Which WDW are Priceline 4* and how early can I bid for June 2002 ?


been there, done that, TRYING to go back
Feb 16, 2000
We are looking to return to WDW June of 2002. I would consider staying off-site (or Swan/Dolphin) if we got a great deal from Priceline.

Never have done Priceline before. I would love some advice on what 4 star WDW are listed with Priceline for bids and when should/can I bid for June 2002 ?

-pooh2001- :cool:
I hope someone posts Travel Sheryl's link because she answers this question very well. If you really want the Swan/Dolphin then this won't work for you because you have to accept whatever 4 star you get in the zome you bid for. There are several hotels that have come up for the WDW area, but there is no guarantee that others could, too. Hilton, Wyndham, Marriott, Swan/Dolphin.

I love Priceline, but if you want a sure thing try the entertainment card discount or see what other deals are going. I've heard that they offer a teacher and a nurse discount at the moment.

I believe Priceline will allow you to bid for a hotel stay up to one year in advance. You can simply enter your parameters at their website and if your dates are too far out, they will let you know.

There is a listing of Orlando hotels that users of my board have gotten through Priceline. It's entitled "Orlando Hotel List" and is located on the Orlando category.

Informed Priceline Bidding Forum


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