What does "scattered thunderstorms" mean?

People have given good info on what scattered t-storms mean. We have literally experienced times where it was so "sunny" that I had to wear sunglasses, but it was raining. Or it's raining in Magic Kingdom, but not in the parking lot. But be prepared. In the summer, it's often not a gentle rain, it's a torrential downpour. It may last 5 minutes or an hour, depending on how fast the storm is moving.

They often pop up from about 2pm to 9pm, after heat has had time to build. It's not an exact science, but the more clouds you see early in the morning, even if they're white and fluffy, the earlier and more likely you are to see a storm. Doesn't mean that if it's cloud free at 10am that it can't storm later in the day, but typically high clouds early are a good sign of storms to come.

As for the ponchos, any Wal-Mart sells the $1 variety in the camping area. They work just as good as the Disney ones and are disposable. We keep ours and have never had a mold issue...just shake them out while in the park, then hang them up when you get home. But like others said, ponchos don't breathe, so you'll get hot awful quick. I prefer not to use them either...I'd rather find an inside ride or store to wait it out.
People have given good info on what scattered t-storms mean. We have literally experienced times where it was so "sunny" that I had to wear sunglasses, but it was raining. Or it's raining in Magic Kingdom, but not in the parking lot. But be prepared. In the summer, it's often not a gentle rain, it's a torrential downpour. It may last 5 minutes or an hour, depending on how fast the storm is moving.

They often pop up from about 2pm to 9pm, after heat has had time to build. It's not an exact science, but the more clouds you see early in the morning, even if they're white and fluffy, the earlier and more likely you are to see a storm. Doesn't mean that if it's cloud free at 10am that it can't storm later in the day, but typically high clouds early are a good sign of storms to come.

As for the ponchos, any Wal-Mart sells the $1 variety in the camping area. They work just as good as the Disney ones and are disposable. We keep ours and have never had a mold issue...just shake them out while in the park, then hang them up when you get home. But like others said, ponchos don't breathe, so you'll get hot awful quick. I prefer not to use them either...I'd rather find an inside ride or store to wait it out.
Exactly what I was going to say about Wal*Mart poncho's. They cost about a dollar and until used take up the space of a folded wallet. It they get to wet to save, throw it away and use a new one if needed. I have found that usually when a flash storm comes through it is quick and doesn't happen again that day. (Sometimes it does, but, I haven't found that to happen often). For $1 it isn't worth the time to dry it and refold it to a manageable size. If I use a small backpack I carry both a small umbrella and about three of those poncho's. I have only used any of those once in 43 trips to the place. I usually go in February, so that may make a difference.
Thanks, all.

nkereina, I don't want to have to buy 7 ponchos for 7 people and we will be there 6 days = 42 ponchos at $10 each -- that's $420!

Why would you buy a new poncho every day? Just buy each person one for a total of about $70.
Popping back in to add that the Disney ponchos hold up very well. We've reused ours over the years.

Agreed! We purchased our Disney ponchos in 2006. We've used them many times over the years and even loaned them to my sister and her family to use. We still have them! All we do is hang them up at the resort to dry out after they've been used.
Exactly what I was going to say about Wal*Mart poncho's. They cost about a dollar and until used take up the space of a folded wallet. It they get to wet to save, throw it away and use a new one if needed. I have found that usually when a flash storm comes through it is quick and doesn't happen again that day. (Sometimes it does, but, I haven't found that to happen often). For $1 it isn't worth the time to dry it and refold it to a manageable size. If I use a small backpack I carry both a small umbrella and about three of those poncho's. I have only used any of those once in 43 trips to the place. I usually go in February, so that may make a difference.

Just buying something that's going to get thrown in a landfill after a single use is pretty wasteful, and this is the kind of thinking we need to move away from.

I have Disney ponchos that are 10+ years old. We bring them with us every trip and I carry them in a backpack with our water bottles and snacks in case we need them. A couple of weeks ago it rained a few times while we were at the parks, so I'm glad we had them. I also get good use out of them at home when I need to do something in the rain but having an umbrella isn't practical.
Why would you buy a new poncho every day? Just buy each person one for a total of about $70.

