I eat something small before bed like yogurt, fruit, hummus and cucumbers, or a few pretzel thins. Sometimes I don't. So I am hungry in the mornings!


Omgsh I have this terrible cold. :sick: It's gotten worse since the other day. Today I woke up and couldn't breathe through my nose, had a headache, sore throat, ear ache and my back aches. Oh, and I've sneezed about 2 billion times today. Kleenex and hand sanitizer (or hanitizer as my students call it) are my best friends. I'm a terrible sick person! I am so whiny, just ask DH. :rotfl:After DS's piano lesson, I went to Walgreens and bought some super strength cold meds. I hope it helps at least a little. I bought PM stuff too, so I'll be taking that in an hour and heading right to bed. I hope I feel better this weekend. My nephew's marching band is hosting a soup fest. I cannot wait to go and get some warm yummy soup. I am going to try not to eat too much, but they have sooooo many crock pots of soups that I like to try new ones to add to my dinner list.

I'll be honest. I've dropped the ball tracking food the last 2 days. I just haven't felt like it. I am going to give myself a break since I'm not feeling well and start back up as soon as I feel better. I'm just not eating right and not in the mood for cold things like yogurt, veggies, and hummus. I did manage to jump on the elliptical for 15 minutes yesterday. My only workout this week...:( I think rest is definitely my priority.

Well, enough whining! I hope everyone is still motivated and plugging along. I'll check back when I get a chance.

Well, I broke down and joined the gym today. My feet just aren't improving enough for me to exercise super well, so I paid for a month at the gym to use the elliptical and be able to give my poor feet a rest from walking. I'm hoping to not have to go for a second month. I like using my treadmill at home instead of going into public in my workout clothes and having to be social. Yuck. But at least I can now exercise properly!
To think about for today...
Do you ever participate in 'meatless mondays' or do you work vegetarian meals into your meal plans at other times? What is your favorite meatless meal?
To think about for today...
Do you ever participate in 'meatless mondays' or do you work vegetarian meals into your meal plans at other times? What is your favorite meatless meal?

I am vegan...so ever day is meatless!!! My husband does the cooking and he is amazing. My favorite meatless meal is a lasagna he makes. He only uses 5 strips of lasagna noodles for the entire dish and uses zucchini as noodles. He also makes a vegan ricotta out of soy milk. A very large portion of it is only 5 points (for those of us doing weight watchers).

Today was my weigh in day. I lost 1.4 pounds this week for a total of 10!
To think about for today...
Do you ever participate in 'meatless mondays' or do you work vegetarian meals into your meal plans at other times? What is your favorite meatless meal?
I am not vegetarian, but eat vegetarian breakfasts most of the time (maybe I'll have sausage or bacon if we go out to eat, but not usually even then.
I eat a vegetarian lunch 50-75% of the time. When it's colder, lunch is usually soup (butternut squash, tomato, etc) plus something else (hummus and veggies, cheese and crackers or sometimes salami or roast beef). I also love making salads-quinoa or cous cous with some combination of garbanzo beans, tomatoes, spinach, roasted veggies (carrots, onions, leeks, squash), cheese like gorgonzola). I like sandwiches (usually with meat) but only if from a sandwich store or like it (no grocery store sliced bread with a slice of meat or cheese!)
Dinners typically include meat. If it weren't for dh and ds, I'd probably eat vegetarian more at dinner as well.

Went to a crab dinner last night with my parents. Wasn't perfect, but not bad either. Ate very little pasta, focused on the crab-no butter either. Didn't have dessert. Really want a good weigh in on Monday!

Super Bowl is small for us this year. We used to do a big party with friends, but the kids have grown up and most aren't home anymore! And I appreciate all the opportunities to spend time with my parents. My dad is making a 7 layer dip with tortilla chips and meatballs in BBQ sauce. I can avoid those easily. He was going to bring spinach dip with bread chunks-that is a trigger for me! Glad he changed his mind. I am making deviled eggs and have 2 kinds of hummus with veggies. I also bought 2 Trader Joe's appetizers-an onion tartlet and spinach and kale balls. I plan to eat before everyone comes over-fruit and my tomato/garbanzo bean salad, so I won't be hungry, so I can make good choices.
Hi guys!

Great news! I went to the doctors today and he was very pleased with the weight loss and I'm at 1/2 for BP meds!
This is so great. I can't wait to reduce mine and hopefully get completely off. I have beta blocker and will have to wean off for sure though when the time comes.

So here's some cuteness for tonight...this is our new foster puppy. Her name is Isabel.
Awww so cute.

Good evening! My updates:
Goal for February: 10 pounds!!! (yes, kind of crazy given it's Valentines Day, Super Bowl and a couple of personal events for me)
Weight loss this week:2.4 pounds
And....I started walking today. zseriously, after saying that walking was my goal for February, I came home and didn't want to do it. Really.....failure on the first day?? It embaressed me enough I giot up and did it@
Ambitious but quite possible. Way to go! Getting to it when you didn't want to. I gotta put in another day of push ups and get in my squats and the rest of my lifting routine. I hadn't done it yet this week and I'm super embarrassed about that. We did a lot of dancing and we are skating tomorrow. So quite a bit of cardio stuff but only one day with push ups and planks.
To think about for today....
Do you think clutter 'causes' weight gain? Or impedes your ability to lose?


BTW there are lots of articles on this topic if you are interested in reading more. :)
I think it can impede ability to lose. Sometimes when our environment is chaotic or cluttered so is our mind. I was reading that about children and their rooms. It scares me to think my daughters mind might be that cluttered and chaos to match up her room WHOA!!

I forgot to weigh in this morning and I was wanting to change to Sat mornings, next week I'll switch. With TOM I'm kinda scared to see I know mid week somewhere I was down .2 but I may be up. I know I've been retaining and bloating a bit probably will be no change even though I haven't had much appetite the last few days stomach and gastrointestinal problems been bothering me even more lately. It's making me scared of eating much because it just gets so frustrating what is causing it and how I can make it stop. I'm tempted to stop the iron supplements to see if that makes a difference but I'm pretty sure it was doing this before I started those daily. My labs weren't dangerously low so I may do that after a few more days. And see how I am doing a few days later. I broke down and got gluten free noodles for the major part of grains in this weeks meal planning. In the last two weeks I've really monitored when the cramping part starts and its relation to what I had eaten previously in that day or often hours or less before.

We are going to the skating rink again tomorrow. Just hoping I keep anxiety low for that while I work on the turns and stopping. I didn't fall last week and that is my big fear not the pain of the fall the embarrassing "how am I going to get up" part.
Checking in to post my super bowl menu--all healthy! Just have to watch those portion sizes now. Go Broncos!

Avocado fries with cilantro and lime sauce, turkey and black bean chili (topped with veggie cheese and Greek yogurt), blue organic corn chips with organiz salsa, and skinny coconut shrimp.

I'm super excited about that shrimp! Lol

Plus I'm down another .9 lbs. so 1.9 so far for Feb!!! 2.1 to go! (Totally wasn't a weigh in day but I'm excited. 8.9 lbs down now!)


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