Who's Turn Is It To Throw Up Today? A Feb 2014 Wedding TR - New TR link 10/27!!

Fun updates. It looks like a lot of fun at the Lego event. And of course Jim bought three more sets. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

I bought that same Olaf stuffie (although I got him on the Disney Store website). I bought him for one of the three attorneys I work for. He kids his two boys because they love Frozen and watch it all the time. He keeps telling them it is kind of a girlie movie. However, he himself LOVES Olaf so I couldn't resist.

There isn't a lot to do at Rafiki's, but i enjoy going every other trip to see if we can see a medical thing going on, see Rafiki and see which animal they have out to learn about.
Love the T-shirt.:thumbsup2

Those legos are super cool!

I have to Rafiki's planet a total of once. :confused3 I really need to head back there for a revisit. It looks pretty cool.

There is no way that shirt is a 2XL. :faint:
Awesome lego pictures! And YAY for the Olaf stuffie!!

I was so excited to find Olaf! Now I just need Sven and I will be a happy snowman. :lmao:

Great pictures, I definitely need to plan to visit Rafiki's Planet Watch at some point!

While it's not on my must do list it is a nice break from the rest of the park.

WOW I can't tell you how many times I have been up at RPW and how many photographs I have of the mural Never noticed the hidden Mickey in the ostrich's eye that is really awesome Now :rotfl2: Jim doesn't understand the 5 y/o inside of you ? Seems to me he is right there with you when it comes to Legos and WDW M & Gs I am thinking you are going to need to move to a bigger place when those Lego sets are put together Hi to Jim and the furbabies Truly am hoping to meet up with you & Mom Are your daily plans written somewhere yet & maybe I missed it ?

There are a TON of Hidden Mickey's in that mural! We probably found at least 10 and I'm sure we didn't find them all.

Yeah, I don't know what the difference is between Legos and stuffed animals? I should ask him, he probably will come up with some hair-brained explanation. :rotfl2:

For the Legos, I think we are going to get rid of the Foosball table we have in the basement (we haven't played it in years) and put a table in it's place for the Legos.

I have not posted anything about the October trip yet. Mom and I are going to finalize the planning this next week as I'm headed up there to visit. I'll e-mail you when I get back with all the details.

GOODNESS! that lego fest looks AWESOME! Zack would be there for DAYS!!!
I wish it was coming ANYWHERE near me!!! but sadly it isn't..:worried:

Awww, that's too bad because I think you guys would love it!

you were a little to close for comfort on the Spiders.. i have a HUGE fear of bugs... and i now have the hibby jibbies..

Most bugs don't bother me but spiders freak me out. I was definitely getting the hibby jibbies when I was taking the pictures! But there are two layers of glass between you and the bugs so I felt mostly safe. :lmao:

i hear Rafiki is a great M&G.. i can't wait to do it!!! :hyper:

other then the bugs GREAT UPDATE!

Rafiki was a lot of fun. Jim and I actually ran into him right outside the park when we were there in October so keep a eye out for him there too.

Well, I was only about two months behind!!!!:lmao:

Considering I took the month of May off the DIS due to work, I think you were probably only a month behind. :thumbsup2

The wedding reception looked awesome! And what a great surprise to have Mickey and Minnie there :thumbsup2

It was a really nice surprise to see Mickey and Minnie.

I love your laid back MK afternoon. We are hoping to have a few times like those on our trip! We will be in MK 4 different days so I think we might have a chance. hahahaha

It is definitely nice to slow down once and a while and take in all the little details.

I want to go to Rafiki's, but I'm not sure that we will have time. We are going to AK for a day and a half though cause I think we will really like it!!!

I would say to put it low on your priority list. It is nice but the ride takes a while and there really isn't all that much to see. If you happen to get everything else in the park done then go for it but there are definitely better things to see.

I commented on fb, but legofest looks like a lot of fun. They came to Raleigh but I missed it because I didn't know about it until the day before....oh well

Awww, that is too bad you missed it because it was lots of fun.

Wow, it always amazes me seeing Lego characters like that.

They were amazing to see! The best one was a gorilla but of course that was one I never got a photo of.

Haha, I won't lie. I have a slew of stuffed Mickey's on my living room floor. So, yeah, I kinda get the stuffed Olaf.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that in my book.

That Hidden Mickey as the ostrich eye is simply brilliant. OMG!!!

