What do you think about putting children on a leash?

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Oh I almost forgot one of the best rear facing car seats vs forward facing car seats shame on me!
Light up shoes are just one topic that will cause drama on a parenting message board lol! Here's a few topics to avoid:

breast vs bottle
character clothes
big hair bows - there was HUGE drama on a board I was on :lmao:
returning your shopping carts
Stay at home vs working mom

That's all I can think of at the moment :rotfl:

Most of those are hot topics here on the DIS. I have never seen a light up shoe, character clothes or big bow (I hate those things) thread on the DIS.
If they made those in adult sizes I would sure get one. DH stops in his tracks to take pictures and wonders off while I'm still in mid sentence. Once I held a full conversation with him and then realized he was still in Canada and I was almost to France!:lmao:
I to was a fantastic parent before having children, so many things I thought have come back and bit me on the backside I parent how I parent and let the rest of the world get on with doing the same.


Best thing said to date. We were all the best parents before we had kids. :rotfl:
Now we are lucky (and good parents) if we can make it through the day with our kids:
I never needed this for my child. She was the type if I stopped she bumped into me, but I do understand others need.

But the child "leashes" do entertain me and they give me a giggle.:laughing:
I never needed this for my child. She was the type if I stopped she bumped into me, but I do understand others need.

But the child "leashes" do entertain me and they give me a giggle.:laughing:

I had the same. My DD always clung to my hand like a vice. However I am not opposed to whatever works for a parent. Having said that, as Easter visitors (until this year) to WDW, exiting a park at closing is somewhat scary and DD panics if she thinks she has "lost" me. What I did was to purchase a wrist rein (as we call them in the UK). It is basically a "leish" that goes round the parent and child's wrists, with a length-adjustable strap linking you. I always made sure we had belt loops on our shorts/jeans and attached us at the waist. We still held hands, but she had that security that I would feel the tugging if we were being separated and gave us both a boost of peace of mind. As we reached the turnstiles I would detach her end and wrap it round my waist. She was 7 last trip. Sometimes you just have to be a bit creative. If it works for you, go for it. If not, don't bother. :goodvibes

Off topic I know, but rhpools, I see we are going at exactly the same time! This is my first October trip. I assume it will be a "no leish required trip" with lower crowds? :rotfl2:
Don't like them. I am a firm believer in just scare the crap out of the kids as to what may happen if they wander off and end up living with another family. Though our reasoning is a little faulty while at WDW as DH always says "Do you think another family will take you to Disney 4 times a year?"

What's the deal with the light up shoes? DD has a pair now that I bought not knowing they lit up until older DD pointed them out.

Also what is up with the squeeky shoes for the infants learning to walk? That would drive me INSANE!!
I don't actually remember the alleged problem, it goes along with character clothes and Walmart. It has been a year or two since I have seen a good light up shoe debate on a message board I stay away now! I agree with the poster above they are awesome for camping! The shoes my kids WILL.NOT own are the ones with the squeakers in them, my kids are noisy enough.

The problem with light up shoes or shirts from walmart..is that the battery was able to be gotten out easily by small children and swallowed which can cause life threatening injuries.In fact, we had a 3 yr old DIE in our ER from ingesting the small battery and it lodged in her esophagus, the battery eroded thru and caused internal bleeding and death.It happens.
Always thought it was kind of stupid, i personally would never do that. If you cannot handle your kids then dont bring them to places like WDW. But i guess there are always acceptions. I mean if you have a runner who gets lost often it might be a good idea and time for you to look at what you may be doing wrong :confused3
My grandson, Brandon, was 6yo during our last DL vacation and is a bit hyper-active. He had a great time with Chip and Dale as they ran off with him while holding onto his "monkey leash." Brandon didn't mind the harness and this little escapade with the 2 chipmunks was the hilight of his vacation. He still talks about it.

Trash loved the harness too. We have video of him talking to Brandon about the "monkey on his back." Precious memories.




Always thought it was kind of stupid, i personally would never do that. If you cannot handle your kids then dont bring them to places like WDW. But i guess there are always acceptions. I mean if you have a runner who gets lost often it might be a good idea and time for you to look at what you may be doing wrong :confused3

It's been my experience that those who only have one or two children tend to be the most judgemental. Four of my kids would never have required leashes, and never got lost. Ds7 - many, many times, and no, I was not doing anything wrong, and he was parented the same as his siblings. He most likely has ADHD, has no fear, and very little impulse control, and he's FAST (fasted kid in 1st grade - they timed them). The times he did get away, the only thing I did wrong was to NOT have him on a leash!

