Who's Turn Is It To Throw Up Today? A Feb 2014 Wedding TR - New TR link 10/27!!

Love this! I just recently read that they lined up. I never knew that before, but you can bet I'll be taking this same picture next time I visit.

Lunch looks yummy and I love your dining guest! :laughing:

FOW is a very fun show. That owl is pretty cool. One of my fav birds in the show even though he doesn't come out until close to the end.
Nice pictures from the Maharaja Trek! I think the bats are so cool. Nice close up shot.

And those tigers - they are gorgeous!
Even though they're not doing much, I still love watching the bats. They fascinate me to no end.

They are pretty neat to watch. I'm not a fan of bats but those guys remind me more of foxes than bats.

Hmmm, yeah I think that dance party is certainly new to me. You're right, not a great location.

It was a horrible location although I'm not sure there is anywhere else that would be better since the pathways in AK are so narrow.

I don't think I've ever spent much time in the Oasis. That's a good idea to plan some more time there.

I always seem to skip right over it on the way in and out. Looking at the map I think there is a lot more in that area that I haven't seen before.

Great Jungle Trek pictures, especially of the Tigers!

Thanks, I love taking pictures of the tigers because they are so beautiful.

Great update, Ariana.

I skipped the bat pictures. :scared1:

I figured you did. I remembered that you are not a fan.

LOVE LOVE LOVE the tiger pictures and you actually got them walking.

Yeah, the one was up and pacing a bit, you usually don't see that very often.

The birdhouses there are very unusual and pretty.

They are very pretty. I never did ask my brother if they had one made for them. I'm sure they were just joking but you never know.

Funny story about the aardvark.

Glad you enjoyed the story. We are a bit weird here at times.

I hated that dance party!


I don't blame you! I was not fun trying to get through that area.

When we were at AK for Christmas, my son was totally entranced by watching the one tiger walk around. He kept saying to me, I think she wants to go swimming. Why doesn't she hop in because she wants to swim? I told him, "Oh I don't think that tiger feels much like swimming today." CUE THE PIXIE DUST. Doesn't the tiger wander right over to the water, paw at the floating ball and prance right in!?! It was playing with the ball and swam the length of the little creek/river several times. I couldn't believe it, and my son just looked up and said, "See, Mommy. I told you she wanted to swim."

Cute story! So cool that you got to see one of them swimming!

Also, the picture of all the pots, etc. hanging on the wall. I took the same picture from the left side and the three plates/pots on the bottom left corner make a hidden Mickey :thumbsup2

That's really neat, I'll have to take a picture from the other angle when I go back next time.

Great update! Looking forward to hearing all about HS!

Coming up soon!

Great updates! I love your take on AK. We go to FOW about every other year. Twice we were the ones to hold the dollar up for the bird to take. It was pretty cool. I actually get a little teary when they bring out the Eagle. We've seen it every time we've gone. I didn't realize it wasn't there at every show.

How awesome you got to hold the dollar up! When Mom and I saw the show in 2012, she almost got pegged in the head by one of the birds. A little girl threw a grape up for the bird to catch and she didn't do a very good job. The bird still caught it about an inch from my Mom's head.

Flame Tree is a must do every trip. We never get tired of it. And we love the location of seating down by the water. We've never been graced with the presence of that particular bird. He was beautiful!

I do love the location and the food there! I've only skipped it twice on all my trips since 2010. And on the May trip we didn't even make it to AK or I'm sure we would have eaten there.

We love the Tigers too! A couple of trips ago we got to see them get fed big chunks of raw meat. They were never so lively as we saw them that day! Looked pretty ferocious, actually. Very Cool.

Oh, I would love to see that! I wonder if they post a schedule anywhere of feeding times? I'll have to look into that.

Sounds like a great day at AK, and I so glad Jocelyn was feeling so much better and could really enjoy it. I can't wait to see if you made it to TSM FP time and what in the heck is your new favorite seat??? Do tell!