It is, there were so many in that mural but unless you are looking for them I don't think anyone notices.
Yes please do email or call we have a LOT to talk about Say Hi to your Mom and have a wonderful time !
Those Lego replicas are great! And yay for the Olaf plushie!!! :goodvibes

They were very fascinating to see.

I know Rafiki's Planet Watch isn't exciting, but I like it! Too bad you didn't get to see anything going on in the vet area. And I agree that it was very smart of them to add "safe" areas where the animals could get away from the kids (and some adults! :rotfl2: )

It is fun to go out there every couple of trips. I did see a bird getting examined when I was there in 2011 but nothing this trip.


SO sorry!! I’m back on the ball today! Lol.

No problem, I miss updates all the time. :rotfl:

Glad Jim made it home safe! And yeah…to a Canadian that snow looks like nice balmy day bahaha!!

Yeah, even to me, being from PA, it doesn't look like much. That being said, I still wouldn't venture out in it in Atlanta because there are so many drivers that have no clue how to drive in snow.

Looks like an enjoyable morning of classic and awesome rides in MK, and lots of hidden mickeys!! I never really bother looking for that many of them, though I know they’re everywhere, lol!

This was the first time I really looked for Hidden Mickeys. It was mostly my brothers doing, he was fascinated with finding them.

Cosmic rays is always a good choice for food! I don’t mind the whole “seating you” thing they do, I’m sure it helps with crowds & people snagging tables when they shouldn’t kinda thing.

I loved the CMs seating us because it saved the trouble of having to fight for a table.

Yay for people mover!! LOVE that thing! Lol. And hey! That’s me! Lol. Glad we could meet up that day, god that trip was insane like, Steven & I shouldn’t be allowed to have credit cards and the easiness of booking off work that we do! Lol. And it definitely won’t be the last time we see each other either lol!

I loved seeing you, so glad we could coordinate that even though it was brief. I don't think we will be able to meet in October because if I remember correctly you are training that week. But we definitely have to see each other in December!

Love that HM pin!

Me too! :lmao:

Great shots from the Liberty Belle, especially love the one of Rapunzel’s tower peeking out! Lol.

It's still a little strange to me to see that tower since it's so new.

Thanks for the tour from the boat! I haven’t been on it in ages! It’s on my to do list though lol

It was nice to take a break and do that. It was the first time that I remember riding it. I'm sure I did as a kid but don't remember at all.

Ahahaha the “brew” dilemma! That’s hilarious! I can’t imagine the amount of people that thought there was actual alcohol in it.

I'm sure my brother was not the only one who has done that!

So happy your mom found salmon that she liked!! I’m definitely going to have to try that next time now!! As much as I love the lamb, when I’m not on a ddp it’s a little pricey lol!! Strawberry icing on a red velvet? That’s just WEIRD! I do really wish they had the cupcakes in more places, they’re so good, and the grey stuff cupcake only being at lunch hurts my soul! It’s so much better than the dinner grey stuff dessert!

I'm so obsessed with the chocolate cupcake that I think it's going to be a long time before I try any other dessert there. I did get a chance to try the grey stuff when the brought some for our anniversary in October and I wasn't impressed. Not enough chocolate for me!

Ugh…we got stuck in the study the last time we had dinner there and I was SO disappointed!

I've never eaten anywhere but the ballroom. I do want to try to get into the West Wing one of these days.

Ah! You saw us again! How awesome! We were probably headed back to princesses….I honestly don’t really remember the details of that trip lol!

I'm sure you were headed to some meet and greet. :rotfl:

I have NEVER seen the kangaroos in AK!

They are hard to spot because they are usually sleeping in the back of the enclosure. At least that's what a CM there told me once.

Nice journey out to the planet watch! I rarely go out there, but with the munks now greeting out there I think I will lol! And as IF that shirt is that big?!? What?!

I wonder if the Munks will be out there permanently now? They might be trying to get more people to come visit RPW.


He was adorable that's for sure. Right after I snapped the picture, two little girls came up and brushed him and he just stayed right there.

And on THAT note…all caught up!!


Fun updates. It looks like a lot of fun at the Lego event. And of course Jim bought three more sets. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Of course he did, would you expect anything less? I'm actually surprised he didn't buy more than he did. He was eyeing up a huge version of the Sydney Opera House so I'm thinking that one will end up in our house eventually.

I bought that same Olaf stuffie (although I got him on the Disney Store website). I bought him for one of the three attorneys I work for. He kids his two boys because they love Frozen and watch it all the time. He keeps telling them it is kind of a girlie movie. However, he himself LOVES Olaf so I couldn't resist.

Awesome story!

