What do you think? DVC merchandise?


HELP! Disney is going to bankrupt me!!
Mar 21, 2001
Well what do you think?
I think that Disney and DVC need to get together and get us(the members) an updated and better merchandise items!
The quality of our items seem to be poor! We have no fun and exciting merchandise! we have over 55,000 families and we need to give our DVC members a new and re-furbished look.
I had ONE t-shirt and ONE golf shirt to look at when I was at the store.
What do you think?:bounce:
The Disney Company has such nice golf shirts, logo's etc!!! I would love to buy more DVC items!
What about a DVC photo frame? Like the ones they sell at the resorts. It would be nice to display a photo of the family in a DVC photo frame. Maybe w/ the resorts, etc. on it? Any other ideas???
I second that idea!:bounce: I thought the jackets they had at VWL were nice, but they said Wilderness on them, and I am an OKW member, so didn't want that! ALso, they were white...not very practical, for vacation!
I agree! Having just become members a few months ago, I was VERY disappointed in the quantity of merchandise available. I think Disney is missing the boat on this one.

hi to all: do you think it would matter if we all e-mailed ms with this request? i, too, think they are missing out on this opportunity. we've all spent a lot of money investing in dvc; do they think we wouldn't part with a little more money for the merchandise?
totally agree. I had asked about this in Nov and was told something new would be out soon--I guess that's the stuff at WL. The white was a very bad choice and the shirts were boring!! If they had something appealing I'm sure it would sell. We wanted to buy something but what they had didn't appeal to me.
Certainly room for improvement. The hats have not changed since I became a member. Last March when I was there, they didn't have any hats @ OKW.
DVC used to have a whole catalogue of member items. Lots of clothing and many other logo items. Last catalogue was in 1994.

Apparently, sales were not what they'd hoped for (there were only about 15,000 members then) so they discontinued the program.

We should all ask at the resorts on each trip- those comments do get passed along, but the merchandise is often slow in coming. :(
I was just at OKW 2 weeks ago and got DH a nice baseball style cap . They had purple or royal blue with the DVC logo and OKW underneath. He loves it.
I wish they would make a new lightweight jacket that repels water and dries easily, like those green and purple Starbus jackets from the early DVC years. They last forever...and wash up beautifully...each Disney resort had there own colors, you could spot them in a crowd.
Originally posted by Chuck S
I wish they would make a new lightweight jacket that repels water and dries easily, like those green and purple Starbus jackets from the early DVC years.

We each have one of those, and in addition, we each have one of the next generation of Starbus jackets; mine is white, Syl's is blue. They're still in great shape after almost 10 years :D . Everytime we wear them around Disney, we're stopped by other DVC members and asked about them. We've seen lots of long faces when we tell people they haven't been available for years :( ... and many members have offered to buy them off our backs!
I stayed at VWL 2 weeks ago after purchasing DVC. I didn't want to buy any DVC merchandise because I didn't want to jinx anything.

FYI, The Wilderness Lodge store has some selection. Different styles of T-shirts, hats, mugs/glasses, a pen, etc. I have no idea if this is comparable to the othet DVC resorts.

I like the new faces.
:bounce: :sunny: :wave: :earseek:
As our numbers grow, Disney should realize what a niche marketing concept they are missing. I always bring home some merchandize from DVC. Each year we hope to find: jackets, hats, shirts and pins from DVC. If Disney's doesn't want my money, I guess I can buy sports clothes at the local stores. Sandy B.
I brought my Dad back a nice polo shirt from WL. It was tan and had the Wilderness Lodge Villas logo on it. It was nice but I really wished they had the same type of shirt but with the DVC logo. Disney is usually pretty good at devising new ways to take our money ;) I'm surprised they haven't realized what a gold mine they have with DVC merchandise.
They should have a catalog, and give you one with your DVC contract purchase. I'm a new DVCer, and boy, I'm so excited I'd go nuts over a catalog!
I also agree. I tried to buy some DVC/Boardwalk merchandise, but found very little. Let's face it - this is a group with discretionary income, a disturbing;) love for Disney, and the desire to 'own' things Disney.
A catalog would be great! Or even a page on the member website (but looking at how quick they've been on getting the message boards up there I won't hold my breath!) I'd love to surprise my dh with a shirt, or whatever, but don't want to call and order anything without seeing it and we won't be back to WDW until January. And I can't seem to find my BWV shirt anywhere..... :(

Let's hope they'll figure out all the $ they are missing out on!
My dh got me a brown dvc jacket a few years ago. It was logjt weight and repels water. I think they are stilll for sale.
Last visit we checked out the Character Outlet at the new Premium Outlets near I-4 and found white DVC baseball hats with the moutain logo for $2.99. I never saw this hat in a DVC resort but used as a give away at presentations.
Originally posted by Niagara2
Last visit we checked out the Character Outlet at the new Premium Outlets near I-4 and found white DVC baseball hats with the moutain logo for $2.99. I never saw this hat in a DVC resort but used as a give away at presentations.

That hat was sold at OKW (then DVC) way back when. I bought the white DVC logo hat when we first joined in '92, and the dark blue version shortly after that. Both are quite worn out now! I guess I'll have to check it out when we're home in May :)

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