What is This Wet Stuff Falling on Us? September 2021 Food and Wine TR! (RL Update 10/2!!)

We are only about a week out from our F&W trip, yay!!!! Things are starting to fall into place, I've *almost* wrapped up all the work I need to get done before the trip, I've packed one of my bags, I've found half a swimsuit, and per usual there is a hurricane on the way. :rotfl2:

Ok, seriously though, this forecast model makes me laugh, the last dot on the black line is the day I fly down about 6 hours before my flight from an airport a bit to the north.

Knowing my luck with flights being delayed/cancelled/to the wrong airport, this forecast seems about right. ::yes::

So fingers crossed one of the many other models which have the storm out to sea are more accurate!

Anyways...good news, I finished writing the last day of this TR! :cool1: Now I just need to proof read it on a day I didn't go into the office since somehow going into the office sucks all the life and brain cells out of me these days. So an update should be coming very very soon, likely tomorrow! Wahoo! Then we can finally get into a very short pre-trip report....if I have time...
I am so looking forward to your next report also. The Halloween party to me is the best thing Disney offers. I am not able to make it down this year for it, so I will be very excited to hear about your trip. Have a great time!!!!!

Day 11, Part 1: Until Next Time Disney!

It was finally here, the saddest day of the trip, the day we had to go home. :sad:

My mom had a flight at 11:40, and mine was at 12:55, so the prior day we had stopped by the front desk to request we be put on the same DME back to the airport since we’ve learned in the past they like to break up families who are on different flights!

Our bus was scheduled to pick us up at 8:25 that morning, and it arrived right on time. It was already about half full by the time it got to the YC, so we only had one other stop at the BC before heading to the airport.

I was really surprised that they made a completely new video for the DME bus since my trip in April, seems kinda dumb since the service would be ending in three months, but I guess there are a lot of things Disney does that doesn’t make sense to me but apparently does to them! (see also: Harmonious :rotfl2:)

We got to the airport around 9, so had plenty of time before our flights, thank goodness because it was packed in there!

We made our way through the masses to the check-in kiosks so I could get our boarding passes and luggage tags. There was a bit of a wait, but we were early enough we weren’t stressing too much.

Finally it was our turn and we got all our documents and got our bags tagged, then got into the next line to drop our bags off. I got ridiculously lucky and my bag weighed exactly 50lbs! Thank goodness, I did not want to try to rearrange my luggage to avoid a fee that morning!

Once bags were checked we made our way to security, we were both flying jetblue, so got to stick together until my mom boarded her flight which was nice. The security lines were nuts as usual (or at least how they usually are when we’re there), but we have precheck which had practically no line, so we breezed through quickly and got on the fake-o-rail to the gates.

Since my mom’s flight was leaving well before mine, I waited with her at her gate so we could take turns running to the bathroom while the other watched the bags and saved the seats. This is the one thing I hate about traveling solo is having to drag my carryon bags into the bathroom with me, and having to give up my seat!

Eventually it was my mom’s turn to board, so we hugged and wished each other a safe flight before parting ways. I then went to find my own gate.

I can’t remember the gate number, but I have decided it is my least favorite gate at MCO. It’s in an area I’ve never been, it was oddly dark, and there were 4 gates sharing one small seating area, so it was a big ol cluster back there. Yay.

My flight was scheduled to board at 12:20, so at 12:17 I got up to run to the bathroom one more time and stretch my legs. I thought this was a great idea, until I got back to my gate to find they were not boarding. I asked a woman standing in the area if there was any announcement about my flight, and she tells me that it was delayed!

I know, I know, my flights are always delayed, I really should have expected this.

Apparently, the pilots for our flight were still flying another plane in to MCO from Newark and were like 20 minutes out. Ok, not a horrible wait, but I had given up my seat and there was no where else in that area to sit, and hardly any place to stand it was so packed with people. Again, really not a fan of this gate!

I passed the time chatting with some people on my flight, and finally about 40 minutes later they announced the pilots had arrived and we would be boarding soon! Wahoo!

Per usual the boarding process started with those who needed assistance and then into Group A, which was those who booked the even more space seats, which I had. But once again, even though I paid extra for those seats, I was assigned one of the last boarding groups.

