What is your top reason for going solo?

I have a few days I will be spending alone either at home or, why not at Disney?

Great reason...love it! Hope you have a wonderful time. I find that I'm more adventurous when I travel alone, especially when it comes to snacks and meals. Most CMs and guests are really friendly and it's easy to strike up conversations while waiting in line (social distancing was pretty much non-existent during my last visit) and I never felt lonely or alone.
it's my Happy Place - sometimes i just want to get away from the real world and walk down Mainstreet and take in all of the fantasy i can - I automatically smile no matter what's going on once i hit those magic band scanners and it rings with Mickey's laugh...
As others have posted here i dont mind going to WDW solo because i do my own thing.
I am currently dealing with health issues, not COVID, which has affected my energy and ability to walk for long distances. I haven’t been back to WDW in a long while, well long for me, so this January I’m going back!!!
I do have my must do list, rise of the resistance, everything else will be spur of the moment.

Btw: have made numerous trips with family and friends but i do enjoy my solo trips
Don’t have any single friends (so no one wants to ditch their family to jet down there and do Disney without them) and can’t seem to find anyone to join me. Was fully ready to pay for them too…. Just no takers so I’ve basically given up since my trip is mid October and that isn’t far away…
I was married to a man that was gone for work all of the time and I lived in a city where I didn't know anyone really. I learned very quickly that if I wanted to do something, I needed to be comfortable with doing it alone or I might miss an opportunity to do something I loved. Now I really enjoy my ventures alone and am really excited to be doing Disney alone this weekend!
I enjoy going to theme parks with others. When i worked at Disneyland, I also learned to enjoy Disneyland on my own and felt completely at ease, signing into the parks either before or after my shifts just to explore the details and appreciate them in complete leisure.

I never thought to go to WDW solo until a work trip landed me in Orlando, and I decided to delay my return for 3 days. I had no plan in mind, and just drove up to the TTC and purchased a park hopper ticket. It happened to be the kickoff of the Food & Wine Festival, and a CM suggested I make Epcot my first stop. Wow, the atmosphere, the new rides, the bands, the food, the fireworks, the vastness of places to explore. I had so much fun on my own, that I vowed to return and turned my ticket into an Annual Pass. (Back then you could break even with just two trips in one year.)

I’ll be honest, I’ve been back with other people. And I have fun with them. But I always kind of miss being on my own and having that complete freedom like I did that first day at Epcot.
Kids are grown, hubby doesn’t care for crowds, and friends aren’t interested. Selfishly, I look forward to doing exactly what I want also. Headed down for my birthday in a couple of weeks and can’t wait to celebrate with a black & tan at R&C.

That's also my first stop at Epcot to get a black and tan!

I will be traveling for the first time with out the hubby on October 31st for a few nights. When talking with one of my best friends from Chicago last week, I told her that I really needed to get away for a few days and she told me that she was thinking the same thing, but she could not find anybody to go with her. Long story short, we decided to leave our husbands behind, and since I had some points, I booked 3 nights in a studio for us first night at Cooper Creek and the other two at a Riv standard ( I still can't believe I was able to get those nights !) , I found $59.00 each way fares for both of us, from Chicago and Dallas, and now we are all set!

I know this is not a solo trip but this is close enough for me, since I always want to be with my family at DW. My kids (19, 25,36 ) are shocked that I'm willing to go without them. My friend is very easy going and I will be pretty much the one planning because she doesn't go as often as I do or keeps up with any changes. She said she was excited to go just the two of us, because she only has been with her kids or now her kids and grandchildren, and they never want to go where she wants to go , like Epcot to visit with countries. We will be there for F&W which is another big plus.

Our plan so far, is to get to CC around 1PM, leave our luggage, take boat to MK for some picture outside, go to the Poly for lunch and a Lapu, lapu ( maybe visit GF for another drink ) . Go back to CC and either just go to the Wilderness Campground for the Halloween decorations and then watch the fireworks or go to Disney Springs.

What would you all do ?

