what is the best way to compare airfares?


Earning My Ears
Mar 8, 2001
do you go online to check or call the different airlines? any info. would be greatly appreciated.

minney + mickey=minkey

In addition to the sites that Lewisc posted, which I wholeheartedly agree, I would also recommend checking Expedia, Travelocity and Cheaptickets. All three of them offer specially negotiated fares from time to time.
Also, be open to different point of departure if possible. I was looking at Detroit vs Toronto. Someone on one of these boards suggested I also consider Buffalo. When I started checking into Buffalo departures I found I could save Cdn $1000-$1500 and got Non stop flights to boot.

Offsite 81, 83, 85, 86
All Star Movies spring 2001
thanks very much for the info!!!you guys are wonderful!!!!

minney + mickey=minkey

also try ..

www.itasoftware.com (beta stage but it shows all airlines and prices for a cross comparison, as well as details about booking codes, and a break out of taxes and Passenger Facility charge)


www.orbitz.com (this one is still in the pre launch stage) but looks like a good one...


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