What would be your dream job and...


do something that MATTERS!
Mar 14, 2001
why arent you doing it?

Just curious. :)

I got to thinking about what I REALLY want to do with my life and there are a lot of things I can do when my kids are older so thats mainly whats holding me back in those instances.

I am really considering becoming an interior decorator right now though. I allready do all my friends homes. They call and ask to me draw up plans so they can know how to paint and what fabrics to use lol ( guess all these years of watching the home decorating shows are finally paying off ;) )

I am looking into it now.

So what is your dream job and why arent you doing it?
My dream job is to rehab wild birds..... I start my rehab training on the 11th of Feb. YAY!!! After that I just want to get my degree in Biology and Psychology... move somewhere with a huge backyard and get my license... then I'll be able to build a huge aviary and rehab wild birds.... it'll be perfect.

But it's a couple years down the road :)
Retired millionaire! :p

Problem is, I'm just a wee bit short on the million $$ part! :teeth:
I want to host the show "Great Hotels" on Travel Channel. She gets to visit these wonderful hotels all over the country and have spa treatments and eat at the restaurants. That would be my absolute dream job!

I'm not doing it because Samantha Brown is--the lucky witch.;)
I would like to own a small book store. I would like to be like a very small Barnes and Noble. Have coffee and books to sell. Why don't I do it? Because I don't think in my area it would make it. Now my dream job would be archealogy (sp). I would like to work at places like the Hermitage where they are digging through what used to be the garage area. I just think that would be so exciting. Now why don't I do that. I just don't live close enough and I doubt if they would hire me.
I have a Bachelor's in Psychology, but now I wish I would've gone on and gotten a PhD in Forensic Psychology. I'd love to help put away the bad guys. I actually looked into finding a program around here, but there are none close in this area of GA.
Head of Walt Disney Imagineering.

Apparently you have to know people to get that gig. ;)
(Besides I'd have to wait until after Eisner is gone to work there)
Chef/Caterer. I love to cook. I love watching someone truly enjoy a meal that I have prepared for them.
Marine Biology!
I don't know why I didn't pursue that career further. Lack of funds, the school took too long to accept my college application, fear...oh well. I do plan on continuing my psychology education to get my Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psych.
Sign Language Interpreter which I am working towards at this moment. Take the written part if the state exam in a few months.
improv actress but too small a town for improv acting groups
I would love to be an Egyptologist. Why I don't persue it? I am far too interested in my bank account. If I were to ever be the recipient of a huge windfall and didn't need to "earn" money for all the things I want in life, then I would seriously consider getting another degree (and possibly a doctorate) and doing it just to please myself. Until then I will finish up with the degree path I am currently on, and truth be told that interests me a lot as well.
I would have to say it's a toss up between a job in the Child protection field or something to do with special ed...I think it's encouraging to know that you can make anybody's day better just by being there, it's gives you a sense of self worth if that makes sense...And if those two don't pan out I think I'll be a barber...:D
Working in an African Safari, doing whatever related to the animals.

Why am I not there?
Good question. Let me kill myself right now. :)
I want to run an internet store for the DIS!! Lime green items...DIS shirts...oh so many ideas! Bumper stickers, window clings....on and on.....

Why am I not doing it??? Just waiting for the go-ahead from Pete!! I wish he'd hurry!!!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I would like to be either a secret shopper for WDW or a consultant for Dreams :)...
Why am I not doing these? ???
I think being a seismologist would be pretty cool if I weren't so terrified of earthquakes! LOL! Definitely something in Geology. It's taken years to figure out what I'd like to do. But I wouldn't go into that field right now due to DS. Want to be here for him, not traveling! That would be extremely difficult as a single parent.
Also, I wonder what the percentage is of people who actually do what they would love to do. I know my exterminator said he wanted to be a history professor.

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