It's sad that someone would condem a parent for taking their child to WDW if that child had issues where a leash would be safter, and expect them to stay home when there was a very easy solution to the problem. :confused3

And to the PP who said she scares her kids that they would live out their lives with another family, I feel sorry for them if they do get lost, because they are going to panic. Every time we go to crowded public places, I tell my kids what to do if they get lost, to not panic, and we will be reunited. I once lost dd9 at the end of Turtle Talk (kids near the door, we were on the other side of the theater and didn't realize they would open the door and let the kids out). She is my shy, clingy kid, who would never in a million years bolt from us (never left my side as a toddler/preschooler), but still she got lost. It happens.
And to the PP who said she scares her kids that they would live out their lives with another family, I feel sorry for them if they do get lost, because they are going to panic. Every time we go to crowded public places, I tell my kids what to do if they get lost, to not panic, and we will be reunited. I once lost dd9 at the end of Turtle Talk (kids near the door, we were on the other side of the theater and didn't realize they would open the door and let the kids out). She is my shy, clingy kid, who would never in a million years bolt from us (never left my side as a toddler/preschooler), but still she got lost. It happens.

Nah ~ don't feel sorry for my kids ~ they have a sense of HUMOR and know when we are kidding.

Did WDW on my own with 2 and 4 year old ~ no stroller ~ no leash ~ didn't lose one of them once. Because I hold their hand and I watch them constantly if they are NOT holding on.

I personally don't care if you use one ~ it isn't for us. I have taught my girls that if they can't see me I can't see them and they should stop where they are. If they do get lost they have been taught to tell another "mommy" that they are lost and can't find their mommy ~ also while at WDW only they can find someone in a uniform.

We have this conversation EVERY time before we venture out to a crowded location. Haven't lost a one yet. Though a couple hours freedom with out the 2.5 year old may not be so bad. <<----JUST KIDDING!

She is a total handful.

I don't judge what other parents do with their kids but I will respond accordingly if you judge mine.
Personally, I think leashes are for pets not children - but to each his own. If my children could not handle WDW without a leash we would not be going.

We started going to WDW when our children were ages DD 2, DS, 3, and DS 4. No leash we required.

To each their own.
Always thought it was kind of stupid, i personally would never do that. If you cannot handle your kids then dont bring them to places like WDW. But i guess there are always acceptions. I mean if you have a runner who gets lost often it might be a good idea and time for you to look at what you may be doing wrong :confused3

From the last line of your signature it appears you may either be in high school or college. Which means you probably do not have children and don't yet understand that this really has nothing to do with not being able to "handle your kids" or figuring out what "you may be doing wrong".

It's about peace of mind. I was always one of the "not on MY child" kind of people. Then DS came along and I realized that I would do ANYTHING to protect the most important thing to me on the planet. We used one at WDW when he was 2 and could not have cared less what anyone else thought. Even a perfectly behaved toddler with a perfectly attentive parent can get separated at WDW because of the crowds.

And, unfortunately, there are bad people out there who will wait and watch for that one brief moment. I know a couple whose DD was taken by someone when their backs were turned for just a moment. They had to bury their little girl. I would much rather see a harness on a small child that watch someone go through the pain of burying one.
Not only am I pro-leash for children I am also pro-leash for boyfriends, friends and relatives(my sister) who have the habit of not paying attention and getting seperated.:lmao:
Always thought it was kind of stupid, i personally would never do that. If you cannot handle your kids then dont bring them to places like WDW. But i guess there are always acceptions. I mean if you have a runner who gets lost often it might be a good idea and time for you to look at what you may be doing wrong :confused3

Wow. 8 pages before it got nasty. It is not about if you can or cannot handle your kids. Each child has a different temperament. Some are clingy and some are runners, off to explore every crevice, nook and cranny they can find. It is a matter of knowing how to keep your kids safe. If that involves a "leash," then by all means I will use one. Very small children do not have the capacity to reason that they need to stay with their parents yet they will not stay in the stroller. Mine was a prime example. She was able to wiggle out of the straps in an instant.

