What have you learned about your Disney trips?

We've learned not to count on anything and as someone else said don't let one thing ruin your whole trip.

We've learned that planning really works for us. We love RideMax. However we make multiple plans to allow for kid meltdowns.

We've learned that when we pack lots of snacks everyone's happy and we save a ton of money and time.

We've learned that Mickey head ice cream on a stick ALWAYS melts and falls off no matter how cold a day it is.

We've learned that fireworks get cancelled, frequently.

We've learned that a babysitter charges a fortune but it's worth it for a few hours.

We've learned not to "go" everyday, whether it's Disneyland, Universal, Legoland, Sea World whatever. A relaxing day at the beach, hotel pool, or Downtown Disney makes the whole trip better.

We've learned that the anticipation is half the fun for everyone, even if you have to hear "how long?" a hundred times.

This trip we'll find out: if it really is worth the extra 5 minute walk and no breakfast to stay at HoJo. If Ariel's or PCH character meal is better for us.
We've learned that we prefer to go in July even though it's hot and crowded.
We've learned that we miss our kids even though they are adults now when we go. But have an awesome time just the two of us.
We've learned that AP are not always the best way
We've learned that we LOVE TOT the most.
We've learned that a 4 yo can be very good.
We've learned that not everyone shares in our disney love.
We've learned that CMs have special pins to trade.
We've learned not to take a little kids first pin in trade but to give then one of ours! The smiling faces are the best!
We've learned to trade pins with the little kids even if we just bought the pin. We can always buy more and maybe they can't.
We've learned that kids are sneaky when trying to trade pins (so are the adults!):rolleyes1
We've learned that standing in line for princesses is long but worth it.
We've learned that 5 days is perfect but 7 was too long.
We've learned that we are hotel snobs.
We've learned never to take the Disneyland Express Bus again!
We've learned that we love flying into LAX just for the flexability
We've learned that we LOVE flying VA
Most of all We've learned just to relax and enjoy. Hold hands, take lots of pictures and try everything, except the boomer thingy.:love:
I've learned:

To appreciate the differences in my children. I have taken them each separately and they like different things! And it's still a fun trip.

I've learned to go with the flow. We're not big planners but live close enough that if we don't get to it this trip, we will the next time.

3 days of "the world according to Disney" is all I can handle without a break.

The best time to go on The Orange Stinger was during the Light Parade, and the best time to go on POTC is during Fantasmic.

I've learned that we all really need some non-sweet, non-fried, somewhat healthy food while we're there. Bengal BBQ has veggies!

And unfortunately, I also learned that having a miscarriage IN Disneyland really spoils the entire trip. :-(

Annual passes = more trips to disney
Just becuase your child is raised on Disney doesn't mean they grow up to be a Disneyfile too.
preloaded Gift cards come in handy as do lanyards
4 day trips work best so we tour the park a few areas a day and don't need to rush.
Mickey Waffles are addicting
off season travel is a must
Becoming a DVC member was the best thing I could have done
Hilton Anaheim Suites has the best breakfast buffet( choice hotel when not using DVC)
I seem to collect something new every year
Having the Anne Geddes store in DTD is my weakness
Still sad Yamabuki is gone.....
Ralph Brenan has replaced Yamabuki as our must eat at place every trip
Disneyland in the rain is actually fun
a child's counterservice meal does the trick for me sometimes.
Tiggertails are an aquired taste
Once you go concierge it's hard to go back
Garden walk( not heavily promoted for some reason) has some yummy places to eat!
Flying to Anaheim from the Bay Area is so much better than driving
if your like me a Park View Room is sooo worth it
Haagen Daas Dulce Deluche milkshake is delish!
The Grand California Lobby bathrooms are really nice.
White water snacks has the best counterservice food
having a "fast pass runner" is very helpful
when i'm at Disneyland i'm truely happy every minute.
~ I have learned that I love Disneyland more as an adult than when I was a kid. Nothing beats watching my son experience the magic of Disneyland ~

~ Being first in line at the gates just realllly makes me smile inside ~

~ I sometimes tear up when listening to the Welcome To Disneyland opening. I look forward to hearing it every day ~

~ Five days was best for us. It allowed my son to still (when younger) to still nap during the day which allowed us to close the park down each night ~

~ My favorite time of day at Disneyland is at night....the crowds just seem to disapear....well after Fantasmic at least ~

~ We probably eat way too much at DL but heck we're on vacation and it's just so yummy we can't resist ~

