What is the funniest thing you've experienced on a ride at Disney World

Jennifer and I had decided to sit together since she and Mom had sat together on the last ride. We put Mom in front of us. Turns out, she was rigth in the very front of the log with us in the second row. As we were going down the long drop at the end, Jennifer and Mom started screaming. I was still laughing. Next thing I know, something comes flying back in my face.
It was Mom's hat!! :lmao:
It had flown off and came right back into my face!! When we got to the bottom, Jennifer looked over at me and asked where I got the hat. She had her eyes closed and never saw it. I was laughing too hard to answer and just pointed at Mom. She started laughing really hard, too, and asked Mom if she was missing anything. Mom said no, then touched her head. This made us lose it even more. By the time we got to the unloading area, we were uncontrollable. The same CM was still there and Jen told her what happened. She totally lost it. I thought all of us were going to pee our pants from laughing too hard.

the same thing happened to us on Splash Mountain. My hat flew off my head going down and landed in DD17's face! I felt it fly off and thought "oh great, now I have to go buy a new hat". When we got to the bottom and I saw DD with the hat, we all laughed so hard!

:lmao: :rotfl2: These are total "AFV" moments! What did your ride photos look like?!
I took DH, who is not a WDW fan by any means, on ToT! I told him to make sure his glasses and cell phone were secure, as they might fall out after a few drops....did he Listen to me? NO! After the Last and final DROP, I heard him say: "crap." But of course it wasn't that word it was the other. Anyway, someone found his Cell phone, and handed it to him. He looked at it and the screen was blank, but when he turned it back on, it did 2 flips and strainghtened right out!:laughing: When will he EVER listen to me?:confused3
2 years ago my mom decided to ride BTMRR with me and my son. my son was 7 at the time. My mom is a ride chicken and i warned her not to ride.She insisted that she could ride it no problem. Well we started going up the hill and she was holding onto me with her head on my shoulder, screaming. My DS and I were hysterical laughing the whole ride. He couldn't get over what a chicken his Nonna was!
We weren't at Disney-we were at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom this summer. They had a small train similar to the little kid one at Downtown Disney. We are getting on the train and my mom said to the girl working there,"does this go to the water park?" I swear I have never laughed so hard -I was crying. The girl was like"wwwwhhhhaaaaatttt? This ride is usually for 36' and under. She was totally disgusted which of course made it even funnier!
I have a funny story. This happened on my 1st trip to WDW. Now I love theme parks and scary rides. I had also been to DLP before going to WDW and had read Disney boards for years before I finally got to visit. So I knew how well themed WDW was and how much attention to detail WDW put into their attractions. So it was the first time I had ridden ToT. We got to the top floor and the door opened like usual. As the door opened there was a CM sitting outside the door harnised to the building. He waved to us and the elivator dropped. Now as I knew WDW paid so much attentin to ride detail I mentioned to my DH as we were exiting the ride that the poor CM must have such a boring job being stuck outside the ride all day waving to people as they dropped down. Now a CM must have heard my comment and informed me that the CM was not there to wave at people, he was just there to change the bulb on the camera flash!!! Now in my defence I thought WDW had once again surpassed itself with its attention to detail! I have ridden the ToT several times since then, and no I have not had anyone wave at me from the outside again!
Ok, this is my friends story but I always love hearing it. She and her daughters were riding Dumbo. The middle one kept making Dumbo go up and down and up and down the whole ride. As she got off, her dad was video taping her. She came right up to the camera and said, I like that ride, it makes my privates feel all tingly. He stopped the camera right then and there. Now I can't go on Dumbo without thinking "it makes my privates feel all tingly."
The last time I went to WDW was 9 years ago- I was 21 and happy to be of legal age. I went with my parents, older brother, older sister and BIL. We had lunch in "Mexico" in Epcot. My lunch also consisted of three very large margaritas- so did my Dad's, sister, BIL and brother. My Mom is the only one pretty sober. We decide after lunch to go on th e Mexican Boat Ride. We are so giggly that we start rocking our boat back and forth, back and forth... My Mom is yelling at all of us..."stop it! stop it or I'll get out of this boat, you drunkards!" this makes us laugh even more until we hear the announcement in a booming voice, "FOR YOUR SAFETY PLEASE REFRAIN FROM ROCKING THE VEHICLE." THis made us bust out into even more giggles, but of course we stopped and behaved.... Sorry if you were on the boat that day.
Last week we were on HM in one of the final scenes and the ride stopped, the music stopped, but the animatronics were still moving. It only lasted about 5 minutes, but it was funny to us. :)

