What is the funniest thing you've experienced on a ride at Disney World

We were at DL and my DS(12) went through the single rider line to ride the river raft ride. He rode it with a group of people that all knew each other and were wearing ponchos. At the end of the ride, they all took off their ponchos. They went around the last curve and water shot up and soaked them all. DS could not stop laughing. He said it was the funniest ride he had ever been on.

My dd, her 4 yr old son and I all went on TOT. It was her son's first time. When we were standing in the room watching the movie, it ended and the room became dark for a second. Her son yelled, "Where did they go?" Everyone busted out laughing. TOT is one of his favorite rides now.
Anyway, we get on the ride, get about 1/2 way through and the ride stops. The music gets stuck and only sings "It's a small world after all" over and over and over again. Then the CM gets on the PA system and apologizes for us being stuck. He comes on a little while later and says "and for your listening enjoyment.....It's a small world":rotfl2: We were stuck for 20 minutes. It took days to get that song out of our heads. MY oldest DS still talks about the day he saved his brothers shoe:rotfl:
I had a similar experience. We got about half-way through the ride when it stops in one of the rooms. We sat there for 10 minutes. Song still playing. 15 minutes. Still playing. 20 minutes. Still playing!. 25 minutes. STILL PLAYING!. 30 minutes. Song still playing and DisGirlAllie plotting her escape. 35 minutes the people behind DisGirlAllie screamed "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SHUT OFF THE MUSIC!!!!" 40 minutes DisGirlAllie and her dad were free to run like **** off the ride.
When Maelstrom fist opened, my little sis was only about 5 or 6. I had seen pics of the ride's interior and new that there was polar bear animatronic in it. So while we were on line, I kept telling ehr about how there were reports of a polar bear escaped from the local zoo. She screamed bloody murder when the thing came rolling by.
I will have to remember that when we take my cousins to WDW for their first time.
Riding through Splash Mountain, when the log gets to the area where Brer Rabbit is supposed to hop along the fence, he isn't working ( he isn't working a lot.) But for some reason, instead of being out of sight, he is draped head down over the fence.

Someone in the back of the log yells "They've shot Brer Rabbit!"
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Another story- my dad kept pestering me to ride TOT. I absolutely HATE that ride. It scares me to death. He kept pestering and pestering so I gave in and agreed. So we get through the line and video and I'm getting excited. So we board the ride and we get seated in the VERY FRONT ROW. That's when I get a little nervous. So we start going up and up. We get to the very top and stop. The ride stops there and then. We sit there for a few more minutes. My dad (evil sense of humor man) goes "Wouldn't it be funny if it went down right as we were talking?" "Ha ha dad" SCHWOOM! "HOLY ******* ****!" After the ride we saw the pictures.
Me: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:
Dad: :rotfl2: :lmao:
We have a lot of funny things happen to us. Here are a few I can think of.

1. We went to the Wave Pool at Typhoon Lagoon about 3 weeks ago. We were loving it! Just having so much fun and each time, we'd venture out farther into the water. DH decided to lay flat when the wave hits and just let it sail him. Of course, it knocks his swimming trunks off. He said, "Well, no one saw anything-they were all getting knocked around too." I reminded him that all the hundreds of people on the beach probably saw more than they wanted to!

2. We were on Ellen's Energy ride. We were at the part with the dinosaurs. DH was looking up at one, just marvelling at it. He had this look of wonder on his face and I knew he was thinking, "Wow! That's really neat." Right then it squirted him in the eye with a shot of water. I laughed so hard, everyone around us was laughing and I don't think they even knew what was so funny. DH says, "Wow! That could've knocked my contact out." That made me laugh even harder.

3. At the water slide in OKW, DH came shooting down the slide and lost his swimming trunks. I told him he needs to tie them tighter!

4. We were at the Living Seas and we went into the aquarium room. We walked into the center for some reason and realized we needed to be up close to the glass so we ducked under the bars. Well, the floor isn't level-it's higher in the center. It surprised me, but I caught myself. DH didn't. He toppled over right in front of this family. They looked so mad at him, like he did it on purpose. We had to leave-I was laughing too hard.

5. On Primevel Whirl, DH was riding with DS and when they got off at the end, DH said he stepped on to the moving sidewalk and was so dizzy, he fell over. I rode it later and saw the sidewalk doesn't move-it's just regular concrete. But when he fell he fell right in front of where the people in line are-watching everyone get off. DS took off and left him there, dizzy and disoriented and not able to get up! His white shirt was all dirty!

