Why no SSR love?

Daitcher said:
I promise you guys this... When B3 and I are thrown off the boards these boards will not be a better place for it. What is wrong with trying to lighten up the place a little. The info. is great but it can be so dry. I'm not a mean spirited basher like you guys say.

I love these boards and to be thrown off for a little sarcasim and honesty is really sad. I just don't get it. Also I get as many pm's saying how much they enjoy my work.


Hey Dave! If you and B3 are in that much trouble, I have a few words of advice, because I really don't want to see you guys go.
"Stay off of the "Bush Poll!" You shouldn't go near that with a 10 ft. pole! :teeth: I know you two just couldn't control yourselves! :rotfl2:
You naughty boys! :lmao:

connorlevismom said:

I think part of the problem for people who own SSR is that when we say we really like it, or post OUR vote in a poll that we intend in staying there most of the time, we are called liars. We are told that we pretty much don't know what we are talking about because HOW could we want to stay there? It is "sub-par" and obviously we are trash because we think that it is nice. That is what is frustrating. It seems like everytime someone says they like SSR, someone is right there to bash them. I was once told by "a trouble maker" to stick to the glowing reviews of SSR if I did not like the bashing. Well, the trouble makers seemed to make themselves at home on those as well! There is NO PLACE on here for people who LIKE SSR to go without someone being sarcastic and making rude comments to them about it. That to me is the most frustrating thing.


Thank you for your post! :thumbsup2
At this very moment Dave and I are recieving offers from other message boards.

In the past 2 weeks the page views have shot through the roof here, driving add revenue up.

Dave and i are VERY much in demand......

(don't worry beca, we are gonna see that you get paid also)
boatboatboat said:
people at SSR are these white trash rednecks loading their entire extended family into the room tossing their empties into the pool ust before passing out while the kids run around.

right click, copy

open note pad

right click paste

name file : Future SSR comments

See? I'm cracking up again. :teeth:

ETA: This is my husband's username. I didn't realize he was logged in. :sad2:

Bichon Barb
boatboatboat said:
people at SSR are these white trash rednecks loading their entire extended family into the room tossing their empties into the pool ust before passing out while the kids run around.

right click, copy

open note pad

right click paste

name file : Future SSR comments
Just don't credit me. . . I don't want the blame when it starts getting overused and obnoxious. :rotfl:
MyGoofy26 said:
I've been spending a lot of time here recently, researching a purchase this year so my "opinion" may not mean as much as the regulars here and those that already own. If you're just joking, doing some lighthearted ribbing, it's not coming off that way as there is no way for people who are the butt of the joke to tell. You lose a lot of meaning when you lose the nonverbal cues. I'm not even an SSR owner (one of the options I'm looking into - debating buying that or buying resale) and even I'm offended at times by the "jokes" that insinuate that the people at SSR are these white trash rednecks loading their entire extended family into the room tossing their empties into the pool ust before passing out while the kids run around. It's like asking someone from the south if they're inbred - might be funny to you but probably not the person who constantly has those "jokes" tossed their way.

It gets so repetitive too. I've only been hanging out, mostly lurking, for a month or so while researching and the comments, complaints, and "jokes" about SSR are the same handfull over and over and over. It's like "It's a Small World" - doesn't take long before it gets old, LOL. It's hard to find the humor in something that's been repeated over and over and includes taking potshots at other board members.

If you're truly just joking and don't mean to offend people. . you might want to make sure that's clear, because the way it's going now it's just coming off as abrasive and elitest.

Wow! I thought that I was really just becoming too overly sensitive about this but your post is very telling. Thank you!

Good luck with your decision to buy! :wave2:
connorlevismom said:
There is NO PLACE on here for people who LIKE SSR to go without someone being sarcastic and making rude comments to them about it. That to me is the most frustrating thing.

SSR lovers are fictional, haven't you heard? We're all DVC guides posing as DISers. :lmao:

This is the one that really got me.
MyGoofy26 said:
I've been spending a lot of time here recently, researching a purchase this year so my "opinion" may not mean as much as the regulars here and those that already own. If you're just joking, doing some lighthearted ribbing, it's not coming off that way as there is no way for people who are the butt of the joke to tell. You lose a lot of meaning when you lose the nonverbal cues. I'm not even an SSR owner (one of the options I'm looking into - debating buying that or buying resale) and even I'm offended at times by the "jokes" that insinuate that the people at SSR are these white trash rednecks loading their entire extended family into the room tossing their empties into the pool ust before passing out while the kids run around. It's like asking someone from the south if they're inbred - might be funny to you but probably not the person who constantly has those "jokes" tossed their way.

It gets so repetitive too. I've only been hanging out, mostly lurking, for a month or so while researching and the comments, complaints, and "jokes" about SSR are the same handfull over and over and over. It's like "It's a Small World" - doesn't take long before it gets old, LOL. It's hard to find the humor in something that's been repeated over and over and includes taking potshots at other board members.

If you're truly just joking and don't mean to offend people. . you might want to make sure that's clear, because the way it's going now it's just coming off as abrasive and elitest.

Funny...this could have been me a month ago. Thats why I had originally started the thread. I could not understand why there was this SSR bashing, dislike, etc being written.
PinkTink63 said:

Hey Dave! If you and B3 are in that much trouble, I have a few words of advice, because I really don't want to see you guys go.
"Stay off of the "Bush Poll!" You shouldn't go near that with a 10 ft. pole! :teeth: I know you two just couldn't control yourselves! :rotfl2:
You naughty boys! :lmao:


There's a "Bush poll"....where? I would just LOVE to see what these two have to say about politics!!! I'm sure there is a FINE RUCKUS if they're involved.


