Why Not Make It Three??? Or maybe FOUR?!?!? Or just MAYBE FIVE!!!!!

Your decorations are so cute. We stayed at POP once and decorated our window. It made me smile every night coming back to the lights.
Your decorations are so cute. We stayed at POP once and decorated our window. It made me smile every night coming back to the lights.
I love the decorations!! I’m thinking we’re gonna decorate in September (hopefully)

Thanks! We love decorating our window and seeing other people's windows decorated! Just a little added fun when you come home or wake up!
We arrived back at Hollywood Studios at 6:15pm...and it was raining...BOO!




Our first order of business was dinner at a sort of old favorite. We used to love it under it's old "ownership" but since the owner changed, we have never been in the right place at the right time. We either had an ADR someplace else or it was closed/closing. We have walked through and looked around though. Today we were finally able to eat there!

When we arrived at PizzeRizzo...


... all gave our orders and then Skye and I went to find a place to sit. Since it was raining, there were quite a bit of people in there just sitting. Not eating. But there are a lot of tables in there and we found one near the back stairs.

We decided on sharing three meals...and brought our own drinks with us. We got the
Pepperoni Pizza - Pepperoni Pizza served with a small Caesar Salad.


The Meat Lover's Pizza - Meat Lover's Pizza topped with Sausage and Pepperoni served with a small Caesar Salad...


And a Vegetable Pizza - Vegetable Pizza topped with Mushrooms, Peppers, Onions and Tomatoes served with a small Caesar Salad...


And it was all pretty good and plenty of food for the four of us. I did wish the toppings were more spread out to the ends (they all seemed to just have been dropped in the middle) but there was a lot of them so we were able spread them out before eating them. Tyler doesn't do salad so the other three of us got those and they were small but fresh and ell dressed. I had the veggie one since the kids wouldn't eat that! And it was really good. The sausage on the meat lovers was really good (sometimes Italian sausage just does not work with the pizza the right way). Skye has a two pieces of the pepperoni one (how can you mess up pepperoni pizza? You can't!), Tyler had three of the meat lovers and one of the pepperoni. We all enjoyed our meal and were glad to finally get to eat here. It was neat when it had actual games in it under the Pizza Planet reign but Rizzo's is fun too!



We took our time eating and hoping it would stop raining while we were in there. We cashed out at 6:42pm and our total was $34.05.

When we were ready to head out it was still raining...BOO! But out we went!

We had gotten fast passes after we ditched out last one earlier (for Beauty and the Beast - Live on Stage) for Alien Swirling Saucers so we headed back through Galaxy's Edge to Toy Story Land for that. We had a wait just for the next ride. This is a fun ride but I don't think I'd wait over twenty minutes or so for it.

After our ride there we headed back into Galaxy's Edge.
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So we headed back to Galaxy's Edge to explore at night. It is a whole new world at night, much like Pandora is!


We discovered right about now that rain is good! People cleared out big time!








In our travels we discovered a 35 minute stand by for Smuggler's Run (it was 7:30pm)!!! So of course, we jumped in line.
















This is a huge queue! You travel through a lot on the building, or at least it is made to feel that way. I was the only one who even had an idea what. We all thought it was a fun ride. We had a single rider with us and an empty seat. I stink at video games so take that as you will. We couldn't tell if our extra was laughing with us or at us. I was in the front seat/Pilot and controlled movement (I was left and right movement), Ty and Skye were in the middle/gunners, and the extra was in the last row of seats/the engineer...needless to say, she had her work cut out for her! We had a great ride for our first time and headed back out into the rain at 8:09pm.

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We were able to get fast passes for Alien Swirling Saucers again so we headed that way.






We loved the bathroom theme too!


We got in line there at 8:18pm...and were off at 8:30pm.






At 8:31pm we saw Slinky Dog Dash had a 30 minute stand by line so we headed in...we were off at 9:00pm. It was a wet ride so we had our eyes closed a lot and were trying to keep our poncho hoods up a lot but that made it a funnier ride!



I was able to snag fast passes for Toy Story Mania for now so we headed there. There was only a 10 minute stand by wait though.







Tyler was best in vehicle...he wants to be best of the day but he hasn't come close yet!


I'm not sure, judging by the people in the stand by line, that stand by was 10 minutes but we were off at 9:19pm. We headed around to see about getting a spot for Wonderful World of Animation and Jingle Bell, Jingle Bam!