~ My favorite thing to do every night at closing is to stop by Gibson Girl for a waffle cone of the toll house flavored ice cream and sit on the curb of Mainstreet relaxing after a long day of fun! ~

~ We love finding Hidden Mickeys....my 5 year old finds so many, even at home in his syrup! ~

~ Riding Big Thunder 7 times in a row per my sons request just isn't good on mommy ~

~ I don't care what anyone says....you're never too old to kiss Goofy...always a Kodak moment for me and they have been some of my favorite DL pics ~

~Speaking of pictures...there are never enough Photopass photographers out ~

~I refuse to go in the summer or on Holidays...those lines just wouldn't be fun for any of us ~

~ The Matterhorn Sundae at Carnation Cafe is something my family loves to share ~

~ I am stubborn...I refuse to share my Mickey Head pretzels ~

~ Disneyland popcorn is the best ~

~ I have not been on Splash Mountain since 1993....that drop just hurts my insides ~

~ Rancho Del Zocalo is one of our favorite places to eat....ok along with Carnation Cafe and Cafe Orleans ~

~ I'm not a big fan of California Adventure, that park is lacking some serious shade and "magic" ~

~ Three trips down in the past 3 years and we've stayed at three different places..HOJOS (our fave) followed very closely to Park Vue, and last Desert Inn. ~

~ The ride that is lacking in organization is Autopia...the line is rediculous even with a fastpass ~

~ We all agree Tomorrowland terrace is the worst food place in DL ~

and last but not least.....

~ It really is ok to cry as you go under the tunnels on the last night at Disneyland ~ :guilty:
I've learned...

...that I can avoid crying when leaving the Park at the end of a trip now, due to finally caving in and buying an AP. I know that it won't be *years* before I can go back!

...that I actually prefer staying at a hotel on Katella, rather than on Harbor, not just because I can take the ART bus (very important at the end of a looooooong day in the Park), but because it reminds me of family trips when I was little, and that's magical, to me, anyways. :wizard:

...that if I'm there in the summer, the hotel I stay in needs to have a nice pool!!! Preferably heated. :fish:

...that I'd rather go by myself, than with someone who just doesn't "get it". And that it's really easy to get "lost" in the crowds, if one wants to, to avoid said bummer person. :rotfl:

...that there's no such thing as too many Mint Juleps. Especially in the summer!

...that the Magic Eye Theater in Tomorrowland will always be the "Captain EO Theater" to me...and that the (sadly unused) Aladdin's Oasis in Adventureland will always be the Tahitian Terrace to me! I always point out what used to be where, to whomever is accompanying me (even if I've told them every time we've been there together for the past 20 years!)

...that one is never too old to enjoy a character meal!

...never to ride Splash Mountain after the sun sets any time of the year besides in the summer. Even if the line is but 10 minutes long. *is cold just thinking about it*

...that late February/early March are my favorite times to be in the Park besides the holidays...I actually like rain (and the nonexistant wait times that rain causes), and those pink trees in front of the castle are GORGEOUS!

...to bring some crackers/bread/popcorn to feed the ducks on the lower level of the Hungry Bear, and in the smokers' corral by it's a small world. It's a great way to pass the time when my aches & pains are acting up and I just HAVE TO sit down for awhile.

...speaking of aches and pains, I have learned that if I'm staying in a hotel for my trip, the bed has to be confortable. I'm no hotel snob, but it's worth it to me to pay an extra $10-$20 a night to be able to sleep in a bed that's not older than the Park itsself & perhaps stuffed with rocks :laughing: . Bad bed = me pretty much not being able to get out of it & go to Disneyland.

...that I'm still scared of the Pop Up Ghosts in the Haunted Mansion, even though I'm 32 years old. :scared1:

...that the Jungle Cruise is best in the dark!

...that my collection of vintage Disneyland shirts is more fun to actually wear rather than to keep in pristine condition!

...that one can meet all kinds of people from all over the world in the smokers' corrals, and that it's fun to trade cigarettes. Last trip I had a Japanese cigarette and a Dutch cigarette. The smokers' corral in NOS is a fine place to watch Fantasmic, too...

...if one wants to go on as many Fantasyland rides as possible, rather than wait an hour just for one super-popular one (Toad, Peter Pan), one must be at the Park gates before they open, and "move with a purpose" toward Fantasyland.

...the Tiki Room isn't the Tiki Room unless one watches the preshow outside, preferably whilst drinking some pineapple juice!
I've learned:
That when I pack snacks nobody wants special Disneyland treats.