You'll find out the answer to your questions soon!

Love this! I just recently read that they lined up. I never knew that before, but you can bet I'll be taking this same picture next time I visit.

I'm sure you will! I'm not sure where I read about that but probably somewhere on the DIS.

Lunch looks yummy and I love your dining guest! :laughing:

Lunch was very yummy! I was a little worried though that our guest was just going to walk up and eat the food. We actually had that happen in 2012 when it was just Mom and I. I got up to get some napkins and when I came back my food was in the middle of the table. Mom said one of the big birds just walked up and was going to help himself!

FOW is a very fun show. That owl is pretty cool. One of my fav birds in the show even though he doesn't come out until close to the end.

I'm not sure I could pick a favorite, they are all so beautiful. The Cockatiel was probably the most entertaining during the show we saw.

Nice pictures from the Maharaja Trek! I think the bats are so cool. Nice close up shot.

And those tigers - they are gorgeous!

Thanks, I was very pleased with the pictures I got on this day.

Is that nearly a Hidden Mickey in that picture?

I think so. I believe if I had taken the picture from the other side the three plates to the left are one.
First of all I just want to apologize for being a very bad DISer right now. I'm so far behind on everyone's TRs and PTRs it's not even funny. I'm not sure when I'm going to get caught up because August is going to be busy at work. I'm trying to keep going with this TR and my other one though because I go back in 73 days and I really want them finished so I'm not writing more that one at a time! OK, on with the next update.

I didn’t need to worry about our FP+ time because we ended up making it to HS in record time.

We even had some time to stop and get some PP pictures taken. I’m glad we did since we totally forgot to do any at AK. These were the only ones we ended up doing all day.

We headed on to TSM and used our FP+ at 2:50 pm with 20 minutes to spare. Some blurry “walking while taking pictures” line photos.

So how did I do? Not bad. It wasn’t my highest score but I’ll take it.

I was still best in vehicle.

Our third FP+ for the day was going to be throw away for the Lights, Motor, Action show since there was nothing else we wanted. But since we didn’t get to ride GMA on our first day like planned, I changed the LMA FP+ to GMA. It was pretty much time for that FP+ when we got off of TSM so we headed straight there. I scored my second red card for the trip.

Mom and I ended up in the very back row and John and Jocelyn were right in front of us. I decided that the back seat is my new favorite for dark rides. I could take all the pictures I wanted and didn’t feel like the light from my camera screen was bothering anyone. Plus I could turn around and get pictures behind us.

We were on the hunt for Hidden Mickey’s again and I was able to spot Mickey’s foot hidden under some other posters in the Gangster area.

Here’s a photo looking back. Mickey’s foot is at the bottom left corner of the Public Enemy poster.

Continued in Next Post
Continued from Previous Post (don't miss part one on page 27)

There’s a second Hidden Mickey in the gangster area.

Its way up high and you have to turn around and look up and back to see it. Oh and we got the Gangster scene but I didn’t get pictures since I was concentrating on the Hidden Mickeys. In the cowboy room, the Hidden Mickey book said to look for two references to Pocahontas.

Did you catch the two signs for “Pocahontas Remedies” in the last two pictures?

I was trying to get the alien but all I got was his foot as I forgot to zoom out.

There are numerous Hidden Mickey’s in the Indiana Jones part and also a Hidden R2D2 in the hieroglyphics but I did not spot any of them. John said he saw the R2D2 and it was on the left side of the vehicle.

There are also supposed to be Hidden Mickeys in the flowers and leaves in the Wizard of Oz scene but we didn’t find those at the time.

Looking at this next picture when I got home though, I’m wondering if the two yellow and one pink flower are supposed to be one.

Up Next: Lights, Motors, Action (yeah I know the titles are boring lately but I’ve got nothing else)
Awesome updates!
Glad you got to DHS with time to spare!

