Who will be there Apr 29 - May 5


HH Pin Crazy Pooh Fan
Mar 14, 2000
I will be staying at Ft W Cabins durung this time. Will anyone else be there.

Pooh Bear
My Family and I will be staying at Ft wilderness during this time also, can't wait. We requested a cabin in the 2500 or 2700 loop. Have you ever stayed there before?

Walt Disney World 80,81,82,83,84,85,86x2,87

NextTrips:April 01
Yes, We have been there many times. I suspect we will be in either loop 2700 or 2800. The handicapped homes were in 2800 and these are the 2 loops recently converted to cabins. I use a wheelchair so need a ramped cabin not stairs. My family has been staying at Ft Wilderness since 1980. We love it.

Pooh Bear

I go every year at that time for my birthday, (April 30th.) We will more than likely be in loop 1900 with our four-legged child and our camper. But, I won't be around much as I'll be spending a lot of my time, eating, shopping and getting my spa treatments at the Disney Institute!LOL! Maybe, we'll bump into each other at the campfire program or something...

Have fun, I know I will...
:) 5 of us will be there 4/1 thru 4/7, staying in the cabins (our family of 4 plus our DD's friend). We've been to WDW many times and this will be our 2nd stay at the cabins. We love staying at FW ! :)


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