I love the look of Tower of Terror like this!

We were able to find a seat at Min & Bill's Dockside Diner to watch the show.




We also grabbed some food. We were able to grab a table with an umbrella over it since is was still misting on and off. We were kind of just snacking so we ordered a Kid's Macaroni and Cheese - served with a Cuties® Mandarin, Apple Slices and choice of Small Lowfat Milk or Small DASANI® Water


And a Chili-Cheese All-Beef Foot-Long Hot Dog - served with Chips and a plain foot long hotdog.


i had the chili cheese dog and Skyler and Tyler split the regular hot dog and the mac and cheese. We all kinda picked at the apples and orange. It was all good park good and it filled the munchies we had.



Our total was $30.86 and it was 9:35pm when we paid.

We had great seats for the shows.






At least we DID have great seats for the shows until the people sitting at the table next to us towards the action had some visitors, one of which was taller than Tyler and decided to STAND RIGHT IN FRONT OF US...and didn't seem to even notice a table of people he was in front of. THEN, he put a kid on his shoulders...as if you need to be on someone's shoulders to see that show when there is pretty much huge open areas all around. Whatever, it was almost over and we had a good laugh at his ignorance.
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So, I am SO not happy with the opening proposal Disney put out today. Maybe Universal and other central Florida venues with a bit of Disney is our better bet this year...it just keeps getting worse on the Disney front...
I read on another thread that Disney would have only a few hotels open in July. I can't remember where you are staying, is it POP? Maybe you will get a free upgrade to a deluxe or moderate!
I read on another thread that Disney would have only a few hotels open in July. I can't remember where you are staying, is it POP? Maybe you will get a free upgrade to a deluxe or moderate!

I thought I heard the end of June for DVC and Fort Wilderness and then July 11 for all others...maybe I heard incorrectly...it would be nice to get an upgrade like that but I'm not counting on it...that's not Harrison luck...maybe that would make me want to stay! LOL...

We are looking into basing our trip at Universal with only a few days at Disney but that is in early stages since I have never actually booked at Uni it has always been through Skyler's dance team.

I am waiting on more info though from DIsney before making final decisions. I was hoping to be able to get more real time reviews of things but looks like we will be having to make a judgement call based on what Disney says rather than actual accounts.
With all the crazy going on in the world, I have not had the spirit to write lately but I need to. We are at 43 days today and i still don't even know if we are going to have a hotel room (have hear mixed things about what will be opening or not), if we will be able to reserve a park everyday of our trip or not (this is the one thing that will make me upset if we are not able to), and where we will be able to dine. I have heard DIsney Springs restaurants are taking ADRs so I may go try to reserve a dinner every night at Springs (which is NOT a hardship, for sure!). We are not sure about pools and water parks (I have hears mixed things and hours are still up on the website).

This is all so crazy!

I did make a reservation for Universal's Cabana Bay Beach Resort just in case we need to but that will cost us more in the long run because we would have to buy passes...but so far it is sounding more like Uni is functioning at a better place that Disney...at least for us. We would probably still do at least one day at each Disney Park but if I cannot use my Annual Passes to reserve a park for 15 days (or at least MOST of them) I don't think it will be worth staying there...I don't know, maybe it would but the problem is that Disney has given out nothing needed to plan your vacation...I mean we are 43 days out and we'd normally be bouncing off the walls but we don't even feel like we can get excited because there is so much we don't know. Ease of vacation is one of the reasons we choose Disney ALL THE TIME! They are certainly not easy this time!
So moving on...

So we headed back up Hollywood Boulevard to head out.





I love Sunset Boulevard at Christmas time but it was late and they were already closing down all the fun.




When we got back to the room, we looked at the progression of these next few pictures of a brother annoying his little sister and laughed out butts off!

After that, LOL, we moved on.






So we headed back to the bus stop and were on a bus sitting in the front at 10:40am. Tyler being the trivia fiend that he is was asking questions from his game. They were Star Wars questions and if you have ever played any kind of Star Wars trivia you know that questions are not generally like
What is the name of Han Solo's big, hairy friend?". They are more like "what is the number on the side of the trash compactor they are caught in"...LOL! So, needless to say, none of us were doing very well! A lady sitting near us overhears and joined in...she was very knowledgeable. She was an older lady and appeared to be by herself...but Tyler had a great time playing with her on the way back.