There isn't a lot to do at Rafiki's, but i enjoy going every other trip to see if we can see a medical thing going on, see Rafiki and see which animal they have out to learn about.

I agree, it's usually every third or fourth trip that I make it out there.

Love the T-shirt.:thumbsup2

I thought it was pretty cute for the price!

Those legos are super cool!

If was a very fun experience. Jim is wanting to go to Legoland now so I may have to start planning that trip.

I have to Rafiki's planet a total of once. :confused3 I really need to head back there for a revisit. It looks pretty cool.

It is interesting back there but I only make the journey every three or four trips.

There is no way that shirt is a 2XL. :faint:

I know, tell me about it! Who ever sizes the women's shirts is a little off.
Hi everyone! I will be leaving town tomorrow to go visit Mom for a week so this will be the last update for probably two weeks. I don't get back till 7/13 and then I will be behind again at work. And of course that means after just getting caught up on everyone else's TRs and PTRs I'll be behind again!

We took the train back from RPW. There’s not much to see on the return trip except a lot of trees. Since we were right there, we decided to walk the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail to see the Hippos and Gorillas.

First though, we visited with the Columbus Monkeys:

The Okapi:

We didn’t stay long in the building that has the toads, lizards and naked mole rats because it was pretty crowded.

Every time I go into the bird sanctuary, I see different birds that I didn’t notice on previous trips.

I think I was trying to take the bird nests here but I’m not really sure at this point.

More nests:

We made it to the Hippo enclosure and Jocelyn went on and on about the pretty fish and didn’t even see the Hippo sitting right there. John had to point him out to her. Oh and I know it’s a “him” because only males are in this enclosure. I learned that on the Wild Africa Trek Mom and I took in 2012.

The Meerkats were next. They are one of my favorites and I always take a lot of pictures.

Continued in Next Post
Continued in Previous Post

Then it was finally time for the Gorillas. There were a couple of big ones just lounging around.

Then the little baby came around the corner! I remember seeing her right after she was born in 2011 so she must be 3 now?

She put on quite the show for us while playing around with a sheet that was in the habitat. I’ll just shut up now and let the pictures do the talking!

One of the CMs there said that when she gets bored, she will go and throw some dirt at this big one to try and get him (or her?) to play. We didn’t get to witness that this time.

The baby went back around the corner so we moved onto the bachelor area. They were mostly just hanging out.

This guy though looked like he had gone on quite the bender the night before and was still sleeping it off.

Up Next: More Animals (what else would you expect from my family)
Oh my favorite parts watching Timon :goodvibes and the Okapi Nice shots Boy the baby got big didn't she ? LOVE her toddler behavior and the last picture :rotfl2: yes definitely looks like he had a hard night out on the town OK I will shut up now as I know you are in a time crunch catching up and going to Mom's
Is it just me or are the trails becoming busier? I imagine simple timing has a lot to do with it, but I can remember walking those trails and seeing virtually nobody. Now it seems to be much more crowded when I go.

AHHHHH Super Score of the Hippo!!!! I've only seen that once before and it really is a cool treat.

Awww Lily!! Yeah, I remember her when she was so tiny. It really does feel like watching a family member grow up.
Love all of the animal pictures! You got some really great ones of each of the animals. :thumbsup2

The Hippo being a male is still told during WAT, my Mom and I heard it when we did ours in May.

Those are new Meerkats to that exhibit. I don't know what happened to the old ones, but the CM that was there when we were just a few weeks after you said that they were new and had only been on exhibit for a few weeks.

I love the baby gorilla, she is always up to something! She put on a show for us too, though not as good as the one you got! :rotfl:
Great update, Ariana.

We have missed that trail the last couple of trips and I want to be sure to do it in September.

Too funny that the hippo had to be pointed out. I'm guessing they don't eat fish? ;)

Love the gorilla pictures. The little one is so cute.

Have a great visit with your Mom.
Haha, right! I'm not sure how scheduling with go for Oct, but I'll be sure to keep in touch to see if I can run out to meet ya'll at some point! God only knows I'll be one of those cm who LIVES in the parks :rotfl2:

Love the animal pictures! I always end up skipping the exploring pathways! We've checked them out a couple of times, and as much as I'd like to in August, I know we'll be distracted by a certain show :rolleyes1

Love the animal pictures, Ariana. There is just so much to see and do at AK, isn' there?

That baby gorilla was just darling. It would have been so much fun to just watch it play.
Have a great time visiting your mom!