We will get 2 day park hopper tickets to go to Epcot early hours the following day ,and HS for a couple of hours maybe in the evening before returning to Epcot for the fireworks We will go to early hours at AK the next day to try to ride Avatar , then Epcot again in the evening. check out day, just enjoy Disney springs and maybe visit another resort by boat.
Oh - Maybe check out the Coronado Springs - make yourselves a customized Sangria or Wine! I just found out about that and sounds like a great event - look it up under things to do and drop them an email - they need to check availability - it's what I'm planning to do next time i go (in another week or 2). I go quite frequently - with or without my friends/daughter... I've learned early on not to wait on people to do what i want to do - I make my plans, announce them and then whomever sticks, sticks lol. Works in my favor either way :)
I live alone and do most things solo so I don't have a particular reason for going to WDW or anywhere else solo, it's just what I do! I do have family and/or friends join me on some trips and that's fun, but can get exhausting after a few days. I am just very comfortable with my own company and like to do things without waiting on other people and living alone I am very used to doing what I want when I want. I like the peace and quiet of going back to my resort in the evening to read a book or watch a movie. Also, sometimes being solo is the best way to meet other people because you aren't in your own social bubble. I've often arrived places solo and ended up spending time exploring and having fun with people I just met. I'm mention as well that I am a woman and usually feel perfectly safe doing things on my own. I've been all over the US and parts of Europe solo. Doesn't worry me a bit. The only thing I don't like to do solo is hiking or tent camping, but that's mostly because I'm paranoid about bears :oops:. I have gone car camping solo in my Jeep though.
For me it all depends on the type of trip, there are some where I like having company and others where I don't want the stress of having to consider what others want to do when making my plans. Fortunately, I have 2 people I've traveled with, both of whom seem pretty gung ho about wanting to do things but also trust me enough to essentially go along with whatever I plan. I also have a few others that have expressed an interest in doing trips in the future so I'm lucky to have options whenever I'm planning a trip. I also have traveled a great deal with my parents however they have reached an age where the hassle of traveling isn't exceeded by any joy it may bring so other than our upcoming Disney trip where we're driving their travel days are largely behind them.
That's also my first stop at Epcot to get a black and tan!

I will be traveling for the first time with out the hubby on October 31st for a few nights. When talking with one of my best friends from Chicago last week, I told her that I really needed to get away for a few days and she told me that she was thinking the same thing, but she could not find anybody to go with her. Long story short, we decided to leave our husbands behind, and since I had some points, I booked 3 nights in a studio for us first night at Cooper Creek and the other two at a Riv standard ( I still can't believe I was able to get those nights !) , I found $59.00 each way fares for both of us, from Chicago and Dallas, and now we are all set!

I know this is not a solo trip but this is close enough for me, since I always want to be with my family at DW. My kids (19, 25,36 ) are shocked that I'm willing to go without them. My friend is very easy going and I will be pretty much the one planning because she doesn't go as often as I do or keeps up with any changes. She said she was excited to go just the two of us, because she only has been with her kids or now her kids and grandchildren, and they never want to go where she wants to go , like Epcot to visit with countries. We will be there for F&W which is another big plus.

Our plan so far, is to get to CC around 1PM, leave our luggage, take boat to MK for some picture outside, go to the Poly for lunch and a Lapu, lapu ( maybe visit GF for another drink ) . Go back to CC and either just go to the Wilderness Campground for the Halloween decorations and then watch the fireworks or go to Disney Springs.

What would you all do ?

We will get 2 day park hopper tickets to go to Epcot early hours the following day ,and HS for a couple of hours maybe in the evening before returning to Epcot for the fireworks We will go to early hours at AK the next day to try to ride Avatar , then Epcot again in the evening. check out day, just enjoy Disney springs and maybe visit another resort by boat.
There’s a margarita flight at wilderness lodge that might be fun! Can’t remember which place is serving it but it looked good. My most recent trip included Mai Tais at Trader Sam’s; Raglan Stout at Raglan Rd; beer flight at City Works (also their chopped salad = yum); once my husband arrived Lapu Lapus and teriyaki wings at Tambu Lounge; drinks at Enchanted Rose; and several stops at Baseline at HS. I felt like I wandered around more than in the past but so enjoyed walking around the shops and taking in the scenery. Staying at the Riviera, I highly recommend enjoying their pools and Bar Riva. I was there my first night and hated that I didn’t get to enjoy more of the resort, but my meal from Bar Riva was great. If you’ve stayed there before, ignore the above because I’m sure you know that. 😂
Headed back Nov 7 with my Disney loving friend for 4 nights then she leaves and my sister arrives for 4 nights. Can’t wait as most of the parks will be changing over for Christmas. My sis and I decided to do the Christmas party instead of her getting park hopper for a day or two. It will give her time in the park but also time to enjoy the resorts.
There’s a margarita flight at wilderness lodge that might be fun! Can’t remember which place is serving it but it looked good. My most recent trip included Mai Tais at Trader Sam’s; Raglan Stout at Raglan Rd; beer flight at City Works (also their chopped salad = yum); once my husband arrived Lapu Lapus and teriyaki wings at Tambu Lounge; drinks at Enchanted Rose; and several stops at Baseline at HS. I felt like I wandered around more than in the past but so enjoyed walking around the shops and taking in the scenery. Staying at the Riviera, I highly recommend enjoying their pools and Bar Riva. I was there my first night and hated that I didn’t get to enjoy more of the resort, but my meal from Bar Riva was great. If you’ve stayed there before, ignore the above because I’m sure you know that. 😂
Headed back Nov 7 with my Disney loving friend for 4 nights then she leaves and my sister arrives for 4 nights. Can’t wait as most of the parks will be changing over for Christmas. My sis and I decided to do the Christmas party instead of her getting park hopper for a day or two. It will give her time in the park but also time to enjoy the resorts.