We got back to All Star Movies. Last year we thought the wreath competition was pretty fun but we did not get to actually participate...this year, we were able to vote!




So, the wreathes to be judged...



#2...Monsters, Inc.


#3...Peter Pan.


#4...Lilo and Stitch.


#5...another Peter Pan.






I forget who we all voted for...maybe I wrote it further in my log...we'll see if it turns up! We hit World Premiere Food Court after voting. We planned to get two refillable cups. We were expecting to see the cool Christmas ones this year but look what else we found...



They are both so fun! The Star Wars one was $10 more than a regular refillable mug but we use it all the time at home so we were ok with it. It was 11:09pm when we checked out and we paid $53.73.

We then headed back to our room...it was not a horrible walk but we were almost as far straight back as you could go so sometimes at the end of the night it felt long! We saw this along the way...


We had picked up "celebration" buttons along the way some where during the day so we took a pic og them all together once we got back to the room.


It wasn't long after that we were all in bed and passed out!
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December 22, 2019 started at 5:30am! I figured these first bunch of days was going to be our least crowded time so we should do it ALL now and then anything else the rest of the trip was gravy! So we were up early to get out and get a jump on...the universe had other ideas though! It was already rainy but we made it to the bus stop by 7:05am.

But we watched bus after bus go by...Epcot then Hollywood Studios then Castmember then tragical express then Animal Kingdom...and the times sign kept changing for Magic Kingdom. Finally, at 7:25am the Magic Kingdom bus arrived. I realize that is what they advertise (every 20 minutes) but I don't think I have ever waited that long in the early morning hours and I definitely have never seen NO Magic Kingdom buses coming through at that time of day. Anyway, we arrived at Magic Kingdom at 7:49am and got through security quickly.




The Magic Kingdom for the first time of the trip is always an awesome thing...but not sure it justifies looking all crazy...

There were more Main Street Vehicles out that I have ever seen at one time...















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After our walk down Main Street USA we headed to the right around the Castle and into: Fantasyland. We jumped in line for The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh. It had a 5 minute stand-by time at 8:04am. We walked right on (which was a relief because this line can get LONG! We were off by 8:11am and heading over to Seven Dwarfs Mine Train which was showing a 25 minute wait time at 8:13am.











We were off at 8:32am...no it was a nice, quick line!

We then headed back to New Fantasyland.



Under The Sea - Journey of the Little Mermaid had a 5 minute stand by line so we jumped in line and pretty much walked right on.





This is another ride that is hard to get decent pictures of but I did ok this time around! After we got off we headed back out and loved seeing how empty it all way!


Since we were back here, we stopped at one of Tyler's must -dos....Gaston's Tavern!

It was very uncrowded, as expected, line-wise but there is very little seating here and it was crowded over there! We actually were flagged down by a family leaving to take their table. We ordered one
LeFou's Brew - Frozen Apple Juice with a hint of Toasted Marshmallow and topped with All-Natural Passion Fruit-Mango Foam...


...and a
Warm Cinnamon Roll...





Tyler is always offended when we say we can share one cinnamon roll but it really is enough! They are the best ones in Disney though...those little skinny ones the went to everywhere else have nothing on this one!

We checked out here at 8:52am and spent $12.55...seems a lot for one roll and a drink but it is a huge roll and it is oh so good!
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So we headed out into Fantasyland again.




We ran into Peter Pan standing around doing nothing...






He was very talkative and spent a long time talking to Skyler. After that we continued on.


Apparently Chichi loves this sign so we always have to take a pic for him...LOL.

Haunted Mansion has a posted 20 minute stand-by wait so we jumped in at 9:14am and walked right in. They had the portion of the line with all the fun stuff to play with closed off and you just had the old line. We were out at 9:27am...so 13 minutes total!

We used the short cut and headed into Adventureland and Pirates of the Caribbean had a 10 minute stand-by so off we went!



We walked right up into a boat! We did have to clarify that we were together but needed two rows...none of those boats comfortably fit four grown adults but they still try!

Since we were in the area and Magic Carpets of Aladdin had a posted 10 minute wait and we wouldn't normally wait in the crazy line that builds up here, we jumped in line at 9:51am and were off at 9:56am.












When we got off we headed out to see what else is around to do...



And we found something to do at 10:03am...


She was standing around all by herself waiting for someone to come talk to her...so we did! And at 10:06am we were at our next destination!
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We wandered over to Sleepy Hollow, someplace we have never, in all our trips, eaten anything from! There is usually such a long line but the kids had heard of the waffle goodies so this was on their must try list for this trip...so we did!