Similar thing happend to DH on Kali-he was all proud of his poncho and said, "Yay Ponchos!" and took his hood off. Right then he got blasted with water drenching his previously dry head.

We always have funny things happen to us-my daughter took her diaper off and handed it me just before getting on Test TRack. Thanks.

I got a million of 'em! :woohoo:
My story is not on a ride but at Blizzard Beach on our Spring Break trip in 2006. My DH and two DS were in the wave pool and a small (maybe 4 or 5yrs old) Asian boy climbing the wall caught their eye. He stands on the little ledge and pulls down his shorts to use the bathroom! The lifeguard yells "There's no peeing in the wave pool!!" His Dad grabbed him and took him out. My boys thought that was the funniest thing and still talk about that part of our trip!!

My second was actually at Chef Mickey's at breakfast. We were one of the first families seated and they were starting the parade of characters and everyone started waving their napkins. My daughter was so excited so she reaches down and grabs her napkin and starts waving it around but didn't take out the silverware! The silverware went flying! We all including our server were laughing so hard at her!! Her brothers may never let her live that one down!!
In 2004 on a family trip my sister decided to go on Rock N' Roll Rollercoaster.
She isn't really a ride person, let alone rollercoasters, but she'll do a few of the tamer ones. I was shocked she wanted to go on RNR and I kept saying "Are you sure?" -- Now I LOVE RNR and go on it multiple times when I can, so she figured if I can go 3 times in a row, she could do it once.

So we go on, and I had a blast as usual. We pull up to the end where you get off and I look to my sister to say "Wasn't that awesome?!" and she is absolutely GREEN and she has her hand over her mouth. I had to help her out of the car and out of the ride. She didn't get sick, but I could tell it was close. I was so surprised. I didn't think she would like the ride, but I didn't think she'd get off looking like Kermit the frog. :rotfl2: She blames me to this day for not warning her better, but how could I warn her? I love that ride.
This isn't a ride story, but it is the funniest thing I have experienced at WDW.

In the late 90's, my SIL's DH died in active duty. About a month later, my dad died. So my SIL decided she needs to take her three daughters, who were about 14, 9, and 6 at the time, to WDW and I need to go and help her with them. I also take my 10 y/o niece, who is my sister's DD.

My SIL bought her two younger DDs anything they wanted. If they wanted it and she said no, tantrum time began.

About 5 days into the trip, my DN14 was visited by "Aunt Flow" while we were at the MK. My SIL buys her a tampon. MN6 (stands for monster niece) wanted one too. SIL refuses to buy her one. MN6 throws herself on the floor of the bathroom and screams her head off that she wants a tampon. Someone in a stall yells that she will buy MN6 a tampon if she will just stop screaming. My DN10 and I laughed so hard I was thankful I had just used the restroom!

To this day we still tease my youngest niece about the tampon incedent in the MK restroom.
Another TOT story. I have to use a wheelchair and my DH pushed me up to the elevators. He can't ride because of his back. I get out of the chair and use my cane to stand in line. The CM was so sweet, after he took my cane, he gave me his arm to help me to my seat. Now I LOVE TOT and have been on it many times. I was laughing like a loon the whole time. After the ride, my DH is there with the chair for me and just then, two guys came up to me and said they wanted to shake my hand! LOL They were so impressed that I did "so well" on the ride. I just about wet myself. I guess they figured I would pass out or die from the shock of the ride. Hey, I'm only 62, not 102. :rotfl:
August 1977: I'm 10 yo and afraid of heights. We were going on Peter Pan's Flight. I was supposed to sit with my brother and sister but they didn't get onto the ship with me in time. I had to "fly" solo. I was screaming my head off that we were up so high and I was going to fall from the sky. I had to be the funniest thing everyone riding at that time experienced that day.

Oh, and my DH as NEVER gone on SplM without losing his hat. He even talks about it before we get on and as soon as we load into the log he forgets. Sometimes the people behind us catch it and sometimes it is eaten by the water monster.
I went on Dinosaur with my DH, 4 yo DD and 8yo DS. I sat next to my son on one end and my DD was at the other end. Towards the end of the ride I just kept my eyes closed. When we saw the picture my family was hysterical. I had my eyes shut and was holding onto my DS with my head on his shoulder. The rest of my family including my DD was looking at the big scary dino! I did not let my DH buy that picture!
I think the funniest thing was when we took our younger daughter, then aged 13, on Splash Mountain in 2005. You've got to understand, she's the biggest ham, and loves doing accents (not to offend anyone; she's just a big goofball). This particular trip, it was a German accent, and she spent pretty much the entire ride loudly exclaiming, "Oh, my GOD!" and "Look at THAT!" and babbling other things. Good thing the other couple in the log with us didn't mind, and we pretty much spent the entire ride cracking up at her.