So you begrudge a family their choice of vacation just because they have this kind of child?
From the last line of your signature it appears you may either be in high school or college. Which means you probably do not have children and don't yet understand that this really has nothing to do with not being able to "handle your kids" or figuring out what "you may be doing wrong".

It's about peace of mind. I was always one of the "not on MY child" kind of people. Then DS came along and I realized that I would do ANYTHING to protect the most important thing to me on the planet. We used one at WDW when he was 2 and could not have cared less what anyone else thought. Even a perfectly behaved toddler with a perfectly attentive parent can get separated at WDW because of the crowds.

And, unfortunately, there are bad people out there who will wait and watch for that one brief moment. I know a couple whose DD was taken by someone when their backs were turned for just a moment. They had to bury their little girl. I would much rather see a harness on a small child that watch someone go through the pain of burying one.

I've said before I hate leashes and would never use them but this is just crazy. If you are insinuating that Disney is so dangerous you need a leash to keep your child safe you are just wrong. There has never been an abduction at Disney and all the years and millions of children that have been there.
Use a leash if you want they aren't against the law but don't go using this as a reason.

And if you think it is that dangerous I would never take my child somewhere that they needed to be on a leash to keep from being harmed and possibly you should think about that. Please the world is not the bad place folks like you want to propose. actually it is safer than it was when we were kids, but no one wants to face the real facts.
It's been my experience that those who only have one or two children tend to be the most judgemental. Four of my kids would never have required leashes, and never got lost. Ds7 - many, many times, and no, I was not doing anything wrong, and he was parented the same as his siblings. He most likely has ADHD, has no fear, and very little impulse control, and he's FAST (fasted kid in 1st grade - they timed them). The times he did get away, the only thing I did wrong was to NOT have him on a leash!

It's sad that someone would condem a parent for taking their child to WDW if that child had issues where a leash would be safter, and expect them to stay home when there was a very easy solution to the problem. :confused3

And to the PP who said she scares her kids that they would live out their lives with another family, I feel sorry for them if they do get lost, because they are going to panic. Every time we go to crowded public places, I tell my kids what to do if they get lost, to not panic, and we will be reunited. I once lost dd9 at the end of Turtle Talk (kids near the door, we were on the other side of the theater and didn't realize they would open the door and let the kids out). She is my shy, clingy kid, who would never in a million years bolt from us (never left my side as a toddler/preschooler), but still she got lost. It happens.
Good post..I agree that you can have kids all brought up the same but some are just the type to wander,run off and get lost.

A parent needs to do whatever they can to keep a child safe..if a leash works, then use it. And while the world isn't just waiting to snatch your kid away, there are still bad people and they're everywhere. The beach(my cousin almost got abducted there, they caught the persons involved), the supermarket, the shopping mall. To think otherwise is naive.

What it comes down to is parents will do what they think is right for their kids and other people need to get over it. I might personally feel that a 10 year old in a stroller is a bit much, for example. But, guess what? While I may think it's foolish, I would never say something out loud to make someone feel bad about it, because that's their kid. It doesn't concern me.

Nothing good is going to come from this thread, I think. I think someone just felt like stirring the pot. I'm mad at myself now for getting suckered in..;)
I have three children(now grown--or at least they think they are:rotfl:)
My 2 DD's were the clingy kind-but my DS was an explorer/dasher.
We used a tether with him--even my MIL approved:rotfl: this after one trip with him minus tether to our local mall
I've said before I hate leashes and would never use them but this is just crazy. If you are insinuating that Disney is so dangerous you need a leash to keep your child safe you are just wrong. There has never been an abduction at Disney and all the years and millions of children that have been there.
Use a leash if you want they aren't against the law but don't go using this as a reason.

And if you think it is that dangerous I would never take my child somewhere that they needed to be on a leash to keep from being harmed and possibly you should think about that. Please the world is not the bad place folks like you want to propose. actually it is safer than it was when we were kids, but no one wants to face the real facts.

No, I am not insinuating anything and I realize that there has never been a child abduction at WDW. You can see from my signature that we go frequently, so obviously I don't think it's a dangerous place to be. And I am not proposing that the world is a bad place - just that bad things can and do happen.

And I will use any reason I want to when it comes to the safety of my child, thank you very much.
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