What should I do?????


Feb 23, 2001
We are going to WDW in July. DH just informed me last night that a confrence he attends pretty regularly is tentatively scheduled to be in WDW next May. (It was there last May). NOW! more then likely DD and I would join him on this little trip (if airfares worked out), but I need to know if it would be worth paying for annual passes this July, and then using them in May. Or should we just opt for paying admission again in May, since we are positive we will be going.

We plan on gettting the 6day hopper+ for now. I am soooo confused!!! What should i do!!
I have an AP, but we already have 20 days planned in WDW in 2001 (July, December) and we might even return in May 2002. We're DVC members :).

Here are the current prices for passes:

6 Day Hopper
adult $261.84; child $208.83
($43.50 & $34.80 per day)

6 Day Hopper PLUS
adult $293.64 ; child $235.34
($48.94 & $39.22 per day)

adult $369.94; child $314.82
(8.5 & 9.0 days to 'break even'
v/s Hopper)

Premium AP
adult $497.14; child $422.96
(10.20 & 10.80 days to 'break even'
v/s Hopper PLUS)

Here are the questions I would ask myself:

(1) How many days will you be going for in July? You have a 6 day hopper, but will you be there longer than 6 days? Once you have an AP you can go for your first evening or your last day without 'buring' a day on your pass.

(2) How many days do you plan to be there in May? Do your combined days exceed the 'break even' points above?

(3) You can also save $$ on getting a regular AP v/s PAP if you don't go to the water parks that often or PI or Disney Quest. My DD is only 20 months and we have a regular AP.

(4) Do you really want to go in May? If so, your AP will burn a hole right through your pocket and you will be bound to find good airfare ;).

-- Robin
does the annual pass start at the time of Purchase or when you first use it. I have had conflicting information on this one. We want to buy our passes before the rates go up, which we were told was in June, but that may mean that our passes expire before we get to use them.

We would not really need the Water Parks pass, I know everyone thinks they are a blast, but for the amount of time we would spend at one of them, we are better off just going to RC for 13 bucks a day with our DC discount.

Can any one tell me where the "perks" of an AP is listed. I did a search and can't seem to get it.

I think the website is www.wdwig.com Also, I think at Ap start the first day you use them, it is the renewals ap's that start the day after the ap expires. Does this make sense. Example: AP expires on 7-1-01, renewal is effective 7-2-01 no matter when you first use it. But if it is a new AP, not a renewal, it is good for 1 year after the first day of use. That is how I understand it.



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