On our trip in two weeks, she wants to do Borat's accent. I can imagine the looks we'll get with that one! :rotfl2:
Does Universal Orlando count as well?

On a trip about 10 years ago, DD was far too young to ride the late, great Back to the Future, so DW sat with her outside while I rode as a single. I was placed in one of the eight seat cars (in the back row in a corner) with a tour group consisting of seven Japanese teenage girl tourists. Not one of them was over 18, and not one of them spoke a word of English.

To a person, they were loud and visibly nervous even before the ride started, and once the car started to sway back and forth in sync with the movie, all seven of them started screaming at the top of their lungs in fluent Japanese with the bridled enthusiasm that previously was only reserved for Elvis or the Beatles!

Needless to say.....

There is much lost in translation trying to describe the unified sound that these seven teenaged girls made for the entire duration of the ride. About thirty seconds in, I stopped paying attention to the ride (fortunately it was not my first time on it so I knew what to expect) and had I not been firmly restrained in my seat I would have been doubled over with laughter. They couldn't hear me because they were screaming so loud in fluent Japanese, and when the ride finally ended I couldn't stop laughing, and they all turned around at once to see me losing it, which of course made me lose it even more.

As we all made our way to the exit, we were joined by the people in the cars on either side of us, and all of them had the exact same reaction that I did. I even heard one other person say out loud "I wonder how you ask if I can ride with all of you again in Japanese?"

Glad to know I wasn't the only one who felt that way!!!!

I came out of the ride still laughing with a ****-eating grin on my face, and DW wondered why. Unable to talk without breaking up, I pointed to all the people around me, who in turn were pointing at the Japanese tour group who were still riding the adrenaline rush and were still being quite vocal about it. I think I needed another 15-20 minutes before I totally calmed down and was able to stop incoherently laughing.

I hope that translates well....like many of these great stories on this thread, you really had to be there to get the full impact!
We have a lot of funny things happen to us. Here are a few I can think of.

1. We went to the Wave Pool at Typhoon Lagoon about 3 weeks ago. We were loving it! Just having so much fun and each time, we'd venture out farther into the water. DH decided to lay flat when the wave hits and just let it sail him. Of course, it knocks his swimming trunks off. He said, "Well, no one saw anything-they were all getting knocked around too." I reminded him that all the hundreds of people on the beach probably saw more than they wanted to!

2. We were on Ellen's Energy ride. We were at the part with the dinosaurs. DH was looking up at one, just marvelling at it. He had this look of wonder on his face and I knew he was thinking, "Wow! That's really neat." Right then it squirted him in the eye with a shot of water. I laughed so hard, everyone around us was laughing and I don't think they even knew what was so funny. DH says, "Wow! That could've knocked my contact out." That made me laugh even harder.

3. At the water slide in OKW, DH came shooting down the slide and lost his swimming trunks. I told him he needs to tie them tighter!

4. We were at the Living Seas and we went into the aquarium room. We walked into the center for some reason and realized we needed to be up close to the glass so we ducked under the bars. Well, the floor isn't level-it's higher in the center. It surprised me, but I caught myself. DH didn't. He toppled over right in front of this family. They looked so mad at him, like he did it on purpose. We had to leave-I was laughing too hard.

5. On Primevel Whirl, DH was riding with DS and when they got off at the end, DH said he stepped on to the moving sidewalk and was so dizzy, he fell over. I rode it later and saw the sidewalk doesn't move-it's just regular concrete. But when he fell he fell right in front of where the people in line are-watching everyone get off. DS took off and left him there, dizzy and disoriented and not able to get up! His white shirt was all dirty!

Similar thing happend to DH on Kali-he was all proud of his poncho and said, "Yay Ponchos!" and took his hood off. Right then he got blasted with water drenching his previously dry head.

We always have funny things happen to us-my daughter took her diaper off and handed it me just before getting on Test TRack. Thanks.

I got a million of 'em! :woohoo:

Christmas is coming. You now know what to get him.

