What should I know about the Hard Rock Hotel?


Aug 21, 1999
We are psyched to stay on site when we go to USF/IOA but I'm wondering if anyone has tips about this hotel? Should we request a certain part?
The HRH is opening on the 19th of this month!! No one has stayed there yet! We are all anxiously awaiting the first reviews! :)
Just remember when bringin' the kids to the Hard Rock Hotel once it opens:

The Hard Rock Hotel is truly Hard Rock all the way. The attitude at this hotel will be unlike any other Orlando hotel experience. How? You may ask? Let's just say that applicants with visible tatoos, outrageous hair, and multiple piercings are given a preferential status in all hiring decisions for the hotel.

So don't be surprised if your housekeeper or breakfast waitress has green hair and a nose ring.

Remember, this is the Hard Rock and it's theming is Hard Rock - this ain't no Grand Floridian!

Oh, and have a great time - I've walked the place a number of times already and it is breathtaking! Be sure to check out the underwater sound system in the pool and the 3 minute walk to the USF front gate!
And whoever said USO didn't have great themeing?


[This message was edited by taff on 01-08-01 at 10:17 PM.]
This is gonna be good, but why do I get the feeling soon we'll be seeing reports like "I was shocked. My CHILDREN, for God's sake, how can cast members dress and act like that, ect. ect. You know one of those is coming...

"Compose your final, loathesome dirge!"
We'll be there in August and my two kids are really looking forward to getting into the theme!
- trashing the room, harassing the waitresses and maybe even driving the hire car into the pool one night!!! And they are only 5 years old! ;)
Sounds too good to be true!
CoasterFEV, you say you've walked around the hotel - any more details? Have you seen the pool area, it's supposed to be pretty cool.




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