That yes we will drink 10 bottles of water per day between the 4 of us and still have to pay for more.
--And that it all fits in the bottom of the DL stroller so once you lug the backpack across Harbor you're done with the heavy lifting.
--Except for the 2 yr old who wants me to hold her through all the lines.
--So we've learned to avoid long lines. If you love it, get there first.

Not to bribe or beg or force rides one of the kids doesn't want to go on. Because next trip it will be their favorite ride ever. This of course only works since both kids love HM :)

Not to bother wrapping up leftovers because no one will eat them 24 hours later.

That my kids are too small still to close the park. Waiting for the day they can run at my crazy pace from open to close with no naps and no meltdowns. ETA: 5 years.

That it was a lot easier to find merchandise to buy when I didn't have my birthday gc that is spendable *only* on merchandise!

To make sure the hotel fridge is good and cold *before* I put the kids' milk in there!
preloaded Gift cards come in handy as do lanyards

What do you use the lanyards for? I don't want to put anything important (i.e. tickets, fastpasses, credit card) in them in case it falls out.
What do you use the lanyards for? I don't want to put anything important (i.e. tickets, fastpasses, credit card) in them in case it falls out.


I have just slight OCD, and without my lanyard I would be lost. Seriously! I would be stopping every 10 minutes to make sure my tickets are still where I put them.

Our first trip, we were at the parks for just a bit before we went back to the hotel, and when we got to the hotel, the FIRST thing I did is buy a lanyard. I kept stopping and looking at the tickets so much I was holding my family back.

A lanyard keeps everything important right there. Tickets, extra $. They do not fall apart, and the items do not fall out, with the right kind of plastic holder at the bottom.

Our lanyards are wonderful!! Once you try them, I doubt you would go without one again.

I learned this weekend that when using Vacation Planning, confirm everything upon arrival. We ordered balloons to be delivered and they never showed. They got the times screwed up and delivered them at 7 p.m. (after we had already checked out) rather than 7 a.m. Also we ordered a cake, which looked great, unfortunately was not the kind of cake I ordered.

Lesson -- I should have confirmed everything upon arriving instead of expecting it would be done right.

Had this happen several times too.:confused3
A lanyard keeps everything important right there. Tickets, extra $. They do not fall apart, and the items do not fall out, with the right kind of plastic holder at the bottom.


Slightly off-topic, but wanted to chime in here. In March, I was the FP runner and had our whole groups park hoppers (11 of us!) and FP's in my plastic pouch on my lanyard. We went on POTC and when I sat down in the boat, the plastic pouch was attached to my lanyard. However, somehow while on the ride, the plastic pouch came disconnected and I didn't realize it until we were all off the boat and outside at the Pieces of 8 store (is it still called that?). I ran back in and told a CM what happened and he said the boat I just got off already loaded new people and took off again and I would need to wait til it got back. Another CM asked what was going on and I explained and she came back with my pouch!! It was sitting on the seat of our boat and someone turned it in. I about cried and totally hugged her! :yay: I was so afraid I had lost everyone's park hoppers.

So, moral of the story, even though you have this wonderful lanyard and handy plastic pouch, they can still come off!!! I might also add that my DH was a freak about me losing them prior to this happening. I think besides losing everyone's hoppers was admitting he was right. :guilty:

Off-topic I know but wanted to add that.

Oh, here's something that's on-topic.............;)
another thing I have learned is that Disneyland is very dark at night along the unlighted walkways. Get some glow sticks from the Dollar Store to wear around your necks while walking around. It helps make your group easier to find in the dark!
Some of the lanyards aren't as good as others. I agree some of the ones with just the plastic with the ziploc top or whatever aren't always the best but we bought a REALLY good one years ago at a "non" Disney store EEK! But it is a "Disney" Lanyard with Mickey on it. It has a pouch on the end that is attached by a metal carbeener (sp?) type hook that is REALLY strong and the pouch zips shut. We keep our AP's and our fast passes in there and have NEVER had a problem. My dh is the only one that usually wears it unless he is not on the trip and then I wear it. He is the only one in charge of ALL the passes and fp's that way we don't have any problems.

I think this is a good plan since he is usually the one running for fp's and that way he always has the AP's and they are all in one spot. I could def see where some cheaper lanyards might be risky but we have never had a problem with ours and love the convenience of having our passes right there! :)
I've learned that if I expect things to go perfectly, they don't.

I've learned that I'm not the only 23 year old man with a strange obsession with Disneyland.

I've learned that I never get that wet on the back seat on Splash Mountain.