On DS's 8th birthday, we were at MK. We decided to ride POTC and he asked the CM if they had remembered to say "Good morning" to George. They were teasing him and asking each other, "I didn't say it, did you?" "I wasn't hear when we opened. I don't know if anyone said it." Then, as we were getting into the boat, the CM says to my son, "It's your birthday? Hope it isn't your last one!" and off we go. I start quietly calling out "George, George!" to which my DS commands "Stop it, Moma!!!" So I stop and the rest of the ride is uneventful. Until right before the exit. Our boat is going up the conveyer belt and the ride stops! And we didn't go anywhere. The boat in front of us is able to climb the seats and walk off to the edit. The boats behind us are pushed back somewhere and we are just stuck on that conveyer belt. My DS is in tears terrified that George has broken down the ride! I am cracking up at my son who is so sure that this ghost has broken down the ride. The CMs finally had to bring out a portable bridge for us to exit the ride and guess who was the CM who helped us off the ride. I asked him, "Aren't you the one who said you hoped it wasn't his last birthday!?!" to which he replied, "I was kidding!" DS swore he would never ride POTC again!
Last summer when we were at Epcot I had convinced my 26 year old (who is extremely motion sensitive) that Malestrom goes 50 MPH and has a 50 foot drop. I couldn't believe he honestly bought it...he had been on the ride when it first opened years and years ago. He kept asking me the entire time on the ride if the drop was really that bad....of course this ended up being a favorite ride for him.

He also became motion sick on the GREEN side of Mission Space. While that wasn't funny, people's reaction to him was (he was green when he got off of the ride). He looks a lot like James Franco (Harry Osborne, Spiderman) so people were calling him the "Green Goblin".

He also couldn't figure out why everyone kept asking him how the pie was when we were eating....lol
Mine's a Turtle Talk incident as well, Crush asked my 6yo dd if she had a question, and she proclaims proudly "I have 16 chickens and a rooster!" Crush was speechless. About 30 seconds go by and he says "What's a chicken, dude?" I was dying, and my whole family was crying laughing.
ToT. I was on as a single rider. Another single rider, an attractive young female, was sitting next to me.

She confided in me that she has never ridden ToT before and was kinda scared. As soon as the doors opened and the elevatore started moving forward towards the shaft, she grabbed my arm.

When we entered the shaft, she leaned closer into me.

Just before the drop, and sometime during the picture, she had a full-fledged bear hug on my with her face burried into my shoulder!

She left her makeup all over my face and my shirt!

As I exited the ride and met my wife near the picture purchase location, my wife was there staring at our photograph wondering what the heck was going on! The picture combined with the makeup had her wondering.

She STILL gives me hassles about this!
On DS's 8th birthday, we were at MK. We decided to ride POTC and he asked the CM if they had remembered to say "Good morning" to George. They were teasing him and asking each other, "I didn't say it, did you?" "I wasn't hear when we opened. I don't know if anyone said it." Then, as we were getting into the boat, the CM says to my son, "It's your birthday? Hope it isn't your last one!" and off we go. I start quietly calling out "George, George!" to which my DS commands "Stop it, Moma!!!" So I stop and the rest of the ride is uneventful. Until right before the exit. Our boat is going up the conveyer belt and the ride stops! And we didn't go anywhere. The boat in front of us is able to climb the seats and walk off to the edit. The boats behind us are pushed back somewhere and we are just stuck on that conveyer belt. My DS is in tears terrified that George has broken down the ride! I am cracking up at my son who is so sure that this ghost has broken down the ride. The CMs finally had to bring out a portable bridge for us to exit the ride and guess who was the CM who helped us off the ride. I asked him, "Aren't you the one who said you hoped it wasn't his last birthday!?!" to which he replied, "I was kidding!" DS swore he would never ride POTC again!

Who is George?:confused3
This is a two for one special. DW and I are riding the HM. We enter the first room, and are standing very close to the wall facing the center of the room. As the floor lowers (or ceiling rises), DW is looking up at the paintings along with everyone else. Out of the corner of my eye I spot the CM moving around the room along the wall and he has his eye on DW. He walks up to her and stops inches from her and just stares at her. She is still just looking up at the paintings completely unaware of the CM staring ever so goulishly at her. Finally after about 20-30 seconds she looks over and is eye to eye with the CM, and lets out a shriek, half the people around her jump. I just start laughing.

So now as we get onto the ride there is another CM walking on the people mover as we are loading into the cars. The CM is staring out of the corner of her eye at DW as we walk past. DW notices her and is freaked out. We get into the car and she asks "Why are they after me?" I am still laughing.

Now we get off the ride as we head towards the end of the people mover a CM is standing at the end. He appears to be paying no attention to us. Just as we pass him he turns to my wife and yells "Boo!!". DW screams and jumps. She is so mad, and again I am laughing!


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