What happens if you lose a park hopper pass?


Earning My Ears
Apr 3, 2001
Here's the situation...
I will be going to WDW for two days in May and six days in Sept. My best deal will be to get a 7 day park hopper plus to cover both trips. However, I'm afraid that sometime between May and Sept, I might lose or misplace my pass.

If I lose it for some reason, is there any way for disney to void my orignal pass and issue me a replacement or is it "use or lose" at your own risk?

Anyone know about this?
From what I remember they give you a receipt when you get your park hopper passes and if you loss them you just need to show them your receipt and they will replace them. At least I think that is what the cast memeber told us, she recommmend keeping the passes and receipts in different places.
I don't know what they would do, but you might want to consider making photo copies. That way you will at least have the ticket numbers so they can trace it down.
We asked a CM about this and they said you would need a copy of the back of the pass and your receipt. This way they could cancel the old one to prevent people from doing it as a scam.

Thanks for noticin me.


86-Off Property
98-Off Property
1/01-First Trip to Disneyland!!!

We asked a CM about this and they said you would need a copy of the back of the pass and your receipt. This way they could cancel the old one to prevent people from doing it as a scam.
I left a copy of ours in the hotel during our stay in case we lost one during the day.

Thanks for noticin me.


86-Off Property
98-Off Property
1/01-First Trip to Disneyland!!!

My DH forgot our passes last trip; he put them in the glovebox of the car and left them parked at the airport. I had the receipt, but it wasn't enough. They need a photocopy of the stripe side of the pass.

We always get two trips out of one hopper; we put them in the safe-deposit box between trips, in an envelope marked with how many days are remaining on them. This time, we have two trips worth sitting in the bank!
When we were there last April, I found a 5 day park hopper on the ground (puchased that day) leaving MK one night. I brought it to guest services who told me that they had no way of knowing who it belonged to and that the only way they would get it back is if they called lost and found and could identify the numbers on the back!

We photocopied our park hoppers, front and back and kept the receipt. When we got to WDW in December, we had the CM at our resort put our park hoppers on our room key card... if they're lost this way, they are easily replaced!

Holly P

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Wow. Thanks for the education. I will definitely make copies and save the receipt! I'll probably buy them here from a Disney Store. If all goes well, I won't lose anything, but it's good to know that it can be replaced!

I lost one of 2 4 day Adult park hopper I had purchased through AAA at MGM . I was traveling with Myself, DH, DD(adult ticket) and DS(childAAA ticket) I bought 2 Adult and one child pass through AAA, and another adult pass at MK on arrival. After a morning at MGM (Day 2 on our passes)DH& DS went back to hotel and DD and I stayed to ride TOT and went on to Epcot. When we got to the Epcot gates, I realized I only had 3 tickets, the childpass, the pass purchased at Disney, and 1AAA adult pass. I thought I might have the AAA receipt at the hotel but I did not want to return and tell DH I lost a pass(I have a really BAD reputation for doing such things) I went to guest services at Epcot and the very helpful CM was able to determine the number on my lost pass using the number on the AAA adult pass I still had(they were sequential)and examining the records of when the other passes were used, as they were all used together.
She was able to void the lost pass and issue me a new one. I don't think I would have been so lucky if I had purchased it at the parks as the numbers both before and after would have been in use those days.
Sometimes you just get lucky!!!! :eek:

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