Beca said:
There's a "Bush poll"....where? I would just LOVE to see what these two have to say about politics!!! I'm sure there is a FINE RUCKUS if they're involved.



Yes there is!! It is titled "Bush at 36% How Low Can He Go!" Can you just imagine these two on there? :lmao: It would likely be their doom! :rotfl2: I think they have way more pages than this thread!

Steph :wave:
Beca said:
There's a "Bush poll"....where? I would just LOVE to see what these two have to say about politics!!! I'm sure there is a FINE RUCKUS if they're involved.



I must add, they now have 38 pages! Now there is some colorful reading!
boatboatboat said:
I have been kicked off political boards better then this one.

Somehow...I TOTALLY believe that!!! You are T-R-U-B-L (little "Footloose" joke there!!)

Do board such as this really make more money if more people post, and read those posts? If that's the case...you and Daitcher are PRICELESS!!!

Hmm...maybe the dis should be paying you...I am SURE the number of readers and respondents has gone up since you "came along"....that would be a really good way to finance your add-on!!!


Tinky said:
Dave, Normally I don't get involved, pretty tame by nature but from the onset of your posts concerning SSR I had to.

From my perspective you have on several occasions belittled and questioned through sarcasm the thought process and intelligence of new DVC owners purchases at SSR.

Its just hard to see someone who is really excited about a major purchase to be poo-pooed (sorry for the course language ;) ) on by some of your responses. They are happy, let them be happy if only for just a little while until you start on them.

You do realize I own SSR right? I defy anyone on these boards to show me a post where I have sterotyped or called a SSR owner names. IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED. Maybe my real motive here is to keep someone from making the same mistake I made. I wish there was a boatboatboat on here when I was buying in.

Boat is in fact correct. There is a biding war as we speak for our services. Beca will proof read and edit all of our posts to make us sound smart. :thumbsup2

connorlevismom said:

I think part of the problem for people who own SSR is that when we say we really like it, or post OUR vote in a poll that we intend in staying there most of the time, we are called liars. We are told that we pretty much don't know what we are talking about because HOW could we want to stay there? It is "sub-par" and obviously we are trash because we think that it is nice. That is what is frustrating. It seems like everytime someone says they like SSR, someone is right there to bash them. I was once told by "a trouble maker" to stick to the glowing reviews of SSR if I did not like the bashing. Well, the trouble makers seemed to make themselves at home on those as well! There is NO PLACE on here for people who LIKE SSR to go without someone being sarcastic and making rude comments to them about it. That to me is the most frustrating thing.


I totally respect your views, but my poll doesn't do any "bashing" or "calling anyone a liar"...it's just numbers!!!

I think there are a lot of negative things said about SSR on the dis, but I also think that people don't need to take is to seriously. I mean, if you love where you own, what does anyone else's opinion really matter? I would be LMAO if someone started saying negative things about BCV...actually, I'd probably join right in there with them if what they were saying was true...it is NOT a perfect resort, and could use improvement in many areas. I may be "BCV's biggest fan", but I am also pretty hard on the resort for it's failures (customer service is a BIGGIE there....I think it got like a 78% rating in '05, when the average for DVC's was in the 90's). Periodically, it suffers from a run of "bad stories" with everything from "run down", to "bad housekeeping" to "stinky hallways" to "drenched carpet". Seriously...I LOVE reading those threads!!! I always think, "Yes....maybe people will hate it, and I can get in on short notice!!!" :cool1:

I honestly do not care if EVERYONE on this board had only negative things to say about BCV....it seriously might make me burst into a spontaneous "happy dance" :banana: . And, for the life of me....I cannot see why others do?

Maybe B3's and Daitcher's jokes about "trailers" are offensive to some....but, that is just their way. B3 just called me "lazy" :rotfl2: , and I think he actually likes me!! Of course, maybe I am just a little crazy, but being "colorful" is who they are. They are VERY much like Richyams....he loved to "wind people up" and watch them go. His "you can get a beer out of the fridge without getting off your balcony chair at BWV" thread got so many people SOOOOO mad. And, Rich was just about peeing his pants laughing at how ridiculously upset people got at him. People say really good things about him now, but many people HATED him when he posted...he didn't care...he was laughing at all the "uptight" people. B3 and Daitcher are much the same way. You and I might say, "I don't care for XXX", they say "XXX reminds me of a trailer park (or other "colorful" saying)". They don't mean it...it's just their way...like when I told my best friend I was getting a Honda civic, she replied, "Gee Bec, why don't you get a good car?" :rotfl2: It's just her way.

Those of you that "play" into their hands...don't you see that you are doing just this? I think I am going to start paying B3 and Daitcher to start bashing BCV...if they have so much influence, maybe they can change booking patterns!!! :cool1:

But, they probably wouldn't do for me....they think I am lazy!!! ;)



Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I have been more than threatened with being TO. Complaints have been roling in about me according to the mods. I'm on thin ice so to speak. If you hear shouting, that's me over at Earls trying to get my posts on the board. Seriously, it is all in good fun here. I would love to sit down for a beer with any fellow Dis member, heck who needs a member, I'l have a beer with anyone. Back to the thread or this will get closed. SSR is a great place! :thumbsup2

I would LOVE to have the ability to peek into DVC's information.

I would LOVE to see the following things.

What % of each resorts buyers paid cash/borrowed money

What % of each resorts owners attempt to book stays at other resorts

What % of each resorts buyers, defaulted on loans with DVC

What % of each resorts owners have tried to put 5 in a studio

WHat % of each resorts owners have to call room housekeeping to unclog the toliet

gawd I could have some fun......................

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