There was a small line that did not seem very organized but we were able to order and then they were able to find a table over in the seating area.


Skyler, of course, ordered the Mickey Waffle served with Strawberries and Whipped Cream.


And it was everything she expected it to be! We shared it and it was enough to satisfy us...and it was very good and fresh.

Tyler ordered the
Sweet-and-Spicy Chicken Waffle Sandwich - served with House-made Chips.


He does not eat anything extra on his food so this was perfect...but I was worried about the "sweet and spicy" part...because he is still picky in a very odd way. But he loved it! He has been on a chicken and waffle kick lately so it was right up his alley! He shared, reluctantly, and it was really good! He wanted to get another one but I reminded him that we did not need to over eat at every stop becasue there was a lot of places to stop!

We got a
French Vanilla Iced Coffee - Featuring Freshly Brewed Joffery's Coffee™. It was good.

Our total was $21.92 and we will be back for sure!

Tyler has a friend from school working janitorial, Amanda, and we happened to see here working there now! She stayed and talked for a little bit while we ate. It is weird seeing someone you know from home there. He has a few friends who were working there at the time. We hit the bathroom after our snack and moved on.

We wandered back into Fantasyland after that...


...and headed to use our Peter Pan's Flight fast passes that were for 10:25am. We got in line at 10:35am and were off at 10:43am...so 8 minutes! We headed arcoss the street for our next ride. It's a Small World had a 15 minute stand-by. We headed in at 10:44am.






















Small World must have wanted Tyler to stay because we all got "goodbyes" except him and apparently it was kicking Skye out because she got two...LOL.

And we were walking off at 11:10am.
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So not sure if I mentioned it or not but Skyler ended her sophomore year with an A in Biomedical Science, Health, Spanish 2, Honors Chemistry, Honors English 2...and a B in Honors Advanced Algebra...not to shabby, although she should have gotten an A in Algebra too. She also got a job at Jewel about a mile and a half away form home...she is loving it for a few reasons. #1...she got out of the house even during quarantine! #2...she gets bored REALLY easily, like 2 days into summer vacation usually she is bored and cannot wait for school to start again. And #3...she loves making her own money and watching her bank account grow! She also FINALLY got her drivers license last Saturday!!!! It took about three and a half hours in all but she was SO excited, I cannot even tell you! Tyler couldn't care less when he was 16, in fact he did not get his until he was about 17.5. Needless to say, I didn't see her much for the first three days...she's just lucky I work at home so don't need my car most days...and that I can send a shopping list with her to work most days...haha!

We are still in limbo on our next trip, as I am sure most of you know. I wish Disney would just put the info out there so people could finalize plans! We have started pulling things together but we are not even sure where we will be so it's hard to pack and get excited. I am hearing good things about people booked in the first wave and am hoping that as soon as that wave is finalized we will be in the next wave, although I am sure there is much more involved as the parks begin to open. What I need to know to be comfortable in our plans is where we will be staying. I am good with staying at Pop. I am good with being moved at Disney's expense to ANY other hotel. I am not good with having to pay for Disney's choice of not opening everything. I understand why they are not but I think in the business they are in, their profit should not be the ONLY thing they consider and to me, that sounds like what it is...I do not buy that they are doing this out of concern for our health...it is all being done to make sure they can make a profit (they even said they would not open until they could make a profit) and the only thing it has to do with the virus is that that is what will deter people from coming! Anyway, I am ok with no fireworks or parades or character meet and greets (although I do like what Universal is doing so maybe Disney will do something similar...however, they can save money by not calling back character so...). I am ok with not all restaurants being open, although they have not said what will be open in the parks. I am ok with having to make a reservation to get into a park, but I don't like it...that is not how a Disney trip works...but again, knowing where people are on what days will allow them to cut costs. What I am not ok with is that I am hearing that an Annual Pass will not guarantee entry to a park per day. That is what made this pass worth it's crazy cost. I am not a gambling woman, I have no luck, so if the Annual Pass had block out dates or moving block out dates, I would not have bought it. Even after we move to Florida, I am not sure that we would get the cheaper resident passes because I would not want to deal with black out dates...that's how sure I am that the pass was purchased for using. I can deal without hopping too, but don't like it. The thing that is the biggest issue (next to having a hotel to stay in) is reservations. I have heard that someone was told that AP holders with a room reservation will be able to book for their whole stay...just will be subject to each park capacity...meaning that it might not be the park you want everyday, depending on when you get into the system and who else has before you. I would he fine with that. But something that will not make me happy is if we are not able to get 15 days of park reservations. I might be able to deal with "most" of our days having park reservations. But if we are limited to how many days we can book park reservations even though we are staying on sight for 14 nights, I will have to do some thinking.