I was referring to where a PP said "We wait and buy the Disney ponchos when/if we need them. This way, we don't have to carry them around. " To me, that seemed to say to just buy one whenever you needed one, even if it was every day. So that is why I said 7 ponchos times 6 days.

TBH, we likely won't be back to WDW for a few years and since it never rains where we live, we don't really need to save them for a future trip.

NEW, related question: Several of you have mentioned having very wet shoes after a downpour. I assumed we would all wear tennis shoes (= comfy for all that walking) but then some people are saying they will get all wet and we will be miserable in wet tennies for the rest of the day. So do you recommend wearing sandals all day or tennies, knowing that it will probably downpour every day? Or are we supposed to bring 2 pairs of shoes with us every day and switch to the sandals when we think it's going to rain, or after the rain if we didn't switch out in time? That is more stuff for me to carry! Ugh! I don't want to be miserable (do you know how much this trip is costing me? LOL)!!
Just buying something that's going to get thrown in a landfill after a single use is pretty wasteful, and this is the kind of thinking we need to move away from.

Sigh... Nobody said you "have to" throw a Wal-Mart poncho out after each use. The whole point was the OP was talking about not wasting money. So if you're going to throw it out, why throw out $10 ponchos when you can throw out a $1 poncho. The Wal-Mart ones don't melt or self destruct in rain. They're just as reusable as the Disney ones. We've reused ours many times.
We carry poncho's with us most days. If we only plan on heading to the park for a short period and the weather looks clear, we'll leave them in the room. If going all day or a chance of rain is forecast, we bring them. We use a cinch sack backpack to put them in and take turns wearing it. After it's done raining we shake them out, fold them up and put them back in the bag. When we get back to our room, we take them out and hang them up to dry off. It's worked well and we have used some ponchos for many years. Most of our family wears flip flops at Disney so they don't stay wet, the few with sneakers have had them get soaked. If it's down pouring really bad, even ponchos won't help - we've crowded into gift shops and waited it out. We only had one day a few years ago that it down poured (not rain - heavy downpours) all day. We gave up on the parks and went back to the resort.
NEW, related question: Several of you have mentioned having very wet shoes after a downpour. I assumed we would all wear tennis shoes (= comfy for all that walking) but then some people are saying they will get all wet and we will be miserable in wet tennies for the rest of the day. So do you recommend wearing sandals all day or tennies, knowing that it will probably downpour every day? Or are we supposed to bring 2 pairs of shoes with us every day and switch to the sandals when we think it's going to rain, or after the rain if we didn't switch out in time? That is more stuff for me to carry! Ugh! I don't want to be miserable (do you know how much this trip is costing me? LOL)!!
We never wear T-shoes in the summer at Disney. Talk about sweat boxes on your feet! Yucko! Sandals all the way for us. More than enough options in the sport/outdoor sandal category to find something suitable for 12 miles a day walking (on avg)
We were at DLR 2 weeks ago and walked 11 miles a day for 5 days straight. My feet ACHED and that was with comfy tennies. I can't wear sandals the whole time but I can bring them along and switch into them. This is good info!!! Thanks!!!
We have a few sets of WDW ponchos form years past, but we never use them. Partly, we don't use them because they take up too much space, IMO. The $1 ponchos - when new- fit in a back pocket.

