What's the most obscure character you have ever encountered in any of the parks?

Ron from Michigan

DIS Veteran
Aug 23, 1999
I've decided to start a thread asking what has been the most obscure character you have ever encountered in one of the parks. My wife and myself encountered Jimmy Cricket last year at MGM, it was the first time we had ever seen him in any of the parks.
Last Saturday morning, we met Miss Victoria in the Barber Shop in the MK. I didn't even know about her. We also met the Mayor of Main Street last week.
If I had to pick the most obscure character I've ever seen I would probably have to say either Panchito from the Three Caballeros or Gadget from the Rescue Rangers. In the last couple of years I would probably have to say either Little John from Robin Hood or Malifecent from Sleeping Beauty, two characters I had previously only seen in parades or shows.
She might be fairly common but we saw the Snow Witch in Epcot in June. She was sitting on the ground outside of a shop and looked like a statue. She scared DD8 half to death when she moved. Also saw Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum in Epcot.
my DS wasnt interested in characters so i didnt see many.

we did run into Mushu at AK though.
I saw Mr. Smee at Epcot. He was on the bridge between France and Great Britain all by himself.
He kept waving at us and pretending to fall over the railing.
I think he was bored.
The most uncommon (I believe) that we ran into in June would have to be Kermit and Miss Piggy (they were together in MGM near the Muppet theater) or Daisy Duck (next to the photo emporium at the front of MK).

Back in June '99 my DW and I encountered ALL seven dwarves and Snow White together outside the gates at MK early one morning. That was a pretty awesome group to welcome us that morning!
I dont know if obscure is in the same vein as nameless, but we enjoyed (one day at MGM) watching the soliders from Toy Story doing some drill routines in front of the Great Movie Ride. At they end they were surrounded by kids (and their parents), but none except the 'drill sergeant' actually spoke; but one of the other guys did sign my boy's book as "Pvt Green".
In Toontown Fair we saw the two Lady Mice from Cinderella. Someone told me their names but I forgot them already!! :)
The rarest character I ever saw was Rebecca Cunningham (from the TailSpin show on Toon Disney). I never seen her before, and I was thrilled to get her autograph!! :) I don't think she is out all the time. I saw her the Friday before Memorial Day, by the Toontown train station. She was with 7 other characters there - Now I always know to check that spot now while character-hunting!! :)

We go to WDW next week, and all we want to do is look for characters, especially rare ones!! :)

<img src="http://home.att.net/~disneysue/hugsmall3.gif">
daannzzz, we seen the mice too when we went in April. There names*about 99% sure* Suzie and Perla
Characters I've only seen once:
Shan Yu (in China January 2000)
Phoebus (in France December 1999)
The Beast (in Washington Square October 2001)
Darkwing Duck (Walking out of the area between ABC Theater and Sounds Dangerous May 2002)
Scrooge McDuck (ToonTown Fair January 2001)
Stromboli (New York side street - near backlot theater January 2000)
Wendy (December 2002, although she may be part of the MK opening ceremony now, we'll see later this month)

Characters I've only seen a few times:
Prince from Snow White
Prince Phillip
Big Al (have seen on the last two trips)
Roger Rabbit
Kit Cloudkicker
Rebecca Cunningham
Bert and the Penguins
Jiminy Cricket

Still waiting to get autographs from:
Peter Pan
Little John
John Smith
Milo Thatch

Given up all hope on:
Originally posted by Ron from Michigan
I've decided to start a thread asking what has been the most obscure character you have ever encountered in one of the parks. My wife and myself encountered Jimmy Cricket last year at MGM, it was the first time we had ever seen him in any of the parks.

Wow! Seems like everyone except me has seen the Cricket! He has become the holy grail of our autograph searches. I know we've seen Bert and the Penguins. I guess I'm going to have to dig out the autograph books to see if we have any other rarities.
i have pictuers when i was young of the three pig and the big bad wolf but in last couple of years the most obscure was roger rabbit.
daannzzz, we seen the mice too when we went in April. There names*about 99% sure* Suzie and Perla
Yeah!!! That was their names. Now if I can just remember them!! ;) Thanks
Darkwing Duck - July 2002 - while on the Backlot Tour at MGM

Mr. Smee - April 2000 - Outside of Pirates of the Carribbean with Captain Hook

Roger Rabbit - June 1991 - at Epcot Future World and he was wearing a spacesuit.
We were extremely shocked when we saw the most unlikely character in the most unlikely spot. Sitting opposite Cinderellla's wishing well on the castle path to the right was Orville that albatross from The Rescuers. He was very big and just sitting there all alone!
Originally posted by JungleMansion
We were extremely shocked when we saw the most unlikely character in the most unlikely spot. Sitting opposite Cinderellla's wishing well on the castle path to the right was Orville that albatross from The Rescuers. He was very big and just sitting there all alone!

When did you see him there? I havn't seen him out since the 80s. If you saw him recently that just about takes the cake for the rarest character in this thread.
I have a photo of it somewhere, I'll look for it and try to post it. My youngest daughter who was born in '87 and she remembers it very well so it was in atleast '92 or '93

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