This happened to me in April as well, but I figured then it was because I booked the ticket about an hour before the flight so somehow that bumped me to the last boarding group even though I had paid the extra fee. So I’m not sure why this trip when I had booked my tickets months in advance I was assigned group C instead of A, and yes when they announced group A they also said something along the lines of “these are the people who bought even more space seats” so I should have been assigned that group.

I guess I could have just gone and tried scanning with group A, but I didn’t want to have to argue my case with them so just waited until group C was called.

Eventually it was my turn to board, and even though there was one group after me, I was the second to last person to board. HA! I was a bit worried since I was sitting in the first row so didn’t have a seat in front of me to put my bags under so really hoped there was room in the overhead.

Thankfully there was room in the overhead so I stuffed my bags in there but kept out a small wristlet like I normally do that I put in the storage pocket in front of me so I have easy access to my phone, earbuds, chargers, and chapstick.

I settled into my seat and was about to put on my seatbeat when the woman next to me started to flip out that I was sitting next to her.

Um, ok….

When I had booked the flight there was no one in the seat next to me, so she knew when she booked the seat next to her was occupied, so why on earth did she think it would be empty?

She kept complaining about how since I was sooooo late to board they shouldn’t have let me on (HAAAAAAA….oh don’t get me started on my boarding group crazy woman), but I just ignored her and popped in my earbuds.

Eventually we were almost ready to take off, the flight attendants were doing their last walk through, when one stopped at our row and tells me that I’m not allowed to have my wristlet with me.

Now ok, I get it’s a safety thing, but this is a 4”x6”x1/2” bag that fits entirely in the pocket on the wall in front of me, it’s smaller and lighter than the big old book my neighbor had stuffed in her pocket, so why is the book allowed but the wristlet is not?!?!

As much as I wanted to argue my point, I knew it was pointless to argue with them, so let her take my wristlet leaving me to hold onto my phone, charging cables, earbud case and chapstick. Yeah, that’s much safer trying to hold all that instead of having a tiny wristlet stuffed into the pocket...

Ok, rant over!

Eventually we pushed back from the gate, and took off. The flight was thankfully uneventful and only took about an hour and 40 minutes.

It was nice to be back home, but still had to wait for my checked bag. DCA is a super small airport, so it only took like 5 minutes from getting off the plane to get to the baggage area. I then waited, and waited, and waited. It took almost an hour for the bags to come out!

Finally bag in hand I made my way out to grab an Uber, which came quickly, and within 10 minutes I was back home trying to find my cat who was mad at me for leaving him so hiding!

PS – here’s a picture of my cat, Ham.

He is kind of a cat dog, like he plays fetch, comes when called, and is more dog-like than my actual dog. I think it’s because when I got him as a kitten I had my previous dog, who he loved, so he learned how to act from him.

He did finally come out from hiding to welcome me home, and after some belly rubs he became the clingy cat he normally is!

So once again it was a great trip, although a wetter than normal one!

There were definitely more ups and downs this trip than we normally have, the construction at the YC, the CM at AK yelling at us for no reason, and being rained out of the fireworks cruise were definitely downers, but we had a lot of fun to make up for it!

This trip was right before all the 50th stuff like Genie, and the new fireworks, so we just missed all that fun, but will get to experience it soon!

So that’s a wrap on this one, I’ll probably post some pre-trip planning in the next week for our upcoming trip because sometimes it’s just SO MUCH FUN to share Disney plans!

Hope you all enjoyed our adventures from our 2021 Food and Wine Trip!
I am so looking forward to your next report also. The Halloween party to me is the best thing Disney offers. I am not able to make it down this year for it, so I will be very excited to hear about your trip. Have a great time!!!!!

