What to look forward to in the future...


Earning My Ears
May 22, 2000
I love both IOA and USF, but after having been there so many times, I'm getting kind of sick of nothing new. Does anyone have any information besides pure specualtion that we've been hearing for months- i.e. Scorpion King ride, Fast and the Furious ride, Apollo 13, or a new attraction at JP. Is there anything that is actually in the works? Earl, I'm sure you can't divulge any of that info, but just giving us some kind of time period when we can expect a new, big attraction from the parks would put my faith right back in Universal.

You must be a local. I have not been there in over three years and there will be plenty of new stuff for our trip in August!
I can see what JonsMovies is talking about.

Most parks up north announce the new ride for the year during the winter months (now), and it gives everyone something to talk about and look forward to. Take Cedar Point for last year. They had no new ride, but still told everyone they we're building camper village. At least "announcing nothing" is better than nothing at all. It's really weird to describe this feeling. It's like I want to know that something is on the way. Parks in Orlando are open year around, so they technically don't have a season. They can build a ride and it doesn't have to be ready for a summer season. Whereas CP does something each year.

I know for this year, it's the RP hotel, that's obvious.

The Busch parks are just as bad, they don't say anything. Most fans are hoping for a huge coaster behind Kumba.
That's 5 parks in total (IOA/USF/BGT/BGW/SWF), they've built family rides, now it's time to build a thrill ride.

I know there is something on the way, that's a given. Just when? Just like the song says, "The waiting is the hardest part."
I went to Universal and IOA last Spetember and Universal really needs something different in it. IOA is an amazing park but Universal is pretty bad. King Kong, Men in Black, Slime Time Live, Twister, ET, and Earthquake are good but everything else kinda sucks.

My family is planning another trip to Orlando in March of 2003 and we plan on going to Magic Kingdom and IOA since we loved them so much last time, and then we are going to MGM Studios and Animal Kingdom since we never have gone and they look very good espicailly the new rides at AK.

We are either going to Busch Gardens, Epcot, or Universal. Right now Epcot is looking better than Universal!
Originally posted by lukelance
Right now Epcot is looking better than Universal!
Wait a second. If you think "King Kong, Men in Black, Slime Time Live, Twister, ET, and Earthquake are good," what do you think Epcot has to beat that combo? Or is it just that you haven't been to Epcot in a while? (Also, kinda surprised you didn't mention T2-3D.)

There was a hint from a well-placed source here on the board that there will be something new at USF sometime this year.
Right now Epcot is looking better than Universal!
Are you out of your mind????????????
Horizons - GONE!
JIYI - a disaster
Living Seas - Sea Cabs - gone
Countries - need a Matterhorn (Switzerland)
Land - needs update
Most parks up north announce the new ride for the year during the winter months
They have to due to shortened operating season.


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