haha, that happened when my dad and I were on It's A Small World in Disneyland. We were stuck on for over an hour. :scared1: The music stopped after a while but the dolls were clacking away.

I suppose my funniest experience on a ride was the same incident at DL. There was this little girl about 4 years old in front of us with her mom and grandma. Well, the girl was supposed to be at school so as we're floating back and forth waiting to be rescued the mother calls the girl's school to tell her she wasn't going to be in today. Her excuse was that they were stuck out of town. hehe Then there were people who just started singing songs to pass the time. I guess there were some people who were really bored because when they thought we were going to get out, a CM made an announcement for people to go back and get back in their boats. LOL. Needless to say it was quite an experience.
I just saw Turtle Talk for the first time on Saturday. Crush asked a girl what her favorite food was, and she said Turtle Soup.... Crush gave her this look and swam away...the whole room was laughing so hard.
The first time I went to WDW with the dbf's family, there were several members of his extended family members who came with us.

When we were on the HM, the not-so-dbf goes "Grab Aunt France" when we were in the ballroom. So, I reach over and grab her. She screams in fright. Then she realizes it was me and starts laughing. Good thing she has a sense of humor!

On the TT, they had a corvette on display. I am a big fan of them and decide to get my photo taken while sitting in it. While getting in, I snag my pocket on the seat and rip my pants. I can feel that a good chunk of the bits and pieces is out for the world to see. So, I panic. The following conversation ensues:

"Oh my god, Nick, I ripped my pants."

"Get in the car, take the photo, then we'll go."

"I ripped my pants!"

"Take. The. Photo. Then we'll go back to the hotel."


I match the very red corvette in the photo. Nick came over and walked right behind me to block the gaping hole in my pants. Luckily, Aunt France is always cold and loaned me her sweat shirt to cover up so the dbf didn't have to stay right behind me from Epcot to the hotel. I still look at the photo and giggle.
I had pseudo-birkenstocks...couldn't afford the real thing--but wore these el cheapo versions forever.....

Was waiting to board space mountain--lifted one leg in...then the other...then lost said el cheapo into the track.

A man in line behind us--rushes over and gets down on all fours as if he witnessed a poor child fall down below "I saw it--it went down....THERE!!!"

Well thank you Sherlock. You've been quite helpful.

They roll the rocket back...sure enough--there lies my poor helpless shoe on the track.

So I must ride--partially shoeless and they will fetch my shoe in a little bit. So we ride the ride--one shoe on, one shoe off. I feel like a rebel. At Disney--you do get service if you wear only one shoe...:woohoo:

We get to the end and I have to stick around--b/c evidently--walking around partially shoed in the parks wouldn't be a good thing. This was way before Crocs existed and were at every souvenir stand in the park. A few rounds of rockets let off passengers and then there is NOTHING for 10 minutes.

I caused the ride to shut down completely while they retrieve my shoe. Rockets resume and we assume they have gotten my shoe. When off far in the distance from backstage---a castmember...with a litter pick up stick in his hand--outstretched as far ahead as possible with my dainty old stinky el cheapo pseudo-birkenstock attached.

He didn't look quite to happy to have to deliver my shoe. Not sure if he was adding drama for the moment. But I think he was happy to not have to deal with my shoe anymore.

The end.

True story--so so true!!!!!
My sister, her boyfriend and I were on star tours. We were about 1/2 way through when I think you're about to hit the giant ice chunk, and a little kid in the back screams so loudly 'WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE'. It was so funny and now we always say that on any ride.