Super cute pictures of Lily. She is so adorable and it must have been so fun to watch her play.

I love the pictures of the hippo swimming. One visit I got to watch that over and over again. It was awesome.

Your pictures are great! Thanks for giving me a quick trip to the AK this morning. Loved it.
FUN update! i can sit and watch all primates all day. even sleeping they amaze me. :thumbsup2

Enjoy Mom time!! can't wait to hear all about it!
I'm looking forward to finally doing the Pangani trail on my upcoming trip. You saw lots of cool animals (and pictures)!
I know you're at your Mom's visiting, but I just got back from my trip yesterday and am getting caught up. I had missed quite a few updates!

The lego event looked amazing! Ruthie actually said what I was thinking…legos vs stuffies…who is 5??? I hope we all are! I love doing legos with my 7 year old granddaughter. She gets the "Friends" series.

I love the Rafiki photos and all the goings on. At first glance, that CM holding the alligator looks like she has three arms!! haha And it's hard to believe anyone could miss the hippo! But she's been sick, so we'll cut her some slack!! Dan and I haven't been on either walking trail our last couple of visits. I think we need to remedy that in September. And we've only been to RPW once. We actually did enjoy the sounds of the rain forest. We didn't think we would, but it surprised us. They were sterilizing a horned animal when we were there. Can't remember which kind. And I always have to laugh when because the word "express" is attached to that train!!!

Loved the shots of the monkeys, gorillas and birds. Well, all the animals. When we went to the Rocky Mountain zoo in April, I kept thinking how small the animals' habitats were. Not fair to compare AK to any zoo since it's so much more than a zoo!!

I hope you had a good trip to your Mom's. Is she still in PA? Have a great visit and have fun planning your next Disney trip for October. Safe travels home!
Oh my favorite parts watching Timon :goodvibes and the Okapi Nice shots Boy the baby got big didn't she ? LOVE her toddler behavior and the last picture :rotfl2: yes definitely looks like he had a hard night out on the town OK I will shut up now as I know you are in a time crunch catching up and going to Mom's

I could watch the Meerkats all day but I usually feel guilty about hogging the area so I move on after a while. We really enjoyed watching the baby gorilla!

Is it just me or are the trails becoming busier? I imagine simple timing has a lot to do with it, but I can remember walking those trails and seeing virtually nobody. Now it seems to be much more crowded when I go.

If you go first thing in the morning they are usually empty. But as the day wears on and people finish with the headliners, the trails get more and more crowded. They weren't too bad on this day except for the Hippo and Gorilla area.

AHHHHH Super Score of the Hippo!!!! I've only seen that once before and it really is a cool treat.

I've actually seen them out in that area a few times.

Awww Lily!! Yeah, I remember her when she was so tiny. It really does feel like watching a family member grow up.

It does, doesn't it? I always look forward to seeing her.

Love all of the animal pictures! You got some really great ones of each of the animals. :thumbsup2

I was pretty happy with my shots on this day.

The Hippo being a male is still told during WAT, my Mom and I heard it when we did ours in May.

Was that your second time around on the WAT? Did you enjoy it just as much as the first time?

Those are new Meerkats to that exhibit. I don't know what happened to the old ones, but the CM that was there when we were just a few weeks after you said that they were new and had only been on exhibit for a few weeks.

Oh, I hope nothing bad happened to the first batch.

I love the baby gorilla, she is always up to something! She put on a show for us too, though not as good as the one you got! :rotfl:

It's definitely more interesting than watching the bigger ones sleep. :rotfl:

Great update, Ariana.

We have missed that trail the last couple of trips and I want to be sure to do it in September.

It's usually the Tiger trail that I end up missing for some reason. Which is weird because I like tigers much better than gorillas.

Too funny that the hippo had to be pointed out. I'm guessing they don't eat fish? ;)

I guess not. :lmao: Jocelyn did not see it at all.

Love the gorilla pictures. The little one is so cute.

She is really cute and fun to watch!

Have a great visit with your Mom.

We did have a wonderful time, thanks!

Haha, right! I'm not sure how scheduling with go for Oct, but I'll be sure to keep in touch to see if I can run out to meet ya'll at some point! God only knows I'll be one of those cm who LIVES in the parks :rotfl2:

I definitely believe that you will spend all your free time in the parks!

Love the animal pictures! I always end up skipping the exploring pathways! We've checked them out a couple of times, and as much as I'd like to in August, I know we'll be distracted by a certain show :rolleyes1

Hmmmmm, could that be FOLK? :rotfl2:


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