Thank you!!
Now ok, I get it’s a safety thing, but this is a 4”x6”x1/2” bag that fits entirely in the pocket on the wall in front of me, it’s smaller and lighter than the big old book my neighbor had stuffed in her pocket, so why is the book allowed but the wristlet is not?!?!
Your Jetblue flight sounds like an overall terrible experience. It was ridiculous about the wristlet. If it fit in the pocket then I don't understand why they would make you move it.
within 10 minutes I was back home trying to find my cat who was mad at me for leaving him so hiding!
Our cat used to "snub us" when we left him behind for a long trip. Cats are funny like that.
This trip was right before all the 50th stuff like Genie, and the new fireworks, so we just missed all that fun, but will get to experience it soon!
It seemed weird when you talked about the Magical Express because it feels like it has been gone for longer than that.
Your Jetblue flight sounds like an overall terrible experience. It was ridiculous about the wristlet. If it fit in the pocket then I don't understand why they would make you move it.
Right?!? I almost always sit in that seat and have never had an issue before keeping my bag there. So ridiculous.
Our cat used to "snub us" when we left him behind for a long trip. Cats are funny like that.
Haaaa, cats are so funny.
It seemed weird when you talked about the Magical Express because it feels like it has been gone for longer than that.
It does feel like it's been gone for a lot longer than it has. I do have to admit, I prefer to just call an Uber to get from the airport to Disney, it's so much faster, but on the way back to the airport I'll miss DME. Loved the going home video and it stretched the Disney portion of the trip out as long as possible!
Guys, I am the absolute worst when it comes to pre-trip chores. I had planned to do most of my packing yesterday so today could be an easier day. Well, I ended up getting wrapped up watching football yesterday (Go PSU!) and didn’t pack ANYTHING. I did however find the second half of my bathing suit, so at least one thing got checked off the list! Unfortunately, I also discovered that I can’t find a bunch of other stuff I planned to bring (where is my portable charger?!!?!?)

So yeah, today I’m in a bit of a panic since I still need to find SO MUCH STUFF, and I haven’t even begun to pack. And, in typical Debbie fashion, I’ve decided my time this morning is better spent reading other peoples TRs and updating mine. :rotfl2: But hey, I firmly believe that I can’t do anything of use before having at least three cups of coffee, and I’m only on cup #2, so I have time….plenty of time….

In other news, I think our schedule is finally totally firmed up for the trip. We're doing Epcot a lot this trip, really trying to get in as many of the food booths as we can. Plus we have two whole new rides there we haven't been on yet so we're planning on getting on those a bunch of times.

This trip we're also going to tackle 4 parks in one day! The goal is to ride at least one ride in each park, get a photopass picture, and get one snack or meal. I'm going to be leaning heavily on Genie+ for this day, hoping to get an afternoon G+ for HS to start our stacking, then make one for MK, then Epcot, and then rope drop AK in the morning. We'll be doing lunch at AK before hopping over to MK, thinking about getting a Mickey bar in MK and riding whatever Genie+ we can get, then hopping over to HS and maybe get some popcorn (does HS have any fun snack foods??), then finish the day out at Epcot where we will eat dinner at the food booths, and then stumble the short walk home to the YC to finally rest! I am so excited for this day, I've been wanting to do it for a while now, and I finally convinced my mom that it can be done!

Oh, and we're also going to the DIS Con after hours party on Epcot's Birthday! I'm super excited for this, Epcot and I both turn 40 this year, so it's like we're celebrating together. I kinda wish a got a shirt with this on it to wear that day, but too late now. Oh well, I guess I can get one for next year when we celebrate the big 4-1! :rotfl:

Alright, that's enough for now, I really do need to get to packing!
Have a fabulous trip! And happy 40th to you, me and Epcot (I also turn 40 this year!)
Thank you, and happy 40th to you too!
Ohhhh, I have not heard of this yet but that looks good! Will have to check it out.
But I also thing HS is underrated for their snacks, the carrot cake cookie from
Starbucks is amazing, and the lunch box tarts from Woods are also very fun, currently there Halloween one!
I'd believe that, I had no idea what snack items they even had there besides the typical Mickey bar or similar. My mom did discover today you can get just a pickle for a snack and now that's all she wants, but I think I'll probably want something more fun (not that pickles aren't fun, but I can get a pickle at home, I'd rather try something more specific to HS). I need to look into those tarts, those sound interesting, and the carrot cake cookie sounds delicious! Thanks for the recommendations!
This trip we're also going to tackle 4 parks in one day! The goal is to ride at least one ride in each park, get a photopass picture, and get one snack or meal.
That is a lot harder to do with the 2pm park hopping rule. It's a good thing you are at YC/BC. :) We have done three parks in a day many times but seldom four of them.
Oh, and we're also going to the DIS Con after hours party on Epcot's Birthday!
That sounds like fun. :)
My mom did discover today you can get just a pickle for a snack and now that's all she wants,
Sometimes salty is better than sweet. :)
Enjoyed your report and have a wonderful trip!
We just got back on Saturday and loved all our food we tried at F&W!
That is a lot harder to do with the 2pm park hopping rule. It's a good thing you are at YC/BC. :) We have done three parks in a day many times but seldom four of them.
Yeah, it is frustrating the 2pm hopping is still around, would definitely be easier to hop earlier. I guess the silver lining is this gives us time for a nice sit down lunch in the AC for a midday break!
That sounds like fun. :)
I am so excited for this, I saw reviews from the one last year and am so sad we didn't go to that one, so this year I told my mom we HAD to go! :rotfl2:
Sometimes salty is better than sweet. :)
Totally agree, I actually tend to lean more towards salty, but every now and then only a Mickey bar will do the trick!
EEEKKK!!! It's Disney trip eve! I'm oddly panicked tonight. I was such a mess with packing this week I'm worried I forgot something, and my flight tomorrow is soooo much earlier than usual and I have to wake up 2 hours earlier than normal so I'm super worried I'll sleep through my alarm. I have two people who are going to call me around 4:30 to make sure I'm up, have I mentioned I have amazing friends? :rotfl: (ok, to be fair they're up that early anyways for practice, but still, super nice of them!)