Here's my $.02 of WDW rain wisdom:
1. Look at the weather odds EACH morning. More than 24hours out is a guide, same day are a better guide. Weather sites now say odds each day as a %, as in 50% odds of rain. Only takes a second on your phone!
2. DO wear water tolerant shoes with a GOOD amount of TREAD! Worn treads= NASTY fall! Old rotten sneaker smell is FOUL. Please avoid punishing the people who have to sit/stand next to you at attractions. Foot odor is overpowering! YEs to sandals with adjustable straps (foot swelling over the day). Flip flops can be very slippery when wet.
3. If possible, wait out a downpour. We wait 10 minutes before putting on ponchos. JUST that, and we often don't use them. More often, we take an afternoon break around storm o' clock. Just before leaving we check weather on our phone for impending storms.
4. If you have a pool view, and the pool is empty....
5. Expect pool to close some days. Also expect boats and coasters can stop, and the sky can be totally sunny!
6. Cheap ponchos are usually one and done for us. We shake them off, and use them for rest of ONE day. Second day they are musty and foul.
7. As soon as the rain STOPS, take OFF the poncho. I know, sounds obvious, but every time it rains, we see folks STILL wearing plastic hours later, and they always look miserable.
8. We ALSO bring very compact lightweight jackets. The ones we have are VERY light and compact, and fold up into their own pocket. We ONLY bring them on days where rain odds are above 50%, and especially on days where rain is supposed to happen much of the day. If you need for an hour +, they are great. Ours are more compact and light than WDW ponchos. Plus, well, personal preference is jackets over ponchos. BONUS -they have zippered pockets!
9. Ziploc bags take up NO room, and can be VERY useful for a variety of purposes. Protecting stuff from rain and water rides is just ONE use. I always pack a bunch in assorted sizes, and even use them to pack (toiletries!)
9. Florida rain can be absolute buckets! Truly drenching rain that lasts an hour.
10. DO bring a stroller cover! Better yet, bring a stroller that is made to endure rain. Keep stroller basket stuff in plastic. Two gallon ziplocs are great!
Just buying something that's going to get thrown in a landfill after a single use is pretty wasteful, and this is the kind of thinking we need to move away from.

I don't buy a set for every day. I only bring about 2 ponchos per person, and almost always bring them home unopened. I don't think OP has to buy a full set for everyone every day. Maybe 2-3 per person.

WDW is heavily into recycling and waste management. I once saw a documentary on this, but you can also search up their policies. They extract from trash anything that can be recycled.

Locally, all grocery stores will recycle plastic poncho-type plastic, so I can easily recycle any used ones I bring home. At home, I rarely use plastic bags, but recycle/reuse as much as possible any plastic items I DO use.

I'm not positive all FL grocery stores do the same, but there's a Whole Foods near Universal Studios, which is also heavily into recycling.
We never wear T-shoes in the summer at Disney. Talk about sweat boxes on your feet! Yucko! Sandals all the way for us. More than enough options in the sport/outdoor sandal category to find something suitable for 12 miles a day walking (on avg)

Yes, it really matters which sandals you buy. It pays to buy something decent.

I also try to alternate my shoes at WDW. I do wear sneakers in the summer, but only when I know it won't rain. If we go back to room mid-day, we often change shoes. If you get a sore spot on your foot, socks can be a trip saver.

Too many shoes takes up too much luggage space, so at most we bring three pairs of shoes. For my walking sandals, I prefer black ones. They aren't super dressy, but will suffice if we have a dinner ADR.

I usually bring a pair of flip flops, but not for all day walking. They are compact in luggage, and are comfy to wear to the pool or around the hotel.

Moleskin can also be a life saver for feet.

For me, a pre-trip pedicure is also an important part of trip preparation. The foot/ankle/lower leg massage is key.
I think we did the ponchos once. They're too hot to wear. We don't go in summer but in May there's always at least a few good storms.

Our last night there in May, we were the only people on the bus going TO the MK in the pouring rain; the driver told us we wee brave souls.

It rained for hours - but the rides that were running were empty and we both had lightweight breathable 100% waterproof coats on, designed for hiking.

Honestly we were wet (shorts and shoes) but otherwise fine.

I assume you don't have raincoats like these but I would plan on the ponchos and bring a pair of flip flops to wear when it is raining.
Most rain we have run into at Disney comes fast and hard. So your dh could get pretty wet unless you duck into someplace until it passes. You will often see strollers parked and covered with plastic even in the middle of the sunshine, because the rain can come so quickly and without much warning while you're sitting down to lunch or in line for a ride. We made the mistake once of leaving our strollers uncovered while we went to lunch. Total downpour five minutes after we sat down, and it had passed by the time we were done eating. Unfortunately, our kids' seats were soaked, haha. So we ended up using the rain covers we had brought to let them sit on. I'm hoping apps like "Dark Sky" can help us predict when pop up showers will happen now. They are eerily accurate for us back home, predicting the start of rain down to the minute.
Thanks, all.

nkereina, I don't want to have to buy 7 ponchos for 7 people and we will be there 6 days = 42 ponchos at $10 each -- that's $420! (Except DH who says he won't need one ha ha ha). For a random storm or a one day trip, I would do that, but we'll be there for 6 days with scattered thunderstorms all 6 days!