:surfweb: My daughter insisted on riding tower of terror on our first trip to the world, it was probably the last ride that I wanted to go on but my wife was with our son, (too small to ride tot at the time) so I was it.

Now Im scared:scared1: and nervous to be getting on this ride. There is a couple in front of us with thier grand daughter who decides the line is too spooky and bags out of the ride:scared1: We were in the fast pass line, and the couple gives their fast passes to 1 single rider and a pair of riders.

We end up on the ride with the single rider, we are in the front row, he is in the back row, sitting next to this woman he has never seen before. Well as soon as the ride starts, when the lights go off, before the ride begins, this woman begins to scream (she was really scared I guess) and she continues to scream for the entire ride except when she inhales. She screamed so much I began to laugh and laughed for the entire ride. When the ride ended I turned around and thanked her.

Well My daughter and I end up exiting the ride with that poor sole rider who was sitting next to the screamer and I ask him if his ear drums are still intact and he answers, yes but im bleeding from where she grabbed my arm and wouldnt let go!:rotfl2:

lol this sounds just like me!!! :thumbsup2 except i scream in "fear" to make it funny!! i love love love TOT and have ridden it dozens of times. but as soon as the lights go out and during all the drops i scream like i have never screamed before!! :scared1: my family or friends end up dying laughing bc they know i'm not afraid. most of the other riders will laugh too. :banana: i've had people come up to me after to thank me for making the ride fun! i usually end up lauging so hard myself i literally cry!! i love it! :goodvibes
Ok, this is my friends story but I always love hearing it. She and her daughters were riding Dumbo. The middle one kept making Dumbo go up and down and up and down the whole ride. As she got off, her dad was video taping her. She came right up to the camera and said, I like that ride, it makes my privates feel all tingly. He stopped the camera right then and there. Now I can't go on Dumbo without thinking "it makes my privates feel all tingly."
:rotfl2: :rotfl2:
One of the trips to WDW before we'd moved to Florida, the kids ask to ride the teacups. We get on and notice this older foreign couple (early 60's or so), sitting in their teacup, arms at their sides, sour look on their faces.

The ride starts and they are still sitting that way, now with confused, sour looks on their faces. It was all DH and I could do to not laugh, because they weren't trying to spin the teacup and must have been thinking "We got the broken one"

Another time, we went on Maelstrom and my older son (who had been on it many times before) started to freak out about the Norseman saying "You are not ze first to pass this vay". I mean really flipping out when the eye opens. So my DH says pretty loudly "Neil, it's only a stupid lightbulb!", to which EVERYONE starts cracking up. Now, when the four of us are on it, one of us has to say that!

I had pseudo-birkenstocks...couldn't afford the real thing--but wore these el cheapo versions forever.....

Was waiting to board space mountain--lifted one leg in...then the other...then lost said el cheapo into the track.

A man in line behind us--rushes over and gets down on all fours as if he witnessed a poor child fall down below "I saw it--it went down....THERE!!!"

Well thank you Sherlock. You've been quite helpful.

They roll the rocket back...sure enough--there lies my poor helpless shoe on the track.

So I must ride--partially shoeless and they will fetch my shoe in a little bit. So we ride the ride--one shoe on, one shoe off. I feel like a rebel. At Disney--you do get service if you wear only one shoe...:woohoo:

We get to the end and I have to stick around--b/c evidently--walking around partially shoed in the parks wouldn't be a good thing. This was way before Crocs existed and were at every souvenir stand in the park. A few rounds of rockets let off passengers and then there is NOTHING for 10 minutes.

I caused the ride to shut down completely while they retrieve my shoe. Rockets resume and we assume they have gotten my shoe. When off far in the distance from backstage---a castmember...with a litter pick up stick in his hand--outstretched as far ahead as possible with my dainty old stinky el cheapo pseudo-birkenstock attached.

He didn't look quite to happy to have to deliver my shoe. Not sure if he was adding drama for the moment. But I think he was happy to not have to deal with my shoe anymore.

