Where to put backpack while on a ride?


Mar 1, 2001
Hi, this may sound like a stupid question, but as I decided to take a backpack to the parks, I was wondering where does one keep it when they go on a ride? Are we allowed to ride with a backback? Is there a "cubby" for storage when I get on a ride? Thanks!
I always take mine right on the rides. On some there is a pouch in front of you to put them in or just put them on floor between your feet. nevar had a problem.

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On the Kali river ride there is a storage area to put items in. On most other rides I simply put my backpack on the floor between my legs. Never had a problem. :)
If it will make you feel more secure, put your leg through one of the straps when you put it on the floor. I did this and didn't have trouble on anything -- even the Rockin' Roller Coaster.

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I always take my bags on the rides, haven't lost anything yet! ;)

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On Kali RR, I put it in the compartment in the middle of the boat. On slow rides, I just stick it on the seat next to me, or on the floor. On the thrill rides, I stick it on the floor and put my leg through the straps. Never had a problem.




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