I've learned that when I want to get wet on GRR I don't.

I've learned what a hidden treasure White Water Snacks is.

I've learned that I love the resort hotel experiance, in the fact that I do not have to see the outside world.

I've learned that the Lost Bar at the DLH makes very strong drinks with good alcohol... so they are well worth the money

I've learned that I was missing out on Fantasmic for many years.

I've learned that Minnie and Friends is best for Characters and Goofy's for food.

I've learned that I will never stay at Motel 6 again if I can avoid it. But I probably will.

I've learned that not everyone can like Disneyland. :sad2::confused3:sad2:
I have learned...

that i HATE flying, but that I LOVE disneyland way more...

that slowing down and not running is truly ok

that DL truly does make kids out of my teenagers-they didnt even want to bring their cell phones in on our last trip :cool1:

that our next we want to do 11 nights, not 10

that once home, you just wanna plan the next trip back :)
1. I've learned that staying within quick walking distance to the park is a must for our family.

2. I've learned that naps back at the hotel simply don't work yet for DD. Its still best to just let her fall asleep in the stroller.

3. I've learned that even though I'm dying to try the Hojo and their kiddie pool, I don't know if we're ready for that walk yet....still thinking about it.

4. I've learned that excluding breakfast, eating in the park is part of the experience for us.

5. I've learned that Goofy's Kitchen is the greatest thing that I simply did not know existed until I found these boards. We will start our trip with dinner here every year now.

6. I've learned that 2 days is not enough time to see both parks. 3 full days is the perfect amount of time for us and is all I can handle but its still not enough time...but thats ok cause we'll be back next year!

7. I've learned that DCA is actually a really nice park. I enjoythe parade, the rides, the scenery and I was suprised with how many characters and princesses we saw out and about!

8. I've learned that taste pilots grill is one of my favorite places to eat lunch and rest for a little bit.

9. I've learned that even though I take tons of pics myself, I love photopass and its photographers. The CD is totally worth buying to me.

10. I've learned that even though resort hotels are very nice, and I'd love to stay in one again when DD is older, that for now I'd rather spend the extra money in the parks.

11. I've learned that we are a go with the flow type of family. I can plan what time we'll arrive at the park and one or two things that I'd like to do that day but thats about it!
This is a great thread!! So excited to read your thoughts...

Here's what I've learned:

1. After many trips to both WDW and DLR, I actually prefer DLR. It's smaller and feel more like "home" to me.

2. I don't care if we get on "everything". We have to see our favorite characters for autographs and pictures. That's a higher priority for me these days than the rides.

3. That fireworks anywhere but DL are lame!!

4. That a mickey shaped ice cream tastes best while sitting along Main St. waiting for the parade to start. Melting and all!

5. That it's worth it to smuggle in water bottles and snacks. Fast, cheap and keeps you going when your kids decide their "starving" just as you're in mid-line for something important.

6. You can't take too many pictures!!

7. Backpacks make life easier.

8. Flip flops, if comfortable, can be acceptable footwear for DL.

9. To shop for new Disney wear before the trip. Wearing new shirts and carrying a new stuffed animal into the park keeps the whining and impluse spending down to a minimum.

10. That FP's don't really work that well for us. I'm not big on running about the parks and saving them up. Hopefully the wait times won't be too crazy.

11. That anticipating the trip is almost as much fun as going. We "surprised" our dd's last time, and it really stunk! They weren't nearly as excited as we expected, and we realized all the hype leading up to it was crucial to a fun trip.

And lastly, relax and enjoy the most magical place on earth. If you can't get it all in, at least enjoy what you do get in!!

Can't wait, less than a week to go!! Woo-hoo!!
9. To shop for new Disney wear before the trip. Wearing new shirts and carrying a new stuffed animal into the park keeps the whining and impluse spending down to a minimum.

I completely agree! Last time we hit a big sale at the Disney Store and online before our trip, so it was great already having our treasures and spending less money and time shopping at the park!
I have learned:

* The 15 hour flight to America is worth it.

* No matter what age you are, the second you walk through the gates, you turn into a big kid.

* I always get excited when i see Pooh.

* That some rides wait times are worth it.

* "It's a small world" tune drives me mad, but continue to go on the ride. (Then hum the tune the rest of the day)

* Watching the fireworks of a night time can bring tears to my eyes.

* To break up the day a little.

* Eat a good breakfast before you go to give you energy. (Gotta love Dennys)

* The Disers have given me many ideas for our upcoming trip...:thanks:


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