The end.

True story--so so true!!!!!

I had almost the exact same thing happen to me at Hershey Park on their Reeses Extreme ride. I was approaching the ride vehicle, with DH behind me. As I started to lift my leg into the ride vehicle, DH stepped on the back of my sandal causing it to fly off. I look down and couldn't find it. Of course the only place it could have landed was under the ride vehicle. Fortunately, one of the CM's noticed my problem. He tells us to get in the vehicle and he'll rescue my sandal for me. I cannot even tell you what this ride was about because all I could think was I'd be walking around the park the rest of the day with one shoe on. When we get to the end of the ride, there sits my sandal on the ledge. Thank God. I really should learn to walk behind DH cause he walks on the backs of my shoes all the time.
:lmao: :rotfl2: These are total "AFV" moments! What did your ride photos look like?!

Our photo was really boring, surprisingly. We were so excited to see it, but, apparently, the picture was taken just before Mom's hat flew off!! However, here is our picture from our third ride on Rock 'N Roller Coaster:

:surfweb: Ive got another one that I thought was really hillarious, although it was at the expense of my poor wife.

:rotfl2: My daughter and I had ridden splash mountain in the morning without my son and wife, we were in the back seat with two young small girls in the front seat. as the ride progressed through its small dips, very little water splashed around the front of the log and at the big drop the splash was small, i guess because my 225 lbs in the back seat lifted the front up a little.

:rotfl2: well later in the day the 4 of us get on the ride, my son and I in the front and my daughter and wife, in the back. My daughter is now miffed casue she wants to get wet and believes the back seat is "dry" after her earlier experience, my wife is relieved because no matter what ride it is, if it involves water, she will get wet and she now thought she was safe:rotfl:

:woohoo: now the ride progresses and I notice that as we go over the small dips, quite a bit of water is comming over the front of the log and im sure we are in for a mighty splash at the end:scared1: so as we enter the big drop, I give a big whoopie,to keep my son from being scared, (he was 7) and then immediately duck to avoid the water thats comming. :eek:

:rolleyes1 as we reach level water, i sit up, look at my son, who's dry, the water passed over his head and look back at my poor wife who looks like somebody spilled a bucket of water over her head, she complains about being wet again and I say didnt you see me duck, why didn't you and she responds, no I didnt see you duck "i had my eyes closed":lmao:
I have a couple stories. The first would have to be at IASW in DL. I was holding my DS10months while boarding the ride. All of a sudden my DS4 (at the time) starts yelling "his shoe....his shoe is floating away...his shoe". We look around, have no idea what he is talking about. He is ready to jump in the water (we of course stopped him). We looked in the water and my DS10mo's shoe is floating away with the current. We did get it back which I was really happy about since of course it had to be his Stride Rites!!!

Anyway, we get on the ride, get about 1/2 way through and the ride stops. The music gets stuck and only sings "It's a small world after all" over and over and over again. Then the CM gets on the PA system and apologizes for us being stuck. He comes on a little while later and says "and for your listening enjoyment.....It's a small world":rotfl2: We were stuck for 20 minutes. It took days to get that song out of our heads. MY oldest DS still talks about the day he saved his brothers shoe:rotfl:

Another trip we were sitting by Cosmic Ray's in MK and the talking garbage can was there. There was a little girl about 3 that was just talking to herself. Then the garbage can started talking to her. Her face was priceless. She couldn't process what was happening. All the while the can kept talking to her. All of a sudden she turned to her parents, screamed really loud and ran away with her hands in the air. Her parents were laughing so hard......and they just kept saying "where is she going?":confused3 :rotfl2: (they could see her the whole time):laughing:
The 1st time i took my DW to DL we went on space mountain. Now she is deathly afraid of coasters...any type. She had no clue what this ride was. When she saw the cars she asked me if this was a coaster. As and good husband I said no it like small world but on tracks. Needless to say she screamed like she was dieing the whole ride, and cursing me. Now she NEVER trust me about rides...and she readings the park maps for ride info:rotfl: .


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