Thanks for the suggestions about bringing a big plastic bag to put them in when finished. Guess I will just have to resolve to carry a big bag with me. (As the mom, I get stuck holding everything.)
If you're buying Disney ponchos, you won't be wearing it for just one day. You can buy cheap ones at Target for about $2 each and just toss them at the end of the day. I buy a handful once or twice a year for any amusement park outings or anything where we're likely to get wet, and we toss after they're done for the day.
We never buy ponchos. The showers tend to be short lived in FL, so we just opt to watch a show, get in line for an indoor ride with long indoor queue (Space Mountain), or grab a bite to eat/snack indoors. Ponchos are miserable to wear in the heat and just one more thing to pack around all day.

As for shoes, I'd recommend very comfy sandals over tennis shoes. If you must have tennis shoes, carry a ziploc with extra socks for the parks to switch them if wet.
We were at DLR 2 weeks ago and walked 11 miles a day for 5 days straight. My feet ACHED and that was with comfy tennies. I can't wear sandals the whole time but I can bring them along and switch into them. This is good info!!! Thanks!!!
Yes, it really matters which sandals you buy. It pays to buy something decent.

I also try to alternate my shoes at WDW. I do wear sneakers in the summer, but only when I know it won't rain. If we go back to room mid-day, we often change shoes. If you get a sore spot on your foot, socks can be a trip saver.

Too many shoes takes up too much luggage space, so at most we bring three pairs of shoes. For my walking sandals, I prefer black ones. They aren't super dressy, but will suffice if we have a dinner ADR.

I usually bring a pair of flip flops, but not for all day walking. They are compact in luggage, and are comfy to wear to the pool or around the hotel.

Moleskin can also be a life saver for feet.

For me, a pre-trip pedicure is also an important part of trip preparation. The foot/ankle/lower leg massage is key.
Yes, I bring at least 3 pairs, plus the pair I wear, which are also going to be park appropriate.
There are sandals out there now that are just as supportive and comfy as sneakers, if not more so.
Now, that doesn't mean feet won't hurt, they do. But they are going to unless you are accustomed to walking on them for 12 miles, 8+ hours a day. Most of us are not.

The pedicure though, man I have learned the hard way not once, but twice, never right before a trip.
Those callouses need to be there! The last thing I need at Disney is freshly exposed, baby smooth skin.
I get mine about a week before vs days before.

Moleskin is part of my park suitcase kit. That and the wrap they use after you give blood. I've found sometimes I need the soft side of moleskin against my food so I hold it in place with the wrap, which is thin and not visible even in sandals.
Thanks, all.

nkereina, I don't want to have to buy 7 ponchos for 7 people and we will be there 6 days = 42 ponchos at $10 each -- that's $420! (Except DH who says he won't need one ha ha ha). For a random storm or a one day trip, I would do that, but we'll be there for 6 days with scattered thunderstorms all 6 days!

Thanks for the suggestions about bringing a big plastic bag to put them in when finished. Guess I will just have to resolve to carry a big bag with me. (As the mom, I get stuck holding everything.)

Check Amazon. I ordered a set for our upcoming trip, about a buck a poncho.
The pedicure though, man I have learned the hard way not once, but twice, never right before a trip.
Those callouses need to be there! The last thing I need at Disney is freshly exposed, baby smooth skin.
I get mine about a week before vs days before.

Originally, I was going to advise minimal exfoliation on the pedicure, then edited it out. :)

We have a found a few things can help our feet. Water is one. (which bring me back to the original subject a bit!) Usually, we visit the hotel hot tub, but soaking our feet in the tub for a few minutes often does wonders.


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