Great tips! so things changed and we decided to invite the husband's after all, my conscience was killing me when I started looking at a
The F&W menus , 😆
We are definitely going to to Trader's Sam.
We changed our rooms and now we are staying at BW to have access to Epcot for F&W, plus we can still go to Riviera and visit, and I was able to get our last night a concierge room at Jambo house. My friend and her husband will be celebrating their anniversary, so that should be a nice surprise.
We get to rest and enjoy the resort and all the free stuff at concierge for two days, since we have late flights.
You future plans sound great , have a great time!
And thank you for your tips
I would :love: to go to Disneyland solo - def a dream of mine. I travelled (or used to) solo for work a lot and loved it. I like to set my own pace.
Strongly considering a solo trip over MLK Day in January. I'm holding out a bit with fingers crossed there still might be a chance of a discount. (Looking less and less likely!) Have always wanted to try a solo trip and it's awesome to see all this encouragement and reasons to go ahead with it!
I Like to go with a friend or two occasionally and love my trips with my hubby - who will only go once every two years or so. But my favorite trips are the ones I take solo. Not because I can do what I want without thinking of others. It is more that when I go solo I am suddenly free of worry about anything. As president of my company I am always solving others' problems. Alone at Disney i just "float". I love the flowers and views, I love sitting with a book occasionally over a glass of wine and people watching. I book my favorite signature restaurants. I get up late and stay at a park late - or I leave after one or two rides..... When it rains I have been known to stay in my room and read all day. Or spontaneously throw a poncho over my scooter and go to AK. I ride Safari over and over. Or ride through Pandora after dark listening to every bird cry.... seeing every detail that I miss when with my hubby or a friend.... I recapture that sense of make believe that I loved as a child, eyes half closed "feeling" the world around me.......
I’ve really enjoyed lurking on this thread - so many thoughtful answers beyond the ones I expected.

I’m a single 43 year old. I go rope drop to fireworks every day at the parks, and while I’m not yet at the sensei level of mastery with Genie+ that I was with FP (I still see Mickey from Rocky in my head, urging me to “Tap & modify!”) I can plan a pretty full day.

So I was pretty eager to take my first solo trip last month. No explaining to anyone how early we need to wake up, or making two cups of coffee so we’re both covered in line for FoP, or nerves about leading a pal all over a park for miles, or asking someone to wait in line for a magic shot.

And it was… cool. Totally fine. But I missed a partner! I loved giving Han’s seat to my mom on MFSR, or the time my super cynical riding buddygot the show of his life on KS. It’s almost like I have something to prove, and end up convincing myself of the magic every time.

I very much identify with the notion of making everyone else happy being stressful. Maybe I seek that particular stress? But I think my next visit will be with a buddy.
And it was… cool. Totally fine. But I missed a partner! I loved giving Han’s seat to my mom on MFSR, or the time my super cynical riding buddygot the show of his life on KS. It’s almost like I have something to prove, and end up convincing myself of the magic every time.

I get it. I find that, when you say to yourself that "people say I should enjoy this", it can sometimes make things more stressful and thus less enjoyable. That's the way I was about solo TS dining. Although I didn't feel totally comfortable, I kept telling myself that "I should be OK with this". And it seemed like the more I told myself that, the harder it became. Finally I just stopped doing TS, and it was many years before I tried it again.

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