Ah GMR, love it! I had no idea there was so much hidden stuff in there! I'll have to keep my eyes open the next few times we're on there!
Awesome that you made it to Hollywood Studios so fast, and in time for your TSMM FP+! Glad you were able to switch your FP+ to get on the Great Movie Ride! :thumbsup2
Oh look, you're wearing a Pluto shirt. Whoda thunk it?

Best in vehicle? Nothing wrong with that.

Haha I'm the same way. I know there are those that don't care about even using flash :furious:, but I feel so self conscious with even the glow from the screen, that back is best for me.

Wow, all the hidden stuff on GMA. I have to get that book!!!
Love the updates! Glad you made it with time to spare for your fastpasses. I think the FP for the movie ride is pretty much worthless since it just puts you in the regular line pretty quickly. And the back of the car is our least favorite seat because it drives us nuts that the narration is already moving to the next thing before we've even seen what they just talked about. I can see the advantage when you want to take photos, though.

I love spotting hidden Mickeys. I've never looked in the book because I always wanted to spot them on my own. However, I know there are so many I'm missing, I should just break down and get the book. You make it sound like so much fun!

Ready for lights, motor, action whenever you are!

Have a great weekend!
I am Loving walking AK and HS with you!!! I feel like i am there!!!!

your pictures are just getting better and better!!!
You're really educating me in all the spots to find HM. Thanks! :thumbsup2
Ariana, glad you made it to the Studios in time...actually time to spare and get some great PP pics. I wish I could get that score just once on Toy Story!

Great pictures during The Great Movie Ride.
Awesome updates!
Glad you got to DHS with time to spare!

Thanks! I was glad we made it so quickly too.

Ah GMR, love it! I had no idea there was so much hidden stuff in there! I'll have to keep my eyes open the next few times we're on there!

I'm pretty sure we only found half of what is hidden too! The Hidden Mickey book only gives you hints, not exact locations so we didn't find all of them.

Awesome that you made it to Hollywood Studios so fast, and in time for your TSMM FP+! Glad you were able to switch your FP+ to get on the Great Movie Ride! :thumbsup2

I was relieved to make it on time because it was going to be my only ride on TSM for the week and I didn't want to miss it. Changing the FP+ was very easy.

Oh look, you're wearing a Pluto shirt. Whoda thunk it?

:rotfl: I've decided for my December solo trip that I am going to wear nothing but Pluto shirts. Now to decide which ones to wear over the eight days I'll be there. Yep, I have that many.

Best in vehicle? Nothing wrong with that.

Nope, definitely nothing wrong with that. But I do get mad when I'm not best in vehicle.

Haha I'm the same way. I know there are those that don't care about even using flash :furious:, but I feel so self conscious with even the glow from the screen, that back is best for me.

I get paranoid too and try to cover the screen but then of course I can't see what I'm taking.

Wow, all the hidden stuff on GMA. I have to get that book!!!

The book is definitely worth the money! It's a weird size though, wish it was more like a regular paperback so it was easier to carry around.

Love the updates! Glad you made it with time to spare for your fastpasses. I think the FP for the movie ride is pretty much worthless since it just puts you in the regular line pretty quickly. And the back of the car is our least favorite seat because it drives us nuts that the narration is already moving to the next thing before we've even seen what they just talked about. I can see the advantage when you want to take photos, though.

The last few times I've been to HS the line for GMR has been at least 30 minutes long. We actually walked right on the ride with the FP+ so it was definitely worth it this time. Of course now that it is considered a 1st tier ride I doubt I will ever use FP+ again. As for the back, well I think I've ridden GMR a few too many times because I honestly don't even listen to the commentary anymore. I pretty much have it memorized. The worse seat for me was the very front. Every time we stopped, we would be past the action and have to turn around and look back to see everything.

