What type of Teva's


DIS Veteran
Oct 5, 2000
What type of Teva's does everyone wear? My DH and I are both wondering.

1980, 86,91,96,98 - off site
2000 - 7 day Cruise
May 2001 Cypress Harbour
I just got the Circuit Walking Teva. Never had a pair before and I love it! I have a very wide foot and often have trouble getting shoes and sandals. The ONLY sneaker I can wear is Naturalizer Chargers size double wide. These sandals are great!

I have the kinetic and circuit. I love the kinetic I have worn them my past 4 trips to diney!
if you go to www.teva.com you can view all the styles they have!

<img height="200" src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/techca/bed.jpg">
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<marquee> Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm hunting wabbits!!! </marquee><font></font></font>

And www.rei-outlet.com has a lot of them on sale I got my Curcuit sandles for $39.99!![I went to the mall to try styles and to get a good idea of the fit!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Brought both to WDW last summer. The Circuits were definately more comfortable for longer than were the Pretty Ruggeds. The foot is wider, and there seems to be more padding.

Every year, I come home with swollen and sore feet. No matter what sneaker I bought, there was always pain. I have little padding under my heels, so I get blisters there. I have plantar fascisomething also. Under normal walking conditions I don't usually experience any problems. But Disney, with the hot pavement, and the miles of walking done in short periods of time, is another story. Also, my DH likes to race walk to everything! :mad:

So I was eager to try the Tevas. Like I said, I used them last summer, and they were not perfect, but my feet lasted longer with them than with any other footwear I have tried. The first 5 days of a 9 nine stay I was doing great. I should have only used the Circuits, but I thought the Pretty Ruggeds were dressier for dinner, and used them several times.

By the time we flew home, I almost had to buy an extra seat for my swollen feet. :eek: The Circuits were the only thing I could get onto my feet because of the adjustable velcro closures.

This year, I'm definately bringing the Circuits, and looking into buying the Peakay's which I tried on and are also wider with alot of padding.
They are also a little dressier looking. What we do for fashion! :D

Offsite - 1974,1975
Contemporary - 1982,1983
Port Orleans - 1993,1994
Wilderness Lodge - 1995
Yacht Club - 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,7/2001

Thanks everyone!
DH and I will go try some on then order online. Great idea!

1980, 86,91,96,98 - off site
2000 - 7 day Cruise
May 2001 Cypress Harbour


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