Then of course there is the usual worrying about my flight and if it'll be on time. Oh, and there is also a chance that a hurricane will hit FL next week too, which is you know, not a great thing to happen. Funny enough I'm less worried about the potential hurricane than I am about sleeping through my alarms tomorrow. Priorities I guess. Anyways, I'm in just a weird funk tonight with all this worry, hopefully tomorrow when I'm at the airport (hopefully on time) I can finally relax and be back to being super excited! Can't wait for this week and also can't wait to share it with you all!
Oh, and there is also a chance that a hurricane will hit FL next week too, which is you know, not a great thing to happen. Funny enough I'm less worried about the potential hurricane than I am about sleeping through my alarms tomorrow
Edited: Let's hope for the best. :)

Have a great trip!
Last edited:
Guys, I am the absolute worst when it comes to pre-trip chores. I had planned to do most of my packing yesterday so today could be an easier day. Well, I ended up getting wrapped up watching football yesterday (Go PSU!) and didn’t pack ANYTHING. I did however find the second half of my bathing suit, so at least one thing got checked off the list! Unfortunately, I also discovered that I can’t find a bunch of other stuff I planned to bring (where is my portable charger?!!?!?)

So yeah, today I’m in a bit of a panic since I still need to find SO MUCH STUFF, and I haven’t even begun to pack. And, in typical Debbie fashion, I’ve decided my time this morning is better spent reading other peoples TRs and updating mine. :rotfl2: But hey, I firmly believe that I can’t do anything of use before having at least three cups of coffee, and I’m only on cup #2, so I have time….plenty of time….

In other news, I think our schedule is finally totally firmed up for the trip. We're doing Epcot a lot this trip, really trying to get in as many of the food booths as we can. Plus we have two whole new rides there we haven't been on yet so we're planning on getting on those a bunch of times.

This trip we're also going to tackle 4 parks in one day! The goal is to ride at least one ride in each park, get a photopass picture, and get one snack or meal. I'm going to be leaning heavily on Genie+ for this day, hoping to get an afternoon G+ for HS to start our stacking, then make one for MK, then Epcot, and then rope drop AK in the morning. We'll be doing lunch at AK before hopping over to MK, thinking about getting a Mickey bar in MK and riding whatever Genie+ we can get, then hopping over to HS and maybe get some popcorn (does HS have any fun snack foods??), then finish the day out at Epcot where we will eat dinner at the food booths, and then stumble the short walk home to the YC to finally rest! I am so excited for this day, I've been wanting to do it for a while now, and I finally convinced my mom that it can be done!

Oh, and we're also going to the DIS Con after hours party on Epcot's Birthday! I'm super excited for this, Epcot and I both turn 40 this year, so it's like we're celebrating together. I kinda wish a got a shirt with this on it to wear that day, but too late now. Oh well, I guess I can get one for next year when we celebrate the big 4-1! :rotfl:

Alright, that's enough for now, I really do need to get to packing!
Hope that you're doing ok and making the best of the park closures due to the hurricane. A new Disney experience! :rolleyes: I hope that the special party you were looking forward to on Saturday is still able to happen.


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