Essentially, we are going to Florida no matter what. But I just need to be able to plan and be excited...that is part of a vacation! SO I need Disney to put out info on things they are requiring and doing....soon.

I did make 15 night reservations at Cabana Bay at Universal just in case. The room is cheaper and they appear to have their stuff open and in order. Staying on property gives you a head start on getting into a park...which at this time is not needed but who knows when people will start going in bulk! But the annual pass for Universal will cost us more. So, at this point we are still waiting to get excited...keep your fingers crossed for us!
We then walked into a show of Philharmagic as the doors were about to close at 11:14am...what luck!


And were out of there at 11:14am. We had fast passes coming up at 11:40am so we headed over to Forntierland.



We always like to walk along the water over there!


Stand by was 45 minutes and this line always seems miserable...once you get into the center of
the line where you start going down, there is no air flow! But since we had fast passes we did not have to wait long and we were off on the wildest ride in the wilderness! Tyler has always loved this ride even when he woudl refuse to rise other roller coaster type rides...he still does!

After our ride we were hot (it was super humid!) and had some time to waste before our next appointment so we went into the store by Splash Mountain and looked around...and then did something we have NEVER done before...I sat on a bench and the kids played checkers!





They had a spectator after a while waiting for his turn with his dad...I cannot remember who won. When it was nearing time for our next stop, we headed out.



We has a 1pm ADR at The Diamond Horseshoe for lunch so we headed that way. We arrived a bit before 1pm and they were just opening and told us to come check in five minutes prior to our ADR time...even though the host was out on the stairs with his tablet. So we sat near and people watched. We had never been here before, not even inside...so we had no expectations. There are not a lot of reviews about it either so again, no expectations. We went back to check in at 12:55pm and were taken right in. It is really pretty inside.


We were lead all the way over to the left and up a couple of stairs to a table all by itself right up next to the stage...where nothing happens anymore bit it was still an awesome table!




Our waiter, Roy M., brought us all ice clod water and left menus. Skye just kept her water but Tyler got a Coke and I got a Sprite to drink. Since we were never here before we decided to get two Chuck Wagon Platters to share. We got the Barbecued Pulled Pork - Spice-rubbed Pork served with Jalapeño-Cheddar Cornbread and your choice of two (2) Fixin's which were mashed potatoes and mac & cheese.


And the Grilled Chicken - Citrus-marinated Chicken served with Jalapeño-Cheddar Cornbread and your choice of two (2) Fixin's which were a Mixed Green Salad - Cucumber, Tomato, Red Onion, and Creamy Chipotle Dressing and mac & cheese.


So I was worried that the kids would see Citrus in the chicken description and decline it right there. Well, we all loved it all! The corn bread was sweet and moist, the mashed potatoes were great with the peels included. The mac & cheese was really good and fought over. And the salad was big enough for Skye and I to share. I really liked the Pork, Ty had a bit too. It had great flavor even without the sauce. And the kids loved the chicken! the citrus is very mild and if they had not read that that was what it was they probably would not have know. There was plenty of everything to go around. After eating Skyler needed a Layered Cherry Cheesecake - Cherry Compote layered with Whipped Cheesecake...and she was not willing to allow anyone else much of it! I have to say, it was REALLY good...what she allowed me to have!



All in all, we were really impressed! Everyone was asking me why we didn't to the all you care to eat platter...well, I did not know what to expect...but they were planning on going back on the next trip and doing that...but now we need to wait to see if it will even exist on the next trip!

We though the service was friendly and helpful, quick but not intrusive. We had refills and everything we needed when we needed it. I have no doubt we will be back in the future...this was a very pleasant surprise! We were only there about 45 minutes in all and out total was $66.96.
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Wow, so many changes to the parks this summer. Hope you can get your trip planned out and soon. It sounds frustrating to have to wait. I think for me the hardest part would be wearing the mask in the Florida heat and humidity. I wear a mask when I go out but we live in PA and it hasn't been too hot here.


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