I love spotting hidden Mickeys. I've never looked in the book because I always wanted to spot them on my own. However, I know there are so many I'm missing, I should just break down and get the book. You make it sound like so much fun!

Even with the book it's still a challenge because it only gives hints, not exact locations. For example, in the Wizard of Oz room it just said to check out the flowers and leaves. It is a lot of fun looking for them!

Ready for lights, motor, action whenever you are!

Coming right up!

Have a great weekend!

Thanks, life has been crazy since I got back from vacation! I'm hoping it will slow down some soon so I can get back to reading everyone else's threads but it's not looking like that will happen until September.

I am Loving walking AK and HS with you!!! I feel like i am there!!!!

Glad you enjoyed it and it's not going to be very long before you really are there!

your pictures are just getting better and better!!!

Thanks, I'm slowly figuring my new camera out.

You're really educating me in all the spots to find HM. Thanks! :thumbsup2

You are welcome. I highly recommend getting the book if you enjoy looking for them.

Ariana, glad you made it to the Studios in time...actually time to spare and get some great PP pics. I wish I could get that score just once on Toy Story!

I was very happy we made it so quickly because I didn't want to miss what I thought was going to be my only ride on TSM that week.

Great pictures during The Great Movie Ride.

Thanks, I've been very pleased with my camera.
It was almost time for the Lights, Motors, Action Extreme Stunt Show when we finished up with GMA so we strolled through the Streets of America in that direction. This was another show that John and Jocelyn had never seen.

I finally spotted the Singing in the Rain umbrella but the water wasn’t working.

The FP+ turned out to be totally useless as that line merged with the regular line long before you got into the stadium. I guess it might be useful during extreme peak times when the show filled up since I think the FP+ holders are let in first when the stadium opens. But being February it was far from full and I was glad we switched to GMA.

Our seats weren’t too bad.

Do you see how cloudy it was at this point? The wind had picked up a lot and something was blowing in. I was just hoping that we would get through the show before the skies opened up. I know they don’t run this one in the rain.

This was the fourth time I had seen this show since 2011 and I will admit I was getting a little bored with it. It was very exciting the first time but once you know all the tricks, it’s not as interesting. Of course that left me free to take lots of pictures! Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing for my readers.

Snapped this next one a few seconds too early.

And that wasn’t all the pictures I took, I just picked out the best ones. Like I said the show is very exciting the first time but not so much the fourth time. If you haven’t seen it I would say definitely give it a try. I’m pretty sure I will be skipping it the next time I’m there.

Up Next: Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
Haha, I can't tell you how many times I never spotted that umbrella. Then I see all these pictures of it, and I feel really stupid. How do I keep missing it???

I'm the same with with LMA. I think I've only watched it maybe twice ever and after that just no longer had any interest. If I'm wish someone who hasn't seen it, fine, but other than that, it's a skip for me.
I'm in the same boat as Rob, I've never seen the umbrella either! Need to keep my eyes peeled for it haha

I've never seen LMA but I don't blame you for being a little bored with it after seeing it so many times already.
Im with the majority.. Can't find the umbrella.. I will be in search of this time around!!!
LMA: Zack's favorite and asks for it.. :sad2: Like you.. Im in no need for it!
I do like LMA once every 3 or 4 years. :teeth:

Seems like you're having a great time at DHS.
I've missed the last few updates with all I have had going on too!

Great pictures on the Maharajah Jungle Trek! You saw a lot more of the deer than I saw in May (which was 2!).

Yay for getting to DHS in time not only for your TSM FP+, but also for some nice PP pictures. Good score too on TSM.

Thanks for the new HMs for me to look for on GMR! I have seen the R2D2 one before, but I've never been able to get a good picture of it. I had no idea there were Hidden Pocahontas references in the parks!

I finally found the Umbrella last year, and it was working when I went. And I agree about LMA. I'll be seeing in December though since George has never seen it. But that means that like you I'll be able to get a lot of pictures! :rotfl:


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